#include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Common.hpp" #include "common/Env.hpp" #include "common/NetworkRequest.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "controllers/notifications/NotificationController.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "providers/bttv/BttvEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/bttv/LoadBttvChannelEmote.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/IrcMessageHandler.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/PubsubClient.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchMessageBuilder.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchParseCheerEmotes.hpp" #include "singletons/Emotes.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Toasts.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/PostToThread.hpp" #include "widgets/Window.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { namespace { constexpr int TITLE_REFRESH_PERIOD = 10; constexpr char MAGIC_MESSAGE_SUFFIX[] = u8" \U000E0000"; // parseRecentMessages takes a json object and returns a vector of // Communi IrcMessages auto parseRecentMessages(const QJsonObject &jsonRoot, ChannelPtr channel) { QJsonArray jsonMessages = jsonRoot.value("messages").toArray(); std::vector messages; if (jsonMessages.empty()) return messages; for (const auto jsonMessage : jsonMessages) { auto content = jsonMessage.toString().toUtf8(); messages.emplace_back( Communi::IrcMessage::fromData(content, nullptr)); } return messages; } std::pair parseChatters(const QJsonObject &jsonRoot) { static QStringList categories = {"broadcaster", "vips", "moderators", "staff", "admins", "global_mods", "viewers"}; auto usernames = UsernameSet(); // parse json QJsonObject jsonCategories = jsonRoot.value("chatters").toObject(); for (const auto &category : categories) { for (auto jsonCategory : jsonCategories.value(category).toArray()) { usernames.insert(jsonCategory.toString()); } } return {Success, std::move(usernames)}; } } // namespace TwitchChannel::TwitchChannel(const QString &name, TwitchBadges &globalTwitchBadges, BttvEmotes &bttv, FfzEmotes &ffz) : Channel(name, Channel::Type::Twitch) , ChannelChatters(*static_cast(this)) , subscriptionUrl_("https://www.twitch.tv/subs/" + name) , channelUrl_("https://twitch.tv/" + name) , popoutPlayerUrl_("https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=" + name) , globalTwitchBadges_(globalTwitchBadges) , globalBttv_(bttv) , globalFfz_(ffz) , bttvEmotes_(std::make_shared()) , ffzEmotes_(std::make_shared()) , mod_(false) , titleRefreshedTime_(QTime::currentTime().addSecs(-TITLE_REFRESH_PERIOD)) { qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel" << name << "] Opened"; this->liveStatusChanged.connect([this]() { if (this->isLive() == 1) { } }); this->managedConnect(getApp()->accounts->twitch.currentUserChanged, [=] { this->setMod(false); }); // pubsub this->managedConnect(getApp()->accounts->twitch.currentUserChanged, [=] { this->refreshPubsub(); }); this->refreshPubsub(); this->userStateChanged.connect([this] { this->refreshPubsub(); }); // room id loaded -> refresh live status this->roomIdChanged.connect([this]() { this->refreshPubsub(); this->refreshTitle(); this->refreshLiveStatus(); this->refreshBadges(); this->refreshCheerEmotes(); this->refreshFFZChannelEmotes(); this->refreshBTTVChannelEmotes(); }); // timers QObject::connect(&this->chattersListTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, [=] { this->refreshChatters(); }); this->chattersListTimer_.start(5 * 60 * 1000); QObject::connect(&this->liveStatusTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, [=] { this->refreshLiveStatus(); }); this->liveStatusTimer_.start(60 * 1000); // debugging #if 0 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { this->addMessage(makeSystemMessage("asef")); } #endif } void TwitchChannel::initialize() { this->refreshChatters(); this->refreshBadges(); } bool TwitchChannel::isEmpty() const { return this->getName().isEmpty(); } bool TwitchChannel::canSendMessage() const { return !this->isEmpty(); } void TwitchChannel::refreshBTTVChannelEmotes() { BttvEmotes::loadChannel( this->roomId(), [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&emoteMap) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) this->bttvEmotes_.set( std::make_shared(std::move(emoteMap))); }); } void TwitchChannel::refreshFFZChannelEmotes() { FfzEmotes::loadChannel( this->roomId(), [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&emoteMap) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) this->ffzEmotes_.set( std::make_shared(std::move(emoteMap))); }, [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&modBadge) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->ffzCustomModBadge_.set(std::move(modBadge)); } }); } void