#include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Common.hpp" #include "common/network/NetworkRequest.hpp" #include "common/network/NetworkResult.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "controllers/notifications/NotificationController.hpp" #include "controllers/twitch/LiveController.hpp" #include "messages/Emote.hpp" #include "messages/Image.hpp" #include "messages/Link.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/MessageElement.hpp" #include "messages/MessageThread.hpp" #include "providers/bttv/BttvEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/bttv/BttvLiveUpdates.hpp" #include "providers/bttv/liveupdates/BttvLiveUpdateMessages.hpp" #include "providers/ffz/FfzBadges.hpp" #include "providers/ffz/FfzEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/recentmessages/Api.hpp" #include "providers/seventv/eventapi/Dispatch.hpp" #include "providers/seventv/SeventvAPI.hpp" #include "providers/seventv/SeventvEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/seventv/SeventvEventAPI.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/api/Helix.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/ChannelPointReward.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/IrcMessageHandler.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/PubSubManager.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchMessageBuilder.hpp" #include "singletons/Emotes.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/StreamerMode.hpp" #include "singletons/Toasts.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/PostToThread.hpp" #include "util/QStringHash.hpp" #include "widgets/Window.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { namespace { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 1, 0) const QString MAGIC_MESSAGE_SUFFIX = QString((const char *)u8" \U000E0000"); #else const QString MAGIC_MESSAGE_SUFFIX = QString::fromUtf8(u8" \U000E0000"); #endif constexpr int CLIP_CREATION_COOLDOWN = 5000; const QString CLIPS_LINK("https://clips.twitch.tv/%1"); const QString CLIPS_FAILURE_CLIPS_DISABLED_TEXT( "Failed to create a clip - the streamer has clips disabled entirely or " "requires a certain subscriber or follower status to create clips."); const QString CLIPS_FAILURE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_TEXT( "Failed to create a clip - you need to re-authenticate."); const QString CLIPS_FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT( "Failed to create a clip - an unknown error occurred."); const QString LOGIN_PROMPT_TEXT("Click here to add your account again."); const Link ACCOUNTS_LINK(Link::OpenAccountsPage, QString()); // Maximum number of chatters to fetch when refreshing chatters constexpr auto MAX_CHATTERS_TO_FETCH = 5000; // From Twitch docs - expected size for a badge (1x) constexpr QSize BASE_BADGE_SIZE(18, 18); } // namespace TwitchChannel::TwitchChannel(const QString &name) : Channel(name, Channel::Type::Twitch) , ChannelChatters(*static_cast(this)) , nameOptions{name, name, name} , subscriptionUrl_("https://www.twitch.tv/subs/" + name) , channelUrl_("https://twitch.tv/" + name) , popoutPlayerUrl_(TWITCH_PLAYER_URL.arg(name)) , bttvEmotes_(std::make_shared()) , ffzEmotes_(std::make_shared()) , seventvEmotes_(std::make_shared()) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[TwitchChannel" << name << "] Opened"; this->bSignals_.emplace_back( getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.currentUserChanged.connect([this] { this->setMod(false); this->refreshPubSub(); })); this->refreshPubSub(); // We can safely ignore this signal connection since it's a private signal, meaning // it will only ever be invoked by TwitchChannel itself std::ignore = this->userStateChanged.connect([this] { this->refreshPubSub(); }); // We can safely ignore this signal connection this has no external dependencies - once the signal // is destroyed, it will no longer be able to fire std::ignore = this->joined.connect([this]() { if (this->disconnected_) { this->loadRecentMessagesReconnect(); this->lastConnectedAt_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); this->disconnected_ = false; } }); // timers QObject::connect(&this->chattersListTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, [this] { this->refreshChatters(); }); this->chattersListTimer_.start(5 * 60 * 1000); QObject::connect(&this->threadClearTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, [this] { // We periodically check for any dangling reply threads that missed // being cleaned up on messageRemovedFromStart. This could occur if // some other part of the program, like a user card, held a reference // to the message. // // It seems difficult to actually replicate a situation where things // are actually cleaned up, but I've verified that cleanups DO happen. this->cleanUpReplyThreads(); }); this->threadClearTimer_.start(5 * 60 * 1000); auto onLiveStatusChanged = [this](auto isLive) { if (isLive) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[TwitchChannel" << this->getName() << "] Online"; if (getIApp()->getNotifications()->isChannelNotified( this->getName(), Platform::Twitch)) { if (Toasts::isEnabled()) { getIApp()->getToasts()->sendChannelNotification( this->getName(), this->accessStreamStatus()->title, Platform::Twitch); } if (getSettings()->notificationPlaySound) { getIApp()->getNotifications()->playSound(); } if (getSettings()->notificationFlashTaskbar) { getIApp()->getWindows()->sendAlert(); } } // Channel live message MessageBuilder builder; TwitchMessageBuilder::liveSystemMessage(this->getDisplayName(), &builder); builder.message().id = this->roomId(); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); // Message in /live channel MessageBuilder builder2; TwitchMessageBuilder::liveMessage(this->getDisplayName(), &builder2); builder2.message().id = this->roomId(); getIApp()->getTwitch()->getLiveChannel()->addMessage( builder2.release(), MessageContext::Original); // Notify on all channels with a ping sound if (getSettings()->notificationOnAnyChannel && !