#include #include #include #include #include #include "BrowserExtension.hpp" #include "RunGui.hpp" #include "common/Args.hpp" #include "common/Modes.hpp" #include "common/Version.hpp" #include "singletons/Paths.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp" using namespace chatterino; int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication a(argc, argv); // convert char** to QStringList auto args = QStringList(); std::transform(argv + 1, argv + argc, std::back_inserter(args), [&](auto s) { return s; }); initArgs(args); // run in gui mode or browser extension host mode if (shouldRunBrowserExtensionHost(args)) { runBrowserExtensionHost(); } else if (getArgs().printVersion) { qInfo().noquote() << Version::instance().fullVersion(); } else { Paths *paths{}; try { paths = new Paths; } catch (std::runtime_error &error) { QMessageBox box; if (Modes::instance().isPortable) { box.setText( error.what() + QStringLiteral( "\n\nInfo: Portable mode requires the application to " "be in a writeable location. If you don't want " "portable mode reinstall the application. " "https://chatterino.com.")); } else { box.setText(error.what()); } box.exec(); return 1; } Settings settings(paths->settingsDirectory); runGui(a, *paths, settings); } return 0; }