#include "widgets/notebook.h" #include "colorscheme.h" #include "widgets/notebookbutton.h" #include "widgets/notebookpage.h" #include "widgets/notebooktab.h" #include "widgets/settingsdialog.h" #include <QDebug> #include <QFile> #include <QFormLayout> #include <QLayout> #include <QList> #include <QStandardPaths> #include <QWidget> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> namespace chatterino { namespace widgets { Notebook::Notebook(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , addButton(this) , settingsButton(this) , userButton(this) , selectedPage(nullptr) { connect(&this->settingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(settingsButtonClicked())); connect(&this->userButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(usersButtonClicked())); connect(&this->addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addPageButtonClicked())); this->settingsButton.resize(24, 24); this->settingsButton.icon = NotebookButton::IconSettings; this->userButton.resize(24, 24); this->userButton.move(24, 0); this->userButton.icon = NotebookButton::IconUser; this->addButton.resize(24, 24); Settings::getInstance().hidePreferencesButton.valueChanged.connect( [this](const bool &) { this->performLayout(); }); Settings::getInstance().hideUserButton.valueChanged.connect( [this](const bool &) { this->performLayout(); }); } NotebookPage * Notebook::addPage(bool select) { auto tab = new NotebookTab(this); auto page = new NotebookPage(this, tab); tab->show(); if (select || this->pages.count() == 0) { this->select(page); } this->pages.append(page); this->performLayout(); return page; } void Notebook::removePage(NotebookPage *page) { int index = this->pages.indexOf(page); if (pages.size() == 1) { this->select(NULL); } else if (index == pages.count() - 1) { this->select(pages[index - 1]); } else { this->select(pages[index + 1]); } delete page->tab; delete page; this->pages.removeOne(page); if (this->pages.size() == 0) { addPage(); } performLayout(); } void Notebook::select(NotebookPage *page) { if (page == this->selectedPage) return; if (page != nullptr) { page->setHidden(false); page->tab->setSelected(true); page->tab->raise(); } if (this->selectedPage != nullptr) { this->selectedPage->setHidden(true); this->selectedPage->tab->setSelected(false); } this->selectedPage = page; performLayout(); } NotebookPage * Notebook::tabAt(QPoint point, int &index) { int i = 0; for (auto *page : pages) { if (page->tab->getDesiredRect().contains(point)) { index = i; return page; } i++; } index = -1; return nullptr; } void Notebook::rearrangePage(NotebookPage *page, int index) { pages.move(pages.indexOf(page), index); performLayout(); } void Notebook::performLayout(bool animated) { int x = 0, y = 0; if (Settings::getInstance().hidePreferencesButton.get()) { settingsButton.hide(); } else { settingsButton.show(); x += 24; } if (Settings::getInstance().hideUserButton.get()) { userButton.hide(); } else { userButton.show(); x += 24; } int tabHeight = 16; bool first = true; for (auto &i : this->pages) { tabHeight = i->tab->height(); if (!first && (i == this->pages.last() ? tabHeight : 0) + x + i->tab->width() > width()) { y += i->tab->height(); i->tab->moveAnimated(QPoint(0, y), animated); x = i->tab->width(); } else { i->tab->moveAnimated(QPoint(x, y), animated); x += i->tab->width(); } first = false; } this->addButton.move(x, y); if (this->selectedPage != nullptr) { this->selectedPage->move(0, y + tabHeight); this->selectedPage->resize(width(), height() - y - tabHeight); } } void Notebook::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { performLayout(false); } void Notebook::settingsButtonClicked() { SettingsDialog *a = new SettingsDialog(); a->show(); } void Notebook::usersButtonClicked() { } void Notebook::addPageButtonClicked() { addPage(true); } void Notebook::load(const boost::property_tree::ptree &tree) { // Read a list of tabs try { BOOST_FOREACH (const boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v, tree.get_child("tabs.")) { bool select = v.second.get<bool>("selected", false); auto page = this->addPage(select); auto tab = page->tab; tab->load(v.second); page->load(v.second); } } catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_error &) { // can't read tabs } if (this->pages.size() == 0) { // No pages saved, show default stuff this->loadDefaults(); } } void Notebook::save(boost::property_tree::ptree &tree) { boost::property_tree::ptree tabs; // Iterate through all tabs and add them to our tabs property thing for (const auto &page : this->pages) { boost::property_tree::ptree pTab = page->tab->save(); boost::property_tree::ptree pChats = page->save(); if (pChats.size() > 0) { pTab.add_child("columns", pChats); } tabs.push_back(std::make_pair("", pTab)); } tree.add_child("tabs", tabs); } void Notebook::loadDefaults() { this->addPage(); } } // namespace widgets } // namespace chatterino