#include "widgets/TooltipWidget.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "messages/Image.hpp" #include "singletons/Fonts.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include // number of columns in grid mode #define GRID_NUM_COLS 3 namespace { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN template inline constexpr T *tooltipParentFor(T * /*desiredParent*/) { return nullptr; } #else template inline constexpr T *tooltipParentFor(T *desiredParent) { return desiredParent; } #endif } // namespace namespace chatterino { TooltipWidget::TooltipWidget(BaseWidget *parent) : BaseWindow({BaseWindow::TopMost, BaseWindow::DontFocus, BaseWindow::DisableLayoutSave}, tooltipParentFor(parent)) { assert(parent != nullptr); QObject::connect(parent, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QObject::deleteLater); this->setStyleSheet("color: #fff; background: rgba(11, 11, 11, 0.8)"); this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); this->setWindowFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint, true); // Default to using vertical layout this->initializeVLayout(); this->setLayout(this->vLayout_); this->currentStyle_ = TooltipStyle::Vertical; this->connections_.managedConnect(getFonts()->fontChanged, [this] { this->updateFont(); }); this->updateFont(); auto *windows = getIApp()->getWindows(); this->connections_.managedConnect(windows->gifRepaintRequested, [this] { if (!this->isVisible()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < this->visibleEntries_; ++i) { auto *entry = this->entryAt(i); if (entry && entry->animated()) { entry->refreshPixmap(); } } }); this->connections_.managedConnect( windows->layoutRequested, [this](auto *chan) { if (chan != nullptr || !this->isVisible()) { return; } bool needSizeAdjustment = false; for (int i = 0; i < this->visibleEntries_; ++i) { auto *entry = this->entryAt(i); if (entry->hasImage() && entry->attemptRefresh()) { bool successfullyUpdated = entry->refreshPixmap(); needSizeAdjustment |= successfullyUpdated; } } if (needSizeAdjustment) { this->adjustSize(); this->applyLastBoundsCheck(); } }); } void TooltipWidget::setOne(const TooltipEntry &entry, TooltipStyle style) { this->set({entry}, style); } void TooltipWidget::set(const std::vector &entries, TooltipStyle style) { this->setCurrentStyle(style); int delta = entries.size() - this->currentLayoutCount(); if (delta > 0) { // Need to add more TooltipEntry instances int base = this->currentLayoutCount(); for (int i = 0; i < delta; ++i) { this->addNewEntry(base + i); } } this->setVisibleEntries(entries.size()); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { if (auto *entryWidget = this->entryAt(i)) { const auto &entry = entries[i]; entryWidget->setImage(entry.image); entryWidget->setText(entry.text); entryWidget->setImageScale(entry.customWidth, entry.customHeight); } } this->adjustSize(); } void TooltipWidget::setVisibleEntries(int n) { for (int i = 0; i < this->currentLayoutCount(); ++i) { auto *entry = this->entryAt(i); if (entry == nullptr) { continue; } if (i >= n) { entry->hide(); entry->clearImage(); } else { entry->show(); } } this->visibleEntries_ = n; } void TooltipWidget::addNewEntry(int absoluteIndex) { switch (this->currentStyle_) { case TooltipStyle::Vertical: this->vLayout_->addWidget(new TooltipEntryWidget(), Qt::AlignHCenter); return; case TooltipStyle::Grid: if (absoluteIndex == 0) { // Top row spans all columns this->gLayout_->addWidget(new TooltipEntryWidget(), 0, 0, 1, GRID_NUM_COLS, Qt::AlignCenter); } else { int row = ((absoluteIndex - 1) / GRID_NUM_COLS) + 1; int col = (absoluteIndex - 1) % GRID_NUM_COLS; this->gLayout_->addWidget(new TooltipEntryWidget(), row, col, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom); } return; default: return; } } // May be nullptr QLayout *TooltipWidget::currentLayout() const { switch (this->currentStyle_) { case TooltipStyle::Vertical: return this->vLayout_; case TooltipStyle::Grid: return this->gLayout_; default: return nullptr; } } int TooltipWidget::currentLayoutCount() const { if (auto *layout = this->currentLayout()) { return layout->count(); } return 0; } // May be nullptr TooltipEntryWidget *TooltipWidget::entryAt(int n) { if (auto *layout = this->currentLayout()) { return dynamic_cast(layout->itemAt(n)->widget()); } return nullptr; } void TooltipWidget::setCurrentStyle(TooltipStyle style) { if (this->currentStyle_ == style) { // Nothing to update return; } this->clearEntries(); this->deleteCurrentLayout(); switch (style) { case TooltipStyle::Vertical: this->initializeVLayout(); this->setLayout(this->vLayout_); break; case TooltipStyle::Grid: this->initializeGLayout(); this->setLayout(this->gLayout_); break; default: break; } this->currentStyle_ = style; } void TooltipWidget::deleteCurrentLayout() { auto *currentLayout = this->layout(); delete currentLayout; switch (this->currentStyle_) { case TooltipStyle::Vertical: this->vLayout_ = nullptr; break; case TooltipStyle::Grid: this->gLayout_ = nullptr; break; default: break; } } void TooltipWidget::initializeVLayout() { auto *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); vLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); vLayout->setContentsMargins(10, 5, 10, 5); vLayout->setSpacing(10); this->vLayout_ = vLayout; } void TooltipWidget::initializeGLayout() { auto *gLayout = new QGridLayout(this); gLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); gLayout->setContentsMargins(10, 5, 10, 5); gLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(8); gLayout->setVerticalSpacing(10); this->gLayout_ = gLayout; } void TooltipWidget::themeChangedEvent() { // this->setStyleSheet("color: #fff; background: #000"); } void TooltipWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.fillRect(this->rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, int(0.8 * 255))); } void TooltipWidget::scaleChangedEvent(float) { this->updateFont(); } void TooltipWidget::updateFont() { this->setFont( getFonts()->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMediumSmall, this->scale())); } void TooltipWidget::setWordWrap(bool wrap) { for (int i = 0; i < this->visibleEntries_; ++i) { auto *entry = this->entryAt(i); if (entry) { entry->setWordWrap(wrap); } } } void TooltipWidget::clearEntries() { this->setVisibleEntries(0); } void TooltipWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { this->clearEntries(); } void TooltipWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { this->adjustSize(); } void TooltipWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *) { // clear parents event } void TooltipWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { // clear parents event } } // namespace chatterino