#include "Button.hpp" #include "singletons/Theme.hpp" #include "util/FunctionEventFilter.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { namespace { // returns a new resized image or the old one if the size didn't change auto resizePixmap(const QPixmap ¤t, const QPixmap resized, const QSize &size) -> QPixmap { if (resized.size() == size) return resized; else return current.scaled(size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } } // namespace Button::Button(BaseWidget *parent) : BaseWidget(parent) { connect(&effectTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Button::onMouseEffectTimeout); this->effectTimer_.setInterval(20); this->effectTimer_.start(); this->setMouseTracking(true); } void Button::setMouseEffectColor(boost::optional color) { this->mouseEffectColor_ = std::move(color); } void Button::setPixmap(const QPixmap &_pixmap) { this->pixmap_ = _pixmap; this->resizedPixmap_ = {}; this->update(); } const QPixmap &Button::getPixmap() const { return this->pixmap_; } void Button::setDim(Dim value) { this->dimPixmap_ = value; this->update(); } Button::Dim Button::getDim() const { return this->dimPixmap_; } void Button::setEnable(bool value) { this->enabled_ = value; this->update(); } bool Button::getEnable() const { return this->enabled_; } void Button::setEnableMargin(bool value) { this->enableMargin_ = value; this->update(); } bool Button::getEnableMargin() const { return this->enableMargin_; } qreal Button::getCurrentDimAmount() const { if (this->dimPixmap_ == Dim::None || this->mouseOver_) return 1; else if (this->dimPixmap_ == Dim::Some) return 0.7; else return 0.15; } void Button::setBorderColor(const QColor &color) { this->borderColor_ = color; this->update(); } const QColor &Button::getBorderColor() const { return this->borderColor_; } void Button::setMenu(std::unique_ptr menu) { if (this->menu_) this->menu_.release()->deleteLater(); this->menu_ = std::move(menu); this->menu_->installEventFilter( new FunctionEventFilter(this, [this](QObject *, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Hide) { QTimer::singleShot(20, this, [this] { this->menuVisible_ = false; }); } return false; })); } void Button::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); if (!this->pixmap_.isNull()) { painter.setOpacity(this->getCurrentDimAmount()); QRect rect = this->rect(); this->resizedPixmap_ = resizePixmap(this->pixmap_, this->resizedPixmap_, rect.size()); int margin = this->height() < 22 * this->scale() ? 3 : 6; int s = this->enableMargin_ ? int(margin * this->scale()) : 0; rect.moveLeft(s); rect.setRight(rect.right() - s - s); rect.moveTop(s); rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - s - s); painter.drawPixmap(rect, this->resizedPixmap_); painter.setOpacity(1); } this->fancyPaint(painter); if (this->borderColor_.isValid()) { painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); painter.setPen(this->borderColor_); painter.drawRect(0, 0, this->width() - 1, this->height() - 1); } } void Button::fancyPaint(QPainter &painter) { if (!this->enabled_) { return; } painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QColor c; if (this->mouseEffectColor_) { c = this->mouseEffectColor_.get(); } else { c = this->theme->isLightTheme() ? QColor(0, 0, 0) : QColor(255, 255, 255); } if (this->hoverMultiplier_ > 0) { QRadialGradient gradient(QPointF(mousePos_), this->width() / 2); gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), int(50 * this->hoverMultiplier_))); gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), int(40 * this->hoverMultiplier_))); painter.fillRect(this->rect(), gradient); } for (auto effect : this->clickEffects_) { painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(QColor(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), int((1 - effect.progress) * 95))); painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(effect.position), effect.progress * qreal(width()) * 2, effect.progress * qreal(width()) * 2); } } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) void Button::enterEvent(QEnterEvent * /*event*/) #else void Button::enterEvent(QEvent * /*event*/) #endif { this->mouseOver_ = true; } void Button::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { this->mouseOver_ = false; } void Button::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!this->enabled_) { return; } if (event->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } this->clickEffects_.push_back(ClickEffect(event->pos())); this->mouseDown_ = true; emit this->leftMousePress(); if (this->menu_ && !this->menuVisible_) { QTimer::singleShot(80, this, [this] { this->showMenu(); }); this->mouseDown_ = false; this->mouseOver_ = false; } } void Button::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!this->enabled_) return; if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { this->mouseDown_ = false; if (this->rect().contains(event->pos())) emit leftClicked(); } emit clicked(event->button()); } void Button::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (this->enabled_) { this->mousePos_ = event->pos(); this->update(); } } void Button::onMouseEffectTimeout() { bool performUpdate = false; if (selected_) { if (this->hoverMultiplier_ != 0) { this->hoverMultiplier_ = std::max(0.0, this->hoverMultiplier_ - 0.1); performUpdate = true; } } else if (mouseOver_) { if (this->hoverMultiplier_ != 1) { this->hoverMultiplier_ = std::min(1.0, this->hoverMultiplier_ + 0.5); performUpdate = true; } } else { if (this->hoverMultiplier_ != 0) { this->hoverMultiplier_ = std::max(0.0, this->hoverMultiplier_ - 0.3); performUpdate = true; } } if (this->clickEffects_.size() != 0) { performUpdate = true; for (auto it = this->clickEffects_.begin(); it != this->clickEffects_.end();) { it->progress += mouseDown_ ? 0.02 : 0.07; if (it->progress >= 1.0) { it = this->clickEffects_.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } if (performUpdate) { update(); } } void Button::showMenu() { if (!this->menu_) return; auto menuSizeHint = this->menu_->sizeHint(); auto point = this->mapToGlobal( QPoint(this->width() - menuSizeHint.width(), this->height())); auto *screen = QApplication::screenAt(point); if (screen == nullptr) { screen = QApplication::primaryScreen(); } auto bounds = screen->availableGeometry(); if (point.y() + menuSizeHint.height() > bounds.bottom()) { // Menu doesn't fit going down, flip it to go up instead point.setY(point.y() - menuSizeHint.height() - this->height()); } this->menu_->popup(point); this->menuVisible_ = true; } } // namespace chatterino