#include "commandcontroller.hpp" #include "application.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/accountcontroller.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/command.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/commandmodel.hpp" #include "messages/messagebuilder.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/twitchchannel.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/twitchserver.hpp" #include "singletons/pathmanager.hpp" #include "util/signalvector2.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace chatterino::providers::twitch; namespace chatterino { namespace controllers { namespace commands { CommandController::CommandController() { auto addFirstMatchToMap = [this](auto args) { this->commandsMap.remove(args.item.name); for (const Command &cmd : this->items.getVector()) { if (cmd.name == args.item.name) { this->commandsMap[cmd.name] = cmd; break; } } }; this->items.itemInserted.connect(addFirstMatchToMap); this->items.itemRemoved.connect(addFirstMatchToMap); } void CommandController::load() { auto app = getApp(); this->filePath = app->paths->customFolderPath + "/Commands.txt"; QFile textFile(this->filePath); if (!textFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // No commands file created yet return; } QList test = textFile.readAll().split('\n'); for (const auto &command : test) { if (command.isEmpty()) { continue; } this->items.appendItem(Command(command)); } textFile.close(); } void CommandController::save() { QFile textFile(this->filePath); if (!textFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { debug::Log("[CommandController::saveCommands] Unable to open {} for writing", this->filePath); return; } for (const Command &cmd : this->items.getVector()) { textFile.write((cmd.toString() + "\n").toUtf8()); } textFile.close(); } CommandModel *CommandController::createModel(QObject *parent) { CommandModel *model = new CommandModel(parent); model->init(&this->items); return model; } QString CommandController::execCommand(const QString &text, ChannelPtr channel, bool dryRun) { QStringList words = text.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); Command command; { std::lock_guard lock(this->mutex); if (words.length() == 0) { return text; } QString commandName = words[0]; // check if default command exists auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get()); if (!dryRun && twitchChannel != nullptr) { if (commandName == "/debug-args") { QString msg = QApplication::instance()->arguments().join(' '); channel->addMessage(messages::Message::createSystemMessage(msg)); return ""; } else if (commandName == "/uptime") { const auto &streamStatus = twitchChannel->getStreamStatus(); QString messageText = streamStatus.live ? streamStatus.uptime : "Channel is not live."; channel->addMessage(messages::Message::createSystemMessage(messageText)); return ""; } else if (commandName == "/ignore" && words.size() >= 2) { auto app = getApp(); auto user = app->accounts->twitch.getCurrent(); auto target = words.at(1); if (user->isAnon()) { channel->addMessage(messages::Message::createSystemMessage( "You must be logged in to ignore someone")); return ""; } user->ignore(target, [channel](auto resultCode, const QString &message) { channel->addMessage(messages::Message::createSystemMessage(message)); }); return ""; } else if (commandName == "/unignore" && words.size() >= 2) { auto app = getApp(); auto user = app->accounts->twitch.getCurrent(); auto target = words.at(1); if (user->isAnon()) { channel->addMessage(messages::Message::createSystemMessage( "You must be logged in to ignore someone")); return ""; } user->unignore(target, [channel](auto resultCode, const QString &message) { channel->addMessage(messages::Message::createSystemMessage(message)); }); return ""; } else if (commandName == "/w") { if (words.length() <= 2) { return ""; } auto app = getApp(); messages::MessageBuilder b; b.emplace(app->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(), messages::MessageElement::Text); b.emplace("->", messages::MessageElement::Text); b.emplace(words[1], messages::MessageElement::Text); QString rest = ""; for (int i = 2; i < words.length(); i++) { rest += words[i] + " "; } b.emplace(rest, messages::MessageElement::Text); app->twitch.server->whispersChannel->addMessage(b.getMessage()); } } // check if custom command exists auto it = this->commandsMap.find(commandName); if (it == this->commandsMap.end()) { return text; } command = it.value(); } return this->execCustomCommand(words, command); } QString CommandController::execCustomCommand(const QStringList &words, const Command &command) { QString result; static QRegularExpression parseCommand("(^|[^{])({{)*{(\\d+\\+?)}"); int lastCaptureEnd = 0; auto globalMatch = parseCommand.globalMatch(command.func); int matchOffset = 0; while (true) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = parseCommand.match(command.func, matchOffset); if (!match.hasMatch()) { break; } result += command.func.mid(lastCaptureEnd, match.capturedStart() - lastCaptureEnd + 1); lastCaptureEnd = match.capturedEnd(); matchOffset = lastCaptureEnd - 1; QString wordIndexMatch = match.captured(3); bool plus = wordIndexMatch.at(wordIndexMatch.size() - 1) == '+'; wordIndexMatch = wordIndexMatch.replace("+", ""); bool ok; int wordIndex = wordIndexMatch.replace("=", "").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || wordIndex == 0) { result += "{" + match.captured(3) + "}"; continue; } if (words.length() <= wordIndex) { continue; } if (plus) { bool first = true; for (int i = wordIndex; i < words.length(); i++) { if (!first) { result += " "; } result += words[i]; first = false; } } else { result += words[wordIndex]; } } result += command.func.mid(lastCaptureEnd); if (result.size() > 0 && result.at(0) == '{') { result = result.mid(1); } return result.replace("{{", "{"); } } // namespace commands } // namespace controllers } // namespace chatterino