#include "EmoteInputPopup.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "messages/Emote.hpp" #include "providers/bttv/BttvEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/ffz/FfzEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" #include "singletons/Emotes.hpp" #include "util/LayoutCreator.hpp" #include "widgets/listview/GenericListView.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/EmoteInputItem.hpp" namespace chatterino { namespace { struct _Emote { EmotePtr emote; QString displayName; QString providerName; }; void addEmotes(std::vector<_Emote> &out, const EmoteMap &map, const QString &text, const QString &providerName) { for (auto &&emote : map) if (emote.first.string.contains(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) out.push_back( {emote.second, emote.second->name.string, providerName}); } void addEmojis(std::vector<_Emote> &out, const EmojiMap &map, const QString &text) { map.each([&](const QString &, const std::shared_ptr &emoji) { for (auto &&shortCode : emoji->shortCodes) if (shortCode.contains(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) out.push_back({emoji->emote, shortCode, "Emoji"}); }); } } // namespace EmoteInputPopup::EmoteInputPopup(QWidget *parent) : BasePopup({BasePopup::EnableCustomFrame, BasePopup::Frameless, BasePopup::DontFocus}, parent) , model_(this) { this->initLayout(); QObject::connect(&this->redrawTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] { if (this->isVisible()) this->ui_.listView->doItemsLayout(); }); this->redrawTimer_.setInterval(33); } void EmoteInputPopup::initLayout() { LayoutCreator creator = {this}; auto listView = creator.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.listView); listView->setModel(&this->model_); QObject::connect(listView.getElement(), &GenericListView::closeRequested, this, [this] { this->close(); }); } void EmoteInputPopup::updateEmotes(const QString &text, ChannelPtr channel) { std::vector<_Emote> emotes; if (auto tc = dynamic_cast(channel.get())) { if (auto user = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()) { auto twitch = user->accessEmotes(); addEmotes(emotes, twitch->emotes, text, "Twitch Emote"); } // TODO extract "Channel BetterTTV" text into a #define. if (auto bttv = tc->bttvEmotes()) addEmotes(emotes, *bttv, text, "Channel BetterTTV"); if (auto ffz = tc->ffzEmotes()) addEmotes(emotes, *ffz, text, "Channel FrankerFaceZ"); if (auto bttvG = tc->globalBttv().emotes()) addEmotes(emotes, *bttvG, text, "Global BetterTTV"); if (auto ffzG = tc->globalFfz().emotes()) addEmotes(emotes, *ffzG, text, "Global FrankerFaceZ"); addEmojis(emotes, getApp()->emotes->emojis.emojis, text); } // if there is an exact match, put that emote first for (int i = 1; i < (int)emotes.size(); i++) { auto emoteText = emotes.at(i).displayName; // test for match or match with colon at start for emotes like ":)" if (emoteText.compare(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || emoteText.compare(":" + text, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { std::iter_swap(emotes.begin(), emotes.begin() + i); break; } } this->model_.clear(); int count = 0; for (auto &&emote : emotes) { this->model_.addItem(std::make_unique( emote.emote, emote.displayName + " - " + emote.providerName, this->callback_)); if (count++ == maxEmoteCount) break; } if (!emotes.empty()) { this->ui_.listView->setCurrentIndex(this->model_.index(0)); } } bool EmoteInputPopup::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { return this->ui_.listView->eventFilter(watched, event); } void EmoteInputPopup::setInputAction(ActionCallback callback) { this->callback_ = std::move(callback); } void EmoteInputPopup::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { this->redrawTimer_.start(); } void EmoteInputPopup::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { this->redrawTimer_.stop(); } } // namespace chatterino