#include "widgets/helper/NotebookTab.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Common.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyCategory.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyController.hpp" #include "singletons/Fonts.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Theme.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/SettingsDialog.hpp" #include "widgets/Notebook.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/DraggedSplit.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitContainer.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { namespace { // Translates the given rectangle by an amount in the direction to appear like the tab is selected. // For example, if location is Top, the rectangle will be translated in the negative Y direction, // or "up" on the screen, by amount. void translateRectForLocation(QRect &rect, NotebookTabLocation location, int amount) { switch (location) { case NotebookTabLocation::Top: rect.translate(0, -amount); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Left: rect.translate(-amount, 0); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Right: rect.translate(amount, 0); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Bottom: rect.translate(0, amount); break; } } } // namespace NotebookTab::NotebookTab(Notebook *notebook) : Button(notebook) , positionChangedAnimation_(this, "pos") , notebook_(notebook) , menu_(this) { this->setAcceptDrops(true); this->positionChangedAnimation_.setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InCubic)); getSettings()->showTabCloseButton.connectSimple( boost::bind(&NotebookTab::hideTabXChanged, this), this->managedConnections_); getSettings()->showTabLive.connect( [this](auto, auto) { this->update(); }, this->managedConnections_); this->setMouseTracking(true); this->menu_.addAction("Rename Tab", [this]() { this->showRenameDialog(); }); // XXX: this doesn't update after changing hotkeys this->menu_.addAction( "Close Tab", [this]() { this->notebook_->removePage(this->page); }, getApp()->getHotkeys()->getDisplaySequence(HotkeyCategory::Window, "removeTab")); this->menu_.addAction( "Popup Tab", [this]() { if (auto *container = dynamic_cast(this->page)) { container->popup(); } }, getApp()->getHotkeys()->getDisplaySequence(HotkeyCategory::Window, "popup", {{"window"}})); this->menu_.addAction("Duplicate Tab", [this]() { this->notebook_->duplicatePage(this->page); }); highlightNewMessagesAction_ = new QAction("Mark Tab as Unread on New Messages", &this->menu_); highlightNewMessagesAction_->setCheckable(true); highlightNewMessagesAction_->setChecked(highlightEnabled_); QObject::connect(highlightNewMessagesAction_, &QAction::triggered, [this](bool checked) { this->highlightEnabled_ = checked; }); this->menu_.addAction(highlightNewMessagesAction_); this->menu_.addSeparator(); this->notebook_->addNotebookActionsToMenu(&this->menu_); } void NotebookTab::showRenameDialog() { auto *dialog = new QDialog(this); auto *vbox = new QVBoxLayout; auto *lineEdit = new QLineEdit; lineEdit->setText(this->getCustomTitle()); lineEdit->setPlaceholderText(this->getDefaultTitle()); lineEdit->selectAll(); vbox->addWidget(new QLabel("Name:")); vbox->addWidget(lineEdit); vbox->addStretch(1); auto *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); vbox->addWidget(buttonBox); dialog->setLayout(vbox); QObject::connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, [dialog] { dialog->accept(); dialog->close(); }); QObject::connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, [dialog] { dialog->reject(); dialog->close(); }); dialog->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); dialog->setMinimumSize(dialog->minimumSizeHint().width() + 50, dialog->minimumSizeHint().height() + 10); dialog->setWindowFlags( (dialog->windowFlags() & ~(Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint)) | Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint); dialog->setWindowTitle("Rename Tab"); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString newTitle = lineEdit->text(); this->setCustomTitle(newTitle); } } void NotebookTab::themeChangedEvent() { this->update(); // this->setMouseEffectColor(QColor("#999")); this->setMouseEffectColor(this->theme->tabs.regular.text); } void NotebookTab::growWidth(int width) { if (this->growWidth_ != width) { this->growWidth_ = width; this->updateSize(); } else { this->growWidth_ = width; } } int NotebookTab::normalTabWidth() const { return this->normalTabWidthForHeight(this->height()); } int NotebookTab::normalTabWidthForHeight(int