Hit the Railway button and have your filehost up and running in a few minutes. The button also supports the project since we get a small referral bonus.
[![Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/button.svg)](https://railway.app/template/pv_x6t?referralCode=QsZ-bg)
Simply run `docker-compose up --build -d` on your server after you've configured the `.env` and it's all up and running.
Note: We're still actively working on the product and is currently in early alpha stages. We currently recommend also making a backup or chosing S3 as a host with the project.
We also recommend forking the project and deploying your forked version to avoid issues when we push updates. You can then easily merge the changes in your forked version.
For the s3 compatbile storage engine, we recommend using Contabo Object Storage. It's a cheap (2,50/mth for 250GB with unlimited bandwidth at 80mbps) and really easy to set up. Just make an account, get the object storage, make a bucket and fill in the details in the `.env` and it _just works_.