(getIApp()->getStreamerMode()->isEnabled() && getSettings()->streamerModeSuppressLiveNotifications)) { getIApp()->getNotifications()->playSound(); } } else { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[TwitchChannel" << this->getName() << "] Offline"; // Channel offline message MessageBuilder builder; TwitchMessageBuilder::offlineSystemMessage(this->getDisplayName(), &builder); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); // "delete" old 'CHANNEL is live' message LimitedQueueSnapshot snapshot = getIApp()->getTwitch()->getLiveChannel()->getMessageSnapshot(); int snapshotLength = snapshot.size(); // MSVC hates this code if the parens are not there int end = (std::max)(0, snapshotLength - 200); for (int i = snapshotLength - 1; i >= end; --i) { const auto &s = snapshot[i]; if (s->id == this->roomId()) { s->flags.set(MessageFlag::Disabled); break; } } } }; this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(this->liveStatusChanged, onLiveStatusChanged); // debugging #if 0 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { this->addSystemMessage("asef"); } #endif } TwitchChannel::~TwitchChannel() { getIApp()->getTwitch()->dropSeventvChannel(this->seventvUserID_, this->seventvEmoteSetID_); if (getIApp()->getTwitch()->getBTTVLiveUpdates()) { getIApp()->getTwitch()->getBTTVLiveUpdates()->partChannel( this->roomId()); } if (getIApp()->getTwitch()->getSeventvEventAPI()) { getIApp()->getTwitch()->getSeventvEventAPI()->unsubscribeTwitchChannel( this->roomId()); } } void TwitchChannel::initialize() { this->refreshChatters(); this->refreshBadges(); } bool TwitchChannel::isEmpty() const { return this->getName().isEmpty(); } bool TwitchChannel::canSendMessage() const { return !this->isEmpty(); } const QString &TwitchChannel::getDisplayName() const { return this->nameOptions.displayName; } void TwitchChannel::setDisplayName(const QString &name) { this->nameOptions.displayName = name; } const QString &TwitchChannel::getLocalizedName() const { return this->nameOptions.localizedName; } void TwitchChannel::setLocalizedName(const QString &name) { this->nameOptions.localizedName = name; } void TwitchChannel::refreshBTTVChannelEmotes(bool manualRefresh) { if (!Settings::instance().enableBTTVChannelEmotes) { this->bttvEmotes_.set(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP); return; } BttvEmotes::loadChannel( weakOf(this), this->roomId(), this->getLocalizedName(), [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&emoteMap) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->setBttvEmotes(std::make_shared(emoteMap)); } }, manualRefresh); } void TwitchChannel::refreshFFZChannelEmotes(bool manualRefresh) { if (!Settings::instance().enableFFZChannelEmotes) { this->ffzEmotes_.set(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP); return; } FfzEmotes::loadChannel( weakOf(this), this->roomId(), [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&emoteMap) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->setFfzEmotes(std::make_shared(emoteMap)); } }, [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&modBadge) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->ffzCustomModBadge_.set( std::forward(modBadge)); } }, [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&vipBadge) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->ffzCustomVipBadge_.set( std::forward(vipBadge)); } }, [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&channelBadges) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->tgFfzChannelBadges_.guard(); this->ffzChannelBadges_ = std::forward(channelBadges); } }, manualRefresh); } void TwitchChannel::refreshSevenTVChannelEmotes(bool manualRefresh) { if (!Settings::instance().enableSevenTVChannelEmotes) { this->seventvEmotes_.set(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP); return; } SeventvEmotes::loadChannelEmotes( weakOf(this), this->roomId(), [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto &&emoteMap, auto channelInfo) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->setSeventvEmotes( std::make_shared(emoteMap)); this->updateSeventvData(channelInfo.userID, channelInfo.emoteSetID); this->seventvUserTwitchConnectionIndex_ = channelInfo.twitchConnectionIndex; } }, manualRefresh); } void TwitchChannel::setBttvEmotes(std::shared_ptr &&map) { this->bttvEmotes_.set(std::move(map)); } void TwitchChannel::setFfzEmotes(std::shared_ptr &&map) { this->ffzEmotes_.set(std::move(map)); } void TwitchChannel::setSeventvEmotes(std::shared_ptr &&map) { this->seventvEmotes_.set(std::move(map)); } void TwitchChannel::addQueuedRedemption(const QString &rewardId, const QString &originalContent, Communi::IrcMessage *message) { this->waitingRedemptions_.push_back({ rewardId, originalContent, {message->clone(), {}}, }); } void TwitchChannel::addChannelPointReward(const ChannelPointReward &reward) { assertInGuiThread(); if (!reward.isUserInputRequired) { MessageBuilder builder; TwitchMessageBuilder::appendChannelPointRewardMessage( reward, &builder, this->isMod(), this->isBroadcaster()); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); return; } bool result = false; { auto channelPointRewards = this->channelPointRewards_.access(); result = channelPointRewards->try_emplace(reward.id, reward).second; } if (result) { const auto &channelName = this->getName(); qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[TwitchChannel" << channelName << "] Channel point reward added:" << reward.id << "," << reward.title << "," << reward.isUserInputRequired; auto *server = getIApp()->getTwitch(); auto it = std::remove_if( this->waitingRedemptions_.begin(), this->waitingRedemptions_.end(), [&](const QueuedRedemption &msg) { if (reward.id == msg.rewardID) { IrcMessageHandler::instance().addMessage( msg.message.get(), shared_from_this(), msg.originalContent, *server, false, false); return true; } return false; }); this->waitingRedemptions_.erase(it, this->waitingRedemptions_.end()); } } bool TwitchChannel::isChannelPointRewardKnown(const QString &rewardId) { const auto &pointRewards = this->channelPointRewards_.accessConst(); const auto &it = pointRewards->find(rewardId); return it != pointRewards->end(); } std::optional TwitchChannel::channelPointReward( const QString &rewardId) const { auto rewards = this->channelPointRewards_.accessConst(); auto it = rewards->find(rewardId); if (it == rewards->end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } void TwitchChannel::updateStreamStatus( const std::optional &helixStream) { if (helixStream) { auto stream = *helixStream; { auto status = this->streamStatus_.access(); status->viewerCount = stream.viewerCount; status->gameId = stream.gameId; status->game = stream.gameName; status->title = stream.title; QDateTime since = QDateTime::fromString(stream.startedAt, Qt::ISODate); auto diff = since.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); status->uptime = QString::number(diff / 3600) + "h " + QString::number(diff % 3600 / 60) + "m"; status->uptimeSeconds = diff; status->rerun = false; status->streamType = stream.type; for (const auto &tag : stream.tags) { if (QString::compare(tag, "Rerun", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { status->rerun = true; status->streamType = "rerun"; break; } } } if (this->setLive(true)) { this->liveStatusChanged.invoke(true); } this->streamStatusChanged.invoke(); } else { if (this->setLive(false)) { this->liveStatusChanged.invoke(false); this->streamStatusChanged.invoke(); } } } void TwitchChannel::updateStreamTitle(const QString &title) { { auto status = this->streamStatus_.access(); if (status->title == title) { // Title has not changed return; } status->title = title; } this->streamStatusChanged.invoke(); } void TwitchChannel::updateDisplayName(const QString &displayName) { if (displayName == this->nameOptions.actualDisplayName) { // Display name has not changed return; } // Display name has changed this->nameOptions.actualDisplayName = displayName; if (QString::compare(displayName, this->getName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { // Display name is only a case variation of the login name this->setDisplayName(displayName); this->setLocalizedName(displayName); } else { // Display name contains Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters this->setDisplayName(this->getName()); this->setLocalizedName( QString("%1(%2)").arg(this->getName()).arg(displayName)); } this->addRecentChatter(this->getDisplayName()); this->displayNameChanged.invoke(); } void TwitchChannel::showLoginMessage() { const auto linkColor = MessageColor(MessageColor::Link); const auto accountsLink = Link(Link::OpenAccountsPage, QString()); const auto currentUser = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); const auto expirationText = QStringLiteral("You need to log in to send messages. You can link your " "Twitch account"); const auto loginPromptText = QStringLiteral("in the settings."); auto builder = MessageBuilder(); builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::System); builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::DoNotTriggerNotification); builder.emplace(); builder.emplace(expirationText, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); builder .emplace(loginPromptText, MessageElementFlag::Text, linkColor) ->setLink(accountsLink); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); } void TwitchChannel::roomIdChanged() { if (getIApp()->isTest()) { return; } this->refreshPubSub(); this->refreshBadges(); this->refreshCheerEmotes(); this->refreshFFZChannelEmotes(false); this->refreshBTTVChannelEmotes(false); this->refreshSevenTVChannelEmotes(false); this->joinBttvChannel(); this->listenSevenTVCosmetics(); getIApp()->getTwitchLiveController()->add( std::dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); } QString TwitchChannel::prepareMessage(const QString &message) const { auto *app = getApp(); QString parsedMessage = app->getEmotes()->getEmojis()->replaceShortCodes(message); parsedMessage = parsedMessage.simplified(); if (parsedMessage.isEmpty()) { return ""; } if (!this->hasHighRateLimit()) { if (getSettings()->allowDuplicateMessages) { if (parsedMessage == this->lastSentMessage_) { auto spaceIndex = parsedMessage.indexOf(' '); // If the message starts with either '/' or '.' Twitch will treat it as a command, omitting // first space and only rest of the arguments treated as actual message content // In cases when user sends a message like ". .a b" first character and first space are omitted as well bool ignoreFirstSpace = parsedMessage.at(0) == '/' || parsedMessage.at(0) == '.'; if (ignoreFirstSpace) { spaceIndex = parsedMessage.indexOf(' ', spaceIndex + 1); } if (spaceIndex == -1) { // no spaces found, fall back to old magic character parsedMessage.append(MAGIC_MESSAGE_SUFFIX); } else { // replace the space we found in spaceIndex with two spaces parsedMessage.replace(spaceIndex, 1, " "); } } } } return parsedMessage; } void TwitchChannel::sendMessage(const QString &message) { auto *app = getApp(); if (!app->getAccounts()->twitch.isLoggedIn()) { if (!message.isEmpty()) { this->showLoginMessage(); } return; } qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[TwitchChannel" << this->getName() << "] Send message:" << message; // Do last message processing QString parsedMessage = this->prepareMessage(message); if (parsedMessage.isEmpty()) { return; } bool messageSent = false; this->sendMessageSignal.invoke(this->getName(), parsedMessage, messageSent); this->updateSevenTVActivity(); if (messageSent) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "sent"; this->lastSentMessage_ = parsedMessage; } } void TwitchChannel::sendReply(const QString &message, const QString &replyId) { auto *app = getApp(); if (!app->getAccounts()->twitch.isLoggedIn()) { if (!message.isEmpty()) { this->showLoginMessage(); } return; } qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "[TwitchChannel" << this->getName() << "] Send reply message:" << message; // Do last message processing QString parsedMessage = this->prepareMessage(message); if (parsedMessage.isEmpty()) { return; } bool messageSent = false; this->sendReplySignal.invoke(this->getName(), parsedMessage, replyId, messageSent); if (messageSent) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "sent"; this->lastSentMessage_ = parsedMessage; } } bool TwitchChannel::isMod() const { return this->mod_; } bool TwitchChannel::isVip() const { return this->vip_; } bool TwitchChannel::isStaff() const { return this->staff_; } void TwitchChannel::setMod(bool value) { if (this->mod_ != value) { this->mod_ = value; this->userStateChanged.invoke(); } } void TwitchChannel::setVIP(bool value) { if (this->vip_ != value) { this->vip_ = value; this->userStateChanged.invoke(); } } void TwitchChannel::setStaff(bool value) { if (this->staff_ != value) { this->staff_ = value; this->userStateChanged.invoke(); } } bool TwitchChannel::isBroadcaster() const { auto *app = getIApp(); return this->getName() == app->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(); } bool TwitchChannel::hasHighRateLimit() const { return this->isMod() || this->isBroadcaster() || this->isVip(); } bool TwitchChannel::canReconnect() const { return true; } void TwitchChannel::reconnect() { getIApp()->getTwitchAbstract()->connect(); } QString TwitchChannel::roomId() const { return *this->roomID_.access(); } void TwitchChannel::setRoomId(const QString &id) { if (*this->roomID_.accessConst() != id) { *this->roomID_.access() = id; // This is intended for tests and benchmarks. See comment in constructor. if (!getIApp()->isTest()) { this->roomIdChanged(); this->loadRecentMessages(); } this->disconnected_ = false; this->lastConnectedAt_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); } } SharedAccessGuard TwitchChannel::accessRoomModes() const { return this->roomModes.accessConst(); } void TwitchChannel::setRoomModes(const RoomModes &newRoomModes) { this->roomModes = newRoomModes; this->roomModesChanged.invoke(); } bool TwitchChannel::isLive() const { return this->streamStatus_.accessConst()->live; } bool TwitchChannel::isRerun() const { return this->streamStatus_.accessConst()->rerun; } SharedAccessGuard TwitchChannel::accessStreamStatus() const { return this->streamStatus_.accessConst(); } std::optional TwitchChannel::bttvEmote(const EmoteName &name) const { auto emotes = this->bttvEmotes_.get(); auto it = emotes->find(name); if (it == emotes->end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } std::optional TwitchChannel::ffzEmote(const EmoteName &name) const { auto emotes = this->ffzEmotes_.get(); auto it = emotes->find(name); if (it == emotes->end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } std::optional TwitchChannel::seventvEmote(const EmoteName &name) const { auto emotes = this->seventvEmotes_.get(); auto it = emotes->find(name); if (it == emotes->end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } std::shared_ptr TwitchChannel::bttvEmotes() const { return this->bttvEmotes_.get(); } std::shared_ptr TwitchChannel::ffzEmotes() const { return this->ffzEmotes_.get(); } std::shared_ptr TwitchChannel::seventvEmotes() const { return this->seventvEmotes_.get(); } const QString &TwitchChannel::seventvUserID() const { return this->seventvUserID_; } const QString &TwitchChannel::seventvEmoteSetID() const { return this->seventvEmoteSetID_; } void TwitchChannel::joinBttvChannel() const { if (getIApp()->getTwitch()->getBTTVLiveUpdates()) { const