height) const { float scale = this->scale(); int width = 0; QFontMetrics metrics = getApp()->getFonts()->getFontMetrics(FontStyle::UiTabs, scale); if (this->hasXButton()) { width = (metrics.horizontalAdvance(this->getTitle()) + int(32 * scale)); } else { width = (metrics.horizontalAdvance(this->getTitle()) + int(16 * scale)); } if (static_cast(height) > 150 * scale) { width = height; } else { width = std::clamp(width, height, static_cast(150 * scale)); } return width; } void NotebookTab::updateSize() { float scale = this->scale(); auto height = static_cast(NOTEBOOK_TAB_HEIGHT * scale); int width = this->normalTabWidthForHeight(height); if (width < this->growWidth_) { width = this->growWidth_; } if (this->width() != width || this->height() != height) { this->resize(width, height); this->notebook_->refresh(); } } const QString &NotebookTab::getCustomTitle() const { return this->customTitle_; } void NotebookTab::setCustomTitle(const QString &newTitle) { if (this->customTitle_ != newTitle) { this->customTitle_ = newTitle; this->titleUpdated(); } } void NotebookTab::resetCustomTitle() { this->setCustomTitle(QString()); } bool NotebookTab::hasCustomTitle() const { return !this->customTitle_.isEmpty(); } void NotebookTab::setDefaultTitle(const QString &title) { if (this->defaultTitle_ != title) { this->defaultTitle_ = title; if (this->customTitle_.isEmpty()) { this->titleUpdated(); } } } const QString &NotebookTab::getDefaultTitle() const { return this->defaultTitle_; } const QString &NotebookTab::getTitle() const { return this->customTitle_.isEmpty() ? this->defaultTitle_ : this->customTitle_; } void NotebookTab::titleUpdated() { // Queue up save because: Tab title changed getApp()->getWindows()->queueSave(); this->notebook_->refresh(); this->updateSize(); this->update(); } bool NotebookTab::isSelected() const { return this->selected_; } void NotebookTab::setSelected(bool value) { this->selected_ = value; this->highlightState_ = HighlightState::None; this->update(); } void NotebookTab::setInLastRow(bool value) { if (this->isInLastRow_ != value) { this->isInLastRow_ = value; this->update(); } } void NotebookTab::setTabLocation(NotebookTabLocation location) { if (this->tabLocation_ != location) { this->tabLocation_ = location; this->update(); } } bool NotebookTab::setRerun(bool isRerun) { if (this->isRerun_ != isRerun) { this->isRerun_ = isRerun; this->update(); return true; } return false; } bool NotebookTab::setLive(bool isLive) { if (this->isLive_ != isLive) { this->isLive_ = isLive; this->update(); return true; } return false; } bool NotebookTab::isLive() const { return this->isLive_; } void NotebookTab::setHighlightState(HighlightState newHighlightStyle) { if (this->isSelected()) { return; } if (!this->highlightEnabled_ && newHighlightStyle == HighlightState::NewMessage) { return; } if (this->highlightState_ == newHighlightStyle || this->highlightState_ == HighlightState::Highlighted) { return; } this->highlightState_ = newHighlightStyle; this->update(); } HighlightState NotebookTab::highlightState() const { return this->highlightState_; } void NotebookTab::setHighlightsEnabled(const bool &newVal) { this->highlightNewMessagesAction_->setChecked(newVal); this->highlightEnabled_ = newVal; } bool NotebookTab::hasHighlightsEnabled() const { return this->highlightEnabled_; } QRect NotebookTab::getDesiredRect() const { return QRect(this->positionAnimationDesiredPoint_, size()); } void NotebookTab::hideTabXChanged() { this->updateSize(); this->update(); } void NotebookTab::moveAnimated(QPoint targetPos, bool animated) { this->positionAnimationDesiredPoint_ = targetPos; if (!animated || !this->notebook_->isVisible()) { this->move(targetPos); return; } if (this->positionChangedAnimation_.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running && this->positionChangedAnimation_.endValue() == targetPos) { return; } this->positionChangedAnimation_.stop(); this->positionChangedAnimation_.setDuration(75); this->positionChangedAnimation_.setStartValue(this->pos()); this->positionChangedAnimation_.setEndValue(targetPos); this->positionChangedAnimation_.start(); } void NotebookTab::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { auto *app = getApp(); QPainter painter(this); float scale = this->scale(); painter.setFont(app->getFonts()->getFont(FontStyle::UiTabs, scale)); QFontMetrics metrics = app->getFonts()->getFontMetrics(FontStyle::UiTabs, scale); int height = int(scale * NOTEBOOK_TAB_HEIGHT); // select the right tab colors Theme::TabColors colors; if (this->selected_) { colors = this->theme->tabs.selected; } else if (this->highlightState_ == HighlightState::Highlighted) { colors = this->theme->tabs.highlighted; } else if (this->highlightState_ == HighlightState::NewMessage) { colors = this->theme->tabs.newMessage; } else { colors = this->theme->tabs.regular; } bool windowFocused = this->window() == QApplication::activeWindow(); QBrush tabBackground = /*this->mouseOver_ ? colors.backgrounds.hover :*/ (windowFocused ? colors.backgrounds.regular : colors.backgrounds.unfocused); auto selectionOffset = ceil((this->selected_ ? 