#include "GeneralPage.hpp" #include #include #include #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Version.hpp" #include "singletons/Fonts.hpp" #include "singletons/NativeMessaging.hpp" #include "singletons/Paths.hpp" #include "singletons/Theme.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/FuzzyConvert.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp" #include "util/StreamerMode.hpp" #include "widgets/BaseWindow.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/Line.hpp" #include "widgets/settingspages/GeneralPageView.hpp" #include #include #define CHROME_EXTENSION_LINK \ "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatterino-native-host/" \ "glknmaideaikkmemifbfkhnomoknepka" #define FIREFOX_EXTENSION_LINK \ "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chatterino-native-host/" // define to highlight sections in editor #define addTitle addTitle #define addSubtitle addSubtitle #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # define META_KEY "Windows" #else # define META_KEY "Meta" #endif namespace chatterino { namespace { void addKeyboardModifierSetting(GeneralPageView &layout, const QString &title, EnumSetting &setting) { layout.addDropdown::type>( title, {"None", "Shift", "Control", "Alt", META_KEY}, setting, [](int index) { switch (index) { case Qt::ShiftModifier: return 1; case Qt::ControlModifier: return 2; case Qt::AltModifier: return 3; case Qt::MetaModifier: return 4; default: return 0; } }, [](DropdownArgs args) { switch (args.index) { case 1: return Qt::ShiftModifier; case 2: return Qt::ControlModifier; case 3: return Qt::AltModifier; case 4: return Qt::MetaModifier; default: return Qt::NoModifier; } }, false); } } // namespace GeneralPage::GeneralPage() { auto y = new QVBoxLayout; auto x = new QHBoxLayout; auto view = new GeneralPageView; this->view_ = view; x->addWidget(view); auto z = new QFrame; z->setLayout(x); y->addWidget(z); this->setLayout(y); this->initLayout(*view); this->initExtra(); } bool GeneralPage::filterElements(const QString &query) { if (this->view_) return this->view_->filterElements(query) || query.isEmpty(); else return false; } void GeneralPage::initLayout(GeneralPageView &layout) { auto &s = *getSettings(); layout.addTitle("Interface"); layout.addDropdown("Theme", {"White", "Light", "Dark", "Black"}, getApp()->themes->themeName); layout.addDropdown( "Font", {"Segoe UI", "Arial", "Choose..."}, getApp()->fonts->chatFontFamily, [](auto val) { return val; }, [this](auto args) { return this->getFont(args); }); layout.addDropdown( "Font size", {"9pt", "10pt", "12pt", "14pt", "16pt", "20pt"}, getApp()->fonts->chatFontSize, [](auto val) { return QString::number(val) + "pt"; }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToInt(args.value, 10); }); layout.addDropdown( "Zoom", {"0.5x", "0.6x", "0.7x", "0.8x", "0.9x", "Default", "1.2x", "1.4x", "1.6x", "1.8x", "2x", "2.33x", "2.66x", "3x", "3.5x", "4x"}, s.uiScale, [](auto val) { if (val == 1) return QString("Default"); else return QString::number(val) + "x"; }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToFloat(args.value, 1.f); }); layout.addDropdown( "Tab layout", {"Horizontal", "Vertical"}, s.tabDirection, [](auto val) { switch (val) { case NotebookTabDirection::Horizontal: return "Horizontal"; case NotebookTabDirection::Vertical: return "Vertical"; } return ""; }, [](auto args) { if (args.value == "Vertical") { return NotebookTabDirection::Vertical; } else { // default to horizontal return NotebookTabDirection::Horizontal; } }); layout.addCheckbox("Show tab close button", s.showTabCloseButton); layout.addCheckbox("Always on top", s.windowTopMost); #ifdef USEWINSDK layout.addCheckbox("Start with Windows", s.autorun); #endif if (!BaseWindow::supportsCustomWindowFrame()) { layout.addCheckbox("Show preferences button (Ctrl+P to