#include "singletons/Fonts.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "debug/AssertInGuiThread.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include #include namespace { using namespace chatterino; int getBoldness() { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) // From qfont.cpp // https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/589c6d066f84833a7c3dda1638037f4b2e91b7aa/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp#L143-L169 static constexpr std::array, 9> legacyToOpenTypeMap{{ {0, QFont::Thin}, {12, QFont::ExtraLight}, {25, QFont::Light}, {50, QFont::Normal}, {57, QFont::Medium}, {63, QFont::DemiBold}, {75, QFont::Bold}, {81, QFont::ExtraBold}, {87, QFont::Black}, }}; const int target = getSettings()->boldScale.getValue(); int result = QFont::Medium; int closestDist = INT_MAX; // Go through and find the closest mapped value for (const auto [weightOld, weightNew] : legacyToOpenTypeMap) { const int dist = qAbs(weightOld - target); if (dist < closestDist) { result = weightNew; closestDist = dist; } else { // Break early since following values will be further away break; } } return result; #else return getSettings()->boldScale.getValue(); #endif } } // namespace namespace chatterino { Fonts::Fonts(Settings &settings) { this->fontsByType_.resize(size_t(FontStyle::EndType)); this->fontChangedListener.setCB([this] { assertInGuiThread(); for (auto &map : this->fontsByType_) { map.clear(); } this->fontChanged.invoke(); }); this->fontChangedListener.addSetting(settings.chatFontFamily); this->fontChangedListener.addSetting(settings.chatFontSize); this->fontChangedListener.addSetting(settings.boldScale); } QFont Fonts::getFont(FontStyle type, float scale) { return this->getOrCreateFontData(type, scale).font; } QFontMetrics Fonts::getFontMetrics(FontStyle type, float scale) { return this->getOrCreateFontData(type, scale).metrics; } Fonts::FontData &Fonts::getOrCreateFontData(FontStyle type, float scale) { assertInGuiThread(); assert(type < FontStyle::EndType); auto &map = this->fontsByType_[size_t(type)]; // find element auto it = map.find(scale); if (it != map.end()) { // return if found return it->second; } // emplace new element auto result = map.emplace(scale, this->createFontData(type, scale)); assert(result.second); return result.first->second; } Fonts::FontData Fonts::createFontData(FontStyle type, float scale) { auto *settings = getSettings(); // check if it's a chat (scale the setting) if (type >= FontStyle::ChatStart && type <= FontStyle::ChatEnd) { static std::unordered_map sizeScale{ {FontStyle::ChatSmall, {0.6f, false, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::ChatMediumSmall, {0.8f, false, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::ChatMedium, {1, false, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::ChatMediumBold, {1, false, QFont::Weight(getBoldness())}}, {FontStyle::ChatMediumItalic, {1, true, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::ChatLarge, {1.2f, false, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::ChatVeryLarge, {1.4f, false, QFont::Normal}}, }; sizeScale[FontStyle::ChatMediumBold] = {1, false, QFont::Weight(getBoldness())}; auto data = sizeScale[type]; return FontData( QFont(settings->chatFontFamily.getValue(), int(settings->chatFontSize.getValue() * data.scale * scale), data.weight, data.italic)); } // normal Ui font (use pt size) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC constexpr float multiplier = 0.8f; #else constexpr float multiplier = 1.f; #endif static std::unordered_map defaultSize{ {FontStyle::Tiny, {8, "Monospace", false, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::UiMedium, {int(9 * multiplier), DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, false, QFont::Normal}}, {FontStyle::UiMediumBold, {int(9 * multiplier), DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, false, QFont::Bold}}, {FontStyle::UiTabs, {int(9 * multiplier), DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, false, QFont::Normal}}, }; UiFontData &data = defaultSize[type]; QFont font(data.name, int(data.size * scale), data.weight, data.italic); return FontData(font); } } } // namespace chatterino