#include "widgets/splitcontainer.hpp" #include "application.hpp" #include "common.hpp" #include "singletons/thememanager.hpp" #include "singletons/windowmanager.hpp" #include "util/assertinguithread.hpp" #include "util/helpers.hpp" #include "util/layoutcreator.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/notebooktab.hpp" #include "widgets/notebook.hpp" #include "widgets/split.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { namespace widgets { bool SplitContainer::isDraggingSplit = false; Split *SplitContainer::draggingSplit = nullptr; SplitContainer::SplitContainer(Notebook *parent) : BaseWidget(parent) , dropPreview(this) , overlay(this) , mouseOverPoint(-10000, -10000) , tab(nullptr) { this->refreshTabTitle(); this->managedConnect(Split::modifierStatusChanged, [this](auto modifiers) { this->layout(); if (modifiers == Qt::AltModifier) { for (std::unique_ptr &handle : this->resizeHandles) { handle->show(); handle->raise(); } } else { for (std::unique_ptr &handle : this->resizeHandles) { handle->hide(); } } }); this->setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); this->setAcceptDrops(true); this->managedConnect(this->overlay.dragEnded, [this]() { this->isDragging = false; this->layout(); }); this->overlay.hide(); this->setMouseTracking(true); this->setAcceptDrops(true); } NotebookTab *SplitContainer::getTab() const { return this->tab; } void SplitContainer::setTab(NotebookTab *_tab) { this->tab = _tab; this->tab->page = this; this->refreshTabTitle(); } void SplitContainer::appendNewSplit(bool openChannelNameDialog) { util::assertInGuiThread(); Split *split = new Split(this); this->appendSplit(split); if (openChannelNameDialog) { split->showChangeChannelPopup("Open channel name", true, [=](bool ok) { if (!ok) { this->deleteSplit(split); } }); } } void SplitContainer::appendSplit(Split *split) { this->insertSplit(split, Direction::Right); } void SplitContainer::insertSplit(Split *split, const Position &position) { this->insertSplit(split, position.direction, reinterpret_cast(position.relativeNode)); } void SplitContainer::insertSplit(Split *split, Direction direction, Split *relativeTo) { Node *node = this->baseNode.findNodeContainingSplit(relativeTo); assert(node != nullptr); this->insertSplit(split, direction, node); } void SplitContainer::insertSplit(Split *split, Direction direction, Node *relativeTo) { util::assertInGuiThread(); split->setContainer(this); if (relativeTo == nullptr) { if (this->baseNode.type == Node::EmptyRoot) { this->baseNode.setSplit(split); } else if (this->baseNode.type == Node::_Split) { this->baseNode.nestSplitIntoCollection(split, direction); } else { this->baseNode.insertSplitRelative(split, direction); } } else { assert(this->baseNode.isOrContainsNode(relativeTo)); relativeTo->insertSplitRelative(split, direction); } this->addSplit(split); } void SplitContainer::addSplit(Split *split) { util::assertInGuiThread(); split->setParent(this); split->show(); split->giveFocus(Qt::MouseFocusReason); this->splits.push_back(split); this->refreshTabTitle(); split->getChannelView().tabHighlightRequested.connect([this](HighlightState state) { if (this->tab != nullptr) { this->tab->setHighlightState(state); } }); split->focused.connect([this, split] { this->setSelected(split); }); this->layout(); } void SplitContainer::setSelected(Split *split) { this->selected = split; if (Node *node = this->baseNode.findNodeContainingSplit(split)) { this->setPreferedTargetRecursive(node); } } void SplitContainer::setPreferedTargetRecursive(Node *node) { if (node->parent != nullptr) { node->parent->preferedFocusTarget = node; this->setPreferedTargetRecursive(node->parent); } } SplitContainer::Position SplitContainer::releaseSplit(Split *split) { util::assertInGuiThread(); Node *node = this->baseNode.findNodeContainingSplit(split); assert(node != nullptr); this->splits.erase(std::find(this->splits.begin(), this->splits.end(), split)); split->setParent(nullptr); Position position = node->releaseSplit(); this->layout(); if (splits.size() == 0) { this->setSelected(nullptr); } else { this->splits.front()->giveFocus(Qt::MouseFocusReason); } this->refreshTabTitle(); split->getChannelView().tabHighlightRequested.disconnectAll(); return position; } SplitContainer::Position SplitContainer::deleteSplit(Split *split) { util::assertInGuiThread(); assert(split != nullptr); split->deleteLater(); return releaseSplit(split); } void SplitContainer::selectNextSplit(Direction direction) { util::assertInGuiThread(); if (Node *node = this->baseNode.findNodeContainingSplit(this->selected)) { this->selectSplitRecursive(node, direction); } } void SplitContainer::selectSplitRecursive(Node *node, Direction direction) { if (node->parent != nullptr) { if (node->parent->type == Node::toContainerType(direction)) { auto &siblings = node->parent->children; auto it = std::find_if(siblings.begin(), siblings.end(), [node](const auto &other) { return other.get() == node; }); assert(it != siblings.end()); if (direction == Direction::Left || direction == Direction::Above) { if (it == siblings.begin()) { this->selectSplitRecursive(node->parent, direction); } else { this->focusSplitRecursive(siblings[it - siblings.begin() - 1].get(), direction); } } else { if (it->get() == siblings.back().get()) { this->selectSplitRecursive(node->parent, direction); } else { this->focusSplitRecursive(siblings[it - siblings.begin() + 1].get(), direction); } } } else { this->selectSplitRecursive(node->parent, direction); } } } void SplitContainer::focusSplitRecursive(Node *node, Direction direction) { switch (node->type) { case Node::_Split: { node->split->giveFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); } break; case Node::HorizontalContainer: case Node::VerticalContainer: { auto &children = node->children; auto it = std::find_if(children.begin(), children.end(), [node](const auto &other) { return node->preferedFocusTarget == other.get(); }); if (it != children.end()) { this->focusSplitRecursive(it->get(), direction); } else { this->focusSplitRecursive(node->children.front().get(), direction); } } break; default:; } } void SplitContainer::layout() { this->baseNode.geometry = this->rect(); std::vector _dropRects; std::vector _resizeRects; this->baseNode.layout( Split::modifierStatus == (Qt::AltModifier | Qt::ControlModifier) || this->isDragging, this->getScale(), _dropRects, _resizeRects); this->dropRects = _dropRects; for (Split *split : this->splits) { const QRect &g = split->geometry(); Node *node = this->baseNode.findNodeContainingSplit(split); _dropRects.push_back(DropRect(QRect(g.left(), g.top(), g.width() / 4, g.height()), Position(node, Direction::Left))); _dropRects.push_back( DropRect(QRect(g.left() + g.width() / 4 * 3, g.top(), g.width() / 4, g.height()), Position(node, Direction::Right))); _dropRects.push_back(DropRect(QRect(g.left(), g.top(), g.width(), g.height() / 2), Position(node, Direction::Above))); _dropRects.push_back( DropRect(QRect(g.left(), g.top() + g.height() / 2, g.width(), g.height() / 2), Position(node, Direction::Below))); } if (this->splits.empty()) { QRect g = this->rect(); _dropRects.push_back(DropRect(QRect(g.left(), g.top(), g.width(), g.height()), Position(nullptr, Direction::Below))); } this->overlay.setRects(std::move(_dropRects)); // handle resizeHandles if (this->resizeHandles.size() < _resizeRects.size()) { while (this->resizeHandles.size() < _resizeRects.size()) { this->resizeHandles.push_back(std::make_unique(this)); } } else if (this->resizeHandles.size() > _resizeRects.size()) { this->resizeHandles.resize(_resizeRects.size()); } { size_t i = 0; for (ResizeRect &resizeRect : _resizeRects) { ResizeHandle *handle = this->resizeHandles[i].get(); handle->setGeometry(resizeRect.rect); handle->setVertical(resizeRect.vertical); handle->node = resizeRect.node; if (Split::modifierStatus == Qt::AltModifier) { handle->show(); handle->raise(); } i++; } } // redraw this->update(); } void SplitContainer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { BaseWidget::resizeEvent(event); this->layout(); } void SplitContainer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if (this->splits.size() == 0) { // "Add Chat" was clicked this->appendNewSplit(true); // this->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); } else { auto it = std::find_if(this->dropRects.begin(), this->dropRects.end(), [event](DropRect &rect) { return rect.rect.contains(event->pos()); }); if (it != this->dropRects.end()) { this->insertSplit(new Split(this), it->position); } } } } void SplitContainer::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); if (this->splits.size() == 