show)", s.hidePreferencesButton, true); layout.addCheckbox("Show user button", s.hideUserButton, true); } layout.addCheckbox("Show which channels are live in tabs", s.showTabLive); layout.addTitle("Chat"); layout.addDropdown( "Pause on mouse hover", {"Disabled", "0.5s", "1s", "2s", "5s", "Indefinite"}, s.pauseOnHoverDuration, [](auto val) { if (val < -0.5f) return QString("Indefinite"); else if (val < 0.001f) return QString("Disabled"); else return QString::number(val) + "s"; }, [](auto args) { if (args.index == 0) return 0.0f; else if (args.value == "Indefinite") return -1.0f; else return fuzzyToFloat(args.value, std::numeric_limits::infinity()); }); addKeyboardModifierSetting(layout, "Pause while holding a key", s.pauseChatModifier); layout.addDropdown( "Mousewheel scroll speed", {"0.5x", "0.75x", "Default", "1.5x", "2x"}, s.mouseScrollMultiplier, [](auto val) { if (val == 1) return QString("Default"); else return QString::number(val) + "x"; }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToFloat(args.value, 1.f); }); layout.addCheckbox("Smooth scrolling", s.enableSmoothScrolling); layout.addCheckbox("Smooth scrolling on new messages", s.enableSmoothScrollingNewMessages); layout.addCheckbox("Show input when it's empty", s.showEmptyInput); layout.addCheckbox("Show message length while typing", s.showMessageLength); layout.addCheckbox("Allow sending duplicate messages", s.allowDuplicateMessages); layout.addTitle("Messages"); layout.addCheckbox("Separate with lines", s.separateMessages); layout.addCheckbox("Alternate background color", s.alternateMessages); layout.addCheckbox("Show deleted messages", s.hideModerated, true); layout.addCheckbox("Highlight messages redeemed with Channel Points", s.enableRedeemedHighlight); layout.addDropdown( "Timestamp format (a = am/pm, zzz = milliseconds)", {"Disable", "h:mm", "hh:mm", "h:mm a", "hh:mm a", "h:mm:ss", "hh:mm:ss", "h:mm:ss a", "hh:mm:ss a", "h:mm:ss.zzz", "h:mm:ss.zzz a", "hh:mm:ss.zzz", "hh:mm:ss.zzz a"}, s.timestampFormat, [](auto val) { return getSettings()->showTimestamps.getValue() ? val : QString("Disable"); }, [](auto args) { getSettings()->showTimestamps.setValue(args.index != 0); return args.index == 0 ? getSettings()->timestampFormat.getValue() : args.value; }); layout.addDropdown( "Limit message height", {"Never", "2 lines", "3 lines", "4 lines", "5 lines"}, s.collpseMessagesMinLines, [](auto val) { return val ? QString::number(val) + " lines" : QString("Never"); }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToInt(args.value, 0); }); layout.addSeperator(); layout.addCheckbox("Draw a line below the most recent message before " "switching applications.", s.showLastMessageIndicator); layout.addDropdown::type>( "Line style", {"Dotted", "Solid"}, s.lastMessagePattern, [](int value) { switch (value) { case Qt::VerPattern: return 0; case Qt::SolidPattern: default: return 1; } }, [](DropdownArgs args) { switch (args.index) { case 0: return Qt::VerPattern; case 1: default: return Qt::SolidPattern; } }, false); layout.addColorButton("Line color", QColor(getSettings()->lastMessageColor.getValue()), getSettings()->lastMessageColor); layout.addTitle("Emotes"); layout.addCheckbox("Enable", s.enableEmoteImages); layout.addCheckbox("Animate", s.animateEmotes); layout.addCheckbox("Animate only when Chatterino is focused", s.animationsWhenFocused); layout.addCheckbox("Enable emote auto-completion by typing :", s.emoteCompletionWithColon); layout.addDropdown( "Size", {"0.5x", "0.75x", "Default", "1.25x", "1.5x", "2x"}, s.emoteScale, [](auto val) { if (val == 1) return QString("Default"); else return QString::number(val) + "x"; }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToFloat(args.value, 1.f); }); layout.addCheckbox("Remove spaces between emotes", s.removeSpacesBetweenEmotes); layout.addDropdown( "Show info on hover", {"Don't show", "Always show", "Hold shift"}, s.emotesTooltipPreview, [](int index) { return index; }, [](auto args) { return args.index; }, false); layout.addDropdown("Emoji style", { "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Google", }, s.emojiSet); layout.addTitle("Streamer Mode"); layout.addDescription( "Chatterino can automatically change behavior if it detects that \"OBS " "Studio\" is running.