Rasmus Karlsson ae26b835b6 Perform initial refactoring work
Things that were once singletons are no longer singletons, but are
instead stored in the "Application" singleton

Some singletons still remain, and some renaming/renamespacing is left
2018-04-27 22:11:19 +02:00

184 lines
4.5 KiB

#include "util/streamlink.hpp"
#include "application.hpp"
#include "helpers.hpp"
#include "singletons/settingsmanager.hpp"
#include "widgets/qualitypopup.hpp"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QProcess>
#include <functional>
namespace chatterino {
namespace streamlink {
namespace {
const char *GetBinaryName()
#ifdef _WIN32
return "streamlink.exe";
return "streamlink";
const char *GetDefaultBinaryPath()
#ifdef _WIN32
return "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Streamlink\\bin\\streamlink.exe";
return "/usr/bin/streamlink";
bool CheckStreamlinkPath(const QString &path)
QFileInfo fileinfo(path);
if (!fileinfo.exists()) {
return false;
// throw Exception(fS("Streamlink path ({}) is invalid, file does not exist", path));
if (fileinfo.isDir() || !fileinfo.isExecutable()) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO: Make streamlink binary finder smarter
QString GetStreamlinkBinaryPath()
auto app = getApp();
QString settingPath = app->settings->streamlinkPath;
QStringList paths;
paths << settingPath;
paths << GetDefaultBinaryPath();
#ifdef _WIN32
paths << settingPath + "\\" + GetBinaryName();
paths << settingPath + "\\bin\\" + GetBinaryName();
paths << "/usr/local/bin/streamlink";
paths << "/bin/streamlink";
for (const auto &path : paths) {
if (CheckStreamlinkPath(path)) {
return path;
throw Exception("Unable to find streamlink binary. Install streamlink or set the binary path "
"in the settings dialog.");
void GetStreamQualities(const QString &channelURL, std::function<void(QStringList)> cb)
QString path = GetStreamlinkBinaryPath();
// XXX: Memory leak
QProcess *p = new QProcess();
QObject::connect(p, static_cast<void (QProcess::*)(int)>(&QProcess::finished), [=](int) {
QString lastLine = QString(p->readAllStandardOutput());
lastLine = lastLine.trimmed().split('\n').last().trimmed();
if (lastLine.startsWith("Available streams: ")) {
QStringList options;
QStringList split = lastLine.right(lastLine.length() - 19).split(", ");
for (int i = split.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
QString option = split.at(i);
if (option.endsWith(" (worst)")) {
options << option.left(option.length() - 8);
} else if (option.endsWith(" (best)")) {
options << option.left(option.length() - 7);
} else {
options << option;
p->start(path, {channelURL, "--default-stream=KKona"});
} // namespace
void OpenStreamlink(const QString &channelURL, const QString &quality, QStringList extraArguments)
auto app = getApp();
QString path = GetStreamlinkBinaryPath();
QStringList arguments;
QString additionalOptions = app->settings->streamlinkOpts.getValue();
if (!additionalOptions.isEmpty()) {
arguments << app->settings->streamlinkOpts;
arguments << channelURL;
if (!quality.isEmpty()) {
arguments << quality;
QProcess::startDetached(path, arguments);
void Start(const QString &channel)
auto app = getApp();
QString channelURL = "twitch.tv/" + channel;
QString preferredQuality = app->settings->preferredQuality;
preferredQuality = preferredQuality.toLower();
if (preferredQuality == "choose") {
GetStreamQualities(channelURL, [=](QStringList qualityOptions) {
widgets::QualityPopup::showDialog(channel, qualityOptions);
QStringList args;
// Quality converted from Chatterino format to Streamlink format
QString quality;
// Streamlink qualities to exclude
QString exclude;
if (preferredQuality == "high") {
exclude = ">720p30";
quality = "high,best";
} else if (preferredQuality == "medium") {
exclude = ">540p30";
quality = "medium,best";
} else if (preferredQuality == "low") {
exclude = ">360p30";
quality = "low,best";
} else if (preferredQuality == "audio only") {
quality = "audio,audio_only";
} else {
quality = "best";
if (!exclude.isEmpty()) {
args << "--stream-sorting-excludes" << exclude;
OpenStreamlink(channelURL, quality, args);
} // namespace streamlink
} // namespace chatterino