
383 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common/Aliases.hpp"
#include "common/Atomic.hpp"
#include "common/Channel.hpp"
#include "common/ChannelChatters.hpp"
#include "common/Outcome.hpp"
#include "common/UniqueAccess.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchEmotes.hpp"
#include "util/QStringHash.hpp"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <pajlada/signals/signalholder.hpp>
#include <QColor>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace chatterino {
// This is for compatibility with older Chatterino versions. Twitch didn't use
// to allow ZERO WIDTH JOINER unicode character, so Chatterino used ESCAPE_TAG
// instead.
// See https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2/issues/3384 and
// https://mm2pl.github.io/emoji_rfc.pdf for more details
const QString ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER = QString(QChar(0x200D));
// Here be MSVC: Do NOT replace with "\U" literal, it will fail silently.
namespace {
const QChar ESCAPE_TAG_CHARS[2] = {QChar::highSurrogate(0xE0002),
const QString ESCAPE_TAG = QString(ESCAPE_TAG_CHARS, 2);
const static QRegularExpression COMBINED_FIXER(
enum class HighlightState;
struct Emote;
using EmotePtr = std::shared_ptr<const Emote>;
class EmoteMap;
class TwitchBadges;
class FfzEmotes;
class BttvEmotes;
struct BttvLiveUpdateEmoteUpdateAddMessage;
struct BttvLiveUpdateEmoteRemoveMessage;
class SeventvEmotes;
namespace seventv::eventapi {
struct EmoteAddDispatch;
struct EmoteUpdateDispatch;
struct EmoteRemoveDispatch;
struct UserConnectionUpdateDispatch;
} // namespace seventv::eventapi
struct ChannelPointReward;
class MessageThread;
struct CheerEmoteSet;
struct HelixStream;
class TwitchIrcServer;
class TwitchChannel : public Channel, public ChannelChatters
struct StreamStatus {
bool live = false;
bool rerun = false;
unsigned viewerCount = 0;
QString title;
QString game;
QString gameId;
QString uptime;
QString streamType;
struct RoomModes {
bool submode = false;
bool r9k = false;
bool emoteOnly = false;
* @brief Number of minutes required for users to be followed before typing in chat
* Special cases:
* -1 = follower mode off
* 0 = follower mode on, no time requirement
int followerOnly = -1;
* @brief Number of seconds required to wait before typing emotes
* 0 = slow mode off
int slowMode = 0;
explicit TwitchChannel(const QString &channelName);
~TwitchChannel() override;
void initialize();
// Channel methods
virtual bool isEmpty() const override;
virtual bool canSendMessage() const override;
virtual void sendMessage(const QString &message) override;
virtual void sendReply(const QString &message, const QString &replyId);
virtual bool isMod() const override;
bool isVip() const;
bool isStaff() const;
virtual bool isBroadcaster() const override;
virtual bool hasHighRateLimit() const override;
virtual bool canReconnect() const override;
virtual void reconnect() override;
void createClip();
// Data
const QString &subscriptionUrl();
const QString &channelUrl();
const QString &popoutPlayerUrl();
int chatterCount();
virtual bool isLive() const override;
QString roomId() const;
SharedAccessGuard<const RoomModes> accessRoomModes() const;
SharedAccessGuard<const StreamStatus> accessStreamStatus() const;
// Emotes
boost::optional<EmotePtr> bttvEmote(const EmoteName &name) const;
boost::optional<EmotePtr> ffzEmote(const EmoteName &name) const;
boost::optional<EmotePtr> seventvEmote(const EmoteName &name) const;
std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> bttvEmotes() const;
std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> ffzEmotes() const;
std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> seventvEmotes() const;
virtual void refreshBTTVChannelEmotes(bool manualRefresh);
virtual void refreshFFZChannelEmotes(bool manualRefresh);
virtual void refreshSevenTVChannelEmotes(bool manualRefresh);
const QString &seventvUserID() const;
const QString &seventvEmoteSetID() const;
/** Adds a BTTV channel emote to this channel. */
void addBttvEmote(const BttvLiveUpdateEmoteUpdateAddMessage &message);
/** Updates a BTTV channel emote in this channel. */
void updateBttvEmote(const BttvLiveUpdateEmoteUpdateAddMessage &message);
/** Removes a BTTV channel emote from this channel. */
void removeBttvEmote(const BttvLiveUpdateEmoteRemoveMessage &message);
/** Adds a 7TV channel emote to this channel. */
void addSeventvEmote(const seventv::eventapi::EmoteAddDispatch &dispatch);
/** Updates a 7TV channel emote's name in this channel */
void updateSeventvEmote(
const seventv::eventapi::EmoteUpdateDispatch &dispatch);
/** Removes a 7TV channel emote from this channel */
void removeSeventvEmote(
const seventv::eventapi::EmoteRemoveDispatch &dispatch);
/** Updates the current 7TV user. Currently, only the emote-set is updated. */
void updateSeventvUser(
const seventv::eventapi::UserConnectionUpdateDispatch &dispatch);
// Update the channel's 7TV information (the channel's 7TV user ID and emote set ID)
void updateSeventvData(const QString &newUserID,
const QString &newEmoteSetID);
// Badges
boost::optional<EmotePtr> ffzCustomModBadge() const;
boost::optional<EmotePtr> ffzCustomVipBadge() const;
boost::optional<EmotePtr> twitchBadge(const QString &set,
const QString &version) const;
// Cheers
boost::optional<CheerEmote> cheerEmote(const QString &string);
// Replies
* Stores the given thread in this channel.