TwitchChannel::sendMessage(const QString &message) { auto app = getApp(); if (!app->accounts->twitch.isLoggedIn()) { // XXX: It would be nice if we could add a link here somehow that opened // the "account manager" dialog this->addMessage( makeSystemMessage("You need to log in to send messages. You can " "link your Twitch account in the settings.")); return; } qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel" << this->getName() << "] Send message:" << message; // Do last message processing QString parsedMessage = app->emotes->emojis.replaceShortCodes(message); parsedMessage = parsedMessage.trimmed(); if (parsedMessage.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!this->hasHighRateLimit()) { if (getSettings()->allowDuplicateMessages) { if (parsedMessage == this->lastSentMessage_) { parsedMessage.append(MAGIC_MESSAGE_SUFFIX); } } } bool messageSent = false; this->sendMessageSignal.invoke(this->getName(), parsedMessage, messageSent); if (messageSent) { qDebug() << "sent"; this->lastSentMessage_ = parsedMessage; } } bool TwitchChannel::isMod() const { return this->mod_; } bool TwitchChannel::isVip() const { return this->vip_; } bool TwitchChannel::isStaff() const { return this->staff_; } void TwitchChannel::setMod(bool value) { if (this->mod_ != value) { this->mod_ = value; this->userStateChanged.invoke(); } } void TwitchChannel::setVIP(bool value) { if (this->vip_ != value) { this->vip_ = value; this->userStateChanged.invoke(); } } void TwitchChannel::setStaff(bool value) { if (this->staff_ != value) { this->staff_ = value; this->userStateChanged.invoke(); } } bool TwitchChannel::isBroadcaster() const { auto app = getApp(); return this->getName() == app->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(); } bool TwitchChannel::hasHighRateLimit() const { return this->isMod() || this->isBroadcaster() || this->isVip(); } bool TwitchChannel::canReconnect() const { return true; } void TwitchChannel::reconnect() { getApp()->twitch.server->connect(); } QString TwitchChannel::roomId() const { return *this->roomID_.access(); } void TwitchChannel::setRoomId(const QString &id) { if (*this->roomID_.accessConst() != id) { *this->roomID_.access() = id; this->roomIdChanged.invoke(); this->loadRecentMessages(); } } AccessGuard TwitchChannel::accessRoomModes() const { return this->roomModes_.accessConst(); } void TwitchChannel::setRoomModes(const RoomModes &_roomModes) { this->roomModes_ = _roomModes; this->roomModesChanged.invoke(); } bool TwitchChannel::isLive() const { return this->streamStatus_.access()->live; } AccessGuard TwitchChannel::accessStreamStatus() const { return this->streamStatus_.accessConst(); } const TwitchBadges &TwitchChannel::globalTwitchBadges() const { return this->globalTwitchBadges_; } const BttvEmotes &TwitchChannel::globalBttv() const { return this->globalBttv_; } const FfzEmotes &TwitchChannel::globalFfz() const { return this->globalFfz_; } boost::optional TwitchChannel::bttvEmote(const EmoteName &name) const { auto emotes = this->bttvEmotes_.get(); auto it = emotes->find(name); if (it == emotes->end()) return boost::none; return it->second; } boost::optional TwitchChannel::ffzEmote(const EmoteName &name) const { auto emotes = this->ffzEmotes_.get(); auto it = emotes->find(name); if (it == emotes->end()) return boost::none; return it->second; } std::shared_ptr TwitchChannel::bttvEmotes() const { return this->bttvEmotes_.get(); } std::shared_ptr TwitchChannel::ffzEmotes() const { return this->ffzEmotes_.get(); } const QString &TwitchChannel::subscriptionUrl() { return this->subscriptionUrl_; } const QString &TwitchChannel::channelUrl() { return this->channelUrl_; } const QString &TwitchChannel::popoutPlayerUrl() { return this->popoutPlayerUrl_; } void TwitchChannel::setLive(bool newLiveStatus) { bool gotNewLiveStatus = false; { auto guard = this->streamStatus_.access(); if (guard->live != newLiveStatus) { gotNewLiveStatus = true; if (newLiveStatus) { if (getApp()->notifications->isChannelNotified( this->getName(), Platform::Twitch)) { if (Toasts::isEnabled()) { getApp()->toasts->sendChannelNotification( this->getName(), Platform::Twitch); } if (getSettings()->notificationPlaySound) { getApp()->notifications->playSound(); } if (getSettings()->notificationFlashTaskbar) { getApp()->windows->sendAlert(); } } auto live = makeSystemMessage(this->getDisplayName() + " is live"); this->addMessage(live); } else { auto offline = makeSystemMessage(this->getDisplayName() + " is offline"); this->addMessage(offline); } guard->live = newLiveStatus; } } if (gotNewLiveStatus) { this->liveStatusChanged.invoke(); } } void