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277 lines
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package main
import (
// AddTimer slices the message into relevant parts, adding the values onto a
// new data.Timer struct so that the timer can be inserted into the database.
func (app *application) AddTimer(name, repeat string, message twitch.PrivateMessage) {
cmdParams := strings.SplitN(message.Message, " ", 500)
// prefixLength is the length of `()add timer` plus +2 (for the space and zero based)
prefixLength := 13
// Split the message into the parts we need.
// message: ()addtimer sponsor 20m hecking love my madmonq pills BatChest
// parts: | prefix | |name | |repeat | <----------- text -------------> |
text := message.Message[prefixLength+len(name)+len(cmdParams[2]) : len(message.Message)]
// validateTimeFormat will be true if the repeat parameter is in
// the format of either 30m, 10h, or 10h30m.
validateTimeFormat, err := regexp.MatchString(`^(\d{1,2}[h])$|^(\d+[m])$|^(\d+[s])$|((\d{1,2}[h])((([0]?|[1-5]{1})[0-9])[m]))$`, repeat)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Received malformed time format in timer",
"repeat", repeat,
"error", err,
timer := &data.Timer{
Name: name,
Text: text,
Channel: message.Channel,
Repeat: repeat,
// Check if the time string we got is valid, this is important
// because the Scheduler panics instead of erroring out if an invalid
// time format string is supplied.
if validateTimeFormat {
timer := &data.Timer{
Name: name,
Text: text,
Channel: message.Channel,
Repeat: repeat,
err = app.Models.Timers.Insert(timer)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Error inserting new timer into database",
"timer", timer,
"error", err,
reply := fmt.Sprintln("Something went wrong FeelsBadMan")
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
} else {
// cronName is the internal, unique tag/name for the timer.
// A timer named "sponsor" in channel "forsen" will be named "forsensponsor"
cronName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", message.Channel, name)
app.Scheduler.AddFunc(fmt.Sprintf("@every %s", repeat), func() { app.newPrivateMessageTimer(message.Channel, text) }, cronName)
app.Log.Infow("Added new timer",
"timer", timer,
reply := fmt.Sprintf("Successfully added timer %s repeating every %s", name, repeat)
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
} else {
app.Log.Errorw("Received malformed time format in timer",
"timer", timer,
"error", err,
reply := "Something went wrong FeelsBadMan received wrong time format. Allowed formats: 30m, 10h, 10h30m"
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
// EditTimer just contains the logic for deleting a timer, and then adding a new one
// with the same name. It is technically not editing the timer.
func (app *application) EditTimer(name, repeat string, message twitch.PrivateMessage) {
// Check if a timer with that name is in the database.
old, err := app.Models.Timers.Get(name)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Could not get timer",
"timer", old,
"error", err,
reply := "Something went wrong FeelsBadMan"
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
// -----------------------
// Delete the old timer
// -----------------------
cronName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", message.Channel, name)
err = app.Models.Timers.Delete(name)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Error deleting timer from database",
"name", name,
"cronName", cronName,
"error", err,
reply := fmt.Sprintln("Something went wrong FeelsBadMan")
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
// -----------------------
// Add the new timer
// -----------------------
cmdParams := strings.SplitN(message.Message, " ", 500)
// prefixLength is the length of `()editcommand` plus +2 (for the space and zero based)
prefixLength := 14
// Split the message into the parts we need.
// message: ()addtimer sponsor 20m hecking love my madmonq pills BatChest
// parts: | prefix | |name | |repeat | <----------- text -------------> |
text := message.Message[prefixLength+len(name)+len(cmdParams[2]) : len(message.Message)]
// validateTimeFormat will be true if the repeat parameter is in
// the format of either 30m, 10h, or 10h30m.
validateTimeFormat, err := regexp.MatchString(`^(\d{1,2}[h])$|^(\d+[m])$|^(\d+[s])$|((\d{1,2}[h])((([0]?|[1-5]{1})[0-9])[m]))$`, repeat)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Received malformed time format in timer",
"repeat", repeat,
"error", err,
timer := &data.Timer{
Name: name,
Text: text,
Channel: message.Channel,
Repeat: repeat,
// Check if the time string we got is valid, this is important
// because the Scheduler panics instead of erroring out if an invalid
// time format string is supplied.
if validateTimeFormat {
timer := &data.Timer{
Name: name,
Text: text,
Channel: message.Channel,
Repeat: repeat,
err = app.Models.Timers.Insert(timer)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Error inserting new timer into database",
"timer", timer,
"error", err,
reply := fmt.Sprintln("Something went wrong FeelsBadMan")
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
} else { // this is a bit scuffed. The else here is the end of a successful call.
// cronName is the internal, unique tag/name for the timer.
// A timer named "sponsor" in channel "forsen" will be named "forsensponsor"
cronName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", message.Channel, name)
app.Scheduler.AddFunc(fmt.Sprintf("@every %s", repeat), func() { app.newPrivateMessageTimer(message.Channel, text) }, cronName)
app.Log.Infow("Updated a timer",
"Name", name,
"Channel", message.Channel,
"Old timer", old,
"New timer", timer,
reply := fmt.Sprintf("Successfully updated timer %s", name)
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
} else {
app.Log.Errorw("Received malformed time format in timer",
"timer", timer,
"error", err,
reply := "Something went wrong FeelsBadMan received wrong time format. Allowed formats: 30s, 30m, 10h, 10h30m"
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
// InitialTimers is called on startup and queries the database for a list of
// timers and then adds each onto the scheduler.
func (app *application) InitialTimers() {
timer, err := app.Models.Timers.GetAll()
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Error trying to retrieve all timers from database", err)
// The slice of timers is only used to log them at
// the start so it looks a bit nicer.
var ts []*data.Timer
// Iterate over all timers and then add them onto the scheduler.
for i, v := range timer {
// idk why this works but it does so no touchy touchy.
// https://github.com/robfig/cron/issues/420#issuecomment-940949195
i, v := i, v
_ = i
// cronName is the internal, unique tag/name for the timer.
// A timer named "sponsor" in channel "forsen" will be named "forsensponsor"
cronName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", v.Channel, v.Name)
// Repeating is at what times the timer should repeat.
// 2 minute timer is @every 2m
repeating := fmt.Sprintf("@every %s", v.Repeat)
// Add new value to the slice
ts = append(ts, v)
app.Scheduler.AddFunc(repeating, func() { app.newPrivateMessageTimer(v.Channel, v.Text) }, cronName)
app.Log.Infow("Initial timers",
"timer", ts,
// newPrivateMessageTimer is a helper function to set timers
// which trigger into sending a twitch PrivateMessage.
func (app *application) newPrivateMessageTimer(channel, text string) {
app.Send(channel, text)
// DeleteTimer takes in the name of a timer and tries to delete the timer from the database.
func (app *application) DeleteTimer(name string, message twitch.PrivateMessage) {
cronName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", message.Channel, name)
app.Log.Infow("Deleting timer",
"name", name,
"message.Channel", message.Channel,
"cronName", cronName,
err := app.Models.Timers.Delete(name)
if err != nil {
app.Log.Errorw("Error deleting timer from database",
"name", name,
"cronName", cronName,
"error", err,
reply := fmt.Sprintln("Something went wrong FeelsBadMan")
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)
reply := fmt.Sprintf("Deleted timer with name %s", name)
app.Send(message.Channel, reply)