#include "widgets/splits/Split.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Common.hpp" #include "common/network/NetworkRequest.hpp" #include "common/network/NetworkResult.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/Command.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/CommandController.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyController.hpp" #include "controllers/notifications/NotificationController.hpp" #include "messages/MessageThread.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/api/Helix.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" #include "singletons/Fonts.hpp" #include "singletons/ImageUploader.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Theme.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/Clipboard.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/StreamLink.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/QualityPopup.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/SelectChannelDialog.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/SelectChannelFiltersDialog.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/UserInfoPopup.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/ChannelView.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/DebugPopup.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/NotebookTab.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/ResizingTextEdit.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/SearchPopup.hpp" #include "widgets/Notebook.hpp" #include "widgets/Scrollbar.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/DraggedSplit.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitContainer.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitHeader.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitInput.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitOverlay.hpp" #include "widgets/Window.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using namespace chatterino; QString formatVIPListError(HelixListVIPsError error, const QString &message) { using Error = HelixListVIPsError; QString errorMessage = QString("Failed to list VIPs - "); switch (error) { case Error::Forwarded: { errorMessage += message; } break; case Error::Ratelimited: { errorMessage += "You are being ratelimited by Twitch. Try " "again in a few seconds."; } break; case Error::UserMissingScope: { // TODO(pajlada): Phrase MISSING_REQUIRED_SCOPE errorMessage += "Missing required scope. " "Re-login with your " "account and try again."; } break; case Error::UserNotAuthorized: { // TODO(pajlada): Phrase MISSING_PERMISSION errorMessage += "You don't have permission to " "perform that action."; } break; case Error::UserNotBroadcaster: { errorMessage += "Due to Twitch restrictions, " "this command can only be used by the broadcaster. " "To see the list of VIPs you must use the Twitch website."; } break; case Error::Unknown: { errorMessage += "An unknown error has occurred."; } break; } return errorMessage; } QString formatModsError(HelixGetModeratorsError error, QString message) { using Error = HelixGetModeratorsError; QString errorMessage = QString("Failed to get moderators: "); switch (error) { case Error::Forwarded: { errorMessage += message; } break; case Error::UserMissingScope: { errorMessage += "Missing required scope. " "Re-login with your " "account and try again."; } break; case Error::UserNotAuthorized: { errorMessage += "Due to Twitch restrictions, " "this command can only be used by the broadcaster. " "To see the list of mods you must use the Twitch website."; } break; case Error::Unknown: { errorMessage += "An unknown error has occurred."; } break; } return errorMessage; } QString formatChattersError(HelixGetChattersError error, QString message) { using Error = HelixGetChattersError; QString errorMessage = QString("Failed to get chatters: "); switch (error) { case Error::Forwarded: { errorMessage += message; } break; case Error::UserMissingScope: { errorMessage += "Missing required scope. " "Re-login with your " "account and try again."; } break; case Error::UserNotAuthorized: { errorMessage += "Due to Twitch restrictions, " "this command can only be used by moderators. " "To see the list of chatters you must use the Twitch website."; } break; case Error::Unknown: { errorMessage += "An unknown error has occurred."; } break; } return errorMessage; } } // namespace namespace chatterino { namespace { void showTutorialVideo(QWidget *parent, const QString &source, const QString &title, const QString &description) { auto *window = new BasePopup( { BaseWindow::EnableCustomFrame, BaseWindow::BoundsCheckOnShow, }, parent); window->setWindowTitle("Chatterino - " + title); window->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); auto *layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(description)); auto *label = new QLabel(window); layout->addWidget(label); auto *movie = new QMovie(label); movie->setFileName(source); label->setMovie(movie); movie->start(); window->getLayoutContainer()->setLayout(layout); window->show(); } } // namespace pajlada::Signals::Signal Split::modifierStatusChanged; Qt::KeyboardModifiers Split::modifierStatus = Qt::NoModifier; Split::Split(QWidget *parent) : BaseWidget(parent) , channel_(Channel::getEmpty()) , vbox_(new QVBoxLayout(this)) , header_(new SplitHeader(this)) , view_(new ChannelView(this, this, ChannelView::Context::None, getSettings()->scrollbackSplitLimit)) , input_(new SplitInput(this)) , overlay_(new SplitOverlay(this)) { this->setMouseTracking(true); this->view_->setPausable(true); this->view_->setFocusProxy(this->input_->ui_.textEdit); this->setFocusProxy(this->input_->ui_.textEdit); this->vbox_->setSpacing(0); this->vbox_->setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1); this->vbox_->addWidget(this->header_); this->vbox_->addWidget(this->view_, 1); this->vbox_->addWidget(this->input_); this->input_->ui_.textEdit->installEventFilter(parent); // update placeholder text on Twitch account change and channel change this->bSignals_.emplace_back( getApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.currentUserChanged.connect([this] { this->updateInputPlaceholder(); })); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(channelChanged, [this] { this->updateInputPlaceholder(); }); this->updateInputPlaceholder(); // clear SplitInput selection when selecting in ChannelView // this connection can be ignored since the ChannelView is owned by this Split std::ignore = this->view_->selectionChanged.connect([this]() { if (this->input_->hasSelection()) { this->input_->clearSelection(); } }); // clear ChannelView selection when selecting in SplitInput // this connection can be ignored since the SplitInput is owned by this Split std::ignore = this->input_->selectionChanged.connect([this]() { if (this->view_->hasSelection()) { this->view_->clearSelection(); } }); // this connection can be ignored since the ChannelView is owned by this Split std::ignore = this->view_->openChannelIn.connect( [this](QString twitchChannel, FromTwitchLinkOpenChannelIn openIn) { ChannelPtr channel = getApp()->getTwitchAbstract()->getOrAddChannel(twitchChannel); switch (openIn) { case FromTwitchLinkOpenChannelIn::Split: this->openSplitRequested.invoke(channel); break; case FromTwitchLinkOpenChannelIn::Tab: this->joinChannelInNewTab(channel); break; case FromTwitchLinkOpenChannelIn::BrowserPlayer: this->openChannelInBrowserPlayer(channel); break; case FromTwitchLinkOpenChannelIn::Streamlink: this->openChannelInStreamlink(twitchChannel); break; default: qCWarning(chatterinoWidget) << "Unhandled \"FromTwitchLinkOpenChannelIn\" enum " "value: " << static_cast(openIn); } }); // this connection can be ignored since the SplitInput is owned by this Split std::ignore = this->input_->textChanged.connect([this](const QString &newText) { if (getSettings()->showEmptyInput) { // We always show the input regardless of the text, so we can early out here return; } if (newText.isEmpty()) { this->input_->hide(); } else if (this->input_->isHidden()) { // Text updated and the input was previously hidden, show it this->input_->show(); } }); getSettings()->showEmptyInput.connect( [this](const bool &showEmptyInput, auto) { if (showEmptyInput) { this->input_->show(); } else { if (this->input_->getInputText().isEmpty()) { this->input_->hide(); } } }, this->signalHolder_); this->header_->updateIcons(); this->overlay_->hide(); this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); // update moderation button when items changed this->signalHolder_.managedConnect( getSettings()->moderationActions.delayedItemsChanged, [this] { this->refreshModerationMode(); }); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(modifierStatusChanged, [this]( Qt::KeyboardModifiers status) { if ((status == SHOW_SPLIT_OVERLAY_MODIFIERS /*|| status == showAddSplitRegions*/) && this->isMouseOver_) { this->overlay_->show(); } else { this->overlay_->hide(); } if (getSettings()->pauseChatModifier.getEnum() != Qt::NoModifier && status == getSettings()->pauseChatModifier.getEnum()) { this->view_->pause(PauseReason::KeyboardModifier); } else { this->view_->unpause(PauseReason::KeyboardModifier); } }); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(this->input_->ui_.textEdit->focused, [this] { // Forward textEdit's focused event this->focused.invoke(); }); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(this->input_->ui_.textEdit->focusLost, [this] { // Forward