TwitchChannel::refreshTitle() { auto roomID = this->roomId(); if (roomID.isEmpty()) { return; } if (this->titleRefreshedTime_.elapsed() < TITLE_REFRESH_PERIOD * 1000) { return; } this->titleRefreshedTime_ = QTime::currentTime(); QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/" + roomID); NetworkRequest::twitchRequest(url) .onSuccess( [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) -> Outcome { ChannelPtr shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) return Failure; const auto document = result.parseRapidJson(); auto statusIt = document.FindMember("status"); if (statusIt == document.MemberEnd()) { return Failure; } { auto status = this->streamStatus_.access(); if (!rj::getSafe(statusIt->value, status->title)) { return Failure; } } this->liveStatusChanged.invoke(); return Success; }) .execute(); } void TwitchChannel::refreshLiveStatus() { auto roomID = this->roomId(); if (roomID.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel" << this->getName() << "] Refreshing live status (Missing ID)"; this->setLive(false); return; } QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/" + roomID); // auto request = makeGetStreamRequest(roomID, QThread::currentThread()); NetworkRequest::twitchRequest(url) .onSuccess( [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) -> Outcome { ChannelPtr shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) return Failure; return this->parseLiveStatus(result.parseRapidJson()); }) .execute(); } Outcome TwitchChannel::parseLiveStatus(const rapidjson::Document &document) { if (!document.IsObject()) { qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel:refreshLiveStatus] root is not an object"; return Failure; } if (!document.HasMember("stream")) { qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel:refreshLiveStatus] Missing stream in root"; return Failure; } const auto &stream = document["stream"]; if (!stream.IsObject()) { // Stream is offline (stream is most likely null) this->setLive(false); return Failure; } if (!stream.HasMember("viewers") || !stream.HasMember("game") || !stream.HasMember("channel") || !stream.HasMember("created_at")) { qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel:refreshLiveStatus] Missing members in stream"; this->setLive(false); return Failure; } const rapidjson::Value &streamChannel = stream["channel"]; if (!streamChannel.IsObject() || !streamChannel.HasMember("status")) { qDebug() << "[TwitchChannel:refreshLiveStatus] Missing member " "\"status\" in channel"; return Failure; } // Stream is live { auto status = this->streamStatus_.access(); status->viewerCount = stream["viewers"].GetUint(); status->game = stream["game"].GetString(); status->title = streamChannel["status"].GetString(); QDateTime since = QDateTime::fromString( stream["created_at"].GetString(), Qt::ISODate); auto diff = since.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); status->uptime = QString::number(diff / 3600) + "h " + QString::number(diff % 3600 / 60) + "m"; status->rerun = false; if (stream.HasMember("stream_type")) { status->streamType = stream["stream_type"].GetString(); } else { status->streamType = QString(); } if (stream.HasMember("broadcast_platform")) { const auto &broadcastPlatformValue = stream["broadcast_platform"]; if (broadcastPlatformValue.IsString()) { const char *broadcastPlatform = stream["broadcast_platform"].GetString(); if (strcmp(broadcastPlatform, "rerun") == 0) { status->rerun = true; } } } } setLive(true); // Signal all listeners that the stream status has been updated this->liveStatusChanged.invoke(); return Success; } void TwitchChannel::loadRecentMessages() { if (!getSettings()->loadTwitchMessageHistoryOnConnect) { return; } NetworkRequest(Env::get().recentMessagesApiUrl.arg(this->getName())) .concurrent() .onSuccess([weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) -> Outcome { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) return Failure; auto messages = parseRecentMessages(result.parseJson(), shared); auto &handler = IrcMessageHandler::instance(); std::vector allBuiltMessages; for (auto message : messages) { for (auto builtMessage : handler.parseMessage(shared.get(), message)) { builtMessage->flags.set(MessageFlag::RecentMessage); allBuiltMessages.emplace_back(builtMessage); } } postToThread( [shared, messages = std::move(allBuiltMessages)]() mutable { shared->addMessagesAtStart(messages); }); return Success; }) .execute(); } void TwitchChannel::refreshPubsub() { // listen to moderation actions if (!this->hasModRights()) return; auto roomId = this->roomId(); if (roomId.isEmpty()) return; auto account = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent(); getApp()->twitch2->pubsub->listenToChannelModerationActions(roomId, account); } void