#include "emotemanager.hpp" #include "common.hpp" #include "singletons/settingsmanager.hpp" #include "singletons/windowmanager.hpp" #include "util/urlfetch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TWITCH_EMOTE_TEMPLATE "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/{id}/{scale}" using namespace chatterino::providers::twitch; using namespace chatterino::messages; namespace chatterino { namespace singletons { namespace { QString GetTwitchEmoteLink(long id, const QString &emoteScale) { QString value = TWITCH_EMOTE_TEMPLATE; value.detach(); return value.replace("{id}", QString::number(id)).replace("{scale}", emoteScale); } QString GetBTTVEmoteLink(QString urlTemplate, const QString &id, const QString &emoteScale) { urlTemplate.detach(); return urlTemplate.replace("{{id}}", id).replace("{{image}}", emoteScale); } QString GetFFZEmoteLink(const QJsonObject &urls, const QString &emoteScale) { auto emote = urls.value(emoteScale); if (emote.isUndefined()) { return ""; } assert(emote.isString()); return "http:" + emote.toString(); } void FillInFFZEmoteData(const QJsonObject &urls, const QString &code, const QString &tooltip, util::EmoteData &emoteData) { QString url1x = GetFFZEmoteLink(urls, "1"); QString url2x = GetFFZEmoteLink(urls, "2"); QString url3x = GetFFZEmoteLink(urls, "4"); assert(!url1x.isEmpty()); emoteData.image1x = new Image(url1x, 1, code, tooltip); if (!url2x.isEmpty()) { emoteData.image2x = new Image(url2x, 0.5, code, tooltip); } if (!url3x.isEmpty()) { emoteData.image3x = new Image(url3x, 0.25, code, tooltip); } } } // namespace EmoteManager::EmoteManager() : findShortCodesRegex(":([-+\\w]+):") { auto &accountManager = AccountManager::getInstance(); accountManager.Twitch.userChanged.connect([this] { auto currentUser = AccountManager::getInstance().Twitch.getCurrent(); assert(currentUser); this->refreshTwitchEmotes(currentUser); }); } EmoteManager &EmoteManager::getInstance() { static EmoteManager instance; return instance; } void EmoteManager::loadGlobalEmotes() { this->loadEmojis(); this->loadBTTVEmotes(); this->loadFFZEmotes(); } void EmoteManager::reloadBTTVChannelEmotes(const QString &channelName, std::weak_ptr _map) { printf("[EmoteManager] Reload BTTV Channel Emotes for channel %s\n", qPrintable(channelName)); QString url("https://api.betterttv.net/2/channels/" + channelName); debug::Log("Request bttv channel emotes for {}", channelName); util::NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.setTimeout(3000); req.getJSON([this, channelName, _map](QJsonObject &rootNode) { debug::Log("Got bttv channel emotes for {}", channelName); auto map = _map.lock(); if (_map.expired()) { return; } map->clear(); auto emotesNode = rootNode.value("emotes").toArray(); QString linkTemplate = "https:" + rootNode.value("urlTemplate").toString(); std::vector codes; for (const QJsonValue &emoteNode : emotesNode) { QJsonObject emoteObject = emoteNode.toObject(); QString id = emoteObject.value("id").toString(); QString code = emoteObject.value("code").toString(); // emoteObject.value("imageType").toString(); QString link = linkTemplate; link.detach(); link = link.replace("{{id}}", id).replace("{{image}}", "1x"); auto emote = this->getBTTVChannelEmoteFromCaches().getOrAdd(id, [&code, &link] { return util::EmoteData(new Image(link, 1, code, code + "
