#pragma once #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "providers/liveupdates/BasicPubSubWebsocket.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "util/DebugCount.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { /** * This class manages a single connection * that has at most #maxSubscriptions subscriptions. * * You can safely overload the #onConnectionEstablished method * and e.g. add additional heartbeat logic. * * You can use shared_from_this to get a shared_ptr of this client. * * @tparam Subscription see BasicPubSubManager */ template class BasicPubSubClient : public std::enable_shared_from_this> { public: // The maximum amount of subscriptions this connections can handle const size_t maxSubscriptions; BasicPubSubClient(liveupdates::WebsocketClient &websocketClient, liveupdates::WebsocketHandle handle, size_t maxSubscriptions = 100) : maxSubscriptions(maxSubscriptions) , websocketClient_(websocketClient) , handle_(std::move(handle)) { } virtual ~BasicPubSubClient() = default; BasicPubSubClient(const BasicPubSubClient &) = delete; BasicPubSubClient(const BasicPubSubClient &&) = delete; BasicPubSubClient &operator=(const BasicPubSubClient &) = delete; BasicPubSubClient &operator=(const BasicPubSubClient &&) = delete; protected: virtual void onConnectionEstablished() { } bool send(const char *payload) { liveupdates::WebsocketErrorCode ec; this->websocketClient_.send(this->handle_, payload, websocketpp::frame::opcode::text, ec); if (ec) { qCDebug(chatterinoLiveupdates) << "Error sending message" << payload << ":" << ec.message().c_str(); return false; } return true; } /** * @return true if this client subscribed to this subscription * and the current subscriptions don't exceed the maximum * amount. * It won't subscribe twice to the same subscription. * Don't use this in place of subscription management * in the BasicPubSubManager. */ bool subscribe(const Subscription &subscription) { if (this->subscriptions_.size() >= this->maxSubscriptions) { return false; } if (!this->subscriptions_.emplace(subscription).second) { qCWarning(chatterinoLiveupdates) << "Tried subscribing to" << subscription << "but we're already subscribed!"; return true; // true because the subscription already exists } qCDebug(chatterinoLiveupdates) << "Subscribing to" << subscription; DebugCount::increase("LiveUpdates subscriptions"); QByteArray encoded = subscription.encodeSubscribe(); this->send(encoded); return true; } /** * @return true if this client previously subscribed * and now unsubscribed from this subscription. */ bool unsubscribe(const Subscription &subscription) { if (this->subscriptions_.erase(subscription) <= 0) { return false; } qCDebug(chatterinoLiveupdates) << "Unsubscribing from" << subscription; DebugCount::decrease("LiveUpdates subscriptions"); QByteArray encoded = subscription.encodeUnsubscribe(); this->send(encoded); return true; } void close(const std::string &reason, websocketpp::close::status::value code = websocketpp::close::status::normal) { liveupdates::WebsocketErrorCode ec; auto conn = this->websocketClient_.get_con_from_hdl(this->handle_, ec); if (ec) { qCDebug(chatterinoLiveupdates) << "Error getting connection:" << ec.message().c_str(); return; } conn->close(code, reason, ec); if (ec) { qCDebug(chatterinoLiveupdates) << "Error closing:" << ec.message().c_str(); return; } } bool isStarted() const { return this->started_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } liveupdates::WebsocketClient &websocketClient_; private: void start() { assert(!this->isStarted()); this->started_.store(true, std::memory_order_release); this->onConnectionEstablished(); } void stop() { assert(this->isStarted()); this->started_.store(false, std::memory_order_release); } liveupdates::WebsocketHandle handle_; std::unordered_set subscriptions_; std::atomic started_{false}; template friend class BasicPubSubManager; }; } // namespace chatterino