\nSelect which things you want to change while " "streaming"); ComboBox *dankDropdown = layout.addDropdown::type>( "Enable Streamer Mode", {"Disabled", "Enabled", "Automatic (Detect OBS)"}, s.enableStreamerMode, [](int value) { return value; }, [](DropdownArgs args) { return static_cast(args.index); }, false); dankDropdown->setMinimumWidth(dankDropdown->minimumSizeHint().width() + 10); layout.addCheckbox("Hide usercard avatars", s.streamerModeHideUsercardAvatars); layout.addCheckbox("Hide link thumbnails", s.streamerModeHideLinkThumbnails); layout.addCheckbox( "Hide viewer count and stream length while hovering over split header", s.streamerModeHideViewerCountAndDuration); layout.addCheckbox("Mute mention sounds", s.streamerModeMuteMentions); layout.addCheckbox("Suppress Live Notifications", s.streamerModeSuppressLiveNotifications); layout.addTitle("Link Previews"); layout.addDescription( "Extra information like \"youtube video stats\" or title of webpages " "can be loaded for all links if enabled. Optionally you can also show " "thumbnails for emotes, videos and more. The information is pulled " "from our servers."); layout.addCheckbox("Enable", s.linkInfoTooltip); layout.addDropdown( "Also show thumbnails if available", {"Off", "Small", "Medium", "Large"}, s.thumbnailSize, [](auto val) { if (val == 0) return QString("Off"); else if (val == 100) return QString("Small"); else if (val == 200) return QString("Medium"); else if (val == 300) return QString("Large"); else return QString::number(val); }, [](auto args) { if (args.value == "Small") return 100; else if (args.value == "Medium") return 200; else if (args.value == "Large") return 300; return fuzzyToInt(args.value, 0); }); layout.addDropdown( "Show thumbnails of streams", {"Off", "Small", "Medium", "Large"}, s.thumbnailSizeStream, [](auto val) { if (val == 0) return QString("Off"); else if (val == 1) return QString("Small"); else if (val == 2) return QString("Medium"); else if (val == 3) return QString("Large"); else return QString::number(val); }, [](auto args) { if (args.value == "Small") return 1; else if (args.value == "Medium") return 2; else if (args.value == "Large") return 3; return fuzzyToInt(args.value, 0); }); layout.addNavigationSpacing(); layout.addTitle("Beta"); if (Version::instance().isSupportedOS()) { layout.addDescription( "You can receive updates earlier by ticking the box below. Report " "issues here."); layout.addCheckbox("Receive beta updates", s.betaUpdates); } else { layout.addDescription( "Your operating system is not officially supplied with builds. For " "updates, please rebuild chatterino from sources. Report " "issues here."); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN layout.addTitle("Browser Integration"); layout.addDescription("The browser extension replaces the default " "Twitch.tv chat with chatterino."); { if (auto err = nmIpcError().get()) { layout.addDescription( "An error happened during initialization of the " "browser extension: " + *err); } } layout.addDescription(formatRichNamedLink( CHROME_EXTENSION_LINK, "Download for Google Chrome and similar browsers.")); layout.addDescription( formatRichNamedLink(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_LINK, "Download for Firefox")); layout.addDescription("Chatterino only attaches to known browsers to avoid " "attaching to other windows by accident."); layout.addCheckbox("Attach to any browser (may cause issues)", s.attachExtensionToAnyProcess); #endif