#include "providers/twitch/IrcMessageHandler.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Common.hpp" #include "common/Literals.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "controllers/ignores/IgnoreController.hpp" #include "messages/LimitedQueue.hpp" #include "messages/Link.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/MessageBuilder.hpp" #include "messages/MessageColor.hpp" #include "messages/MessageElement.hpp" #include "messages/MessageThread.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/ChannelPointReward.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchAccountManager.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchHelpers.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchMessageBuilder.hpp" #include "singletons/Resources.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/StreamerMode.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/ChannelHelpers.hpp" #include "util/FormatTime.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/IrcHelpers.hpp" #include <IrcMessage> #include <QLocale> #include <QStringBuilder> #include <memory> #include <unordered_set> using namespace chatterino::literals; namespace { using namespace chatterino; // Message types below are the ones that might contain special user's message on USERNOTICE const QSet<QString> SPECIAL_MESSAGE_TYPES{ "sub", // "subgift", // "resub", // resub messages "bitsbadgetier", // bits badge upgrade "ritual", // new viewer ritual "announcement", // new mod announcement thing "viewermilestone", // watch streak, but other categories possible in future }; MessagePtr generateBannedMessage(bool confirmedBan) { const auto linkColor = MessageColor(MessageColor::Link); const auto accountsLink = Link(Link::Reconnect, QString()); const auto bannedText = confirmedBan ? QString("You were banned from this channel!") : QString( "Your connection to this channel was unexpectedly dropped."); const auto reconnectPromptText = confirmedBan ? QString( "If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting.") : QString("Try reconnecting."); MessageBuilder builder; auto text = QString("%1 %2").arg(bannedText, reconnectPromptText); builder.message().messageText = text; builder.message().searchText = text; builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::System); builder.emplace<TimestampElement>(); builder.emplace<TextElement>(bannedText, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); builder .emplace<TextElement>(reconnectPromptText, MessageElementFlag::Text, linkColor) ->setLink(accountsLink); return builder.release(); } int stripLeadingReplyMention(const QVariantMap &tags, QString &content) { if (!getSettings()->stripReplyMention) { return 0; } if (getSettings()->hideReplyContext) { // Never strip reply mentions if reply contexts are hidden return 0; } if (const auto it = tags.find("reply-parent-display-name"); it != tags.end()) { auto displayName = it.value().toString(); if (content.length() <= 1 + displayName.length()) { // The reply contains no content return 0; } if (content.startsWith('@') && content.at(1 + displayName.length()) == ' ' && content.indexOf(displayName, 1) == 1) { int messageOffset = 1 + displayName.length() + 1; content.remove(0, messageOffset); return messageOffset; } } return 0; } void updateReplyParticipatedStatus(const QVariantMap &tags, const QString &senderLogin, TwitchMessageBuilder &builder, std::shared_ptr<MessageThread> &thread, bool isNew) { const auto ¤tLogin = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(); if (thread->subscribed()) { builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::SubscribedThread); return; } if (thread->unsubscribed()) { return; } if (getSettings()->autoSubToParticipatedThreads) { if (isNew) { if (const auto it = tags.find("reply-parent-user-login"); it != tags.end()) { auto name = it.value().toString(); if (name == currentLogin) { thread->markSubscribed(); builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::SubscribedThread); return; // already marked as participated } } } if (senderLogin == currentLogin) { thread->markSubscribed(); // don't set the highlight here } } } ChannelPtr channelOrEmptyByTarget(const QString &target, TwitchIrcServer &server) { QString channelName; if (!trimChannelName(target, channelName)) { return Channel::getEmpty(); } return server.getChannelOrEmpty(channelName); } float relativeSimilarity(const QString &str1, const QString &str2) { // Longest Common Substring Problem std::vector<std::vector<int>> tree(str1.size(), std::vector<int>(str2.size(), 0)); int z = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str1.