This commit is contained in:
lyx0 2024-03-05 21:17:23 +01:00
parent 45757905ee
commit 3d9bee1512
4 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ build:
./Nourybot.out | jq
docker compose down
docker compose build

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func (app *application) handleCommand(message twitch.PrivateMessage) {
if msgLen < 2 {
reply = "Not enough arguments provided. Usage: ()gpt <query>"
} else {
switch app.config.ollamaContext {
switch app.cfg.ollamaContext {
case "none":
app.generateNoContext(message.Channel, message.Message[6:len(message.Message)])

View file

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ func (app *application) chatUserContext(target, username, input string) {
olm.Content = input
app.userMsgStore[username] = append(app.userMsgStore[username], olm)
requestBody.Model = app.config.ollamaModel
requestBody.System = app.config.ollamaSystem
requestBody.Model = app.cfg.ollamaModel
requestBody.System = app.cfg.ollamaSystem
requestBody.Messages = app.userMsgStore[username]
requestBody.Prompt = input
requestBody.Stream = false
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ func (app *application) chatGeneralContext(target, input string) {
olm.Content = input
app.msgStore = append(app.msgStore, olm)
requestBody.Model = app.config.ollamaModel
requestBody.System = app.config.ollamaSystem
requestBody.Model = app.cfg.ollamaModel
requestBody.System = app.cfg.ollamaSystem
requestBody.Messages = app.msgStore
requestBody.Prompt = input
requestBody.Stream = false
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ func (app *application) chatGeneralContext(target, input string) {
func (app *application) generateNoContext(target, input string) {
var requestBody ollamaRequest
requestBody.Model = app.config.ollamaModel
requestBody.System = app.config.ollamaSystem
requestBody.Model = app.cfg.ollamaModel
requestBody.System = app.cfg.ollamaSystem
requestBody.Prompt = input
requestBody.Stream = false

View file

@ -20,14 +20,12 @@ type config struct {
type application struct {
twitchClient *twitch.Client
log *zap.SugaredLogger
config config
cfg config
userMsgStore map[string][]ollamaMessage
msgStore []ollamaMessage
func main() {
var cfg config
logger := zap.NewExample()
defer func() {
if err := logger.Sync(); err != nil {
@ -43,22 +41,24 @@ func main() {
sugar.Fatal("Error loading .env")
cfg.twitchUsername = os.Getenv("TWITCH_USERNAME")
cfg.twitchOauth = os.Getenv("TWITCH_OAUTH")
cfg.ollamaModel = os.Getenv("OLLAMA_MODEL")
cfg.ollamaContext = os.Getenv("OLLAMA_CONTEXT")
cfg.ollamaSystem = os.Getenv("OLLAMA_SYSTEM")
tc := twitch.NewClient(cfg.twitchUsername, cfg.twitchOauth)
//tc := twitch.NewClient(config.twitchUsername, config.twitchOauth)
userMsgStore := make(map[string][]ollamaMessage)
app := &application{
twitchClient: tc,
log: sugar,
config: cfg,
userMsgStore: userMsgStore,
app.cfg.twitchUsername = os.Getenv("TWITCH_USERNAME")
app.cfg.twitchOauth = os.Getenv("TWITCH_OAUTH")
app.cfg.ollamaModel = os.Getenv("OLLAMA_MODEL")
app.cfg.ollamaContext = os.Getenv("OLLAMA_CONTEXT")
app.cfg.ollamaSystem = os.Getenv("OLLAMA_SYSTEM")
tc := twitch.NewClient(app.cfg.twitchUsername, app.cfg.twitchOauth)
app.twitchClient = tc
// Received a PrivateMessage (normal chat message).
app.twitchClient.OnPrivateMessage(func(message twitch.PrivateMessage) {
// roomId is the Twitch UserID of the channel the message originated from.
@ -81,9 +81,11 @@ func main() {
app.twitchClient.OnConnect(func() {
app.log.Info("Successfully connected to Twitch Servers")
app.log.Info("Ollama Context: ", app.config.ollamaContext)
app.log.Info("Ollama System: ", app.config.ollamaSystem)
"Context: ", app.cfg.ollamaContext,
"Model: ", app.cfg.ollamaModel,
"System: ", app.cfg.ollamaSystem,
channels := os.Getenv("TWITCH_CHANNELS")