Channel BTTV Emote")); }); this->bttvChannelEmotes.insert(code, emote); map->insert(code, emote); codes.push_back(code.toStdString()); } this->bttvChannelEmoteCodes[channelName.toStdString()] = codes; }); } void EmoteManager::reloadFFZChannelEmotes(const QString &channelName, std::weak_ptr _map) { printf("[EmoteManager] Reload FFZ Channel Emotes for channel %s\n", qPrintable(channelName)); QString url("https://api.frankerfacez.com/v1/room/" + channelName); util::NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.setTimeout(3000); req.getJSON([this, channelName, _map](QJsonObject &rootNode) { auto map = _map.lock(); if (_map.expired()) { return; } map->clear(); auto setsNode = rootNode.value("sets").toObject(); std::vector codes; for (const QJsonValue &setNode : setsNode) { auto emotesNode = setNode.toObject().value("emoticons").toArray(); for (const QJsonValue &emoteNode : emotesNode) { QJsonObject emoteObject = emoteNode.toObject(); // margins int id = emoteObject.value("id").toInt(); QString code = emoteObject.value("name").toString(); QJsonObject urls = emoteObject.value("urls").toObject(); auto emote = this->getFFZChannelEmoteFromCaches().getOrAdd(id, [&code, &urls] { util::EmoteData emoteData; FillInFFZEmoteData(urls, code, code + "
Channel FFZ Emote", emoteData); return emoteData; }); this->ffzChannelEmotes.insert(code, emote); map->insert(code, emote); codes.push_back(code.toStdString()); } this->ffzChannelEmoteCodes[channelName.toStdString()] = codes; } }); } util::ConcurrentMap &EmoteManager::getTwitchEmotes() { return _twitchEmotes; } util::EmoteMap &EmoteManager::getFFZEmotes() { return ffzGlobalEmotes; } util::EmoteMap &EmoteManager::getChatterinoEmotes() { return _chatterinoEmotes; } util::EmoteMap &EmoteManager::getBTTVChannelEmoteFromCaches() { return _bttvChannelEmoteFromCaches; } util::EmojiMap &EmoteManager::getEmojis() { return this->emojis; } util::ConcurrentMap &EmoteManager::getFFZChannelEmoteFromCaches() { return _ffzChannelEmoteFromCaches; } util::ConcurrentMap &EmoteManager::getTwitchEmoteFromCache() { return _twitchEmoteFromCache; } void EmoteManager::loadEmojis() { QFile file(":/emojidata.txt"); file.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream in(&file); uint unicodeBytes[4]; while (!in.atEnd()) { // Line example: sunglasses 1f60e QString line = in.readLine(); if (line.at(0) == '#') { // Ignore lines starting with # (comments) continue; } QStringList parts = line.split(' '); if (parts.length() < 2) { continue; } QString shortCode = parts[0]; QString code = parts[1]; QStringList unicodeCharacters = code.split('-'); if (unicodeCharacters.length() < 1) { continue; } int numUnicodeBytes = 0; for (const QString &unicodeCharacter : unicodeCharacters) { unicodeBytes[numUnicodeBytes++] = QString(unicodeCharacter).toUInt(nullptr, 16); } QString url = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/" "emojione/2.2.6/assets/png/" + code + ".png"; EmojiData emojiData{ QString::fromUcs4(unicodeBytes, numUnicodeBytes), // code, // shortCode, // {new Image(url, 0.35, ":" + shortCode + ":", ":" + shortCode + ":
Emoji")}, }; this->emojiShortCodeToEmoji.insert(shortCode, emojiData); this->emojiShortCodes.push_back(shortCode.toStdString()); this->emojiFirstByte[emojiData.value.at(0)].append(emojiData); this->emojis.insert(code, emojiData); } for (auto &p : this->emojiFirstByte) { std::stable_sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) { return lhs.value.length() > rhs.value.length(); }); } } void EmoteManager::parseEmojis(std::vector> &parsedWords, const QString &text) { int lastParsedEmojiEndIndex = 0; for (auto i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { const QChar character = text.at(i); if (character.isLowSurrogate()) { continue; } auto it = this->emojiFirstByte.find(character); if (it == this->emojiFirstByte.end()) { // No emoji starts with this character continue; } const QVector possibleEmojis = it.value(); int remainingCharacters = text.length() - i - 1; EmojiData matchedEmoji; int matchedEmojiLength = 0; for (const EmojiData &emoji : possibleEmojis) { int emojiExtraCharacters = emoji.value.length() - 1; if (emojiExtraCharacters > remainingCharacters) { // It cannot be this emoji, there's not enough