auto currentAccount = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); QString userName; if (currentAccount && !currentAccount->isAnon()) { userName = currentAccount->getUserName(); } getIApp()->getTwitch()->getBTTVLiveUpdates()->joinChannel( this->roomId(), userName); } } void TwitchChannel::addBttvEmote( const BttvLiveUpdateEmoteUpdateAddMessage &message) { auto emote = BttvEmotes::addEmote(this->getDisplayName(), this->bttvEmotes_, message); this->addOrReplaceLiveUpdatesAddRemove(true, "BTTV", QString() /*actor*/, emote->name.string); } void TwitchChannel::updateBttvEmote( const BttvLiveUpdateEmoteUpdateAddMessage &message) { auto updated = BttvEmotes::updateEmote(this->getDisplayName(), this->bttvEmotes_, message); if (!updated) { return; } const auto [oldEmote, newEmote] = *updated; if (oldEmote->name == newEmote->name) { return; // only the creator changed } auto builder = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesUpdateEmoteMessage, "BTTV", QString() /* actor */, newEmote->name.string, oldEmote->name.string); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); } void TwitchChannel::removeBttvEmote( const BttvLiveUpdateEmoteRemoveMessage &message) { auto removed = BttvEmotes::removeEmote(this->bttvEmotes_, message); if (!removed) { return; } this->addOrReplaceLiveUpdatesAddRemove(false, "BTTV", QString() /*actor*/, (*removed)->name.string); } void TwitchChannel::addSeventvEmote( const seventv::eventapi::EmoteAddDispatch &dispatch) { if (!SeventvEmotes::addEmote(this->seventvEmotes_, dispatch)) { return; } this->addOrReplaceLiveUpdatesAddRemove( true, "7TV", dispatch.actorName, dispatch.emoteJson["name"].toString()); } void TwitchChannel::updateSeventvEmote( const seventv::eventapi::EmoteUpdateDispatch &dispatch) { if (!SeventvEmotes::updateEmote(this->seventvEmotes_, dispatch)) { return; } auto builder = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesUpdateEmoteMessage, "7TV", dispatch.actorName, dispatch.emoteName, dispatch.oldEmoteName); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); } void TwitchChannel::removeSeventvEmote( const seventv::eventapi::EmoteRemoveDispatch &dispatch) { auto removed = SeventvEmotes::removeEmote(this->seventvEmotes_, dispatch); if (!removed) { return; } this->addOrReplaceLiveUpdatesAddRemove(false, "7TV", dispatch.actorName, (*removed)->name.string); } void TwitchChannel::updateSeventvUser( const seventv::eventapi::UserConnectionUpdateDispatch &dispatch) { if (dispatch.connectionIndex != this->seventvUserTwitchConnectionIndex_) { // A different connection was updated return; } updateSeventvData(this->seventvUserID_, dispatch.emoteSetID); SeventvEmotes::getEmoteSet( dispatch.emoteSetID, [this, weak = weakOf(this), dispatch](auto &&emotes, const auto &name) { postToThread([this, weak, dispatch, emotes, name]() { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->seventvEmotes_.set( std::make_shared(emotes)); auto builder = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesUpdateEmoteSetMessage, "7TV", dispatch.actorName, name); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); } }); }, [this, weak = weakOf(this)](const auto &reason) { postToThread([this, weak, reason]() { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->seventvEmotes_.set(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP); this->addSystemMessage( QString("Failed updating 7TV emote set (%1).") .arg(reason)); } }); }); } void TwitchChannel::updateSeventvData(const QString &newUserID, const QString &newEmoteSetID) { if (this->seventvUserID_ == newUserID && this->seventvEmoteSetID_ == newEmoteSetID) { return; } const auto oldUserID = makeConditionedOptional( !this->seventvUserID_.isEmpty() && this->seventvUserID_ != newUserID, this->seventvUserID_); const auto oldEmoteSetID = makeConditionedOptional(!this->seventvEmoteSetID_.isEmpty() && this->seventvEmoteSetID_ != newEmoteSetID, this->seventvEmoteSetID_); this->seventvUserID_ = newUserID; this->seventvEmoteSetID_ = newEmoteSetID; runInGuiThread([this, oldUserID, oldEmoteSetID]() { if (getIApp()->getTwitch()->getSeventvEventAPI()) { getIApp()->getTwitch()->getSeventvEventAPI()->subscribeUser( this->seventvUserID_, this->seventvEmoteSetID_); if (oldUserID || oldEmoteSetID) { getIApp()->getTwitch()->dropSeventvChannel( oldUserID.value_or(QString()), oldEmoteSetID.value_or(QString())); } } }); } void TwitchChannel::addOrReplaceLiveUpdatesAddRemove(bool isEmoteAdd, const QString &platform, const QString &actor, const QString &emoteName) { if (this->tryReplaceLastLiveUpdateAddOrRemove( isEmoteAdd ? MessageFlag::LiveUpdatesAdd : MessageFlag::LiveUpdatesRemove, platform, actor, emoteName)) { return; } this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_ = {emoteName}; MessagePtr msg; if (isEmoteAdd) { msg = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesAddEmoteMessage, platform, actor, this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_) .release(); } else { msg = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesRemoveEmoteMessage, platform, actor, this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_) .release(); } this->lastLiveUpdateEmotePlatform_ = platform; this->lastLiveUpdateMessage_ = msg; this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteActor_ = actor; this->addMessage(msg, MessageContext::Original); } bool