# To add yourself to this list, or to update one of your fields, send a PR with this file updated # This list is displayed in the About section of the preferences window # TODO: Parse this into a CONTRIBUTORS.md too # Adding yourself? Copy and paste this template at the bottom of this file and fill in the fields in a PR! # Name | Link | Avatar (Loaded as a resource) | Title (description of work done). # Avatar should be located in avatars/ directory. Its size should be 128x128 (get it from https://github.com/username.png?size=128). # Make sure to reduce avatar's size as much as possible with tool like pngcrush or optipng (if the file is in png format) and run ./generate_resources.py # Contributor is what we use for someone who has contributed in general (like sent a programming-related PR). fourtf | https://fourtf.com | :/avatars/fourtf.png | Author, main developer pajlada | https://pajlada.se | :/avatars/pajlada.png | Collaborator, co-developer Cranken | https://github.com/Cranken | | Contributor hemirt | https://github.com/hemirt | | Contributor LajamerrMittesdine | https://github.com/LajamerrMittesdine | | Contributor coral | https://github.com/coral | | Contributor, design apa420 | https://github.com/apa420 | | Contributor DatGuy1 | https://github.com/DatGuy1 | | Contributor Confuseh | https://github.com/Confuseh | | Contributor ch-ems | https://github.com/ch-ems | | Contributor Bur0k | https://github.com/Bur0k | | Contributor nuuls | https://github.com/nuuls | | Contributor Chronophylos | https://github.com/Chronophylos | | Contributor Ckath | https://github.com/Ckath | | Contributor matijakevic | https://github.com/matijakevic | | Contributor nforro | https://github.com/nforro | | Contributor vanolpfan | https://github.com/vanolpfan | | Contributor 23rd | https://github.com/23rd | | Contributor machgo | https://github.com/machgo | | Contributor TranRed | https://github.com/TranRed | | Contributor RAnders00 | https://github.com/RAnders00 | | Contributor YungLPR | https://github.com/leon-richardt | | Contributor Mm2PL | https://github.com/mm2pl | :/avatars/mm2pl.png | Contributor gempir | https://github.com/gempir | | Contributor mfmarlow | https://github.com/mfmarlow | | Contributor dnsge | https://github.com/dnsge | | Contributor zneix | https://github.com/zneix | :/avatars/zneix.png | Contributor y0dax | https://github.com/y0dax | | Contributor Iulian Onofrei | https://github.com/revolter | :/avatars/revolter.jpg | Contributor matthewde | https://github.com/m4tthewde | :/avatars/matthewde.jpg | Contributor Karar Al-Remahy | https://github.com/KararTY | :/avatars/kararty.png | Contributor Talen | https://github.com/talneoran | | Contributor SLCH | https://github.com/SLCH | :/avatars/slch.png | Contributor ALazyMeme | https://github.com/alazymeme | :/avatars/alazymeme.png | Contributor xHeaveny_ | https://github.com/xHeaveny | :/avatars/xheaveny.png | Contributor 1xelerate | https://github.com/1xelerate | :/avatars/_1xelerate.png | Contributor acdvs | https://github.com/acdvs | | Contributor karl-police | https://github.com/karl-police | :/avatars/karlpolice.png | Contributor brian6932 | https://github.com/brian6932 | :/avatars/brian6932.png | Contributor # If you are a contributor add yourself above this line Defman21 | https://github.com/Defman21 | | Documentation vilgotf | https://github.com/vilgotf | | Documentation Ian321 | https://github.com/Ian321 | | Documentation Yardanico | https://github.com/Yardanico | | Documentation huti26 | https://github.com/huti26 | | Documentation chrisduerr | https://github.com/chrisduerr | | Documentation # Otherwise add yourself right above this one