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#pragma once
#include "common/FlagsEnum.hpp"
#include "common/Singleton.hpp"
#include "widgets/splits/SplitContainer.hpp"
#include <pajlada/settings/settinglistener.hpp>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QTimer>
#include <memory>
namespace chatterino {
class Settings;
class Paths;
class Window;
class ChannelView;
class IndirectChannel;
class Split;
struct SplitDescriptor;
class Channel;
using ChannelPtr = std::shared_ptr<Channel>;
struct Message;
using MessagePtr = std::shared_ptr<const Message>;
class WindowLayout;
enum class MessageElementFlag : int64_t;
using MessageElementFlags = FlagsEnum<MessageElementFlag>;
enum class WindowType;
enum class SettingsDialogPreference;
class FramelessEmbedWindow;
class WindowManager final : public Singleton
static const QString WINDOW_LAYOUT_FILENAME;
explicit WindowManager(const Paths &paths);
~WindowManager() override;
WindowManager(const WindowManager &) = delete;
WindowManager(WindowManager &&) = delete;
WindowManager &operator=(const WindowManager &) = delete;
WindowManager &operator=(WindowManager &&) = delete;
static void encodeTab(SplitContainer *tab, bool isSelected,
QJsonObject &obj);
static void encodeChannel(IndirectChannel channel, QJsonObject &obj);
static void encodeFilters(Split *split, QJsonArray &arr);
static IndirectChannel decodeChannel(const SplitDescriptor &descriptor);
void showSettingsDialog(
QWidget *parent,
SettingsDialogPreference preference = SettingsDialogPreference());
// Show the account selector widget at point
void showAccountSelectPopup(QPoint point);
// Tell a channel (or all channels if channel is nullptr) to redo their
// layout
void layoutChannelViews(Channel *channel = nullptr);
// Force all channel views to redo their layout
// This is called, for example, when the emote scale or timestamp format has
// changed
void forceLayoutChannelViews();
// Tell a channel (or all channels if channel is nullptr) to invalidate all paint buffers
void invalidateChannelViewBuffers(Channel *channel = nullptr);
void repaintVisibleChatWidgets(Channel *channel = nullptr);
void repaintGifEmotes();
Window &getMainWindow();
// Returns a pointer to the last selected window.
// Edge cases:
// - If the application was not focused since the start, this will return a pointer to the main window.
// - If the window was closed this points to the main window.
// - If the window was unfocused since being selected, this function will still return it.
Window *getLastSelectedWindow() const;
Window &createWindow(WindowType type, bool show = true,
QWidget *parent = nullptr);
// Use this method if you want to open a "new" channel in a popup. If you want to popup an
// existing Split or SplitContainer, consider using Split::popup() or SplitContainer::popup().
Window &openInPopup(ChannelPtr channel);
void select(Split *split);
void select(SplitContainer *container);
* Scrolls to the message in a split that's not
* a mentions view and focuses the split.
* @param message Message to scroll to.
void scrollToMessage(const MessagePtr &message);
QPoint emotePopupPos();
void setEmotePopupPos(QPoint pos);
void initialize(Settings &settings, const Paths &paths) override;
void save() override;
void closeAll();
int getGeneration() const;
void incGeneration();
MessageElementFlags getWordFlags();
void updateWordTypeMask();
// Sends an alert to the main window
// It reads the `longAlert` setting to decide whether the alert will expire
// or not
void sendAlert();
// Queue up a save in the next 10 seconds
// If a save was already queued up, we reset the to happen in 10 seconds
// again
void queueSave();
/// Signals
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal gifRepaintRequested;
// This signal fires whenever views rendering a channel, or all views if the
// channel is a nullptr, need to redo their layout
pajlada::Signals::Signal<Channel *> layoutRequested;
// This signal fires whenever views rendering a channel, or all views if the
// channel is a nullptr, need to invalidate their paint buffers
pajlada::Signals::Signal<Channel *> invalidateBuffersRequested;
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal wordFlagsChanged;
pajlada::Signals::Signal<Split *> selectSplit;
pajlada::Signals::Signal<SplitContainer *> selectSplitContainer;
pajlada::Signals::Signal<const MessagePtr &> scrollToMessageSignal;
static void encodeNodeRecursively(SplitContainer::Node *node,
QJsonObject &obj);
// Load window layout from the window-layout.json file
WindowLayout loadWindowLayoutFromFile() const;
// Apply a window layout for this window manager.
void applyWindowLayout(const WindowLayout &layout);
// Contains the full path to the window layout file, e.g. /home/pajlada/.local/share/Chatterino/Settings/window-layout.json
const QString windowLayoutFilePath;
bool initialized_ = false;
bool shuttingDown_ = false;
QPoint emotePopupPos_;
std::atomic<int> generation_{0};
std::vector<Window *> windows_;
std::unique_ptr<FramelessEmbedWindow> framelessEmbedWindow_;
Window *mainWindow_{};
Window *selectedWindow_{};
MessageElementFlags wordFlags_{};
pajlada::SettingListener wordFlagsListener_;
QTimer *saveTimer;
friend class Window; // this is for selectedWindow_
} // namespace chatterino