# Ollama Twitch Bot Twitch chat bot that interacts with ollama. ## Requirements: [Golang](https://go.dev/) [Ollama.com](https://ollama.com) ## Build and run: 1. Change the example values in the provided `env.example` and rename it to `.env`. 2. Make sure ollama is running on the host and reachable at `localhost:11434` and the model that you specified in the `.env` file is already downloaded and ready to go. (Can be checked with e.g. `ollama run wizard-vicuna-uncensored`) 3. Run: - With docker compose (might need sudo infront if you haven't setup rootless): - `$ make up` - Without docker: - `$ make build && make run` 4. Join the Twitch channels you chose and type `()gpt ` and hopefully get a response. ## Example Response ![image](https://github.com/nouryxd/ollama-twitch-bot/assets/66651385/3a8a6e7d-07d7-42fc-bf10-27227746a1a8)