#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2016-12-28T18:23:35 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core gui network CONFIG += communi COMMUNI += core model util CONFIG += c++14 DEFINES += IRC_NAMESPACE=Communi include(lib/libcommuni/src/src.pri) greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets TARGET = chatterino TEMPLATE = app DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS # Define warning flags for Chatterino win32-msvc* { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -W4 # 4714 - function marked as __forceinline not inlined # 4996 - occurs when the compiler encounters a function or variable that is marked as deprecated. # These functions may have a different preferred name, may be insecure or have # a more secure variant, or may be obsolete. QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += /wd4714 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += /wd4996 } else { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -Wall QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-unused-function QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-switch QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-deprecated-declarations } # do not use windows min/max macros win32 { DEFINES += NOMINMAX } #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 SOURCES += main.cpp\ channel.cpp \ colorscheme.cpp \ emojis.cpp \ ircmanager.cpp \ messages/lazyloadedimage.cpp \ messages/link.cpp \ messages/message.cpp \ messages/word.cpp \ messages/wordpart.cpp \ resources.cpp \ widgets/chatwidget.cpp \ widgets/chatwidgetheader.cpp \ widgets/chatwidgetheaderbutton.cpp \ widgets/chatwidgetinput.cpp \ widgets/chatwidgetview.cpp \ widgets/mainwindow.cpp \ widgets/notebook.cpp \ widgets/notebookbutton.cpp \ widgets/notebookpage.cpp \ widgets/notebookpagedroppreview.cpp \ widgets/notebooktab.cpp \ widgets/scrollbar.cpp \ widgets/scrollbarhighlight.cpp \ widgets/settingsdialog.cpp \ widgets/settingsdialogtab.cpp \ widgets/textinputdialog.cpp \ messages/messageref.cpp \ logging/loggingmanager.cpp \ logging/loggingchannel.cpp \ windowmanager.cpp \ channelmanager.cpp \ fontmanager.cpp \ settingsmanager.cpp \ emotemanager.cpp \ messages/messagebuilder.cpp \ twitch/twitchmessagebuilder.cpp \ twitch/twitchparsemessage.cpp \ widgets/fancybutton.cpp \ widgets/titlebar.cpp \ appdatapath.cpp \ accountmanager.cpp \ twitch/twitchuser.cpp \ ircaccount.cpp \ widgets/accountpopup.cpp HEADERS += \ asyncexec.h \ channel.h \ colorscheme.h \ common.h \ concurrentmap.h \ emojis.h \ ircmanager.h \ messages/lazyloadedimage.h \ messages/link.h \ messages/message.h \ messages/word.h \ messages/wordpart.h \ resources.h \ setting.h \ twitch/emotevalue.h \ widgets/chatwidget.h \ widgets/chatwidgetheader.h \ widgets/chatwidgetheaderbutton.h \ widgets/chatwidgetinput.h \ widgets/chatwidgetview.h \ widgets/mainwindow.h \ widgets/notebook.h \ widgets/notebookbutton.h \ widgets/notebookpage.h \ widgets/notebookpagedroppreview.h \ widgets/notebooktab.h \ widgets/scrollbar.h \ widgets/scrollbarhighlight.h \ widgets/settingsdialog.h \ widgets/settingsdialogtab.h \ widgets/signallabel.h \ widgets/textinputdialog.h \ widgets/resizingtextedit.h \ settingssnapshot.h \ messages/limitedqueue.h \ messages/limitedqueuesnapshot.h \ messages/messageref.h \ logging/loggingmanager.h \ logging/loggingchannel.h \ channelmanager.h \ windowmanager.h \ settingsmanager.h \ fontmanager.h \ emotemanager.h \ util/urlfetch.h \ messages/messageparseargs.h \ messages/messagebuilder.h \ twitch/twitchmessagebuilder.h \ twitch/twitchparsemessage.h \ widgets/fancybutton.h \ widgets/titlebar.h \ appdatapath.h \ accountmanager.h \ twitch/twitchuser.h \ ircaccount.h \ widgets/accountpopup.h \ util/distancebetweenpoints.h PRECOMPILED_HEADER = RESOURCES += \ resources.qrc DISTFILES += # Include boost win32 { INCLUDEPATH += C:\local\boost\ } # Include settings library SOURCES += lib/settings/src/settings/settingdata.cpp SOURCES += lib/settings/src/settings/settingmanager.cpp INCLUDEPATH += lib/settings/include/ INCLUDEPATH += lib/settings/external/signals/include/ # Optional dependency on windows sdk 7.1 win32:exists(C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Include\Windows.h) { LIBS += -L"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib" \ -ldwmapi \ -lgdi32 SOURCES += platform/borderless/qwinwidget.cpp \ platform/borderless/winnativewindow.cpp \ platform/borderless/widget.cpp HEADERS += platform/borderless/qwinwidget.h \ platform/borderless/winnativewindow.h \ platform/borderless/widget.h DEFINES += "USEWINSDK" } macx { INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include } FORMS += \ forms/accountpopupform.ui werr { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Werror message("Enabling error on warning") }