space for it continue; } bool match = true; for (int j = 1; j < emoji.value.length(); ++j) { if (text.at(i + j) != emoji.value.at(j)) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { matchedEmoji = emoji; matchedEmojiLength = emoji.value.length(); break; } } if (matchedEmojiLength == 0) { continue; } int currentParsedEmojiFirstIndex = i; int currentParsedEmojiEndIndex = i + (matchedEmojiLength); int charactersFromLastParsedEmoji = currentParsedEmojiFirstIndex - lastParsedEmojiEndIndex; if (charactersFromLastParsedEmoji > 0) { // Add characters inbetween emojis parsedWords.emplace_back(util::EmoteData(), text.mid(lastParsedEmojiEndIndex, charactersFromLastParsedEmoji)); } // Push the emoji as a word to parsedWords parsedWords.push_back( std::tuple(matchedEmoji.emoteData, QString())); lastParsedEmojiEndIndex = currentParsedEmojiEndIndex; i += matchedEmojiLength - 1; } if (lastParsedEmojiEndIndex < text.length()) { // Add remaining characters parsedWords.emplace_back(util::EmoteData(), text.mid(lastParsedEmojiEndIndex)); } } QString EmoteManager::replaceShortCodes(const QString &text) { QString ret(text); auto it = this->findShortCodesRegex.globalMatch(text); int32_t offset = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { auto match = it.next(); auto capturedString = match.captured(); QString matchString = capturedString.toLower().mid(1, capturedString.size() - 2); auto emojiIt = this->emojiShortCodeToEmoji.constFind(matchString); if (emojiIt == this->emojiShortCodeToEmoji.constEnd()) { continue; } auto emojiData = emojiIt.value(); ret.replace(offset + match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), emojiData.value); offset += emojiData.value.size() - match.capturedLength(); } return ret; } void EmoteManager::refreshTwitchEmotes(const std::shared_ptr &user) { debug::Log("Loading Twitch emotes for user {}", user->getUserName()); const auto &roomID = user->getUserId(); const auto &clientID = user->getOAuthClient(); const auto &oauthToken = user->getOAuthToken(); if (clientID.isEmpty() || oauthToken.isEmpty()) { debug::Log("Missing Client ID or OAuth token"); return; } TwitchAccountEmoteData &emoteData = this->twitchAccountEmotes[roomID.toStdString()]; if (emoteData.filled) { qDebug() << "Already loaded for room id " << roomID; return; } QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + roomID + "/emotes"); util::twitch::getAuthorized( url, clientID, oauthToken, QThread::currentThread(), [=, &emoteData](const QJsonObject &root) { emoteData.emoteSets.clear(); emoteData.emoteCodes.clear(); auto emoticonSets = root.value("emoticon_sets").toObject(); for (QJsonObject::iterator it = emoticonSets.begin(); it != emoticonSets.end(); ++it) { std::string emoteSetString = it.key().toStdString(); QJsonArray emoteSetList = it.value().toArray(); for (QJsonValue emoteValue : emoteSetList) { QJsonObject emoticon = emoteValue.toObject(); std::string id = emoticon["id"].toString().toStdString(); std::string code = emoticon["code"].toString().toStdString(); emoteData.emoteSets[emoteSetString].push_back({id, code}); emoteData.emoteCodes.push_back(code); } } emoteData.filled = true; }); } void EmoteManager::loadBTTVEmotes() { QString url("https://api.betterttv.net/2/emotes"); util::NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.setTimeout(30000); req.setUseQuickLoadCache(true); req.getJSON([this](QJsonObject &root) { debug::Log("Got global bttv emotes"); auto emotes = root.value("emotes").toArray(); QString urlTemplate = "https:" + root.value("urlTemplate").toString(); std::vector codes; for (const QJsonValue &emote : emotes) { QString id = emote.toObject().value("id").toString(); QString code = emote.toObject().value("code").toString(); util::EmoteData emoteData; emoteData.image1x = new Image(GetBTTVEmoteLink(urlTemplate, id, "1x"), 1, code, code + "