layout.addTitle("AppData & Cache"); layout.addSubtitle("Application Data"); layout.addDescription("All local files like settings and cache files are " "store in this directory."); layout.addButton("Open AppData directory", [] { #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN QDesktopServices::openUrl("file://" + getPaths()->rootAppDataDirectory); #else QDesktopServices::openUrl(getPaths()->rootAppDataDirectory); #endif }); layout.addSubtitle("Temporary files (Cache)"); layout.addDescription( "Files that are used often (such as emotes) are saved to disk to " "reduce bandwidth usage and to speed up loading."); auto cachePathLabel = layout.addDescription("placeholder :D"); getSettings()->cachePath.connect([cachePathLabel](const auto &, auto) mutable { QString newPath = getPaths()->cacheDirectory(); QString pathShortened = "Cache saved at " + shortenString(newPath, 50) + ""; cachePathLabel->setText(pathShortened); cachePathLabel->setToolTip(newPath); }); // Choose and reset buttons { auto box = new QHBoxLayout; box->addWidget(layout.makeButton("Choose cache path", [this]() { getSettings()->cachePath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this); })); box->addWidget(layout.makeButton("Reset", []() { getSettings()->cachePath = ""; })); box->addStretch(1); layout.addLayout(box); } layout.addTitle("Advanced"); layout.addSubtitle("Chat title"); layout.addDescription("In live channels show:"); layout.addCheckbox("Uptime", s.headerUptime); layout.addCheckbox("Viewer count", s.headerViewerCount); layout.addCheckbox("Category", s.headerGame); layout.addCheckbox("Title", s.headerStreamTitle); layout.addSubtitle("R9K"); layout.addDescription( "Hide similar messages by the same user. Toggle hidden " "messages by pressing Ctrl+H."); layout.addCheckbox("Hide similar messages", s.similarityEnabled); //layout.addCheckbox("Gray out matches", s.colorSimilarDisabled); layout.addCheckbox("Hide my own messages", s.hideSimilarMyself); layout.addCheckbox("Receive notification sounds from hidden messages", s.shownSimilarTriggerHighlights); s.hideSimilar.connect( []() { getApp()->windows->forceLayoutChannelViews(); }, false); layout.addDropdown( "Similarity threshold", {"0.5", "0.75", "0.9"}, s.similarityPercentage, [](auto val) { return QString::number(val); }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToFloat(args.value, 0.9f); }); layout.addDropdown( "Maximum delay between messages", {"5s", "10s", "15s", "30s", "60s", "120s"}, s.hideSimilarMaxDelay, [](auto val) { return QString::number(val) + "s"; }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToInt(args.value, 5); }); layout.addDropdown( "Amount of previous messages to check", {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, s.hideSimilarMaxMessagesToCheck, [](auto val) { return QString::number(val); }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToInt(args.value, 3); }); layout.addSubtitle("Visible badges"); layout.addCheckbox("Authority (staff, admin)", s.showBadgesGlobalAuthority); layout.addCheckbox("Predictions", s.showBadgesPredictions); layout.addCheckbox("Channel (broadcaster, moderator)", s.showBadgesChannelAuthority); layout.addCheckbox("Subscriber ", s.showBadgesSubscription); layout.addCheckbox("Vanity (prime, bits, subgifter)", s.showBadgesVanity); layout.addCheckbox("Chatterino", s.showBadgesChatterino); layout.addCheckbox("FrankerFaceZ (Bot, FFZ Supporter, FFZ Developer)", s.showBadgesFfz); layout.addSeperator(); layout.addCheckbox("Use custom FrankerFaceZ moderator badges", s.useCustomFfzModeratorBadges); layout.addCheckbox("Use custom FrankerFaceZ VIP badges", s.useCustomFfzVipBadges); layout.addSubtitle("Miscellaneous"); if (supportsIncognitoLinks()) { layout.addCheckbox("Open links in incognito/private mode", s.openLinksIncognito); } layout.addCheckbox("Restart on