textEdit's focusLost event this->focusLost.invoke(); }); // this connection can be ignored since the SplitInput is owned by this Split std::ignore = this->input_->ui_.textEdit->imagePasted.connect( [this](const QMimeData *original) { if (!getSettings()->imageUploaderEnabled) { return; } auto channel = this->getChannel(); auto *imageUploader = getApp()->getImageUploader(); auto [images, imageProcessError] = imageUploader->getImages(original); if (images.empty()) { channel->addSystemMessage( QString( "An error occurred trying to process your image: %1") .arg(imageProcessError)); return; } if (getSettings()->askOnImageUpload.getValue()) { QMessageBox msgBox(this->window()); msgBox.setWindowTitle("Chatterino"); msgBox.setText("Image upload"); msgBox.setInformativeText( "You are uploading an image to a 3rd party service not in " "control of the Chatterino team. You may not be able to " "remove the image from the site. Are you okay with this?"); auto *cancel = msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); auto *yes = msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Yes); auto *yesDontAskAgain = msgBox.addButton("Yes, don't ask again", QMessageBox::YesRole); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Yes); msgBox.exec(); auto *clickedButton = msgBox.clickedButton(); if (clickedButton == yesDontAskAgain) { getSettings()->askOnImageUpload.setValue(false); } else if (clickedButton == yes) { // Continue with image upload } else if (clickedButton == cancel) { // Not continuing with image upload return; } else { // An unknown "button" was pressed - handle it as if cancel was pressed // cancel is already handled as the "escape" option, so this should never happen qCWarning(chatterinoImageuploader) << "Unhandled button pressed:" << clickedButton; return; } } QPointer edit = this->input_->ui_.textEdit; imageUploader->upload(std::move(images), channel, edit); }); getSettings()->imageUploaderEnabled.connect( [this](const bool &val) { this->setAcceptDrops(val); }, this->signalHolder_); this->addShortcuts(); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(getApp()->getHotkeys()->onItemsUpdated, [this]() { this->clearShortcuts(); this->addShortcuts(); }); } void Split::addShortcuts() { HotkeyController::HotkeyMap actions{ {"delete", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->deleteFromContainer(); return ""; }}, {"changeChannel", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->changeChannel(); return ""; }}, {"showSearch", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->showSearch(true); return ""; }}, {"showGlobalSearch", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->showSearch(false); return ""; }}, {"reconnect", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->reconnect(); return ""; }}, {"debug", [](std::vector) -> QString { auto *popup = new DebugPopup; popup->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); popup->setWindowTitle("Chatterino - Debug popup"); popup->show(); return ""; }}, {"focus", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (arguments.size() == 0) { return "focus action requires only one argument: the " "focus direction Use \"up\", \"above\", \"down\", " "\"below\", \"left\" or \"right\"."; } auto direction = arguments.at(0); if (direction == "up" || direction == "above") { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::SelectSplitAbove); } else if (direction == "down" || direction == "below") { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::SelectSplitBelow); } else if (direction == "left") { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::SelectSplitLeft); } else if (direction == "right") { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::SelectSplitRight); } else { return "focus in unknown direction. Use \"up\", " "\"above\", \"down\", \"below\", \"left\" or " "\"right\"."; } return ""; }}, {"scrollToBottom", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->getChannelView().getScrollBar().scrollToBottom( getSettings()->enableSmoothScrollingNewMessages.getValue()); return ""; }}, {"scrollToTop", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->getChannelView().getScrollBar().scrollToTop( getSettings()->enableSmoothScrollingNewMessages.getValue()); return ""; }}, {"scrollPage", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (arguments.size() == 0) { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "scrollPage hotkey called without arguments!"; return "scrollPage hotkey called without arguments!"; } auto direction = arguments.at(0); auto &scrollbar = this->getChannelView().getScrollBar(); if (direction == "up") { scrollbar.offset(-scrollbar.getPageSize()); } else if (direction == "down") { scrollbar.offset(scrollbar.getPageSize()); } else { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "Unknown scroll direction"; } return ""; }}, {"pickFilters", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->setFiltersDialog(); return ""; }}, {"openInBrowser", [this](std::vector) -> QString { if (this->getChannel()->getType() == Channel::Type::TwitchWhispers) { this->openWhispersInBrowser(); } else { this->openInBrowser(); } return ""; }}, {"openInStreamlink", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->openInStreamlink(); return ""; }}, {"openInCustomPlayer", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->openWithCustomScheme(); return ""; }}, {"openPlayerInBrowser", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->openBrowserPlayer(); return ""; }}, {"openModView", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->openModViewInBrowser(); return ""; }}, {"createClip", [this](std::vector) -> QString { // Alt+X: create clip LUL if (const auto type = this->getChannel()->getType(); type != Channel::Type::Twitch && type != Channel::Type::TwitchWatching) { return "Cannot create clip it non-twitch channel."; } auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(this->getChannel().get()); twitchChannel->createClip(); return ""; }}, {"reloadEmotes", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { auto reloadChannel = true; auto reloadSubscriber = true; if (arguments.size() != 0) { auto arg = arguments.at(0); if (arg == "channel") { reloadSubscriber = false; } else if (arg == "subscriber") { reloadChannel = false; } } if (reloadChannel) { this->header_->reloadChannelEmotes(); } if (reloadSubscriber) { this->header_->reloadSubscriberEmotes(); } return ""; }}, {"setModerationMode", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (!this->getChannel()->isTwitchChannel()) { return "Cannot set moderation mode in non-twitch channel."; } auto mode = 2; // 0 is off // 1 is on // 2 is toggle if (arguments.size() != 0) { auto arg = arguments.at(0); if (arg == "off") { mode = 0; } else if (arg == "on") { mode = 1; } else { mode = 2; } } if (mode == 0) { this->setModerationMode(false); } else if (mode == 1) { this->setModerationMode(true); } else { this->setModerationMode(!this->getModerationMode()); } return ""; }}, {"openViewerList", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->showChatterList(); return ""; }}, {"clearMessages", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->clear(); return ""; }}, {"runCommand", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (arguments.empty()) { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "runCommand hotkey called without arguments!"; return "runCommand hotkey called without arguments!"; } QString requestedText = arguments.at(0).replace('\n', ' '); QString inputText = this->getInput().getInputText(); QString message = getApp()->getCommands()->execCustomCommand( requestedText.split(' '), Command{"(hotkey)", requestedText}, true, this->getChannel(), nullptr, { {"input.text", inputText}, }); message = getApp()->getCommands()->execCommand( message, this->getChannel(), false); this->getChannel()->sendMessage(message); return ""; }}, {"setChannelNotification", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (!this->getChannel()->isTwitchChannel()) { return "Cannot set channel notifications for non-twitch " "channel."; } auto mode = 2; // 0 is off // 1 is on // 2 is toggle if (arguments.size() != 0) { auto arg = arguments.at(0); if (arg == "off") { mode = 0; } else if (arg == "on") { mode = 1; } else { mode = 2; } } if (mode == 0) { getApp()->getNotifications()->removeChannelNotification( this->getChannel()->getName(), Platform::Twitch); } else if (mode == 1) { getApp()->getNotifications()->addChannelNotification( this->getChannel()->getName(), Platform::Twitch); } else { getApp()->getNotifications()->updateChannelNotification( this->getChannel()->getName(), Platform::Twitch); } return ""; }}, }; this->shortcuts_ = getApp()->getHotkeys()->shortcutsForCategory( HotkeyCategory::Split, actions, this); } Split::~Split() { this->usermodeChangedConnection_.disconnect(); this->roomModeChangedConnection_.disconnect(); this->channelIDChangedConnection_.disconnect(); this->indirectChannelChangedConnection_.disconnect(); } ChannelView &Split::getChannelView() { return *this->view_; } SplitInput &Split::getInput() { return *this->input_; } void Split::updateInputPlaceholder() { if (!this->getChannel()->isTwitchChannel()) { return; } auto user = getApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); QString placeholderText; if (user->isAnon()) { placeholderText = "Log in to send messages..."; } else { placeholderText = QString("Send message as %1...") .arg(getApp() ->getAccounts() ->twitch.getCurrent() ->getUserName()); } this->input_->ui_.textEdit->setPlaceholderText(placeholderText); } void Split::joinChannelInNewTab(ChannelPtr channel) { auto &nb = getApp()->getWindows()->getMainWindow().getNotebook(); SplitContainer *container = nb.addPage(true); Split *split = new Split(container); split->setChannel(channel); container->insertSplit(split); } void Split::refreshModerationMode() { this->header_->updateIcons(); this->view_->queueLayout(); } void Split::openChannelInBrowserPlayer(ChannelPtr channel) { if (auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get())) { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl(TWITCH_PLAYER_URL.arg(twitchChannel->getName()))); } } void Split::openChannelInStreamlink(QString channelName) { try { openStreamlinkForChannel(channelName); } catch (const Exception &ex) { qCWarning(chatterinoWidget) << "Error in doOpenStreamlink:" << ex.what(); } } IndirectChannel Split::getIndirectChannel() { return this->channel_; } ChannelPtr Split::getChannel() const { return this->channel_.get(); } void Split::setChannel(IndirectChannel newChannel) { this->channel_ = newChannel; this->view_->setChannel(newChannel.get()); this->usermodeChangedConnection_.disconnect(); this->roomModeChangedConnection_.disconnect(); this->indirectChannelChangedConnection_.disconnect(); TwitchChannel *tc = dynamic_cast(newChannel.get().get()); if (tc != nullptr) { this->usermodeChangedConnection_ = tc->userStateChanged.connect([this] { this->header_->updateIcons(); this->header_->updateRoomModes(); }); this->roomModeChangedConnection_ = tc->roomModesChanged.connect([this] { this->header_->updateRoomModes(); }); } this->indirectChannelChangedConnection_ = newChannel.getChannelChanged().connect([this] { QTimer::singleShot(0, [this] { this->setChannel(this->channel_); }); }); this->header_->updateIcons(); this->header_->updateChannelText(); this->header_->updateRoomModes(); this->channelSignalHolder_.managedConnect( this->channel_.get()->displayNameChanged, [this] { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::RefreshTab); }); this->channelChanged.invoke(); this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::RefreshTab); // Queue up save because: Split channel changed getApp()->getWindows()->queueSave(); } void Split::setModerationMode(bool value) { this->moderationMode_ = value; this->refreshModerationMode(); } bool Split::getModerationMode() const { return this->moderationMode_; } void Split::insertTextToInput(const QString &text) { this->input_->insertText(text); } void Split::showChangeChannelPopup(const char *dialogTitle, bool empty, std::function callback) { if (!this->selectChannelDialog_.isNull()) { this->selectChannelDialog_->raise(); return; } auto *dialog = new SelectChannelDialog(this); if (!empty) { dialog->setSelectedChannel(this->getIndirectChannel()); } dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dialog->setWindowTitle(dialogTitle); dialog->show(); // We can safely ignore this signal connection since the dialog will be closed before // this Split is closed std::ignore = dialog->closed.connect([=, this] { if (dialog->hasSeletedChannel()) { this->setChannel(dialog->getSelectedChannel()); } callback(dialog->hasSeletedChannel()); }); this->selectChannelDialog_ = dialog; } void Split::updateGifEmotes() { this->view_->queueUpdate(); } void Split::updateLastReadMessage() { this->view_->updateLastReadMessage(); } void Split::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { // color the background of the chat QPainter painter(this); painter.fillRect(this->rect(), this->theme->splits.background); } void Split::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { (void)event; this->handleModifiers(QGuiApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers()); } void Split::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { (void)event; this->view_->unsetCursor(); this->handleModifiers(QGuiApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers()); } void Split::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { (void)event; this->view_->unsetCursor(); this->handleModifiers(QGuiApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers()); } void Split::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { // Queue up save because: Split resized getApp()->getWindows()->queueSave(); BaseWidget::resizeEvent(event); this->overlay_->setGeometry(this->rect()); } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) void Split::enterEvent(QEnterEvent * /*event*/) #else void Split::enterEvent(QEvent * /*event*/) #endif { this->isMouseOver_ = true; this->handleModifiers(QGuiApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers()); if (modifierStatus == SHOW_SPLIT_OVERLAY_MODIFIERS /*|| modifierStatus == showAddSplitRegions*/) { this->overlay_->show(); } this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::ResetMouseStatus); } void Split::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { (void)event; this->isMouseOver_ = false; this->overlay_->hide(); this->handleModifiers(QGuiApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers()); } void Split::handleModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { if (modifierStatus != modifiers) { modifierStatus = modifiers; modifierStatusChanged.invoke(modifiers); } } void Split::setIsTopRightSplit(bool value) { this->isTopRightSplit_ = value; this->header_->setAddButtonVisible(value); } /// Slots void Split::addSibling() { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::AppendNewSplit); } void Split::deleteFromContainer() { this->actionRequested.invoke(Action::Delete); } void Split::changeChannel() { this->showChangeChannelPopup("Change channel", false, [](bool) {}); auto popup = this->findChildren(); if (popup.size() && popup.at(0)->isVisible() && !popup.at(0)->isFloating()) { popup.at(0)->hide(); showChatterList(); } } void Split::explainMoving() { showTutorialVideo(this, ":/examples/moving.gif", "Moving", "Hold to move splits.\n\nExample:"); } void Split::explainSplitting() { showTutorialVideo(this, ":/examples/splitting.gif", "Splitting", "Hold to add new splits.\n\nExample:"); } void Split::popup() { auto *app = getApp(); Window &window = app->getWindows()->createWindow(WindowType::Popup); Split *split = new Split(static_cast( window.getNotebook().getOrAddSelectedPage())); split->setChannel(this->getIndirectChannel()); split->setModerationMode(this->getModerationMode()); split->setFilters(this->getFilters()); window.getNotebook().getOrAddSelectedPage()->insertSplit(split); window.show(); } void Split::clear() { this->view_->clearMessages(); } void Split::openInBrowser() { auto channel = this->getChannel(); if (auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get())) { QDesktopServices::openUrl("https://twitch.tv/" + twitchChannel->getName()); } } void Split::openWhispersInBrowser() { auto userName = getApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserName(); QDesktopServices::openUrl("https://twitch.tv/popout/moderator/" + userName + "/whispers"); } void Split::openBrowserPlayer() { this->openChannelInBrowserPlayer(this->getChannel()); } void Split::openModViewInBrowser() { auto channel = this->getChannel(); if (auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get())) { QDesktopServices::openUrl("https://twitch.tv/moderator/" + twitchChannel->getName()); } } void Split::openInStreamlink() { this->openChannelInStreamlink(this->getChannel()->getName()); } void Split::openWithCustomScheme() { QString scheme = getSettings()->customURIScheme.getValue(); if (scheme.isEmpty()) { return; } auto *const channel = this->getChannel().get(); if (auto *const twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel)) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QString("%1https://twitch.tv/%2") .arg(scheme) .arg(twitchChannel->getName())); } } void Split::showChatterList() { auto *chatterDock = new QDockWidget( "Chatter List - " + this->getChannel()->getName(), this); chatterDock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea); chatterDock->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetVerticalTitleBar | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable); chatterDock->resize( 0.5 * this->width(), this->height() - this->header_->height() - this->input_->height()); chatterDock->move(0, this->header_->height()); auto *multiWidget = new QWidget(chatterDock); auto *dockVbox = new QVBoxLayout(); auto *searchBar = new QLineEdit(chatterDock); auto *chattersList = new QListWidget(); auto *resultList = new QListWidget(); auto channel = this->getChannel(); if (!channel) { qCWarning(chatterinoWidget) << "Chatter list opened when no channel was defined"; return; } auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get()); if (twitchChannel == nullptr) { qCWarning(chatterinoWidget) << "Chatter list opened in a non-Twitch channel"; return; } auto *loadingLabel = new QLabel("Loading..."); searchBar->setPlaceholderText("Search User..."); auto formatListItemText = [](QString text) { auto *item = new QListWidgetItem(); item->setText(text); item->setFont( getApp()->getFonts()->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, 1.0)); return item; }; auto addLabel = [this, formatListItemText, chattersList](QString label) { auto *formattedLabel = formatListItemText(label); formattedLabel->setForeground(this->theme->accent); chattersList->addItem(formattedLabel); }; auto addUserList = [=](QStringList