#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail if [ ! -d chatterino.app ]; then echo "ERROR: No 'chatterino.app' dir found in the build directory. Make sure you've run ./CI/MacDeploy.sh" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$OUTPUT_DMG_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: Must specify the path for where to save the final .dmg. Make sure you've set the OUTPUT_DMG_PATH environment variable." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$SKIP_VENV" ]; then echo "Creating python3 virtual environment" python3 -m venv venv echo "Entering python3 virtual environment" . venv/bin/activate echo "Installing dmgbuild" python3 -m pip install dmgbuild fi if [ -n "$MACOS_CODESIGN_CERTIFICATE" ]; then echo "Codesigning force deep inside the app" codesign -s "$MACOS_CODESIGN_CERTIFICATE" --deep --force chatterino.app echo "Done!" fi echo "Running dmgbuild.." dmgbuild --settings ./../.CI/dmg-settings.py -D app=./chatterino.app Chatterino2 "$OUTPUT_DMG_PATH" echo "Done!" if [ -n "$MACOS_CODESIGN_CERTIFICATE" ]; then echo "Codesigning the dmg" codesign -s "$MACOS_CODESIGN_CERTIFICATE" --deep --force "$OUTPUT_DMG_PATH" echo "Done!" fi