#include "messages/Image.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/NetworkManager.hpp" #include "common/UrlFetch.hpp" #include "debug/Log.hpp" #include "singletons/EmoteManager.hpp" #include "singletons/IrcManager.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/PostToThread.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { bool Image::loadedEventQueued = false; Image::Image(const QString &url, qreal scale, const QString &name, const QString &tooltip, const QMargins &margin, bool isHat) : url(url) , name(name) , tooltip(tooltip) , margin(margin) , ishat(isHat) , scale(scale) { DebugCount::increase("images"); } Image::Image(QPixmap *image, qreal scale, const QString &name, const QString &tooltip, const QMargins &margin, bool isHat) : currentPixmap(image) , name(name) , tooltip(tooltip) , margin(margin) , ishat(isHat) , scale(scale) , isLoading(true) , isLoaded(true) { DebugCount::increase("images"); } Image::~Image() { DebugCount::decrease("images"); if (this->isAnimated()) { DebugCount::decrease("animated images"); } if (this->isLoaded) { DebugCount::decrease("loaded images"); } } void Image::loadImage() { NetworkRequest req(this->getUrl()); req.setCaller(this); req.setUseQuickLoadCache(true); req.get([this](QByteArray bytes) -> bool { QByteArray copy = QByteArray::fromRawData(bytes.constData(), bytes.length()); QBuffer buffer(©); buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QImage image; QImageReader reader(&buffer); bool first = true; // clear stuff before loading the image again this->allFrames.clear(); if (this->isAnimated()) { DebugCount::decrease("animated images"); } if (this->isLoaded) { DebugCount::decrease("loaded images"); } if (reader.imageCount() == -1) { // An error occured in the reader Log("An error occured reading the image: '{}'", reader.errorString()); Log("Image url: {}", this->url); return false; } if (reader.imageCount() == 0) { Log("Error: No images read in the buffer"); // No images read in the buffer. maybe a cache error? return false; } for (int index = 0; index < reader.imageCount(); ++index) { if (reader.read(&image)) { auto pixmap = new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); if (first) { first = false; this->loadedPixmap = pixmap; } Image::FrameData data; data.duration = std::max(20, reader.nextImageDelay()); data.image = pixmap; this->allFrames.push_back(data); } } if (this->allFrames.size() != reader.imageCount()) { // Log("Error: Wrong amount of images read"); // One or more images failed to load from the buffer // return false; } if (this->allFrames.size() > 1) { if (!this->animated) { postToThread([this] { getApp()->emotes->gifTimer.signal.connect([=]() { this->gifUpdateTimout(); }); // For some reason when Boost signal is in // thread scope and thread deletes the signal // doesn't work, so this is the fix. }); } this->animated = true; DebugCount::increase("animated images"); } this->currentPixmap = this->loadedPixmap; this->isLoaded = true; DebugCount::increase("loaded images"); if (!loadedEventQueued) { loadedEventQueued = true; QTimer::singleShot(500, [] { getApp()->windows->incGeneration(); auto app = getApp(); app->windows->layoutChannelViews(); loadedEventQueued = false; }); } return true; }); } void Image::gifUpdateTimout() { if (this->animated) { this->currentFrameOffset += GIF_FRAME_LENGTH; while (true) { if (this->currentFrameOffset > this->allFrames.at(this->currentFrame).duration) { this->currentFrameOffset -= this->allFrames.at(this->currentFrame).duration; this->currentFrame = (this->currentFrame + 1) % this->allFrames.size(); } else { break; } } this->currentPixmap = this->allFrames[this->currentFrame].image; } } const QPixmap *Image::getPixmap() { if (!this->isLoading) { this->isLoading = true; this->loadImage(); return nullptr; } if (this->isLoaded) { return this->currentPixmap; } else { return nullptr; } } qreal Image::getScale() const { return this->scale; } const QString &Image::getUrl() const { return this->url; } const QString &Image::getName() const { return this->name; } const QString &Image::getCopyString() const { if (this->copyString.isEmpty()) { return this->name; } return this->copyString; } const QString &Image::getTooltip() const { return this->tooltip; } const QMargins &Image::getMargin() const { return this->margin; } bool Image::isAnimated() const { return this->animated; } bool Image::isHat() const { return this->ishat; } int Image::getWidth() const { if (this->currentPixmap == nullptr) { return 16; } return this->currentPixmap->width(); } int Image::getScaledWidth() const { return static_cast((float)this->getWidth() * this->scale * getApp()->settings->emoteScale.getValue()); } int Image::getHeight() const { if (this->currentPixmap == nullptr) { return 16; } return this->currentPixmap->height(); } int Image::getScaledHeight() const { return static_cast((float)this->getHeight() * this->scale * getApp()->settings->emoteScale.getValue()); } void Image::setCopyString(const QString &newCopyString) { this->copyString = newCopyString; } } // namespace chatterino