#include "widgets/Notebook.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/Args.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyCategory.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyController.hpp" #include "singletons/Resources.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Theme.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/InitUpdateButton.hpp" #include "util/StreamerMode.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/SettingsDialog.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/ChannelView.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/NotebookButton.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/NotebookTab.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/Split.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitContainer.hpp" #include "widgets/Window.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { Notebook::Notebook(QWidget *parent) : BaseWidget(parent) , menu_(this) , addButton_(new NotebookButton(this)) { this->addButton_->setIcon(NotebookButton::Icon::Plus); this->addButton_->setHidden(true); this->lockNotebookLayoutAction_ = new QAction("Lock Tab Layout", this); // Load lock notebook layout state from settings this->setLockNotebookLayout(getSettings()->lockNotebookLayout.getValue()); this->lockNotebookLayoutAction_->setCheckable(true); this->lockNotebookLayoutAction_->setChecked(this->lockNotebookLayout_); // Update lockNotebookLayout_ value anytime the user changes the checkbox state QObject::connect(this->lockNotebookLayoutAction_, &QAction::triggered, [this](bool value) { this->setLockNotebookLayout(value); }); this->showTabsAction_ = new QAction("Toggle visibility of tabs"); QObject::connect(this->showTabsAction_, &QAction::triggered, [this]() { this->setShowTabs(!this->getShowTabs()); }); this->updateTabVisibilityMenuAction(); this->addNotebookActionsToMenu(&this->menu_); // Manually resize the add button so the initial paint uses the correct // width when computing the maximum width occupied per column in vertical // tab rendering. this->resizeAddButton(); } NotebookTab *Notebook::addPage(QWidget *page, QString title, bool select) { // Queue up save because: Tab added getApp()->windows->queueSave(); auto *tab = new NotebookTab(this); tab->page = page; tab->setCustomTitle(title); tab->setTabLocation(this->tabLocation_); Item item; item.page = page; item.tab = tab; this->items_.append(item); page->hide(); page->setParent(this); if (select || this->items_.count() == 1) { this->select(page); } this->performLayout(); tab->setVisible(this->shouldShowTab(tab)); return tab; } void Notebook::removePage(QWidget *page) { // Queue up save because: Tab removed getApp()->windows->queueSave(); int removingIndex = this->indexOf(page); assert(removingIndex != -1); if (this->selectedPage_ == page) { // The page that we are removing is currently selected. We need to determine // the best tab to select before we remove this one. We follow a strategy used // by many web browsers: select the next tab. If there is no next tab, select // the previous tab. int countVisible = this->getVisibleTabCount(); int visibleIndex = this->visibleIndexOf(page); assert(visibleIndex != -1); // A selected page should always be visible if (this->items_.count() == 1) { // Deleting only tab, select nothing this->select(nullptr); } else if (countVisible == 1) { // Closing the only visible tab, try to select any tab (even if not visible) int nextIndex = (removingIndex + 1) % this->items_.count(); this->select(this->items_[nextIndex].page); } else if (visibleIndex == countVisible - 1) { // Closing last visible tab, select the previous visible tab this->selectPreviousTab(); } else { // Otherwise, select the next visible tab this->selectNextTab(); } } // Remove page and delete resources this->items_[removingIndex].page->deleteLater(); this->items_[removingIndex].tab->deleteLater(); this->items_.removeAt(removingIndex); this->performLayout(true); } void Notebook::removeCurrentPage() { if (this->selectedPage_ != nullptr) { this->removePage(this->selectedPage_); } } int Notebook::indexOf(QWidget *page) const { for (int i = 0; i < this->items_.count(); i++) { if (this->items_[i].page == page) { return i; } } return -1; } int Notebook::visibleIndexOf(QWidget *page) const { if (!this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { return this->indexOf(page); } int i = 0; for (const auto &item : this->items_) { if (item.page == page) { assert(this->tabVisibilityFilter_(item.tab)); return i; } if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_(item.tab)) { ++i; } } return -1; } int Notebook::getVisibleTabCount() const { if (!this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { return this->items_.count(); } int i = 0; for (const auto &item : this->items_) { if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_(item.tab)) { ++i; } } return i; } void Notebook::select(QWidget *page, bool focusPage) { if (page == this->selectedPage_) { // Nothing has changed return; } if (page) { // A new page has been selected, mark it as selected & focus one of its splits auto *item = this->findItem(page); if (!item) { return; } page->show(); item->tab->setSelected(true); item->tab->raise(); if (focusPage) { if (item->selectedWidget == nullptr) { item->page->setFocus(); } else { if (containsChild(page, item->selectedWidget)) { item->selectedWidget->setFocus(Qt::MouseFocusReason); } else { qCDebug(chatterinoWidget) << "Notebook: selected child of " "page doesn't exist anymore"; } } } } if (this->selectedPage_) { // Hide the previously selected page this->selectedPage_->hide(); auto *item = this->findItem(selectedPage_); if (!item) { return; } item->tab->setSelected(false); item->selectedWidget = this->selectedPage_->focusWidget(); } this->selectedPage_ = page; this->performLayout(); this->updateTabVisibility(); } bool Notebook::containsPage(QWidget *page) { return std::any_of(this->items_.begin(), this->items_.end(), [page](const auto &item) { return item.page == page; }); } Notebook::Item *Notebook::findItem(QWidget *page) { auto it = std::find_if(this->items_.begin(), this->items_.end(), [page](const auto &item) { return page == item.page; }); if (it != this->items_.end()) { return &(*it); } return nullptr; } bool Notebook::containsChild(const QObject *obj, const QObject *child) { return std::any_of(obj->children().begin(), obj->children().end(), [child](const QObject *o) { if (o == child) { return true; } return containsChild(o, child); }); } void Notebook::selectIndex(int index, bool focusPage) { if (index < 0 || this->items_.count() <= index) { return; } this->select(this->items_[index].page, focusPage); } void Notebook::selectVisibleIndex(int index, bool focusPage) { if (!this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { this->selectIndex(index, focusPage); return; } int i = 0; for (auto &item : this->items_) { if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_(item.tab)) { if (i == index) { // found the index'th visible page this->select(item.page, focusPage); return; } ++i; } } } void Notebook::selectNextTab(bool focusPage) { const int size = this->items_.size(); if (!this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { if (size <= 1) { return; } auto index = (this->indexOf(this->selectedPage_) + 1) % size; this->select(this->items_[index].page, focusPage); return; } // find next tab that is permitted by filter const int startIndex = this->indexOf(this->selectedPage_); auto index = (startIndex + 1) % size; while (index != startIndex) { if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_(this->items_[index].tab)) { this->select(this->items_[index].page, focusPage); return; } index = (index + 1) % size; } } void Notebook::selectPreviousTab(bool focusPage) { const int size = this->items_.size(); if (!this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { if (size <= 1) { return; } int index = this->indexOf(this->selectedPage_) - 1; if (index < 0) { index += size; } this->select(this->items_[index].page, focusPage); return; } // find next previous tab that is permitted by filter const int startIndex = this->indexOf(this->selectedPage_); auto index = startIndex == 0 ? size - 1 : startIndex - 1; while (index != startIndex) { if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_(this->items_[index].tab)) { this->select(this->items_[index].page, focusPage); return; } index = index == 0 ? size - 1 : index - 1; } } void Notebook::selectLastTab(bool focusPage) { if (!this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { const auto size = this->items_.size(); if (size <= 1) { return; } this->select(this->items_[size - 1].page, focusPage); return; } // find first tab permitted by filter starting from the end for (auto it = this->items_.rbegin(); it != this->items_.rend(); ++it) { if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_(it->tab)) { this->select(it->page, focusPage); return; } } } int