TwitchChannel::tryReplaceLastLiveUpdateAddOrRemove( MessageFlag op, const QString &platform, const QString &actor, const QString &emoteName) { if (this->lastLiveUpdateEmotePlatform_ != platform) { return false; } auto last = this->lastLiveUpdateMessage_.lock(); if (!last || !last->flags.has(op) || last->parseTime < QTime::currentTime().addSecs(-5) || last->loginName != actor) { return false; } // Update the message this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_.push_back(emoteName); MessageBuilder replacement; if (op == MessageFlag::LiveUpdatesAdd) { replacement = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesAddEmoteMessage, platform, last->loginName, this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_); } else // op == RemoveEmoteMessage { replacement = MessageBuilder(liveUpdatesRemoveEmoteMessage, platform, last->loginName, this->lastLiveUpdateEmoteNames_); } replacement->flags = last->flags; auto msg = replacement.release(); this->lastLiveUpdateMessage_ = msg; this->replaceMessage(last, msg); return true; } void TwitchChannel::messageRemovedFromStart(const MessagePtr &msg) { if (msg->replyThread) { if (msg->replyThread->liveCount(msg) == 0) { this->threads_.erase(msg->replyThread->rootId()); } } } const QString &TwitchChannel::subscriptionUrl() { return this->subscriptionUrl_; } const QString &TwitchChannel::channelUrl() { return this->channelUrl_; } const QString &TwitchChannel::popoutPlayerUrl() { return this->popoutPlayerUrl_; } int TwitchChannel::chatterCount() const { return this->chatterCount_; } bool TwitchChannel::setLive(bool newLiveStatus) { auto guard = this->streamStatus_.access(); if (guard->live == newLiveStatus) { return false; } guard->live = newLiveStatus; if (!newLiveStatus) { // A rerun is just a fancy livestream guard->rerun = false; } return true; } void TwitchChannel::markConnected() { if (this->lastConnectedAt_.has_value() && !this->disconnected_) { this->lastConnectedAt_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); } } void TwitchChannel::markDisconnected() { if (this->roomId().isEmpty()) { // we were never joined in the first place return; } this->disconnected_ = true; } void TwitchChannel::loadRecentMessages() { if (!getSettings()->loadTwitchMessageHistoryOnConnect) { return; } if (this->loadingRecentMessages_.test_and_set()) { return; // already loading } auto weak = weakOf(this); recentmessages::load( this->getName(), weak, [weak](const auto &messages) { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { return; } auto *tc = dynamic_cast(shared.get()); if (!tc) { return; } tc->addMessagesAtStart(messages); tc->loadingRecentMessages_.clear(); std::vector msgs; for (const auto &msg : messages) { const auto highlighted = msg->flags.has(MessageFlag::Highlighted); const auto showInMentions = msg->flags.has(MessageFlag::ShowInMentions); if (highlighted && showInMentions) { msgs.push_back(msg); } tc->addRecentChatter(msg->displayName); } getIApp()->getTwitch()->getMentionsChannel()->fillInMissingMessages( msgs); }, [weak]() { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { return; } auto *tc = dynamic_cast(shared.get()); if (!tc) { return; } tc->loadingRecentMessages_.clear(); }, getSettings()->twitchMessageHistoryLimit.getValue(), std::nullopt, std::nullopt, false); } void TwitchChannel::loadRecentMessagesReconnect() { if (!getSettings()->loadTwitchMessageHistoryOnConnect) { return; } if (this->loadingRecentMessages_.test_and_set()) { return; // already loading } const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); int limit = getSettings()->twitchMessageHistoryLimit.getValue(); if (this->lastConnectedAt_.has_value()) { // calculate how many messages could have occured // while we were not connected to the channel // assuming a maximum of 10 messages per second const auto secondsSinceDisconnect = std::chrono::duration_cast( now - this->lastConnectedAt_.value()) .count(); limit = std::min(static_cast(secondsSinceDisconnect + 1) * 10, limit); } auto weak = weakOf(this); recentmessages::load( this->getName(), weak, [weak](const auto &messages) { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { return; } auto *tc = dynamic_cast(shared.get()); if (!tc) { return; } tc->fillInMissingMessages(messages); tc->loadingRecentMessages_.clear(); }, [weak]() { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { return; } auto *tc = dynamic_cast(shared.get()); if (!tc) { return; } tc->loadingRecentMessages_.clear(); }, limit, this->lastConnectedAt_, now, true); } void TwitchChannel::refreshPubSub() { if (getIApp()->isTest()) { return; } auto roomId = this->roomId(); if (roomId.isEmpty()) { return; } auto currentAccount = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); getIApp()->getTwitchPubSub()->setAccount(currentAccount); getIApp()->getTwitchPubSub()->listenToChannelModerationActions(roomId); if (this->hasModRights()) { getIApp()->getTwitchPubSub()->listenToAutomod(roomId); getIApp()->getTwitchPubSub()->listenToLowTrustUsers(roomId); } getIApp()->getTwitchPubSub()->listenToChannelPointRewards(roomId); } void TwitchChannel::refreshChatters() { // helix endpoint only works for mods if (!this->hasModRights()) { return; } // setting? const auto streamStatus = this->accessStreamStatus(); const auto viewerCount = static_cast(streamStatus->viewerCount); if (getSettings()->onlyFetchChattersForSmallerStreamers) { if (streamStatus->live && viewerCount > getSettings()->smallStreamerLimit) { return; } } // Get chatter list via helix api getHelix()->getChatters( this->roomId(), getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserId(), MAX_CHATTERS_TO_FETCH, [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto result) { if (auto shared = weak.lock()) { this->updateOnlineChatters(result.chatters); this->chatterCount_ = result.total; } }, // Refresh chatters should only be used when failing silently is an option [](auto error, auto message) { (void)error; (void)message; }); } void TwitchChannel::addReplyThread(const std::shared_ptr &thread) { this->threads_[thread->rootId()] = thread; } const std::unordered_map> & TwitchChannel::threads() const { return this->threads_; } std::shared_ptr TwitchChannel::getOrCreateThread( const MessagePtr &message) { assert(message != nullptr); auto threadIt = this->threads_.find(message->id); if (threadIt != this->threads_.end() && !threadIt->second.expired()) { return threadIt->second.lock(); } auto thread = std::make_shared(message); this->addReplyThread(thread); return thread; } void TwitchChannel::cleanUpReplyThreads() { for (auto it = this->threads_.begin(), last = this->threads_.end(); it != last;) { bool doErase = true; if (auto thread = it->second.lock()) { doErase = thread->liveCount() == 0; } if (doErase) { it = this->threads_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } void TwitchChannel::refreshBadges() { if (this->roomId().isEmpty()) { return; } getHelix()->getChannelBadges( this->roomId(), // successCallback [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto channelBadges) { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { // The channel has been closed inbetween us making the request and the request finishing return; } auto badgeSets = this->badgeSets_.access(); for (const auto &badgeSet : channelBadges.badgeSets) { const auto &setID = badgeSet.setID; for (const auto &version : badgeSet.versions) { auto emote = Emote{ .name = EmoteName{}, .images = ImageSet{ Image::fromUrl(version.imageURL1x, 1, BASE_BADGE_SIZE), Image::fromUrl(version.imageURL2x, .5, BASE_BADGE_SIZE * 2), Image::fromUrl(version.imageURL4x, .25, BASE_BADGE_SIZE * 4), }, .tooltip = Tooltip{version.title}, .homePage = version.clickURL, }; (*badgeSets)[setID][version.id] = std::make_shared(emote); } } }, // failureCallback [this, weak = weakOf(this)](auto error, auto message) { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { // The channel has been closed inbetween us making the request and the request finishing return; } QString errorMessage("Failed to load channel badges - "); switch (error) { case HelixGetChannelBadgesError::Forwarded: { errorMessage += message; } break; // This would most likely happen if the service is down, or if the JSON payload returned has changed format case HelixGetChannelBadgesError::Unknown: { errorMessage += "An unknown error has occurred."; } break; } this->addSystemMessage(errorMessage); }); } void TwitchChannel::refreshCheerEmotes() { getHelix()->getCheermotes( this->roomId(), [this, weak = weakOf(this)]( const std::vector &cheermoteSets) { auto shared = weak.lock(); if (!shared) { return; } std::vector emoteSets; for (const auto &set : cheermoteSets) { auto cheerEmoteSet = CheerEmoteSet(); cheerEmoteSet.regex = QRegularExpression( "^" + set.prefix + "([1-9][0-9]*)$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); for (const auto &tier : set.tiers) { CheerEmote cheerEmote; cheerEmote.color = QColor(tier.color); cheerEmote.minBits = tier.minBits; cheerEmote.regex = cheerEmoteSet.regex; // TODO(pajlada): We currently hardcode dark here :| // We will continue to do so for now since we haven't had to // solve that anywhere else // Combine the prefix (e.g. BibleThump) with the tier (1, 100 etc.) auto emoteTooltip = set.prefix + tier.id + "
Twitch Cheer Emote"; auto makeImageSet = [](const HelixCheermoteImage &image) { return ImageSet{ Image::fromUrl(image.imageURL1x, 1.0, BASE_BADGE_SIZE), Image::fromUrl(image.imageURL2x, 0.5, BASE_BADGE_SIZE * 2), Image::fromUrl(image.imageURL4x, 0.25, BASE_BADGE_SIZE * 4), }; }; cheerEmote.animatedEmote = std::make_shared(Emote{ .name = EmoteName{"cheer emote"}, .images = makeImageSet(tier.darkAnimated), .tooltip = Tooltip{emoteTooltip}, .homePage = Url{}, }); cheerEmote.staticEmote = std::make_shared(Emote{ .name = EmoteName{"cheer emote"}, .images = makeImageSet(tier.darkStatic), .tooltip = Tooltip{emoteTooltip}, .homePage = Url{}, }); cheerEmoteSet.cheerEmotes.emplace_back( std::move(cheerEmote)); } // Sort cheermotes by cost std::sort(cheerEmoteSet.cheerEmotes.begin(), cheerEmoteSet.cheerEmotes.end(), [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) { return lhs.minBits > rhs.minBits; }); emoteSets.emplace_back(std::move(cheerEmoteSet)); } *this->cheerEmoteSets_.access() = std::move(emoteSets); }, [] { // Failure }); } void TwitchChannel::createClip() { if (!this->isLive()) { this->addSystemMessage( "Cannot create clip while the channel is offline!"); return; } // timer has never started, proceed and start it if (!this->clipCreationTimer_.isValid()) { this->clipCreationTimer_.start(); } else if (this->clipCreationTimer_.elapsed() < CLIP_CREATION_COOLDOWN || this->isClipCreationInProgress) { return; } this->addSystemMessage("Creating