0) { painter.fillRect(rect(), this->themeManager->splits.background); painter.setPen(this->themeManager->splits.header.text); QString text = "Click to add a split"; Notebook *notebook = dynamic_cast(this->parentWidget()); if (notebook != nullptr) { if (notebook->getPageCount() > 1) { text += "\n\nTip: After adding a split you can hold to move it or split it " "further."; } } painter.drawText(rect(), text, QTextOption(Qt::AlignCenter)); } else { painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor("#555")); } for (DropRect &dropRect : this->dropRects) { QColor border = getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreviewBorder; QColor background = getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreview; if (!dropRect.rect.contains(this->mouseOverPoint)) { // border.setAlphaF(0.1); background.setAlphaF(0.1); } painter.setPen(border); painter.setBrush(background); painter.drawRect(dropRect.rect.marginsRemoved(QMargins(2, 2, 2, 2))); } QBrush accentColor = (QApplication::activeWindow() == this->window() ? this->themeManager->tabs.selected.backgrounds.regular : this->themeManager->tabs.selected.backgrounds.unfocused); painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), 1, accentColor); } void SplitContainer::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (!event->mimeData()->hasFormat("chatterino/split")) return; if (!SplitContainer::isDraggingSplit) return; this->isDragging = true; this->layout(); this->overlay.setGeometry(this->rect()); this->overlay.show(); this->overlay.raise(); } void SplitContainer::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { this->mouseOverPoint = event->pos(); this->update(); } void SplitContainer::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { this->mouseOverPoint = QPoint(-10000, -10000); this->update(); } void SplitContainer::refreshTabTitle() { if (this->tab == nullptr) { return; } if (!this->tab->useDefaultTitle) { return; } QString newTitle = ""; bool first = true; for (const auto &chatWidget : this->splits) { auto channelName = chatWidget->getChannel()->name; if (channelName.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!first) { newTitle += ", "; } newTitle += channelName; first = false; } if (newTitle.isEmpty()) { newTitle = "empty"; } this->tab->setTitle(newTitle); } int SplitContainer::getSplitCount() { return 0; } const std::vector SplitContainer::getSplits() const { return this->splits; } SplitContainer::Node *SplitContainer::getBaseNode() { return &this->baseNode; } void SplitContainer::decodeFromJson(QJsonObject &obj) { assert(this->baseNode.type == Node::EmptyRoot); this->decodeNodeRecusively(obj, &this->baseNode); } void SplitContainer::decodeNodeRecusively(QJsonObject &obj, Node *node) { QString type = obj.value("type").toString(); if (type == "split") { auto *split = new Split(this); split->setChannel(singletons::WindowManager::decodeChannel(obj.value("data").toObject())); this->appendSplit(split); } else if (type == "horizontal" || type == "vertical") { bool vertical = type == "vertical"; Direction direction = vertical ? Direction::Below : Direction::Right; node->type = vertical ? Node::VerticalContainer : Node::HorizontalContainer; for (QJsonValue _val : obj.value("items").toArray()) { auto _obj = _val.toObject(); auto _type = _obj.value("type"); if (_type == "split") { auto *split = new Split(this); split->setChannel( singletons::WindowManager::decodeChannel(_obj.value("data").toObject())); Node *_node = new Node(); _node->parent = node; _node->split = split; _node->type = Node::_Split; _node->flexH = _obj.value("flexh").toDouble(1.0); _node->flexV = _obj.value("flexv").toDouble(1.0); node->children.emplace_back(_node); this->addSplit(split); } else { Node *_node = new Node(); _node->parent = node; node->children.emplace_back(_node); this->decodeNodeRecusively(_obj, _node); } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (node->getChildren().size() < 2) { auto *split = new Split(this); split->setChannel( singletons::WindowManager::decodeChannel(obj.value("data").toObject())); this->insertSplit(split, direction, node); } } } } // // Node // SplitContainer::Node::Type SplitContainer::Node::getType() { return this->type; } Split *SplitContainer::Node::getSplit() { return this->split; } SplitContainer::Node *SplitContainer::Node::getParent() { return this->parent; } qreal SplitContainer::Node::getHorizontalFlex() { return