crash", s.restartOnCrash); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (!getPaths()->isPortable()) { layout.addCheckbox( "Use libsecret/KWallet/Gnome keychain to secure passwords", s.useKeyring); } #endif layout.addCheckbox("Show moderation messages", s.hideModerationActions, true); layout.addCheckbox("Show deletions of single messages", s.hideDeletionActions, true); layout.addCheckbox("Colorize users without color set (gray names)", s.colorizeNicknames); layout.addCheckbox("Mention users with a comma (User,)", s.mentionUsersWithComma); layout.addCheckbox("Show joined users (< 1000 chatters)", s.showJoins); layout.addCheckbox("Show parted users (< 1000 chatters)", s.showParts); layout.addCheckbox("Automatically close user popup when it loses focus", s.autoCloseUserPopup); layout.addCheckbox("Lowercase domains (anti-phishing)", s.lowercaseDomains); layout.addCheckbox("Bold @usernames", s.boldUsernames); layout.addCheckbox("Color @usernames", s.colorUsernames); layout.addCheckbox("Try to find usernames without @ prefix", s.findAllUsernames); layout.addDropdown( "Username font weight", {"50", "Default", "75", "100"}, s.boldScale, [](auto val) { if (val == 63) return QString("Default"); else return QString::number(val); }, [](auto args) { return fuzzyToFloat(args.value, 63.f); }); layout.addCheckbox("Double click to open links and other elements in chat", s.linksDoubleClickOnly); layout.addCheckbox("Unshorten links", s.unshortLinks); layout.addCheckbox( "Only search for emote autocompletion at the start of emote names", s.prefixOnlyEmoteCompletion); layout.addCheckbox("Only search for username autocompletion with an @", s.userCompletionOnlyWithAt); layout.addCheckbox("Show twitch whispers inline", s.inlineWhispers); layout.addCheckbox("Highlight received inline whispers", s.highlightInlineWhispers); layout.addCheckbox("Load message history on connect", s.loadTwitchMessageHistoryOnConnect); // TODO: Change phrasing to use better english once we can tag settings, right now it's kept as history instead of historical so that the setting shows up when the user searches for history layout.addIntInput("Max number of history messages to load on connect", s.twitchMessageHistoryLimit, 10, 800, 10); layout.addCheckbox("Enable experimental IRC support (requires restart)", s.enableExperimentalIrc); layout.addCheckbox("Show unhandled IRC messages", s.showUnhandledIrcMessages); layout.addDropdown( "Stack timeouts", {"Stack", "Stack until timeout", "Don't stack"}, s.timeoutStackStyle, [](int index) { return index; }, [](auto args) { return args.index; }, false); layout.addCheckbox("Combine multiple bit tips into one", s.stackBits); layout.addCheckbox("Ask for confirmation when uploading an image", s.askOnImageUpload); layout.addCheckbox("Messages in /mentions highlights tab", s.highlightMentions); layout.addStretch(); // invisible element for width auto inv = new BaseWidget(this); // inv->setScaleIndependantWidth(600); layout.addWidget(inv); } void GeneralPage::initExtra() { /// update cache path if (this->cachePath_) { getSettings()->cachePath.connect( [cachePath = this->cachePath_](const auto &, auto) mutable { QString newPath = getPaths()->cacheDirectory(); QString pathShortened = "Current location: " + shortenString(newPath, 50) + ""; cachePath->setText(pathShortened); cachePath->setToolTip(newPath); }); } } QString GeneralPage::getFont(const DropdownArgs &args) const { if (args.combobox->currentIndex() == args.combobox->count() - 1) { args.combobox->setCurrentIndex(0); args.combobox->setEditText("Choosing..."); QFontDialog dialog(getApp()->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, 1.)); dialog.setWindowFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); auto ok = bool(); auto font = dialog.getFont(&ok); if (ok) return font.family(); else return args.combobox->itemText(0); } return args.value; } } // namespace chatterino