Notebook::getPageCount() const { return this->items_.count(); } QWidget *Notebook::getPageAt(int index) const { return this->items_[index].page; } int Notebook::getSelectedIndex() const { return this->indexOf(this->selectedPage_); } QWidget *Notebook::getSelectedPage() const { return this->selectedPage_; } QWidget *Notebook::tabAt(QPoint point, int &index, int maxWidth) { auto i = 0; for (auto &item : this->items_) { if (!item.tab->isVisible()) { i++; continue; } auto rect = item.tab->getDesiredRect(); rect.setHeight(int(this->scale() * 24)); rect.setWidth(std::min(maxWidth, rect.width())); if (rect.contains(point)) { index = i; return item.page; } i++; } index = -1; return nullptr; } void Notebook::rearrangePage(QWidget *page, int index) { if (this->isNotebookLayoutLocked()) { return; } // Queue up save because: Tab rearranged getApp()->windows->queueSave(); this->items_.move(this->indexOf(page), index); this->performLayout(true); } bool Notebook::getAllowUserTabManagement() const { return this->allowUserTabManagement_; } void Notebook::setAllowUserTabManagement(bool value) { this->allowUserTabManagement_ = value; } bool Notebook::getShowTabs() const { return this->showTabs_; } void Notebook::setShowTabs(bool value) { this->showTabs_ = value; this->setShowAddButton(value); this->performLayout(); this->updateTabVisibility(); this->updateTabVisibilityMenuAction(); // show a popup upon hiding tabs if (!value && getSettings()->informOnTabVisibilityToggle.getValue()) { this->showTabVisibilityInfoPopup(); } } void Notebook::showTabVisibilityInfoPopup() { auto unhideSeq = getApp()->hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {std::vector()}); if (unhideSeq.isEmpty()) { unhideSeq = getApp()->hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {{"toggle"}}); } if (unhideSeq.isEmpty()) { unhideSeq = getApp()->hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {{"on"}}); } QString hotkeyInfo = "(currently unbound)"; if (!unhideSeq.isEmpty()) { hotkeyInfo = "(" + unhideSeq.toString(QKeySequence::SequenceFormat::NativeText) + ")"; } QMessageBox msgBox(this->window()); msgBox.window()->setWindowTitle("Chatterino - hidden tabs"); msgBox.setText("You've just hidden your tabs."); msgBox.setInformativeText( "You can toggle tabs by using the keyboard shortcut " + hotkeyInfo + " or right-clicking the tab area and selecting \"Toggle " "visibility of tabs\"."); msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Ok); auto *dsaButton = msgBox.addButton("Don't show again", QMessageBox::YesRole); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); if (msgBox.clickedButton() == dsaButton) { getSettings()->informOnTabVisibilityToggle.setValue(false); } } void Notebook::refresh() { this->performLayout(); this->updateTabVisibility(); } void Notebook::updateTabVisibility() { for (auto &item : this->items_) { item.tab->setVisible(this->shouldShowTab(item.tab)); } } void Notebook::updateTabVisibilityMenuAction() { const auto *hotkeys = getIApp()->getHotkeys(); auto toggleSeq = hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {std::vector()}); if (toggleSeq.isEmpty()) { toggleSeq = hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {{"toggle"}}); } if (toggleSeq.isEmpty()) { // show contextual shortcuts if (this->getShowTabs()) { toggleSeq = hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {{"off"}}); } else if (!this->getShowTabs()) { toggleSeq = hotkeys->getDisplaySequence( HotkeyCategory::Window, "setTabVisibility", {{"on"}}); } } this->showTabsAction_->setShortcut(toggleSeq); } bool Notebook::getShowAddButton() const { return this->showAddButton_; } void Notebook::setShowAddButton(bool value) { this->showAddButton_ = value; this->addButton_->setHidden(!value); } void Notebook::resizeAddButton() { float h = (NOTEBOOK_TAB_HEIGHT - 1) * this->scale(); this->addButton_->setFixedSize(h, h); } void Notebook::scaleChangedEvent(float) { this->resizeAddButton(); for (auto &i : this->items_) { i.tab->updateSize(); } } void Notebook::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { this->performLayout(); } void Notebook::performLayout(bool animated) { const auto left = int(2 * this->scale()); const auto right = width(); const auto bottom = height(); const auto scale = this->scale(); const auto tabHeight = int(NOTEBOOK_TAB_HEIGHT * scale); const auto minimumTabAreaSpace = int(tabHeight * 