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synced 2024-11-21 22:24:07 +01:00
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205 lines
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#pragma once
#include "common/ChatterinoSetting.hpp"
#include "singletons/Paths.hpp"
#include "util/RapidJsonSerializeQString.hpp"
#include <pajlada/settings/setting.hpp>
#include <QColor>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVariant>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
namespace chatterino {
class WindowManager;
struct ThemeDescriptor {
QString key;
// Path to the theme on disk
// Can be a Qt resource path
QString path;
// Name of the theme
QString name;
bool custom{};
class Theme final
static const std::vector<ThemeDescriptor> builtInThemes;
// The built in theme that will be used if some theme parsing fails
static const ThemeDescriptor fallbackTheme;
static const int AUTO_RELOAD_INTERVAL_MS = 500;
Theme(const Paths &paths);
bool isLightTheme() const;
bool isSystemTheme() const;
struct TabColors {
QColor text;
struct {
QColor regular;
QColor hover;
QColor unfocused;
} backgrounds;
struct {
QColor regular;
QColor hover;
QColor unfocused;
} line;
struct TextColors {
QColor regular;
QColor caret;
QColor link;
QColor system;
QColor chatPlaceholder;
struct MessageBackgrounds {
QColor regular;
QColor alternate;
QColor accent{"#00aeef"};
struct {
QColor background;
QColor text;
} window;
/// TABS
struct {
TabColors regular;
TabColors newMessage;
TabColors highlighted;
TabColors selected;
QColor dividerLine;
QColor liveIndicator;
QColor rerunIndicator;
} tabs;
struct {
TextColors textColors;
MessageBackgrounds backgrounds;
QColor disabled;
QColor selection;
QColor highlightAnimationStart;
QColor highlightAnimationEnd;
} messages;
struct {
TextColors textColors;
MessageBackgrounds backgrounds;
QColor disabled;
QColor selection;
QColor background;
} overlayMessages;
struct {
QColor background;
QColor thumb;
QColor thumbSelected;
} scrollbars;
struct {
QColor messageSeperator;
QColor background;
QColor dropPreview;
QColor dropPreviewBorder;
QColor dropTargetRect;
QColor dropTargetRectBorder;
QColor resizeHandle;
QColor resizeHandleBackground;
struct {
QColor border;
QColor focusedBorder;
QColor background;
QColor focusedBackground;
QColor text;
QColor focusedText;
} header;
struct {
QColor background;
QColor text;
QString styleSheet;
} input;
} splits;
struct {
QPixmap copy;
QPixmap pin;
} buttons;
void normalizeColor(QColor &color) const;
void update();
bool isAutoReloading() const;
void setAutoReload(bool autoReload);
* Return a list of available themes
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QVariant>> availableThemes() const;
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal updated;
QStringSetting themeName{"/appearance/theme/name", "Dark"};
QStringSetting lightSystemThemeName{"/appearance/theme/lightSystem",
QStringSetting darkSystemThemeName{"/appearance/theme/darkSystem", "Dark"};
bool isLight_ = false;
std::vector<ThemeDescriptor> availableThemes_;
QString currentThemePath_;
std::unique_ptr<QTimer> themeReloadTimer_;
// This will only be populated when auto-reloading themes
QJsonObject currentThemeJson_;
QObject lifetime_;
* Figure out which themes are available in the Themes directory
* NOTE: This is currently not built to be reloadable
void loadAvailableThemes(const Paths &paths);
std::optional<ThemeDescriptor> findThemeByKey(const QString &key);
void parseFrom(const QJsonObject &root, bool isCustomTheme);
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal repaintVisibleChatWidgets_;
friend class WindowManager;
Theme *getTheme();
} // namespace chatterino