EditHotkeyDialog 0 0 400 400 Edit Hotkey true 0 0 75 true true Something went wrong, you should never see this message :) Set a name for the hotkey so you will be able to identify it later Name: nameEdit true false A description of what the hotkey does. Category: categoryPicker Action: actionPicker false Pressing this keybinding will invoke the hotkey Keybinding: keyComboEdit You are not supposed to see this, please report this! Argument: Arguments: argumentsEdit You should never see this message :) argumentsDescription Newline separated arguments for the action 0 0 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok nameEdit categoryPicker actionPicker keyComboEdit argumentsEdit buttons accepted() EditHotkeyDialog afterEdit() 263 352 157 274 buttons rejected() EditHotkeyDialog reject() 331 352 286 274 categoryPicker currentIndexChanged(int) EditHotkeyDialog updatePossibleActions() 172 118 75 218 actionPicker currentIndexChanged(int) EditHotkeyDialog updateArgumentsInput() 172 156 74 201 afterEdit() updatePossibleActions() updateArgumentsInput()