0.5); const auto addButtonWidth = this->showAddButton_ ? tabHeight : 0; const auto lineThickness = int(2 * scale); const auto tabSpacer = std::max(1, int(scale * 1)); const auto buttonWidth = tabHeight; const auto buttonHeight = tabHeight - 1; std::vector filteredItems; filteredItems.reserve(this->items_.size()); if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { std::copy_if(this->items_.begin(), this->items_.end(), std::back_inserter(filteredItems), [this](const auto &item) { return this->tabVisibilityFilter_(item.tab); }); } else { filteredItems.assign(this->items_.begin(), this->items_.end()); } if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Top) { auto x = left; auto y = 0; auto consumedButtonHeights = 0; // set size of custom buttons (settings, user, ...) for (auto *btn : this->customButtons_) { if (!btn->isVisible()) { continue; } btn->setFixedSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); btn->move(x, 0); x += buttonWidth; consumedButtonHeights = tabHeight; } if (this->showTabs_) { // layout tabs /// Notebook tabs need to know if they are in the last row. auto *firstInBottomRow = filteredItems.empty() ? nullptr : &filteredItems.front(); for (auto &item : filteredItems) { /// Break line if element doesn't fit. auto isFirst = &item == &filteredItems.front(); auto isLast = &item == &filteredItems.back(); auto fitsInLine = ((isLast ? addButtonWidth : 0) + x + item.tab->width()) <= width(); if (!isFirst && !fitsInLine) { y += item.tab->height(); x = left; firstInBottomRow = &item; } /// Layout tab item.tab->growWidth(0); item.tab->moveAnimated(QPoint(x, y), animated); x += item.tab->width() + tabSpacer; } /// Update which tabs are in the last row auto inLastRow = false; for (const auto &item : filteredItems) { if (&item == firstInBottomRow) { inLastRow = true; } item.tab->setInLastRow(inLastRow); } // move misc buttons if (this->showAddButton_) { this->addButton_->move(x, y); } y += tabHeight; } y = std::max({y, consumedButtonHeights, minimumTabAreaSpace}); if (this->lineOffset_ != y) { this->lineOffset_ = y; this->update(); } /// Increment for the line at the bottom y += int(2 * scale); // set page bounds if (this->selectedPage_ != nullptr) { this->selectedPage_->move(0, y); this->selectedPage_->resize(width(), height() - y); this->selectedPage_->raise(); } } else if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Left) { auto x = left; auto y = 0; // set size of custom buttons (settings, user, ...) for (auto *btn : this->customButtons_) { if (!btn->isVisible()) { continue; } btn->setFixedSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); btn->move(x, y); x += buttonWidth; } if (this->visibleButtonCount() > 0) { y = tabHeight + lineThickness; // account for divider line } int totalButtonWidths = x; const int top = y + tabSpacer; // add margin y = top; x = left; // zneix: if we were to remove buttons when tabs are hidden // stuff below to "set page bounds" part should be in conditional statement int tabsPerColumn = (this->height() - top) / (tabHeight + tabSpacer); if (tabsPerColumn == 0) // window hasn't properly rendered yet { return; } int count = filteredItems.size() + (this->showAddButton_ ? 1 : 0); int columnCount = ceil((float)count / tabsPerColumn); // only add width of all the tabs if they are not hidden if (this->showTabs_) { for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { bool isLastColumn = col == columnCount - 1; auto largestWidth = 0; int tabStart = col * tabsPerColumn; int tabEnd = std::min(static_cast((col + 1) * tabsPerColumn), filteredItems.size()); for (int i = tabStart; i < tabEnd; i++) { largestWidth = std::max(filteredItems.at(i).tab->normalTabWidth(), largestWidth); } if (isLastColumn && this->showAddButton_) { largestWidth = std::max(largestWidth, this->addButton_->width()); } if (isLastColumn && largestWidth + x < totalButtonWidths) { largestWidth = totalButtonWidths - x; } for (int i = tabStart; i < tabEnd; i++) { auto item = filteredItems.at(i); /// Layout tab item.tab->growWidth(largestWidth); item.tab->moveAnimated(QPoint(x, y), animated); item.tab->setInLastRow(isLastColumn); y += tabHeight + tabSpacer; } if (isLastColumn && this->showAddButton_) { this->addButton_->move(x, y); } x += largestWidth + lineThickness; y = top; } } x = std::max({x, totalButtonWidths, minimumTabAreaSpace}); if (this->lineOffset_ != x - lineThickness) { this->lineOffset_ = x - lineThickness; this->update(); } // set