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < str2.size(); ++j) { if (str1[i] == str2[j]) { if (i == 0 || j == 0) { tree[i][j] = 1; } else { tree[i][j] = tree[i - 1][j - 1] + 1; } if (tree[i][j] > z) { z = tree[i][j]; } } else { tree[i][j] = 0; } } } // ensure that no div by 0 if (z == 0) { return 0.F; } auto div = std::max<int>(1, std::max(str1.size(), str2.size())); return float(z) / float(div); } QMap<QString, QString> parseBadges(const QString &badgesString) { QMap<QString, QString> badges; for (const auto &badgeData : badgesString.split(',')) { auto parts = badgeData.split('/'); if (parts.length() != 2) { continue; } badges.insert(parts[0], parts[1]); } return badges; } void populateReply(TwitchChannel *channel, Communi::IrcMessage *message, const std::vector<MessagePtr> &otherLoaded, TwitchMessageBuilder &builder) { const auto &tags = message->tags(); if (const auto it = tags.find("reply-thread-parent-msg-id"); it != tags.end()) { const QString replyID = it.value().toString(); auto threadIt = channel->threads().find(replyID); std::shared_ptr<MessageThread> rootThread; if (threadIt != channel->threads().end()) { auto owned = threadIt->second.lock(); if (owned) { // Thread already exists (has a reply) updateReplyParticipatedStatus(tags, message->nick(), builder, owned, false); builder.setThread(owned); rootThread = owned; } } if (!rootThread) { MessagePtr foundMessage; // Thread does not yet exist, find root reply and create thread. // Linear search is justified by the infrequent use of replies for (const auto &otherMsg : otherLoaded) { if (otherMsg->id == replyID) { // Found root reply message foundMessage = otherMsg; break; } } if (!foundMessage) { // We didn't find the reply root message in the otherLoaded messages // which are typically the already-parsed recent messages from the // Recent Messages API. We could have a really old message that // still exists being replied to, so check for that here. foundMessage = channel->findMessage(replyID); } if (foundMessage) { std::shared_ptr<MessageThread> newThread = std::make_shared<MessageThread>(foundMessage); updateReplyParticipatedStatus(tags, message->nick(), builder, newThread, true); builder.setThread(newThread); rootThread = newThread; // Store weak reference to thread in channel channel->addReplyThread(newThread); } } if (const auto parentIt = tags.find("reply-parent-msg-id"); parentIt != tags.end()) { const QString parentID = parentIt.value().toString(); if (replyID == parentID) { if (rootThread) { builder.setParent(rootThread->root()); } } else { auto parentThreadIt = channel->threads().find(parentID); if (parentThreadIt != channel->threads().end()) { auto thread = parentThreadIt->second.lock(); if (thread) { builder.setParent(thread->root()); } } else { auto parent = channel->findMessage(parentID); if (parent) { builder.setParent(parent); } } } } } } std::optional<ClearChatMessage> parseClearChatMessage( Communi::IrcMessage *message) { // check parameter count if (message->parameters().length() < 1) { return std::nullopt; } // check if the chat has been cleared by a moderator if (message->parameters().length() == 1) { return ClearChatMessage{ .message = makeSystemMessage("Chat has been cleared by a moderator.", calculateMessageTime(message).time()), .disableAllMessages = true, }; } // get username, duration and message of the timed out user QString username = message->parameter(1); QString durationInSeconds; QVariant v = message->tag("ban-duration"); if (v.isValid()) { durationInSeconds = v.toString(); } auto timeoutMsg = MessageBuilder(timeoutMessage, username, durationInSeconds, false, calculateMessageTime(message).time()) .release(); return ClearChatMessage{.message = timeoutMsg, .disableAllMessages = false}; } /** * Parse a single IRC NOTICE message into 0 or more Chatterino messages **/ std::vector<MessagePtr> parseNoticeMessage(Communi::IrcNoticeMessage *message) { assert(message != nullptr); if (message->content().startsWith("Login auth", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { const auto linkColor = MessageColor(MessageColor::Link); const auto accountsLink = Link(Link::OpenAccountsPage, QString()); const auto curUser = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); const auto expirationText = QString("Login expired for user \"%1\"!") .arg(curUser->getUserName()); const auto loginPromptText = QString("Try adding your account again."); MessageBuilder builder; auto text = QString("%1 %2").arg(expirationText, loginPromptText); builder.message().messageText = text; builder.message().searchText = text; builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::System); builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::DoNotTriggerNotification); builder.emplace<TimestampElement>(); builder.emplace<TextElement>(expirationText, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); builder .emplace<TextElement>(loginPromptText, MessageElementFlag::Text, linkColor) ->setLink(accountsLink); return {builder.release()}; } if (message->content().startsWith("You are permanently banned ")) { return {generateBannedMessage(true)}; } if (message->tags().value("msg-id") == "msg_timedout") { std::vector<MessagePtr> builtMessage; QString remainingTime = formatTime(message->content().split(" ").value(5)); QString formattedMessage = QString("You are timed out for %1.") .arg(remainingTime.isEmpty() ? "0s" : remainingTime); builtMessage.emplace_back(makeSystemMessage( formattedMessage, calculateMessageTime(message).time())); return builtMessage; } // default case std::vector<MessagePtr> builtMessages; auto content = message->content(); if (content.startsWith( "Your settings prevent you from sending this whisper", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && getSettings()->helixTimegateWhisper.getValue() == HelixTimegateOverride::Timegate) { content = content + " Consider setting \"Helix timegate /w behaviour\" " "to \"Always use Helix\" in your Chatterino settings."; } builtMessages.emplace_back( makeSystemMessage(content, calculateMessageTime(message).time())); return builtMessages; } /** * Parse a single IRC USERNOTICE message into 0 or more Chatterino messages **/ std::vector<MessagePtr> parseUserNoticeMessage(Channel *channel, Communi::IrcMessage *message) { assert(channel != nullptr); assert(message != nullptr); std::vector<MessagePtr> builtMessages; auto tags = message->tags(); auto parameters = message->parameters(); QString msgType = tags.value("msg-id").toString(); QString content; if (parameters.size() >= 2) { content = parameters[1]; } if (isIgnoredMessage({ .message = content, .twitchUserID = tags.value("user-id").toString(), .isMod = channel->isMod(), .isBroadcaster = channel->isBroadcaster(), })) { return {}; } if (SPECIAL_MESSAGE_TYPES.contains(msgType)) { // Messages are not required, so they might be empty if (!content.isEmpty()) { MessageParseArgs args; args.trimSubscriberUsername = true; TwitchMessageBuilder builder(channel, message, args, content, false); builder->flags.set(MessageFlag::Subscription); builder->flags.unset(MessageFlag::Highlighted); builtMessages.emplace_back(builder.build()); } } auto it = tags.find("system-msg"); if (it != tags.end()) { // By default, we return value of system-msg tag QString messageText = it.value().toString(); if (msgType == "bitsbadgetier") { messageText = QString("%1 just earned a new %2 Bits badge!") .arg(tags.value("display-name").toString(), kFormatNumbers( tags.value("msg-param-threshold").toInt())); } else if (msgType == "announcement") { messageText = "Announcement"; } auto b = MessageBuilder(systemMessage, parseTagString(messageText), calculateMessageTime(message).time()); b->flags.set(MessageFlag::Subscription); auto newMessage = b.release(); builtMessages.emplace_back(newMessage); } return builtMessages; } /** * Parse a single IRC PRIVMSG into 0-1 Chatterino messages */ std::vector<MessagePtr> parsePrivMessage(Channel *channel, Communi::IrcPrivateMessage *message) { assert(channel != nullptr); assert(message != nullptr); std::vector<MessagePtr> builtMessages; MessageParseArgs args; TwitchMessageBuilder builder(channel, message, args, message->content(), message->isAction()); if (!builder.isIgnored()) { builtMessages.emplace_back(builder.build()); builder.triggerHighlights(); } if (message->tags().contains(u"pinned-chat-paid-amount"_s)) { auto ptr = TwitchMessageBuilder::buildHypeChatMessage(message); if (ptr) { builtMessages.emplace_back(std::move(ptr)); } } return builtMessages; } } // namespace namespace chatterino { using namespace literals; IrcMessageHandler &IrcMessageHandler::instance() { static IrcMessageHandler instance; return instance; } std::vector<MessagePtr> IrcMessageHandler::parseMessageWithReply( Channel *channel, Communi::IrcMessage *message, std::vector<MessagePtr> &otherLoaded) { std::vector<MessagePtr> builtMessages; auto command = message->command(); if (command == u"PRIVMSG"_s) { auto *privMsg = dynamic_cast<Communi::IrcPrivateMessage *>(message); auto *tc = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel); if (!tc) { return parsePrivMessage(channel, privMsg); } QString content = privMsg->content(); int messageOffset = stripLeadingReplyMention(privMsg->tags(), content); MessageParseArgs