#include "Helpers.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { namespace helpers::detail { SizeType skipSpace(QStringView view, SizeType startPos) { while (startPos < view.length() && view.at(startPos).isSpace()) { startPos++; } return startPos - 1; } bool matchesIgnorePlural(QStringView word, const QString &expected) { if (!word.startsWith(expected)) { return false; } if (word.length() == expected.length()) { return true; } return word.length() == expected.length() + 1 && word.at(word.length() - 1).toLatin1() == 's'; } std::pair findUnitMultiplierToSec(QStringView view, SizeType &pos) { // Step 1. find end of unit auto startIdx = pos; auto endIdx = view.length(); for (; pos < view.length(); pos++) { auto c = view.at(pos); if (c.isSpace() || c.isDigit()) { endIdx = pos; break; } } pos--; // TODO(QT6): use sliced (more readable) auto unit = view.mid(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx); if (unit.isEmpty()) { return std::make_pair(0, false); } auto first = unit.at(0).toLatin1(); switch (first) { case 's': { if (unit.length() == 1 || matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("second"))) { return std::make_pair(1, true); } } break; case 'm': { if (unit.length() == 1 || matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("minute"))) { return std::make_pair(60, true); } if ((unit.length() == 2 && unit.at(1).toLatin1() == 'o') || matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("month"))) { return std::make_pair(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, true); } } break; case 'h': { if (unit.length() == 1 || matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("hour"))) { return std::make_pair(60 * 60, true); } } break; case 'd': { if (unit.length() == 1 || matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("day"))) { return std::make_pair(60 * 60 * 24, true); } } break; case 'w': { if (unit.length() == 1 || matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("week"))) { return std::make_pair(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, true); } } break; } return std::make_pair(0, false); } } // namespace helpers::detail using namespace helpers::detail; bool startsWithOrContains(const QString &str1, const QString &str2, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, bool startsWith) { if (startsWith) { return str1.startsWith(str2, caseSensitivity); } return str1.contains(str2, caseSensitivity); } bool isNeutral(const QString &s) { static const QRegularExpression re("\\p{L}"); const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(s); return !match.hasMatch(); } QString generateUuid() { auto uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); return uuid.toString(); } QString formatRichLink(const QString &url, bool file) { return QString("" + url + ""; } QString formatRichNamedLink(const QString &url, const QString &name, bool file) { return QString("" + name + ""; } QString shortenString(const QString &str, unsigned maxWidth) { auto shortened = QString(str); if (str.size() > int(maxWidth)) { shortened.resize(int(maxWidth)); shortened += "..."; } return shortened; } QString kFormatNumbers(const int &number) { return QString("%1K").arg(number / 1000); } QColor getRandomColor(const QString &userId) { bool ok = true; int colorSeed = userId.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { // We were unable to convert the user ID to an integer, this means Twitch started to use non-integer user IDs (or we're on IRC) // Use sum of unicode values of all characters in id / IRC nick colorSeed = 0; for (const auto &c : userId) { colorSeed += c.digitValue(); } } const auto colorIndex = colorSeed % TWITCH_USERNAME_COLORS.size(); return TWITCH_USERNAME_COLORS[colorIndex]; } QString formatUserMention(const QString &userName, bool isFirstWord, bool mentionUsersWithComma) { QString result = userName; if (isFirstWord && mentionUsersWithComma) { result += ","; } return result; } int64_t parseDurationToSeconds(const QString &inputString, uint64_t noUnitMultiplier) { if (inputString.length() == 0) { return -1; } QStringView input(inputString); input = input.trimmed(); uint64_t currentValue = 0; bool visitingNumber = true; // input must start with a number SizeType numberStartIdx = 0; for (SizeType pos = 0; pos < input.length(); pos++) { QChar c = input.at(pos); if (visitingNumber && !c.isDigit()) { uint64_t parsed = (uint64_t)input.mid(numberStartIdx, pos - numberStartIdx) .toUInt(); if (c.isSpace()) { pos = skipSpace(input, pos) + 1; if (pos >= input.length()) { // input like "40 ", this shouldn't happen // since we trimmed the view return -1; } c = input.at(pos); } auto result = findUnitMultiplierToSec(input, pos); if (!result.second) { return -1; // invalid unit or leading spaces (shouldn't happen) } currentValue += parsed * result.first; visitingNumber = false; } else if (!visitingNumber && !c.isSpace()) { if (!c.isDigit()) { return -1; // expected a digit } visitingNumber = true; numberStartIdx = pos; } // else: visitingNumber && isDigit || !visitingNumber && isSpace } if (visitingNumber) { if (numberStartIdx != 0) { return -1; // input like "1w 3s 70", 70 what? apples? } currentValue += input.toUInt() * noUnitMultiplier; } return (int64_t)currentValue; } bool compareEmoteStrings(const QString &a, const QString &b) { // try comparing insensitively, if they are the same then sensitively // (fixes order of LuL and LUL) int k = QString::compare(a, b, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (k == 0) { return a > b; } return k < 0; } } // namespace chatterino