page bounds if (this->selectedPage_ != nullptr) { this->selectedPage_->move(x, 0); this->selectedPage_->resize(width() - x, height()); this->selectedPage_->raise(); } } else if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Right) { auto x = right; auto y = 0; // set size of custom buttons (settings, user, ...) for (auto btnIt = this->customButtons_.rbegin(); btnIt != this->customButtons_.rend(); ++btnIt) { auto *btn = *btnIt; if (!btn->isVisible()) { continue; } x -= buttonWidth; btn->setFixedSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); btn->move(x, y); } if (this->visibleButtonCount() > 0) { y = tabHeight + lineThickness; // account for divider line } int consumedButtonWidths = right - x; const int top = y + tabSpacer; // add margin y = top; x = right; // zneix: if we were to remove buttons when tabs are hidden // stuff below to "set page bounds" part should be in conditional statement int tabsPerColumn = (this->height() - top) / (tabHeight + tabSpacer); if (tabsPerColumn == 0) // window hasn't properly rendered yet { return; } int count = filteredItems.size() + (this->showAddButton_ ? 1 : 0); int columnCount = ceil((float)count / tabsPerColumn); // only add width of all the tabs if they are not hidden if (this->showTabs_) { for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { bool isLastColumn = col == columnCount - 1; auto largestWidth = 0; int tabStart = col * tabsPerColumn; int tabEnd = std::min(static_cast((col + 1) * tabsPerColumn), filteredItems.size()); for (int i = tabStart; i < tabEnd; i++) { largestWidth = std::max(filteredItems.at(i).tab->normalTabWidth(), largestWidth); } if (isLastColumn && this->showAddButton_) { largestWidth = std::max(largestWidth, this->addButton_->width()); } int distanceFromRight = width() - x; if (isLastColumn && largestWidth + distanceFromRight < consumedButtonWidths) { largestWidth = consumedButtonWidths - distanceFromRight; } x -= largestWidth + lineThickness; for (int i = tabStart; i < tabEnd; i++) { auto item = filteredItems.at(i); /// Layout tab item.tab->growWidth(largestWidth); item.tab->moveAnimated(QPoint(x, y), animated); item.tab->setInLastRow(isLastColumn); y += tabHeight + tabSpacer; } if (isLastColumn && this->showAddButton_) { this->addButton_->move(x, y); } y = top; } } // subtract another lineThickness to account for vertical divider x -= lineThickness; int consumedRightSpace = std::max({right - x, consumedButtonWidths, minimumTabAreaSpace}); int tabsStart = right - consumedRightSpace; if (this->lineOffset_ != tabsStart) { this->lineOffset_ = tabsStart; this->update(); } // set page bounds if (this->selectedPage_ != nullptr) { this->selectedPage_->move(0, 0); this->selectedPage_->resize(tabsStart, height()); this->selectedPage_->raise(); } } else if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Bottom) { auto x = left; auto y = bottom; auto consumedButtonHeights = 0; // set size of custom buttons (settings, user, ...) for (auto *btn : this->customButtons_) { if (!btn->isVisible()) { continue; } // move upward to place button below location (x, y) y = bottom - tabHeight; btn->setFixedSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); btn->move(x, y); x += buttonWidth; consumedButtonHeights = tabHeight; } if (this->showTabs_) { // reset vertical position regardless y = bottom - tabHeight - tabSpacer; // layout tabs /// Notebook tabs need to know if they are in the last row. auto *firstInBottomRow = filteredItems.empty() ? nullptr : &filteredItems.front(); for (auto &item : filteredItems) { /// Break line if element doesn't fit. auto isFirst = &item == &filteredItems.front(); auto isLast = &item == &filteredItems.back(); auto fitsInLine = ((isLast ? addButtonWidth : 0) + x + item.tab->width()) <= width(); if (!isFirst && !fitsInLine) { y -= item.tab->height(); x = left; firstInBottomRow = &item; } /// Layout tab item.tab->growWidth(0); item.tab->moveAnimated(QPoint(x, y), animated); x += item.tab->width() + tabSpacer; } /// Update which tabs are in the last row auto inLastRow = false; for (const auto &item : filteredItems) { if (&item == firstInBottomRow) { inLastRow = true; } item.tab->setInLastRow(inLastRow); } // move misc buttons if (this->showAddButton_) { this->addButton_->move(x, y); } } int consumedBottomSpace = std::max({bottom - y, consumedButtonHeights, minimumTabAreaSpace}); int tabsStart = bottom - consumedBottomSpace - lineThickness; if (this->lineOffset_ != tabsStart) { this->lineOffset_ = tabsStart; this->update(); } // set page bounds if (this->selectedPage_ != nullptr) { this->selectedPage_->move(0, 0); this->selectedPage_->resize(width(), tabsStart); this->selectedPage_->raise(); } } if (this->showTabs_) { // raise elements for (auto &i : this->items_) { i.tab->raise(); } if (this->showAddButton_) { this->addButton_->raise(); } } } void Notebook::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { this->update(); switch (event->button()) { case Qt::RightButton: { this->menu_.popup(event->globalPos() + QPoint(0, 8)); } break; default:; } } void Notebook::setTabLocation(NotebookTabLocation location) { if (location != this->tabLocation_) { this->tabLocation_ = location; // Update all tabs for (const auto &item : this->items_) { item.tab->setTabLocation(location); } this->performLayout(); } } void Notebook::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { auto scale = this->scale(); QPainter painter(this); if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Top || this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Bottom) { /// horizontal line painter.fillRect(0, this->lineOffset_, this->width(), int(2 * scale), this->theme->tabs.dividerLine); } else if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Left || this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Right) { if (this->visibleButtonCount() > 0) { if (this->tabLocation_ == NotebookTabLocation::Left) { painter.fillRect(0, int(NOTEBOOK_TAB_HEIGHT * scale), this->lineOffset_, int(2 * scale), this->theme->tabs.dividerLine); } else { painter.fillRect(this->lineOffset_, int(NOTEBOOK_TAB_HEIGHT * scale), width() - this->lineOffset_, int(2 * scale), this->theme->tabs.dividerLine); } } /// vertical line painter.fillRect(this->lineOffset_, 0, int(2 * scale), this->height(), this->theme->tabs.dividerLine); } } bool Notebook::isNotebookLayoutLocked() const { return this->lockNotebookLayout_; } void Notebook::setLockNotebookLayout(bool value) { this->lockNotebookLayout_ = value; this->lockNotebookLayoutAction_->setChecked(value); getSettings()->lockNotebookLayout.setValue(value); } void Notebook::addNotebookActionsToMenu(QMenu *menu) { menu->addAction(this->showTabsAction_); menu->addAction(this->lockNotebookLayoutAction_); } NotebookButton *Notebook::getAddButton() { return this->addButton_; } NotebookButton *Notebook::addCustomButton() { NotebookButton *btn = new NotebookButton(this); this->customButtons_.push_back(btn); this->performLayout(); return btn; } NotebookTab *Notebook::getTabFromPage(QWidget *page) { for (auto &it : this->items_) { if (it.page == page) { return it.tab; } } return nullptr; } size_t Notebook::visibleButtonCount() const { size_t i = 0; for (auto *btn : this->customButtons_) { if (btn->isVisible()) { ++i; } } return i; } void Notebook::setTabVisibilityFilter(TabVisibilityFilter filter) { if (filter) { // Wrap tab filter to always accept selected tabs. This prevents confusion // when jumping to hidden tabs with the quick switcher, for example. filter = [originalFilter = std::move(filter)](const NotebookTab *tab) { return tab->isSelected() || originalFilter(tab); }; } this->tabVisibilityFilter_ = std::move(filter); this->performLayout(); this->updateTabVisibility(); } bool Notebook::shouldShowTab(const NotebookTab *tab) const { if (!this->showTabs_) { return false; } if (this->tabVisibilityFilter_) { return this->tabVisibilityFilter_(tab); } return true; } SplitNotebook::SplitNotebook(Window *parent) : Notebook(parent) { this->connect(this->getAddButton(), &NotebookButton::leftClicked, [this]() { QTimer::singleShot(80, this, [this] { this->addPage(true); }); }); // add custom buttons if they are not in the parent window frame if (!parent->hasCustomWindowFrame()) { this->addCustomButtons(); } getSettings()->tabVisibility.connect( [this](int val, auto) { auto visibility = NotebookTabVisibility(val); // Set the correct TabVisibilityFilter for the given visiblity setting. // Note that selected tabs are always shown regardless of what the tab // filter returns, so no need to include `tab->isSelected()` in the // predicate. See Notebook::setTabVisibilityFilter. switch (visibility) { case NotebookTabVisibility::LiveOnly: this->setTabVisibilityFilter([](const NotebookTab *tab) { return tab->isLive(); }); break; case NotebookTabVisibility::AllTabs: default: this->setTabVisibilityFilter(nullptr); break; } }, this->signalHolder_, true); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect( getApp()->windows->selectSplit, [this](Split *split) { for (auto &&item : this->items()) { if (auto *sc = dynamic_cast(item.page)) { auto &&splits = sc->getSplits(); if (std::find(splits.begin(), splits.end(), split) != splits.end()) { this->select(item.page); split->setFocus(); break; } } } }); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(getApp()->windows->selectSplitContainer, [this](SplitContainer *sc) { this->select(sc); }); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect( getApp()->windows->scrollToMessageSignal, [this](const MessagePtr &message) { for (auto &&item : this->items()) { if (auto *sc = dynamic_cast(item.page)) { for (auto *split : sc->getSplits()) { auto type = split->getChannel()->getType(); if (type != Channel::Type::TwitchMentions && type != Channel::Type::TwitchAutomod) { if (split->getChannelView().scrollToMessage( message)) { return; } } } } } }); } void SplitNotebook::showEvent(QShowEvent * /*event*/) { if (auto *page = this->getSelectedPage()) { auto *split = page->getSelectedSplit(); if (!split) { split = page->findChild(); } if (split) { split->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); } } } void SplitNotebook::addCustomButtons() { // settings auto *settingsBtn = this->addCustomButton(); // This is to ensure you can't lock yourself out of the settings if (getApp()->getArgs().safeMode) { settingsBtn->setVisible(true); } else { settingsBtn->setVisible( !getSettings()->hidePreferencesButton.getValue()); getSettings()->hidePreferencesButton.connect( [settingsBtn](bool hide, auto) { settingsBtn->setVisible(!hide); }, this->signalHolder_); } settingsBtn->setIcon(NotebookButton::Settings); QObject::connect(settingsBtn, &NotebookButton::leftClicked, [this] { getApp()->windows->showSettingsDialog(this); }); // account auto *userBtn = this->addCustomButton(); userBtn->setVisible(!getSettings()->hideUserButton.getValue()); getSettings()->hideUserButton.connect( [userBtn](bool hide, auto) { userBtn->setVisible(!hide); }, this->signalHolder_); userBtn->setIcon(NotebookButton::User); QObject::connect(userBtn, &NotebookButton::leftClicked, [this, userBtn] { getApp()->windows->showAccountSelectPopup( this->mapToGlobal(userBtn->rect().bottomRight())); }); // updates auto *updateBtn = this->addCustomButton(); initUpdateButton(*updateBtn, this->signalHolder_); // streamer mode this->streamerModeIcon_ = this->addCustomButton(); QObject::connect(this->streamerModeIcon_, &NotebookButton::leftClicked, [this] { getApp()->windows->showSettingsDialog( this, SettingsDialogPreference::StreamerMode); }); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(getApp()->streamerModeChanged, [this]() { this->updateStreamerModeIcon(); }); this->updateStreamerModeIcon(); } void SplitNotebook::updateStreamerModeIcon() { if (this->streamerModeIcon_ == nullptr) { return; } // A duplicate of this code is in Window class // That copy handles the TitleBar icon in Window (main window on Windows) // This one is the one near splits (on linux and mac or non-main windows on Windows) if (getTheme()->isLightTheme()) { this->streamerModeIcon_->setPixmap( getResources().buttons.streamerModeEnabledLight); } else { this->streamerModeIcon_->setPixmap( getResources().buttons.streamerModeEnabledDark); } this->streamerModeIcon_->setVisible(isInStreamerMode()); } void SplitNotebook::themeChangedEvent() { this->updateStreamerModeIcon(); } SplitContainer *SplitNotebook::addPage(bool select) { auto *container = new SplitContainer(this); auto *tab = Notebook::addPage(container, QString(), select); container->setTab(tab); tab->setParent(this); return container; } SplitContainer *SplitNotebook::getOrAddSelectedPage() { auto *selectedPage = this->getSelectedPage(); if (selectedPage) { return dynamic_cast(selectedPage); } return this->addPage(); } SplitContainer *SplitNotebook::getSelectedPage() { return dynamic_cast(Notebook::getSelectedPage()); } void SplitNotebook::select(QWidget *page, bool focusPage) { // If there's a previously selected page, go through its splits and // update their "last read message" indicator if (auto *selectedPage = this->getSelectedPage()) { if (auto *splitContainer = dynamic_cast(selectedPage)) { for (auto *split : splitContainer->getSplits()) { split->updateLastReadMessage(); } } } this->Notebook::select(page, focusPage); } } // namespace chatterino