users, QString label) { if (users.isEmpty()) { return; } addLabel(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(label, localizeNumbers(users.size()))); for (const auto &user : users) { chattersList->addItem(formatListItemText(user)); } chattersList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem()); }; auto performListSearch = [=]() { auto query = searchBar->text(); if (query.isEmpty()) { resultList->hide(); chattersList->show(); return; } auto results = chattersList->findItems(query, Qt::MatchContains); chattersList->hide(); resultList->clear(); for (auto &item : results) { if (!item->text().contains("(")) { resultList->addItem(formatListItemText(item->text())); } } resultList->show(); }; auto loadChatters = [=](auto modList, auto vipList, bool isBroadcaster) { getHelix()->getChatters( twitchChannel->roomId(), getApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->getUserId(), 50000, [=](auto chatters) { auto broadcaster = channel->getName().toLower(); QStringList chatterList; QStringList modChatters; QStringList vipChatters; bool addedBroadcaster = false; for (auto chatter : chatters.chatters) { chatter = chatter.toLower(); if (!addedBroadcaster && chatter == broadcaster) { addedBroadcaster = true; addLabel("Broadcaster"); chattersList->addItem(broadcaster); chattersList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem()); continue; } if (modList.contains(chatter)) { modChatters.append(chatter); continue; } if (vipList.contains(chatter)) { vipChatters.append(chatter); continue; } chatterList.append(chatter); } modChatters.sort(); vipChatters.sort(); chatterList.sort(); if (isBroadcaster) { addUserList(modChatters, QString("Moderators")); addUserList(vipChatters, QString("VIPs")); } else { addLabel("Moderators"); chattersList->addItem( "Moderators cannot check who is a moderator"); chattersList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem()); addLabel("VIPs"); chattersList->addItem( "Moderators cannot check who is a VIP"); chattersList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem()); } addUserList(chatterList, QString("Chatters")); loadingLabel->hide(); performListSearch(); }, [chattersList, formatListItemText](auto error, auto message) { auto errorMessage = formatChattersError(error, message); chattersList->addItem(formatListItemText(errorMessage)); }); }; QObject::connect(searchBar, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, performListSearch); // Only broadcaster can get vips, mods can get chatters if (channel->isBroadcaster()) { // Add moderators getHelix()->getModerators( twitchChannel->roomId(), 1000, [=](auto mods) { QSet modList; for (const auto &mod : mods) { modList.insert(mod.userName.toLower()); } // Add vips getHelix()->getChannelVIPs( twitchChannel->roomId(), [=](auto vips) { QSet vipList; for (const auto &vip : vips) { vipList.insert(vip.userName.toLower()); } // Add chatters loadChatters(modList, vipList, true); }, [chattersList, formatListItemText](auto error, auto message) { auto errorMessage = formatVIPListError(error, message); chattersList->addItem(formatListItemText(errorMessage)); }); }, [chattersList, formatListItemText](auto error, auto message) { auto errorMessage = formatModsError(error, message); chattersList->addItem(formatListItemText(errorMessage)); }); } else if (channel->hasModRights()) { QSet modList; QSet vipList; loadChatters(modList, vipList, false); } else { chattersList->addItem( formatListItemText("Due to Twitch restrictions, this feature is " "only \navailable for moderators.")); chattersList->addItem( formatListItemText("If you would like to see the Chatter list, you " "must \nuse the Twitch website.")); loadingLabel->hide(); } QObject::connect(chatterDock, &QDockWidget::topLevelChanged, this, [=]() { chatterDock->setMinimumWidth(300); }); auto listDoubleClick = [this](const QModelIndex &index) { const auto itemText = index.data().toString(); // if the list item contains a parentheses it means that // it's a category label so don't show a usercard if (!itemText.contains("(") && !itemText.isEmpty()) { this->view_->showUserInfoPopup(itemText); } }; QObject::connect(chattersList, &QListWidget::doubleClicked, this, listDoubleClick); QObject::connect(resultList, &QListWidget::doubleClicked, this, listDoubleClick); HotkeyController::HotkeyMap actions{ {"delete", [chatterDock](std::vector) -> QString { chatterDock->close(); return ""; }}, {"accept", nullptr}, {"reject", nullptr}, {"scrollPage", nullptr}, {"openTab", nullptr}, {"search", [searchBar](std::vector) -> QString { searchBar->setFocus(); searchBar->selectAll(); return ""; }}, }; getApp()->getHotkeys()->shortcutsForCategory(HotkeyCategory::PopupWindow, actions, chatterDock); dockVbox->addWidget(searchBar); dockVbox->addWidget(loadingLabel); dockVbox->addWidget(chattersList); dockVbox->addWidget(resultList); resultList->hide(); multiWidget->setStyleSheet(this->theme->splits.input.styleSheet); multiWidget->setLayout(dockVbox); chatterDock->setWidget(multiWidget); chatterDock->setFloating(true); widgets::showAndMoveWindowTo( chatterDock, this->mapToGlobal(QPoint{0, this->header_->height()}), widgets::BoundsChecking::CursorPosition); chatterDock->activateWindow(); } void Split::openSubPage() { ChannelPtr channel = this->getChannel(); if (auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get())) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(twitchChannel->subscriptionUrl()); } } void Split::setFiltersDialog() { SelectChannelFiltersDialog d(this->getFilters(), this); d.setWindowTitle("Select filters"); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { this->setFilters(d.getSelection()); } } void Split::setFilters(const QList ids) { this->view_->setFilters(ids); this->header_->updateChannelText(); } const QList Split::getFilters() const { return this->view_->getFilterIds(); } void Split::showSearch(bool singleChannel) { auto *popup = new SearchPopup(this, this); popup->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); if (singleChannel) { popup->addChannel(this->getChannelView()); popup->show(); return; } // Pass every ChannelView for every Split across the app to the search popup auto ¬ebook = getApp()->getWindows()->getMainWindow().getNotebook(); for (int i = 0; i < notebook.getPageCount(); ++i) { auto *container = dynamic_cast(notebook.getPageAt(i)); for (auto *split : container->getSplits()) { if (split->channel_.getType() != Channel::Type::TwitchAutomod) { popup->addChannel(split->getChannelView()); } } } popup->show(); } void Split::reloadChannelAndSubscriberEmotes() { auto channel = this->getChannel(); getApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent()->loadEmotes(channel); if (auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast(channel.get())) { twitchChannel->refreshBTTVChannelEmotes(true); twitchChannel->refreshFFZChannelEmotes(true); twitchChannel->refreshSevenTVChannelEmotes(true); } } void Split::reconnect() { this->getChannel()->reconnect(); } void Split::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (getSettings()->imageUploaderEnabled && (event->mimeData()->hasImage() || event->mimeData()->hasUrls())) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } else { BaseWidget::dragEnterEvent(event); } } void Split::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (getSettings()->imageUploaderEnabled && (event->mimeData()->hasImage() || event->mimeData()->hasUrls())) { this->input_->ui_.textEdit->imagePasted.invoke(event->mimeData()); } else { BaseWidget::dropEvent(event); } } template static Iter select_randomly(Iter start, Iter end, RandomGenerator &g) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, std::distance(start, end) - 1); std::advance(start, dis(g)); return start; } template static Iter select_randomly(Iter start, Iter end) { static std::random_device rd; static std::mt19937 gen(rd()); return select_randomly(start, end, gen); } void Split::drag() { auto *container = dynamic_cast(this->parentWidget()); if (!container) { qCWarning(chatterinoWidget) << "Attempted to initiate split drag without a container parent"; return; } startDraggingSplit(); auto originalLocation = container->releaseSplit(this); auto *drag = new QDrag(this); auto *mimeData = new QMimeData; mimeData->setData("chatterino/split", "xD"); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); // drag->exec is a blocking action if (drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction) == Qt::IgnoreAction) { // The split wasn't dropped in a valid spot, return it to its original position container->insertSplit(this, {.position = originalLocation}); } stopDraggingSplit(); } void Split::setInputReply(const MessagePtr &reply) { this->input_->setReply(reply); } void Split::unpause() { this->view_->unpause(PauseReason::KeyboardModifier); this->view_->unpause(PauseReason::DoubleClick); // Mouse intentionally left out, we may still have the mouse over the split } } // namespace chatterino QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const chatterino::Split &split) { auto channel = split.getChannel(); if (channel) { dbg.nospace() << "Split(" << (void *)&split << ", channel:" << channel->getName() << ")"; } else { dbg.nospace() << "Split(" << (void *)&split << ", no channel)"; } return dbg; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const chatterino::Split *split) { if (split != nullptr) { return operator<<(dbg, *split); } dbg.nospace() << "Split(nullptr)"; return dbg; }