clip..."); this->isClipCreationInProgress = true; getHelix()->createClip( this->roomId(), // successCallback [this](const HelixClip &clip) { MessageBuilder builder; QString text( "Clip created! Copy link to clipboard or edit it in browser."); builder.message().messageText = text; builder.message().searchText = text; builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::System); builder.emplace(); // text builder.emplace("Clip created!", MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); // clip link builder .emplace("Copy link to clipboard", MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::Link) ->setLink(Link(Link::CopyToClipboard, CLIPS_LINK.arg(clip.id))); // separator text builder.emplace("or", MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); // edit link builder .emplace("edit it in browser.", MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::Link) ->setLink(Link(Link::Url, clip.editUrl)); this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); }, // failureCallback [this](auto error) { MessageBuilder builder; QString text; builder.message().flags.set(MessageFlag::System); builder.emplace(); switch (error) { case HelixClipError::ClipsDisabled: { builder.emplace( CLIPS_FAILURE_CLIPS_DISABLED_TEXT, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); text = CLIPS_FAILURE_CLIPS_DISABLED_TEXT; } break; case HelixClipError::UserNotAuthenticated: { builder.emplace( CLIPS_FAILURE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_TEXT, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); builder .emplace(LOGIN_PROMPT_TEXT, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::Link) ->setLink(ACCOUNTS_LINK); text = QString("%1 %2").arg( CLIPS_FAILURE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED_TEXT, LOGIN_PROMPT_TEXT); } break; // This would most likely happen if the service is down, or if the JSON payload returned has changed format case HelixClipError::Unknown: default: { builder.emplace( CLIPS_FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT, MessageElementFlag::Text, MessageColor::System); text = CLIPS_FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT; } break; } builder.message().messageText = text; builder.message().searchText = text; this->addMessage(builder.release(), MessageContext::Original); }, // finallyCallback - this will always execute, so clip creation won't ever be stuck [this] { this->clipCreationTimer_.restart(); this->isClipCreationInProgress = false; }); } std::optional TwitchChannel::twitchBadge(const QString &set, const QString &version) const { auto badgeSets = this->badgeSets_.access(); auto it = badgeSets->find(set); if (it != badgeSets->end()) { auto it2 = it->second.find(version); if (it2 != it->second.end()) { return it2->second; } } return std::nullopt; } std::vector TwitchChannel::ffzChannelBadges( const QString &userID) const { this->tgFfzChannelBadges_.guard(); auto it = this->ffzChannelBadges_.find(userID); if (it == this->ffzChannelBadges_.end()) { return {}; } std::vector badges; const auto *ffzBadges = getIApp()->getFfzBadges(); for (const auto &badgeID : it->second) { auto badge = ffzBadges->getBadge(badgeID); if (badge.has_value()) { badges.emplace_back(*badge); } } return badges; } std::optional TwitchChannel::ffzCustomModBadge() const { return this->ffzCustomModBadge_.get(); } std::optional TwitchChannel::ffzCustomVipBadge() const { return this->ffzCustomVipBadge_.get(); } std::optional TwitchChannel::cheerEmote(const QString &string) { auto sets = this->cheerEmoteSets_.access(); for (const auto &set : *sets) { auto match = set.regex.match(string); if (!match.hasMatch()) { continue; } QString amount = match.captured(1); bool ok = false; int bitAmount = amount.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { qCDebug(chatterinoTwitch) << "Error parsing bit amount in cheerEmote"; } for (const auto &emote : set.cheerEmotes) { if (bitAmount >= emote.minBits) { return emote; } } } return std::nullopt; } void TwitchChannel::updateSevenTVActivity() { static const QString seventvActivityUrl = QStringLiteral("https://7tv.io/v3/users/%1/presences"); const auto currentSeventvUserID = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getSeventvUserID(); if (currentSeventvUserID.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!getSettings()->enableSevenTVEventAPI || !getSettings()->sendSevenTVActivity) { return; } if (this->nextSeventvActivity_.isValid() && QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc() < this->nextSeventvActivity_) { return; } // Make sure to not send activity again before receiving the response this->nextSeventvActivity_ = this->nextSeventvActivity_.addSecs(300); qCDebug(chatterinoSeventv) << "Sending activity in" << this->getName(); getIApp()->getSeventvAPI()->updatePresence( this->roomId(), currentSeventvUserID, [chan = weakOf(this)]() { const auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(chan.lock()); if (!self) { return; } self->nextSeventvActivity_ = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(60); }, [](const auto &result) { qCDebug(chatterinoSeventv) << "Failed to update 7TV activity:" << result.formatError(); }); } void TwitchChannel::listenSevenTVCosmetics() const { if (getIApp()->getTwitch()->getSeventvEventAPI()) { getIApp()->getTwitch()->getSeventvEventAPI()->subscribeTwitchChannel( this->roomId()); } } } // namespace chatterino