# MinWiz - Minimal starter kit for under 2 KB sites Use this starter kit to create a **viable, good looking, production-ready website** whose entire size does not exceed 2 KB compressed when opened in a browser. Ideally, the total size of all assets (HTML, CSS, favicon, etc.) downloaded by the browser when opening the page will be under 2 KB. You can see a live version at [MinWiz.com](https://minwiz.com). ## Getting started Make sure you have Node and npm installed. Any version will do. If you're doing web development you probably already have gulp-cli globally installed (you can test with `gulp -v`). If you don't have it, run `npm install --global gulp-cli` - clone the repo - install the dependencies with `npm install` - build the site (in the _dist_ folder) with `npm run build` - at this point, the _dist_ folder contains all assets in a minified form, ready to be copied/deployed to your web hosting service If you want to live edit the site, there is a handy-dandy `gulp dev` command and the Live Server extension for VS Code is configured to open the site from _dist_ folder. Run the command, click _Go Live_ in the status panel of VS Code and you're good to go. ## Contributing If you have a creative idea for decreasing the size of the website **feel free to submit a PR!** You can learn how from this [Step-by-step guide to contributing on GitHub](https://www.dataschool.io/how-to-contribute-on-github/). If it's not obvious how your PR will help, please conceptually explain it. Ex: > As the stylesheet.css already includes the text "section {", rearranging the order in "section, p, h1," to "p, h1, section {" will pick-up more text during gzipping. Please note that I'm using package-lock with lockfileVersion 2. If you submit a PR and you're using lockfileVersion 1, make sure not to include the _package-lock.json_ file. ## Thank you - Color scheme inspired from [john-doe.neocities.org](https://john-doe.neocities.org/). - Navigation inspired from [Functional CSS Tabs Revisited](https://css-tricks.com/functional-css-tabs-revisited/). - Navigation suggested by /u/trust_me_im_a_turtle on Reddit. Demo [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/hash-navigation-919fp?file=/index.html:226-397). ## CDK deployment notes For `cdk deploy` to work we need to have a Github personal access token in the GITHUB_TOKEN variable: ``` echo export GITHUB_TOKEN=REPLACE_ME_WITH_THE_REAL_GITHUB_TOKEN >> ~/.bashrc ```