this->flexH; } qreal SplitContainer::Node::getVerticalFlex() { return this->flexV; } const std::vector> &SplitContainer::Node::getChildren() { return this->children; } SplitContainer::Node::Node() : type(SplitContainer::Node::Type::EmptyRoot) , split(nullptr) , parent(nullptr) { } SplitContainer::Node::Node(Split *_split, Node *_parent) : type(Type::_Split) , split(_split) , parent(_parent) { } bool SplitContainer::Node::isOrContainsNode(SplitContainer::Node *_node) { if (this == _node) { return true; } return std::any_of(this->children.begin(), this->children.end(), [_node](std::unique_ptr &n) { return n->isOrContainsNode(_node); }); } SplitContainer::Node *SplitContainer::Node::findNodeContainingSplit(Split *_split) { if (this->type == Type::_Split && this->split == _split) { return this; } for (std::unique_ptr &node : this->children) { Node *a = node->findNodeContainingSplit(_split); if (a != nullptr) { return a; } } return nullptr; } void SplitContainer::Node::insertSplitRelative(Split *_split, Direction _direction) { if (this->parent == nullptr) { switch (this->type) { case Node::EmptyRoot: { this->setSplit(_split); } break; case Node::_Split: { this->nestSplitIntoCollection(_split, _direction); } break; case Node::HorizontalContainer: { this->nestSplitIntoCollection(_split, _direction); } break; case Node::VerticalContainer: { this->nestSplitIntoCollection(_split, _direction); } break; } return; } // parent != nullptr if (parent->type == toContainerType(_direction)) { // hell yeah we'll just insert it next to outselves this->_insertNextToThis(_split, _direction); } else { this->nestSplitIntoCollection(_split, _direction); } } void SplitContainer::Node::nestSplitIntoCollection(Split *_split, Direction _direction) { if (toContainerType(_direction) == this->type) { this->children.emplace_back(new Node(_split, this)); } else { // we'll need to nest outselves // move all our data into a new node Node *clone = new Node(); clone->type = this->type; clone->children = std::move(this->children); for (std::unique_ptr &node : clone->children) { node->parent = clone; } clone->split = this->split; clone->parent = this; // add the node to our children and change our type this->children.push_back(std::unique_ptr(clone)); this->type = toContainerType(_direction); this->split = nullptr; clone->_insertNextToThis(_split, _direction); } } void SplitContainer::Node::_insertNextToThis(Split *_split, Direction _direction) { auto &siblings = this->parent->children; qreal width = this->parent->geometry.width() / siblings.size(); qreal height = this->parent->geometry.height() / siblings.size(); if (siblings.size() == 1) { this->geometry = QRect(0, 0, int(width), int(height)); } auto it = std::find_if(siblings.begin(), siblings.end(), [this](auto &node) { return this == node.get(); }); assert(it != siblings.end()); if (_direction == Direction::Right || _direction == Direction::Below) { it++; } Node *node = new Node(_split, this->parent); node->geometry = QRectF(0, 0, width, height); siblings.insert(it, std::unique_ptr(node)); } void SplitContainer::Node::setSplit(Split *_split) { assert(this->split == nullptr); assert(this->children.size() == 0); this->split = _split; this->type = Type::_Split; } SplitContainer::Position SplitContainer::Node::releaseSplit() { assert(this->type == Type::_Split); if (parent == nullptr) { this->type = Type::EmptyRoot; this->split = nullptr; Position pos; pos.relativeNode = nullptr; pos.direction = Direction::Right; return pos; } else { auto &siblings = this->parent->children; auto it = std::find_if(begin(siblings), end(siblings), [this](auto &node) { return this == node.get(); }); assert(it != siblings.end()); Position position; if (siblings.size() == 2) { // delete this and move split to parent position.relativeNode = this->parent; if (this->parent->type == Type::VerticalContainer) { position.direction = siblings.begin() == it ? Direction::Above : Direction::Below; } else { position.direction = siblings.begin() == it ? Direction::Left : Direction::Right; } Node *_parent = this->parent; siblings.erase(it); std::unique_ptr &sibling = siblings.front(); _parent->type = sibling->type; _parent->split = sibling->split; std::vector> nodes = std::move(sibling->children); for (auto &node : nodes) { node->parent = _parent; } _parent->children = std::move(nodes); } else { if (this == siblings.back().get()) { position.direction = this->parent->type == Type::VerticalContainer ? Direction::Below : Direction::Right; siblings.erase(it); position.relativeNode = siblings.back().get(); } else { position.relativeNode = (it + 1)->get(); position.direction = this->parent->type == Type::VerticalContainer ? Direction::Above : Direction::Left; siblings.erase(it); } } return position; } } qreal SplitContainer::Node::getFlex(bool isVertical) { return isVertical ? this->flexV : this->flexH; } qreal SplitContainer::Node::getSize(bool isVertical) { return isVertical ? this->geometry.height() : this->geometry.width(); } qreal SplitContainer::Node::getChildrensTotalFlex(bool isVertical) { return std::accumulate( this->children.begin(), this->children.end(), qreal(0), [=](qreal val, std::unique_ptr &node) { return val + node->getFlex(isVertical); }); } void SplitContainer::Node::layout(bool addSpacing, float _scale, std::vector &dropRects, std::vector &resizeRects) { for (std::unique_ptr &node : this->children) { if (node->flexH <= 0) node->flexH = 0; if (node->flexV <= 0) node->flexV = 0; } switch (this->type) { case Node::_Split: { QRect rect = this->geometry.toRect(); this->split->setGeometry(rect.marginsRemoved(QMargins(1, 1, 1, 1))); } break; case Node::VerticalContainer: case Node::HorizontalContainer: { bool isVertical = this->type == Node::VerticalContainer; // vars qreal minSize = qreal(48 * _scale); qreal totalFlex = this->getChildrensTotalFlex(isVertical); qreal totalSize = std::accumulate( this->children.begin(), this->children.end(), qreal(0), [=](int val, std::unique_ptr &node) { return val + std::max(this->getSize(isVertical) / totalFlex * node->getFlex(isVertical), minSize); }); qreal sizeMultiplier = this->getSize(isVertical) / totalSize; QRectF childRect = this->geometry; // add spacing if reqested if (addSpacing) { qreal offset = std::min(this->getSize(!isVertical) * 0.1, qreal(_scale * 24)); // droprect left / above dropRects.emplace_back( QRectF(this->geometry.left(), this->geometry.top(), isVertical ? offset : this->geometry.width(), isVertical ? this->geometry.height() : offset) .toRect(), Position(this, isVertical ? Direction::Left : Direction::Above)); // droprect right / below if (isVertical) { dropRects.emplace_back( QRectF(this->geometry.right() - offset, this->geometry.top(), offset, this->geometry.height()) .toRect(), Position(this, Direction::Right)); } else { dropRects.emplace_back( QRectF(this->geometry.left(), this->geometry.bottom() - offset, this->geometry.width(), offset) .toRect(), Position(this, Direction::Below)); } // shrink childRect if (isVertical) { childRect.setLeft(childRect.left() + offset); childRect.setRight(childRect.right() - offset); } else { childRect.setTop(childRect.top() + offset); childRect.setBottom(childRect.bottom() - offset); } } // iterate children qreal pos = isVertical ? childRect.top() : childRect.left(); for (std::unique_ptr &child : this->children) { // set rect QRectF rect = childRect; if (isVertical) { rect.setTop(pos); rect.setHeight( std::max(this->geometry.height() / totalFlex * child->flexV, minSize) * sizeMultiplier); } else { rect.setLeft(pos); rect.setWidth(std::max(this->geometry.width() / totalFlex * child->flexH, minSize) * sizeMultiplier); } child->geometry = rect; child->layout(addSpacing, _scale, dropRects, resizeRects); pos += child->getSize(isVertical); // add resize rect if (child != this->children.front()) { QRectF r = isVertical ? QRectF(this->geometry.left(), child->geometry.top() - 4, this->geometry.width(), 8) : QRectF(child->geometry.left() - 4, this->geometry.top(), 8, this->geometry.height()); resizeRects.push_back(ResizeRect(r.toRect(), child.get(), isVertical)); } // normalize flex if (isVertical) { child->flexV = child->flexV / totalFlex * this->children.size(); child->flexH = 1; } else { child->flexH = child->flexH / totalFlex * this->children.size(); child->flexV = 1; } } } break; }; } SplitContainer::Node::Type SplitContainer::Node::toContainerType(Direction _dir) { return _dir == Direction::Left || _dir == Direction::Right ? Type::HorizontalContainer : Type::VerticalContainer; } // // DropOverlay // SplitContainer::DropOverlay::DropOverlay(SplitContainer *_parent) : QWidget(_parent) , mouseOverPoint(-10000, -10000) , parent(_parent) { this->setMouseTracking(true); this->setAcceptDrops(true); } void