args; TwitchMessageBuilder builder(channel, message, args, content, privMsg->isAction()); builder.setMessageOffset(messageOffset); populateReply(tc, message, otherLoaded, builder); if (!builder.isIgnored()) { builtMessages.emplace_back(builder.build()); builder.triggerHighlights(); } return builtMessages; } if (command == u"USERNOTICE"_s) { return parseUserNoticeMessage(channel, message); } if (command == u"NOTICE"_s) { return parseNoticeMessage( dynamic_cast<Communi::IrcNoticeMessage *>(message)); } if (command == u"CLEARCHAT"_s) { auto cc = parseClearChatMessage(message); if (!cc) { return builtMessages; } auto &clearChat = *cc; if (clearChat.disableAllMessages) { builtMessages.emplace_back(std::move(clearChat.message)); } else { addOrReplaceChannelTimeout( otherLoaded, std::move(clearChat.message), calculateMessageTime(message).time(), [&](auto idx, auto /*msg*/, auto &&replacement) { replacement->flags.set(MessageFlag::RecentMessage); otherLoaded[idx] = replacement; }, [&](auto &&msg) { builtMessages.emplace_back(msg); }, false); } return builtMessages; } return builtMessages; } void IrcMessageHandler::handlePrivMessage(Communi::IrcPrivateMessage *message, TwitchIrcServer &server) { // This is for compatibility with older Chatterino versions. Twitch didn't use // to allow ZERO WIDTH JOINER unicode character, so Chatterino used ESCAPE_TAG // instead. // See https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2/issues/3384 and // https://mm2pl.github.io/emoji_rfc.pdf for more details this->addMessage( message, channelOrEmptyByTarget(message->target(), server), message->content().replace(COMBINED_FIXER, ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER), server, false, message->isAction()); auto chan = channelOrEmptyByTarget(message->target(), server); if (chan->isEmpty()) { return; } if (message->tags().contains(u"pinned-chat-paid-amount"_s)) { auto ptr = TwitchMessageBuilder::buildHypeChatMessage(message); if (ptr) { chan->addMessage(ptr); } } } void IrcMessageHandler::handleRoomStateMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message) { const auto &tags = message->tags(); // get Twitch channel QString chanName; if (!trimChannelName(message->parameter(0), chanName)) { return; } auto chan = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(chanName); auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(chan.get()); if (!twitchChannel) { return; } // room-id if (auto it = tags.find("room-id"); it != tags.end()) { auto roomId = it.value().toString(); twitchChannel->setRoomId(roomId); } // Room modes { auto roomModes = *twitchChannel->accessRoomModes(); if (auto it = tags.find("emote-only"); it != tags.end()) { roomModes.emoteOnly = it.value() == "1"; } if (auto it = tags.find("subs-only"); it != tags.end()) { roomModes.submode = it.value() == "1"; } if (auto it = tags.find("slow"); it != tags.end()) { roomModes.slowMode = it.value().toInt(); } if (auto it = tags.find("r9k"); it != tags.end()) { roomModes.r9k = it.value() == "1"; } if (auto it = tags.find("followers-only"); it != tags.end()) { roomModes.followerOnly = it.value().toInt(); } twitchChannel->setRoomModes(roomModes); } twitchChannel->roomModesChanged.invoke(); } void IrcMessageHandler::handleClearChatMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message) { auto cc = parseClearChatMessage(message); if (!cc) { return; } auto &clearChat = *cc; QString chanName; if (!trimChannelName(message->parameter(0), chanName)) { return; } // get channel auto chan = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(chanName); if (chan->isEmpty()) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[IrcMessageHandler::handleClearChatMessage] Twitch channel" << chanName << "not found"; return; } // chat has been cleared by a moderator if (clearChat.disableAllMessages) { chan->disableAllMessages(); chan->addMessage(std::move(clearChat.message)); return; } chan->addOrReplaceTimeout(std::move(clearChat.message)); // refresh all getIApp()->getWindows()->repaintVisibleChatWidgets(chan.get()); if (getSettings()->hideModerated) { getIApp()->getWindows()->forceLayoutChannelViews(); } } void IrcMessageHandler::handleClearMessageMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message) { // check parameter count if (message->parameters().length() < 1) { return; } QString chanName; if (!trimChannelName(message->parameter(0), chanName)) { return; } // get channel auto chan = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(chanName); if (chan->isEmpty()) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[IrcMessageHandler:handleClearMessageMessage] Twitch " "channel" << chanName << "not found"; return; } auto tags = message->tags(); QString targetID = tags.value("target-msg-id").toString(); auto msg = chan->findMessage(targetID); if (msg == nullptr) { return; } msg->flags.set(MessageFlag::Disabled); if (!getSettings()->hideDeletionActions) { MessageBuilder builder; TwitchMessageBuilder::deletionMessage(msg, &builder); chan->addMessage(builder.release()); } } void IrcMessageHandler::handleUserStateMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message) { auto currentUser = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); // set received emote-sets, used in TwitchAccount::loadUserstateEmotes bool emoteSetsChanged = currentUser->setUserstateEmoteSets( message->tag("emote-sets").toString().split(",")); if (emoteSetsChanged) { currentUser->loadUserstateEmotes(); } QString channelName; if (!trimChannelName(message->parameter(0), channelName)) { return; } auto c = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(channelName); if (c->isEmpty()) { return; } // Checking if currentUser is a VIP or staff member QVariant badgesTag = message->tag("badges"); if (badgesTag.isValid()) { auto *tc = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(c.get()); if (tc != nullptr) { auto parsedBadges = parseBadges(badgesTag.toString()); tc->setVIP(parsedBadges.contains("vip")); tc->setStaff(parsedBadges.contains("staff")); } } // Checking if currentUser is a moderator QVariant modTag = message->tag("mod"); if (modTag.isValid()) { auto *tc = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(c.get()); if (tc != nullptr) { tc->setMod(modTag == "1"); } } } // This will emit only once and right after user logs in to IRC - reset emote data and reload emotes void IrcMessageHandler::handleGlobalUserStateMessage( Communi::IrcMessage *message) { auto currentUser = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); // set received emote-sets, this time used to initially load emotes // NOTE: this should always return true unless we reconnect auto emoteSetsChanged = currentUser->setUserstateEmoteSets( message->tag("emote-sets").toString().split(",")); // We should always attempt to reload emotes even on reconnections where // emoteSetsChanged, since we want to trigger emote reloads when // "currentUserChanged" signal is emitted qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << emoteSetsChanged << message->toData(); currentUser->loadEmotes(); } void IrcMessageHandler::handleWhisperMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *ircMessage) { MessageParseArgs args; args.isReceivedWhisper = true; auto *c = getApp()->twitch->whispersChannel.get(); TwitchMessageBuilder builder( c, ircMessage, args, ircMessage->parameter(1).replace(COMBINED_FIXER, ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER), false); if (builder.isIgnored()) { return; } builder->flags.set(MessageFlag::Whisper); MessagePtr message = builder.build(); builder.triggerHighlights(); getApp()->twitch->lastUserThatWhisperedMe.set(builder.userName); if (message->flags.has(MessageFlag::ShowInMentions)) { getApp()->twitch->mentionsChannel->addMessage(message); } c->addMessage(message); auto overrideFlags = std::optional<MessageFlags>(message->flags); overrideFlags->set(MessageFlag::DoNotTriggerNotification); overrideFlags->set(MessageFlag::DoNotLog); if (getSettings()->inlineWhispers && !(getSettings()->streamerModeSuppressInlineWhispers && getIApp()->getStreamerMode()->isEnabled())) { getApp()->twitch->forEachChannel( [&message, overrideFlags](ChannelPtr channel) { channel->addMessage(message, overrideFlags); }); } } void IrcMessageHandler::handleUserNoticeMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message, TwitchIrcServer &server) { auto tags = message->tags(); auto parameters = message->parameters(); auto target = parameters[0]; QString msgType = tags.value("msg-id").toString(); QString content; if (parameters.size() >= 2) { content = parameters[1]; } auto chn = server.getChannelOrEmpty(target); if (isIgnoredMessage({ .message = content, .twitchUserID = tags.value("user-id").toString(), .isMod = chn->isMod(), .isBroadcaster = chn->isBroadcaster(), })) { return; } if (SPECIAL_MESSAGE_TYPES.contains(msgType)) { // Messages are not required, so they might be empty if (!content.isEmpty()) { this->addMessage(message, chn, content, server, true, false); } } auto it = tags.find("system-msg"); if (it != tags.end()) { // By default, we return value of system-msg tag QString messageText = it.value().toString(); if (msgType == "bitsbadgetier") { messageText = QString("%1 just earned a new %2 Bits