0.f : 1.f) * scale); // fill the tab background auto bgRect = this->rect(); switch (this->tabLocation_) { case NotebookTabLocation::Top: bgRect.setTop(selectionOffset); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Left: bgRect.setLeft(selectionOffset); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Right: bgRect.setRight(bgRect.width() - selectionOffset); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Bottom: bgRect.setBottom(bgRect.height() - selectionOffset); break; } painter.fillRect(bgRect, tabBackground); // draw color indicator line auto lineThickness = ceil((this->selected_ ? 2.f : 1.f) * scale); auto lineColor = this->mouseOver_ ? colors.line.hover : (windowFocused ? colors.line.regular : colors.line.unfocused); QRect lineRect; switch (this->tabLocation_) { case NotebookTabLocation::Top: lineRect = QRect(bgRect.left(), bgRect.y(), bgRect.width(), lineThickness); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Left: lineRect = QRect(bgRect.x(), bgRect.top(), lineThickness, bgRect.height()); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Right: lineRect = QRect(bgRect.right() - lineThickness, bgRect.top(), lineThickness, bgRect.height()); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Bottom: lineRect = QRect(bgRect.left(), bgRect.bottom() - lineThickness, bgRect.width(), lineThickness); break; } painter.fillRect(lineRect, lineColor); // draw live indicator if ((this->isLive_ || this->isRerun_) && getSettings()->showTabLive) { // Live overrides rerun QBrush b; if (this->isLive_) { painter.setPen(this->theme->tabs.liveIndicator); b.setColor(this->theme->tabs.liveIndicator); } else { painter.setPen(this->theme->tabs.rerunIndicator); b.setColor(this->theme->tabs.rerunIndicator); } painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); b.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); painter.setBrush(b); auto x = this->width() - (7 * scale); auto y = 4 * scale; auto diameter = 4 * scale; QRect liveIndicatorRect(x, y, diameter, diameter); translateRectForLocation(liveIndicatorRect, this->tabLocation_, this->selected_ ? 0 : -1); painter.drawEllipse(liveIndicatorRect); } // set the pen color painter.setPen(colors.text); // set area for text int rectW = (!getSettings()->showTabCloseButton ? 0 : int(16 * scale)); QRect rect(0, 0, this->width() - rectW, height); // draw text int offset = int(scale * 8); QRect textRect(offset, 0, this->width() - offset - offset, height); translateRectForLocation(textRect, this->tabLocation_, this->selected_ ? -1 : -2); if (this->shouldDrawXButton()) { textRect.setRight(textRect.right() - this->height() / 2); } int width = metrics.horizontalAdvance(this->getTitle()); Qt::Alignment alignment = width > textRect.width() ? Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter; QTextOption option(alignment); option.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); painter.drawText(textRect, this->getTitle(), option); // draw close x if (this->shouldDrawXButton()) { painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); QRect xRect = this->getXRect(); if (!xRect.isNull()) { painter.setBrush(QColor("#fff")); if (this->mouseOverX_) { painter.fillRect(xRect, QColor(0, 0, 0, 64)); if (this->mouseDownX_) { painter.fillRect(xRect, QColor(0, 0, 0, 64)); } } int a = static_cast(scale * 4); painter.drawLine(xRect.topLeft() + QPoint(a, a), xRect.bottomRight() + QPoint(-a, -a)); painter.drawLine(xRect.topRight() + QPoint(-a, a), xRect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(a, -a)); } } // draw mouse over effect if (!this->selected_) { this->fancyPaint(painter); } // draw line at border if (!this->selected_ && this->isInLastRow_) { QRect borderRect; switch (this->tabLocation_) { case NotebookTabLocation::Top: borderRect = QRect(0, this->height() - 1, this->width(), 1); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Left: borderRect = QRect(this->width() - 1, 0, 1, this->height()); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Right: