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synced 2024-11-21 22:24:07 +01:00
202 lines
5.7 KiB
202 lines
5.7 KiB
#include "messageref.h"
#include "emotes.h"
#include "settings.h"
#define MARGIN_LEFT 8
#define MARGIN_RIGHT 8
#define MARGIN_TOP 8
namespace chatterino {
namespace messages {
MessageRef::MessageRef(std::shared_ptr<Message> message)
: message(message.get())
, messagePtr(message)
, wordParts()
MessageRef::layout(int width, bool enableEmoteMargins)
auto &settings = Settings::getInstance();
width = width - (width % 2);
int mediumTextLineHeight = Fonts::getFontMetrics(Fonts::Medium).height();
int spaceWidth = 4;
bool redraw = width != this->currentLayoutWidth || this->relayoutRequested;
bool recalculateImages = this->emoteGeneration != Emotes::getGeneration();
bool recalculateText = this->fontGeneration != Fonts::getGeneration();
qreal emoteScale = settings.emoteScale.get();
bool scaleEmotesByLineHeight = settings.scaleEmotesByLineHeight.get();
if (recalculateImages || recalculateText) {
this->emoteGeneration = Emotes::getGeneration();
this->fontGeneration = Fonts::getGeneration();
redraw = true;
for (auto &word : this->message->getWords()) {
if (word.isImage()) {
if (recalculateImages) {
auto &image = word.getImage();
qreal w = image.getWidth();
qreal h = image.getHeight();
if (scaleEmotesByLineHeight) {
word.setSize(w * mediumTextLineHeight / h * emoteScale,
mediumTextLineHeight * emoteScale);
} else {
word.setSize(w * image.getScale() * emoteScale,
h * image.getScale() * emoteScale);
} else {
if (recalculateText) {
QFontMetrics &metrics = word.getFontMetrics();
if (!redraw) {
return false;
int x = MARGIN_LEFT;
int y = MARGIN_TOP;
int right = width - MARGIN_RIGHT - MARGIN_LEFT;
int lineStart = 0;
int lineHeight = 0;
bool first = true;
uint32_t flags = Settings::getInstance().getWordTypeMask();
for (auto it = this->message->getWords().begin();
it != this->message->getWords().end(); ++it) {
Word &word = *it;
if ((word.getType() & flags) == Word::None) {
int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
if (enableEmoteMargins) {
if (word.isImage() && word.getImage().getIsHat()) {
xOffset = -word.getWidth() + 2;
} else {
xOffset = word.getXOffset();
yOffset = word.getYOffset();
// word wrapping
if (word.isText() && word.getWidth() + MARGIN_LEFT > right) {
this->alignWordParts(lineStart, lineHeight);
y += lineHeight;
const QString &text = word.getText();
int start = 0;
QFontMetrics &metrics = word.getFontMetrics();
int width = 0;
std::vector<short> &charWidths = word.getCharacterWidthCache();
if (charWidths.size() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
charWidths.push_back(metrics.charWidth(text, i));
for (int i = 2; i <= text.length(); i++) {
if ((width = width + charWidths[i - 1]) + MARGIN_LEFT > right) {
QString mid = text.mid(start, i - start - 1);
this->wordParts.push_back(WordPart(word, MARGIN_LEFT, y,
width, word.getHeight(),
mid, mid));
y += metrics.height();
start = i - 1;
width = 0;
QString mid(text.mid(start));
width = metrics.width(mid);
this->wordParts.push_back(WordPart(word, MARGIN_LEFT,
y - word.getHeight(), width,
word.getHeight(), mid, mid));
x = width + MARGIN_LEFT + spaceWidth;
lineHeight = word.getHeight();
lineStart = this->wordParts.size() - 1;
first = false;
} else if (first || x + word.getWidth() + xOffset <= right) {
// fits in the line
WordPart(word, x, y - word.getHeight(), word.getCopyText()));
x += word.getWidth() + xOffset;
x += spaceWidth;
lineHeight = std::max(word.getHeight(), lineHeight);
first = false;
} else {
// doesn't fit in the line
this->alignWordParts(lineStart, lineHeight);
y += lineHeight;
word, MARGIN_LEFT, y - word.getHeight(), word.getCopyText()));
lineStart = this->wordParts.size() - 1;
lineHeight = word.getHeight();
x = word.getWidth() + MARGIN_LEFT;
x += spaceWidth;
this->alignWordParts(lineStart, lineHeight);
this->height = y + lineHeight;
return true;
MessageRef::alignWordParts(int lineStart, int lineHeight)
for (size_t i = lineStart; i < this->wordParts.size(); i++) {
WordPart &wordPart2 = this->wordParts.at(i);
wordPart2.setY(wordPart2.getY() + lineHeight);