badge!") .arg(tags.value("display-name").toString(), kFormatNumbers( tags.value("msg-param-threshold").toInt())); } else if (msgType == "announcement") { messageText = "Announcement"; } auto b = MessageBuilder(systemMessage, parseTagString(messageText), calculateMessageTime(message).time()); b->flags.set(MessageFlag::Subscription); auto newMessage = b.release(); QString channelName; if (message->parameters().size() < 1) { return; } if (!trimChannelName(message->parameter(0), channelName)) { return; } auto chan = server.getChannelOrEmpty(channelName); if (!chan->isEmpty()) { chan->addMessage(newMessage); } } } void IrcMessageHandler::handleNoticeMessage(Communi::IrcNoticeMessage *message) { auto builtMessages = parseNoticeMessage(message); for (const auto &msg : builtMessages) { QString channelName; if (!trimChannelName(message->target(), channelName) || channelName == "jtv") { // Notice wasn't targeted at a single channel, send to all twitch // channels getApp()->twitch->forEachChannelAndSpecialChannels( [msg](const auto &c) { c->addMessage(msg); }); return; } auto channel = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(channelName); if (channel->isEmpty()) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[IrcManager:handleNoticeMessage] Channel" << channelName << "not found in channel manager"; return; } QString tags = message->tags().value("msg-id").toString(); if (tags == "usage_delete") { channel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage( "Usage: /delete <msg-id> - Deletes the specified message. " "Can't take more than one argument.")); } else if (tags == "bad_delete_message_error") { channel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage( "There was a problem deleting the message. " "It might be from another channel or too old to delete.")); } else if (tags == "host_on" || tags == "host_target_went_offline") { bool hostOn = (tags == "host_on"); QStringList parts = msg->messageText.split(QLatin1Char(' ')); if ((hostOn && parts.size() != 3) || (!hostOn && parts.size() != 7)) { return; } auto &hostedChannelName = hostOn ? parts[2] : parts[0]; if (hostedChannelName.size() < 2) { return; } if (hostOn) { hostedChannelName.chop(1); } MessageBuilder builder; TwitchMessageBuilder::hostingSystemMessage(hostedChannelName, &builder, hostOn); channel->addMessage(builder.release()); } else if (tags == "room_mods" || tags == "vips_success") { // /mods and /vips // room_mods: The moderators of this channel are: ampzyh, antichriststollen, apa420, ... // vips_success: The VIPs of this channel are: 8008, aiden, botfactory, ... QString noticeText = msg->messageText; if (tags == "vips_success") { // this one has a trailing period, need to get rid of it. noticeText.chop(1); } QStringList msgParts = noticeText.split(':'); MessageBuilder builder; auto *tc = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get()); assert(tc != nullptr && "IrcMessageHandler::handleNoticeMessage. Twitch specific " "functionality called in non twitch channel"); auto users = msgParts.at(1) .mid(1) // there is a space before the first user .split(", "); users.sort(Qt::CaseInsensitive); TwitchMessageBuilder::listOfUsersSystemMessage(msgParts.at(0), users, tc, &builder); channel->addMessage(builder.release()); } else { channel->addMessage(msg); } } } void IrcMessageHandler::handleJoinMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message) { auto channel = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(message->parameter(0).remove(0, 1)); auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get()); if (!twitchChannel) { return; } if (message->nick() == getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName()) { twitchChannel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage("joined channel")); twitchChannel->joined.invoke(); } else if (getSettings()->showJoins.getValue()) { twitchChannel->addJoinedUser(message->nick()); } } void IrcMessageHandler::handlePartMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message) { auto channel = getApp()->twitch->getChannelOrEmpty(message->parameter(0).remove(0, 1)); auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get()); if (!twitchChannel) { return; } const auto selfAccountName = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(); if (message->nick() != selfAccountName && getSettings()->showParts.getValue()) { twitchChannel->addPartedUser(message->nick()); } if (message->nick() == selfAccountName) { channel->addMessage(generateBannedMessage(false)); } } float IrcMessageHandler::similarity( const MessagePtr &msg, const LimitedQueueSnapshot<MessagePtr> &messages) { float similarityPercent = 0.0F; int checked = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= messages.size(); ++i) { if (checked >= getSettings()->hideSimilarMaxMessagesToCheck) { break; } const auto &prevMsg = messages[messages.size() - i]; if (prevMsg->parseTime.secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) >= getSettings()->hideSimilarMaxDelay) { break; } if (getSettings()->hideSimilarBySameUser && msg->loginName != prevMsg->loginName) { continue; } ++checked; similarityPercent = std::max( similarityPercent, relativeSimilarity(msg->messageText, prevMsg->messageText)); } return similarityPercent; } void IrcMessageHandler::setSimilarityFlags(const MessagePtr &message, const ChannelPtr &channel) { if (getSettings()->similarityEnabled) { bool isMyself = message->loginName == getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(); bool hideMyself = getSettings()->hideSimilarMyself; if (isMyself && !hideMyself) { return; } if (IrcMessageHandler::similarity(message, channel->getMessageSnapshot()) > getSettings()->similarityPercentage) { message->flags.set(MessageFlag::Similar, true); if (getSettings()->colorSimilarDisabled) { message->flags.set(MessageFlag::Disabled, true); } } } } void IrcMessageHandler::addMessage(Communi::IrcMessage *message, const ChannelPtr &chan, const QString &originalContent, TwitchIrcServer &server, bool isSub, bool isAction) { if (chan->isEmpty()) { return; } MessageParseArgs args; if (isSub) { args.isSubscriptionMessage = true; args.trimSubscriberUsername = true; } if (chan->isBroadcaster()) { args.isStaffOrBroadcaster = true; } auto *channel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(chan.get()); const auto &tags = message->tags(); if (const auto it = tags.find("custom-reward-id"); it != tags.end()) { const auto rewardId = it.value().toString(); if (!rewardId.isEmpty() && !channel->isChannelPointRewardKnown(rewardId)) { // Need to wait for pubsub reward notification qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "TwitchChannel reward added ADD " "callback since reward is not known:" << rewardId; channel->addQueuedRedemption(rewardId, originalContent, message); return; } args.channelPointRewardId = rewardId; } QString content = originalContent; int messageOffset = stripLeadingReplyMention(tags, content); TwitchMessageBuilder builder(channel, message, args, content, isAction); builder.setMessageOffset(messageOffset); if (const auto it = tags.find("reply-thread-parent-msg-id"); it != tags.end()) { const QString replyID = it.value().toString(); auto threadIt = channel->threads().find(replyID); std::shared_ptr<MessageThread> rootThread; if (threadIt != channel->threads().end() && !threadIt->second.expired()) { // Thread already exists (has a reply) auto thread = threadIt->second.lock(); updateReplyParticipatedStatus(tags, message->nick(), builder, thread, false); builder.setThread(thread); rootThread = thread; } else { // Thread does not yet exist, find root reply and create thread. auto root = channel->findMessage(replyID); if (root) { // Found root reply message auto newThread = std::make_shared<MessageThread>(root); updateReplyParticipatedStatus(tags, message->nick(), builder, newThread, true); builder.setThread(newThread); rootThread = newThread; // Store weak reference to thread in channel channel->addReplyThread(newThread); } } if (const auto parentIt = tags.find("reply-parent-msg-id"); parentIt != tags.end()) { const QString parentID = parentIt.value().toString(); if (replyID == parentID) { if (rootThread) { builder.setParent(rootThread->root()); } } else { auto parentThreadIt = channel->threads().find(parentID); if (parentThreadIt != channel->threads().end()) { auto thread = parentThreadIt->second.lock(); if (thread) { builder.setParent(thread->root()); } } else { auto parent = channel->findMessage(parentID); if (parent) { builder.setParent(parent); } } } } } if (isSub || !builder.isIgnored()) { if (isSub) { builder->flags.set(MessageFlag::Subscription); builder->flags.unset(MessageFlag::Highlighted); } auto msg = builder.build(); IrcMessageHandler::setSimilarityFlags(msg, chan); if (!msg->flags.has(MessageFlag::Similar) || (!getSettings()->hideSimilar && getSettings()->shownSimilarTriggerHighlights)) { builder.triggerHighlights(); } const auto highlighted = msg->flags.has(MessageFlag::Highlighted); const auto showInMentions = msg->flags.has(MessageFlag::ShowInMentions); if (highlighted && showInMentions) { server.mentionsChannel->addMessage(msg); } chan->addMessage(msg); if (auto *chatters = dynamic_cast<ChannelChatters *>(chan.get())) { chatters->addRecentChatter(msg->displayName); } } } } // namespace chatterino