const ignoredPages = { "settings": true, "payments": true, "inventory": true, "messages": true, "subscriptions": true, "friends": true, "directory": true, }; const appName = "com.chatterino.chatterino"; let port = null; // gets the port for communication with chatterino function getPort() { if (port) { return port; } else { // TODO: add cooldown connectPort(); return port; } } /// connect to port function connectPort() { port = chrome.runtime.connectNative(appName); console.log("port connected"); port.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) { console.log(msg); }); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function () { console.log("port disconnected"); port = null; }); } // tab activated chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener((activeInfo) => { console.log(0) chrome.tabs.get(activeInfo.tabId, (tab) => { console.log(1) if (!tab || !tab.url) return; console.log(2), {}, (window) => { if (!window.focused) return; console.log(3) onTabSelected(tab.url, tab); }); }); }); // url changed chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => { if (!tab.highlighted) return; onTabSelected(changeInfo.url, tab); }); // tab detached chrome.tabs.onDetached.addListener((tabId, detachInfo) => { tryDetach(detachInfo.oldWindowId); }); // tab closed => { tryDetach(windowId); }); // window selected => { chrome.tabs.query({windowId: windowId, highlighted: true}, (tabs) => { if (tabs.length >= 1) { let tab = tabs[0]; onTabSelected(tab.url, tab); } }); }); /// return channel name if it should contain a chat function matchChannelName(url) { if (!url) return undefined; const match = url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\/?$/); let channelName; if (match && (channelName = match[2], !ignoredPages[channelName])) { return channelName; } return undefined; } // attach or detach from tab function onTabSelected(url, tab) { let channelName = matchChannelName(url); if (channelName) {, {}, (window) => { // attach to window tryAttach(tab.windowId, { name: channelName, yOffset: window.height - tab.height, }); }); } else { // detach from window tryDetach(tab.windowId); } } // receiving messages from the inject script function registerTheGarbage() { chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, callback) => { // is tab highlighted if (! return; // is window focused, {}, (window) => { if (!window.focused) return; // get zoom value chrome.tabs.getZoom(, (zoom) => { let size = { width: message.rect.width * zoom, height: message.rect.height * zoom, }; // attach to window tryAttach(, { name: matchChannelName(, size: size, }) }); }); }); } function registerLoop() { // loop until the runtime objects exists because I can't be arsed to figure out the proper way to do this if (chrome.runtime === undefined) { setTimeout(registerLoop(), 100); return; } registerTheGarbage(); } registerLoop(); // attach chatterino to a chrome window function tryAttach(windowId, data) { data.action = "select"; data.attach = true; data.type = "twitch"; data.winId = "" + windowId; let port = getPort(); if (port) { port.postMessage(data); } } // detach chatterino from a chrome window function tryDetach(windowId) { let port = getPort(); if (port) { port.postMessage({ action: "detach", winId: "" + windowId }) } }