Global BTTV Emote"); emoteData.image2x = new Image(GetBTTVEmoteLink(urlTemplate, id, "2x"), 0.5, code, code + "
Global BTTV Emote"); emoteData.image3x = new Image(GetBTTVEmoteLink(urlTemplate, id, "3x"), 0.25, code, code + "
Global BTTV Emote"); this->bttvGlobalEmotes.insert(code, emoteData); codes.push_back(code.toStdString()); } this->bttvGlobalEmoteCodes = codes; }); } void EmoteManager::loadFFZEmotes() { QString url("https://api.frankerfacez.com/v1/set/global"); util::NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.setTimeout(30000); req.getJSON([this](QJsonObject &root) { debug::Log("Got global ffz emotes"); auto sets = root.value("sets").toObject(); std::vector codes; for (const QJsonValue &set : sets) { auto emoticons = set.toObject().value("emoticons").toArray(); for (const QJsonValue &emote : emoticons) { QJsonObject object = emote.toObject(); QString code = object.value("name").toString(); QJsonObject urls = object.value("urls").toObject(); util::EmoteData emoteData; FillInFFZEmoteData(urls, code, code + "
Global FFZ Emote", emoteData); this->ffzGlobalEmotes.insert(code, emoteData); codes.push_back(code.toStdString()); } this->ffzGlobalEmoteCodes = codes; } }); } // id is used for lookup // emoteName is used for giving a name to the emote in case it doesn't exist util::EmoteData EmoteManager::getTwitchEmoteById(long id, const QString &emoteName) { QString _emoteName = emoteName; _emoteName.replace("<", "<"); return _twitchEmoteFromCache.getOrAdd(id, [&emoteName, &_emoteName, &id] { util::EmoteData newEmoteData; newEmoteData.image1x = new Image(GetTwitchEmoteLink(id, "1.0"), 1, emoteName, _emoteName + "
Twitch Emote 1x"); newEmoteData.image2x = new Image(GetTwitchEmoteLink(id, "2.0"), .5, emoteName, _emoteName + "
Twitch Emote 2x"); newEmoteData.image3x = new Image(GetTwitchEmoteLink(id, "3.0"), .25, emoteName, _emoteName + "
Twitch Emote 3x"); return newEmoteData; }); } util::EmoteData EmoteManager::getCheerImage(long long amount, bool animated) { // TODO: fix this xD return util::EmoteData(); } pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal &EmoteManager::getGifUpdateSignal() { if (!this->gifUpdateTimerInitiated) { this->gifUpdateTimerInitiated = true; this->gifUpdateTimer.setInterval(30); this->gifUpdateTimer.start(); auto &settingManager = singletons::SettingManager::getInstance(); settingManager.enableGifAnimations.connect([this](bool enabled, auto) { if (enabled) { this->gifUpdateTimer.start(); } else { this->gifUpdateTimer.stop(); } }); QObject::connect(&this->gifUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this] { this->gifUpdateTimerSignal.invoke(); // fourtf: auto &windowManager = singletons::WindowManager::getInstance(); windowManager.repaintGifEmotes(); }); } return this->gifUpdateTimerSignal; } } // namespace singletons } // namespace chatterino #if 0 namespace chatterino { void EmojiTest() { auto &emoteManager = singletons::EmoteManager::getInstance(); emoteManager.loadEmojis(); { std::vector> dummy; // couple_mm 1f468-2764-1f468 // "\154075\156150❤\154075\156150" // [0] 55357 0xd83d QChar // [1] 56424 0xdc68 QChar // [2] '❤' 10084 0x2764 QChar // [3] 55357 0xd83d QChar // [4] 56424 0xdc68 QChar QString text = "👨❤👨"; emoteManager.parseEmojis(dummy, text); assert(dummy.size() == 1); } { std::vector> dummy; // "✍\154074\157777" // [0] '✍' 9997 0x270d QChar // [1] 55356 0xd83c QChar // [2] 57343 0xdfff QChar QString text = "✍🏿"; emoteManager.parseEmojis(dummy, text); assert(dummy.size() == 1); assert(std::get<0>(dummy[0]).isValid()); } { std::vector> dummy; QString text = "✍"; emoteManager.parseEmojis(dummy, text); assert(dummy.size() == 1); assert(std::get<0>(dummy[0]).isValid()); } } } // namespace chatterino #endif