# Building on macOS #### Note - If you want to develop Chatterino 2 you will also need to install Qt Creator 1. Install Xcode and Xcode Command Line Utilites 2. Start Xcode, settings -> Locations, activate your Command Line Tools 3. Install brew https://brew.sh/ 4. `brew install boost openssl rapidjson qt` 5. Go into project directory 6. Create build folder `mkdir build && cd build` 7. `qmake .. && make` If the Project does not build at this point, you might need to add additional Paths/Libs, because brew does not install openssl and boost in the common path. You can get their path using `brew info openssl` `brew info boost` The lines which you need to add to your project file should look similar to this ``` INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/opt/openssl/include LIBS += -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib INCLUDEPATH += "/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.67.0_1/include" LIBS += -L"/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.67.0_1/lib" ```