borderRect = QRect(0, 0, 1, this->height()); break; case NotebookTabLocation::Bottom: borderRect = QRect(0, 0, this->width(), 1); break; } painter.fillRect(borderRect, app->getThemes()->window.background); } } bool NotebookTab::hasXButton() const { return getSettings()->showTabCloseButton && this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement(); } bool NotebookTab::shouldDrawXButton() const { return this->hasXButton() && (this->mouseOver_ || this->selected_); } void NotebookTab::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { this->mouseDown_ = true; this->mouseDownX_ = this->getXRect().contains(event->pos()); this->notebook_->select(page); } this->update(); if (this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement()) { switch (event->button()) { case Qt::RightButton: { this->menu_.popup(event->globalPos() + QPoint(0, 8)); } break; default:; } } } void NotebookTab::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { this->mouseDown_ = false; auto removeThisPage = [this] { auto reply = QMessageBox::question( this, "Remove this tab", "Are you sure that you want to remove this tab?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel); if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) { this->notebook_->removePage(this->page); } }; if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton && this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement()) { if (this->rect().contains(event->pos())) { removeThisPage(); } } else { if (this->hasXButton() && this->mouseDownX_ && this->getXRect().contains(event->pos())) { this->mouseDownX_ = false; removeThisPage(); } else { this->update(); } } } void NotebookTab::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement()) { this->showRenameDialog(); } } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) void NotebookTab::enterEvent(QEnterEvent *event) #else void NotebookTab::enterEvent(QEvent *event) #endif { this->mouseOver_ = true; this->update(); Button::enterEvent(event); } void NotebookTab::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { this->mouseOverX_ = false; this->mouseOver_ = false; this->update(); Button::leaveEvent(event); } void NotebookTab::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (!event->mimeData()->hasFormat("chatterino/split")) { return; } if (!isDraggingSplit()) { // Ensure dragging a split from a different Chatterino instance doesn't switch tabs around return; } if (this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement()) { this->notebook_->select(this->page); } } void NotebookTab::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (getSettings()->showTabCloseButton && this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement()) { bool overX = this->getXRect().contains(event->pos()); if (overX != this->mouseOverX_) { // Over X state has been changed (we either left or entered it; this->mouseOverX_ = overX; this->update(); } } QPoint relPoint = this->mapToParent(event->pos()); if (this->mouseDown_ && !this->getDesiredRect().contains(relPoint) && this->notebook_->getAllowUserTabManagement()) { int index; QWidget *clickedPage = this->notebook_->tabAt(relPoint, index, this->width()); if (clickedPage != nullptr && clickedPage != this->page) { this->notebook_->rearrangePage(this->page, index); } } Button::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void NotebookTab::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { const auto defaultMouseDelta = 120; const auto verticalDelta = event->angleDelta().y(); const auto selectTab = [this](int delta) { delta > 0 ? this->notebook_->selectPreviousTab() : this->notebook_->selectNextTab(); }; // If it's true // Then the user uses the trackpad or perhaps the most accurate mouse // Which has small delta. if (std::abs(verticalDelta) < defaultMouseDelta) { this->mouseWheelDelta_ += verticalDelta; if (std::abs(this->mouseWheelDelta_) >= defaultMouseDelta) { selectTab(this->mouseWheelDelta_); this->mouseWheelDelta_ = 0; } } else { selectTab(verticalDelta); } } void NotebookTab::update() { Button::update(); } QRect NotebookTab::getXRect() const { QRect rect = this->rect(); float s = this->scale(); int size = static_cast(16 * s); int centerAdjustment = this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Top ? (size / 3) // slightly off true center : (size / 2); // true center QRect xRect(rect.right() - static_cast(20 * s), rect.center().y() - centerAdjustment, size, size); if (this->selected_) { translateRectForLocation(xRect, this->tabLocation_, 1); } return xRect; } } // namespace chatterino