SplitContainer::DropOverlay::setRects(std::vector _rects) { this->rects = std::move(_rects); } // pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal dragEnded; void SplitContainer::DropOverlay::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); // painter.fillRect(this->rect(), QColor("#334")); bool foundMover = false; for (DropRect &rect : this->rects) { if (!foundMover && rect.rect.contains(this->mouseOverPoint)) { painter.setBrush(getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreview); painter.setPen(getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreviewBorder); foundMover = true; } else { painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); // painter.setPen(getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreviewBorder); } painter.drawRect(rect.rect); } } void SplitContainer::DropOverlay::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } void SplitContainer::DropOverlay::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); this->mouseOverPoint = event->pos(); this->update(); } void SplitContainer::DropOverlay::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *) { this->mouseOverPoint = QPoint(-10000, -10000); this->close(); this->dragEnded.invoke(); } void SplitContainer::DropOverlay::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { Position *position = nullptr; for (DropRect &rect : this->rects) { if (rect.rect.contains(this->mouseOverPoint)) { position = &rect.position; break; } } if (position != nullptr) { this->parent->insertSplit(SplitContainer::draggingSplit, *position); event->acceptProposedAction(); } this->mouseOverPoint = QPoint(-10000, -10000); this->close(); this->dragEnded.invoke(); } // // ResizeHandle // void SplitContainer::ResizeHandle::setVertical(bool isVertical) { this->setCursor(isVertical ? Qt::SplitVCursor : Qt::SplitHCursor); this->vertical = isVertical; } SplitContainer::ResizeHandle::ResizeHandle(SplitContainer *_parent) : QWidget(_parent) , parent(_parent) { this->setMouseTracking(true); this->hide(); } void SplitContainer::ResizeHandle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(QPen(getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreviewBorder, 2)); painter.fillRect(this->rect(), getApp()->themes->splits.dropPreview); if (this->vertical) { painter.drawLine(0, this->height() / 2, this->width(), this->height() / 2); } else { painter.drawLine(this->width() / 2, 0, this->width() / 2, this->height()); } } void SplitContainer::ResizeHandle::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) { this->isMouseDown = true; } void SplitContainer::ResizeHandle::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { this->isMouseDown = false; } void SplitContainer::ResizeHandle::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!this->isMouseDown) { return; } assert(node != nullptr); assert(node->parent != nullptr); auto &siblings = node->parent->getChildren(); auto it = std::find_if(siblings.begin(), siblings.end(), [this](const std::unique_ptr &n) { return n.get() == this->node; }); assert(it != siblings.end()); Node *before = siblings[it - siblings.begin() - 1].get(); QPoint topLeft = this->parent->mapToGlobal(before->geometry.topLeft().toPoint()); QPoint bottomRight = this->parent->mapToGlobal(this->node->geometry.bottomRight().toPoint()); int globalX = topLeft.x() > event->globalX() ? topLeft.x() : (bottomRight.x() < event->globalX() ? bottomRight.x() : event->globalX()); int globalY = topLeft.y() > event->globalY() ? topLeft.y() : (bottomRight.y() < event->globalY() ? bottomRight.y() : event->globalY()); QPoint mousePoint(globalX, globalY); if (this->vertical) { qreal totalFlexV = this->node->flexV + before->flexV; before->flexV = totalFlexV * (mousePoint.y() - topLeft.y()) / (bottomRight.y() - topLeft.y()); this->node->flexV = totalFlexV - before->flexV; this->parent->layout(); // move handle this->move(this->x(), int(before->geometry.bottom() - 4)); } else { qreal totalFlexH = this->node->flexH + before->flexH; before->flexH = totalFlexH * (mousePoint.x() - topLeft.x()) / (bottomRight.x() - topLeft.x()); this->node->flexH = totalFlexH - before->flexH; this->parent->layout(); // move handle this->move(int(before->geometry.right() - 4), this->y()); } } } // namespace widgets } // namespace chatterino