2024-02-09 15:12:04 +03:00

76 lines
2.6 KiB

# (c) 2023-present Eroax
# (c) 2023-present Yagich
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
extends DeckNode
var subscription_data : Twitch_Connection.EventSub_Subscription
func _init():
name = "Twitch Add EventSub Subscription"
node_type = name.to_snake_case()
description = "Adds a subscription to a specific Twitch EventSub Event with the given dictionary 'condition' for the data needed."
props_to_serialize = []
#Event Name
add_input_port(DeckType.Types.STRING, "Event Name", "field")
#Subscription Data
add_input_port(DeckType.Types.DICTIONARY, "Subscription Data")
add_input_port(DeckType.Types.ANY, "Add Subscription", "button")
func _receive(to_input_port, data: Variant, extra_data: Array = []):
if to_input_port != 2:
var input_data = await resolve_input_port_value_async(1)
if input_data == null or !"condition" in input_data.keys():
DeckHolder.logger.log_node(name + ": Incorrect Subscription Data Connected, please supply a Dictionary with condition and if needed, version. Last supplied Data was: " + str(input_data), Logger.LogType.ERROR)
var sub_type = await resolve_input_port_value_async(0)
# Creates an instance of Twitch_Connection.EventSub_Subscription to store the data with all the given inputs.
subscription_data = Twitch_Connection.EventSub_Subscription.new(sub_type, input_data.condition)
# Checks if the data has a version field, if so sets it on the EventSub_Subscription
if input_data.has("version"):
subscription_data.version = input_data.version
# Calls the connection to add the Subscription
var req = await Connections.twitch.add_eventsub_subscription(subscription_data)
## Handles checking the [Twitch_Connection.HTTPResponse] returned by [method Twitch_Connection.add_eventsub_subscription] to ensure that it succeeded.
func eventsub_subscription_response(data):
match data.code:
var succ_string = name + ": EventSub Subscription Added for " + subscription_data.subscription_type + " successfully"
DeckHolder.logger.log_node(succ_string, Logger.LogType.INFO)
var error_string = name + ": Error" + data.code + " Received from Twitch when Subscribing to " + subscription_data.sub_type + " with " + str(subscription_data.return_request_dictionary)
DeckHolder.logger.log_node(error_string, Logger.LogType.ERROR)