TwitchChannel::refreshChatters() { // setting? const auto streamStatus = this->accessStreamStatus(); const auto viewerCount = static_cast(streamStatus->viewerCount); if (getSettings()->onlyFetchChattersForSmallerStreamers) { if (streamStatus->live && viewerCount > getSettings()->smallStreamerLimit) { return; } } // get viewer list NetworkRequest("https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/" + this->getName() + "/chatters") .onSuccess( [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) -> Outcome { // channel still exists? auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) return Failure; auto pair = parseChatters(result.parseJson()); if (pair.first) { this->setChatters(std::move(pair.second)); } return pair.first; }) .execute(); } void TwitchChannel::refreshBadges() { auto url = Url{"https://badges.twitch.tv/v1/badges/channels/" + this->roomId() + "/display?language=en"}; NetworkRequest(url.string) .onSuccess([this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) -> Outcome { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) return Failure; auto badgeSets = this->badgeSets_.access(); auto jsonRoot = result.parseJson(); auto _ = jsonRoot["badge_sets"].toObject(); for (auto jsonBadgeSet = _.begin(); jsonBadgeSet != _.end(); jsonBadgeSet++) { auto &versions = (*badgeSets)[jsonBadgeSet.key()]; auto _set = jsonBadgeSet->toObject()["versions"].toObject(); for (auto jsonVersion_ = _set.begin(); jsonVersion_ != _set.end(); jsonVersion_++) { auto jsonVersion = jsonVersion_->toObject(); auto emote = std::make_shared(Emote{ EmoteName{}, ImageSet{ Image::fromUrl( {jsonVersion["image_url_1x"].toString()}, 1), Image::fromUrl( {jsonVersion["image_url_2x"].toString()}, .5), Image::fromUrl( {jsonVersion["image_url_4x"].toString()}, .25)}, Tooltip{jsonVersion["description"].toString()}, Url{jsonVersion["clickURL"].toString()}}); versions.emplace(jsonVersion_.key(), emote); }; } return Success; }) .execute(); } void TwitchChannel::refreshCheerEmotes() { QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/bits/actions?channel_id=" + this->roomId()); NetworkRequest::twitchRequest(url) .onSuccess([this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) -> Outcome { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { return Failure; } auto cheerEmoteSets = ParseCheermoteSets(result.parseRapidJson()); std::vector emoteSets; for (auto &set : cheerEmoteSets) { auto cheerEmoteSet = CheerEmoteSet(); cheerEmoteSet.regex = QRegularExpression( "^" + set.prefix + "([1-9][0-9]*)$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); for (auto &tier : set.tiers) { CheerEmote cheerEmote; cheerEmote.color = QColor(tier.color); cheerEmote.minBits = tier.minBits; cheerEmote.regex = cheerEmoteSet.regex; // TODO(pajlada): We currently hardcode dark here :| // We will continue to do so for now since we haven't had to // solve that anywhere else cheerEmote.animatedEmote = std::make_shared( Emote{EmoteName{"cheer emote"}, ImageSet{ tier.images["dark"]["animated"]["1"], tier.images["dark"]["animated"]["2"], tier.images["dark"]["animated"]["4"], }, Tooltip{}, Url{}}); cheerEmote.staticEmote = std::make_shared( Emote{EmoteName{"cheer emote"}, ImageSet{ tier.images["dark"]["static"]["1"], tier.images["dark"]["static"]["2"], tier.images["dark"]["static"]["4"], }, Tooltip{}, Url{}}); cheerEmoteSet.cheerEmotes.emplace_back(cheerEmote); } std::sort(cheerEmoteSet.cheerEmotes.begin(), cheerEmoteSet.cheerEmotes.end(), [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) { return lhs.minBits > rhs.minBits; }); emoteSets.emplace_back(cheerEmoteSet); } *this->cheerEmoteSets_.access() = std::move(emoteSets); return Success; }) .execute(); } boost::optional TwitchChannel::twitchBadge( const QString &set, const QString &version) const { auto badgeSets = this->badgeSets_.access(); auto it = badgeSets->find(set); if (it != badgeSets->end()) { auto it2 = it->second.find(version); if (it2 != it->second.end()) { return it2->second; } } return boost::none; } boost::optional TwitchChannel::ffzCustomModBadge() const { return this->ffzCustomModBadge_.get(); } boost::optional TwitchChannel::cheerEmote(const QString &string) { auto sets = this->cheerEmoteSets_.access(); for (const auto &set : *sets) { auto match = set.regex.match(string); if (!match.hasMatch()) { continue; } QString amount = match.captured(1); bool ok = false; int bitAmount = amount.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { qDebug() << "Error parsing bit amount in cheerEmote"; } for (const auto &emote : set.cheerEmotes) { if (bitAmount >= emote.minBits) { return emote; } } } return boost::none; } } // namespace chatterino