* Note: This method not take ownership of the MessageThread; this
* TwitchChannel instance will store a weak_ptr to the thread.
void addReplyThread(const std::shared_ptr<MessageThread> &thread);
const std::unordered_map<QString, std::weak_ptr<MessageThread>> &threads()
// Signals
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal roomIdChanged;
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal userStateChanged;
* This signals fires whenever the live status is changed
* Streams are counted as offline by default, so if a stream does not go online
* this signal will never fire
pajlada::Signals::Signal<bool> liveStatusChanged;
* This signal fires whenever the stream status is changed
* This includes when the stream goes from offline to online,
* or the viewer count changes, or the title has been updated
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal streamStatusChanged;
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal roomModesChanged;
// Channel point rewards
void addChannelPointReward(const ChannelPointReward &reward);
bool isChannelPointRewardKnown(const QString &rewardId);
boost::optional<ChannelPointReward> channelPointReward(
const QString &rewardId) const;
// Live status
void updateStreamStatus(const std::optional<HelixStream> &helixStream);
void updateStreamTitle(const QString &title);
void updateDisplayName(const QString &displayName);
struct NameOptions {
QString displayName;
QString localizedName;
} nameOptions;
// Methods
void refreshPubSub();
void refreshChatters();
void refreshBadges();
void refreshCheerEmotes();
void loadRecentMessages();
void loadRecentMessagesReconnect();
void cleanUpReplyThreads();
void showLoginMessage();
/** Joins (subscribes to) a Twitch channel for updates on BTTV. */
void joinBttvChannel() const;
* @brief Sets the live status of this Twitch channel
* Returns true if the live status changed with this call
bool setLive(bool newLiveStatus);
void setMod(bool value);
void setVIP(bool value);
void setStaff(bool value);
void setRoomId(const QString &id);
void setRoomModes(const RoomModes &roomModes_);
void setDisplayName(const QString &name);
void setLocalizedName(const QString &name);
* Returns the display name of the user
* If the display name contained chinese, japenese, or korean characters, the user's login name is returned instead
const QString &getDisplayName() const override;
* Returns the localized name of the user
const QString &getLocalizedName() const override;
QString prepareMessage(const QString &message) const;
* Either adds a message mentioning the updated emotes
* or replaces an existing message. For criteria on existing messages,
* see `tryReplaceLastLiveUpdateAddOrRemove`.
* @param isEmoteAdd true if the emote was added, false if it was removed.
* @param platform The platform the emote was updated on ("7TV", "BTTV", "FFZ")
* @param actor The actor performing the update (possibly empty)
* @param emoteName The emote's name
void addOrReplaceLiveUpdatesAddRemove(bool isEmoteAdd,
const QString &platform,
const QString &actor,
const QString &emoteName);
* Tries to replace the last emote update message.
* A last message is valid if:
* * The actors match
* * The operations match
* * The platform matches
* * The last message isn't older than 5s
* @param op The emote operation (LiveUpdatesAdd or LiveUpdatesRemove)
* @param platform The emote platform ("7TV", "BTTV", "FFZ")
* @param actor The actor performing the action (possibly empty)
* @param emoteName The updated emote's name
* @return true, if the last message was replaced
bool tryReplaceLastLiveUpdateAddOrRemove(MessageFlag op,
const QString &platform,
const QString &actor,
const QString &emoteName);
// Data
const QString subscriptionUrl_;
const QString channelUrl_;
const QString popoutPlayerUrl_;
int chatterCount_;
UniqueAccess<StreamStatus> streamStatus_;
UniqueAccess<RoomModes> roomModes_;
std::atomic_flag loadingRecentMessages_ = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
std::unordered_map<QString, std::weak_ptr<MessageThread>> threads_;
Atomic<std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap>> bttvEmotes_;
Atomic<std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap>> ffzEmotes_;
Atomic<std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap>> seventvEmotes_;
Atomic<boost::optional<EmotePtr>> ffzCustomModBadge_;
Atomic<boost::optional<EmotePtr>> ffzCustomVipBadge_;
// Badges
UniqueAccess<std::map<QString, std::map<QString, EmotePtr>>>
badgeSets_; // "subscribers": { "0": ... "3": ... "6": ...
UniqueAccess<std::vector<CheerEmoteSet>> cheerEmoteSets_;
UniqueAccess<std::map<QString, ChannelPointReward>> channelPointRewards_;
bool mod_ = false;
bool vip_ = false;
bool staff_ = false;
UniqueAccess<QString> roomID_;
// --
QString lastSentMessage_;
QObject lifetimeGuard_;
QTimer chattersListTimer_;
QTimer threadClearTimer_;
QElapsedTimer titleRefreshedTimer_;
QElapsedTimer clipCreationTimer_;
bool isClipCreationInProgress{false};
* This channels 7TV user-id,
* empty if this channel isn't connected with 7TV.
QString seventvUserID_;
* This channels current 7TV emote-set-id,
* empty if this channel isn't connected with 7TV
QString seventvEmoteSetID_;
* The index of the twitch connection in
* 7TV's user representation.
size_t seventvUserTwitchConnectionIndex_;
/** The platform of the last live emote update ("7TV", "BTTV", "FFZ"). */
QString lastLiveUpdateEmotePlatform_;
/** The actor name of the last live emote update. */
QString lastLiveUpdateEmoteActor_;
/** A weak reference to the last live emote update message. */
std::weak_ptr<const Message> lastLiveUpdateMessage_;
/** A list of the emotes listed in the lat live emote update message. */
std::vector<QString> lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_;
pajlada::Signals::SignalHolder signalHolder_;
std::vector<boost::signals2::scoped_connection> bSignals_;
friend class TwitchIrcServer;
friend class TwitchMessageBuilder;
friend class IrcMessageHandler;
} // namespace chatterino