#include "providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.hpp" #include #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/NetworkRequest.hpp" #include "debug/Log.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/PartialTwitchUser.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp" #include "singletons/Emotes.hpp" #include "util/RapidjsonHelpers.hpp" namespace chatterino { namespace { EmoteName cleanUpCode(const EmoteName &dirtyEmoteCode) { auto cleanCode = dirtyEmoteCode.string; cleanCode.detach(); static QMap emoteNameReplacements{ {"[oO](_|\\.)[oO]", "O_o"}, {"\\>\\;\\(", ">("}, {"\\<\\;3", "<3"}, {"\\:-?(o|O)", ":O"}, {"\\:-?(p|P)", ":P"}, {"\\:-?[\\\\/]", ":/"}, {"\\:-?[z|Z|\\|]", ":Z"}, {"\\:-?\\(", ":("}, {"\\:-?\\)", ":)"}, {"\\:-?D", ":D"}, {"\\;-?(p|P)", ";P"}, {"\\;-?\\)", ";)"}, {"R-?\\)", "R)"}, {"B-?\\)", "B)"}, }; auto it = emoteNameReplacements.find(dirtyEmoteCode.string); if (it != emoteNameReplacements.end()) { cleanCode = it.value(); } cleanCode.replace("<", "<"); cleanCode.replace(">", ">"); return {cleanCode}; } } // namespace TwitchAccount::TwitchAccount(const QString &username, const QString &oauthToken, const QString &oauthClient, const QString &userID) : Account(ProviderId::Twitch) , oauthClient_(oauthClient) , oauthToken_(oauthToken) , userName_(username) , userId_(userID) , isAnon_(username == ANONYMOUS_USERNAME) { } QString TwitchAccount::toString() const { return this->getUserName(); } const QString &TwitchAccount::getUserName() const { return this->userName_; } const QString &TwitchAccount::getOAuthClient() const { return this->oauthClient_; } const QString &TwitchAccount::getOAuthToken() const { return this->oauthToken_; } const QString &TwitchAccount::getUserId() const { return this->userId_; } bool TwitchAccount::setOAuthClient(const QString &newClientID) { if (this->oauthClient_.compare(newClientID) == 0) { return false; } this->oauthClient_ = newClientID; return true; } bool TwitchAccount::setOAuthToken(const QString &newOAuthToken) { if (this->oauthToken_.compare(newOAuthToken) == 0) { return false; } this->oauthToken_ = newOAuthToken; return true; } bool TwitchAccount::isAnon() const { return this->isAnon_; } void TwitchAccount::loadIgnores() { QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/blocks"); NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); req.onSuccess([=](auto result) -> Outcome { auto document = result.parseRapidJson(); if (!document.IsObject()) { return Failure; } auto blocksIt = document.FindMember("blocks"); if (blocksIt == document.MemberEnd()) { return Failure; } const auto &blocks = blocksIt->value; if (!blocks.IsArray()) { return Failure; } { std::lock_guard lock(this->ignoresMutex_); this->ignores_.clear(); for (const auto &block : blocks.GetArray()) { if (!block.IsObject()) { continue; } auto userIt = block.FindMember("user"); if (userIt == block.MemberEnd()) { continue; } TwitchUser ignoredUser; if (!rj::getSafe(userIt->value, ignoredUser)) { Log("Error parsing twitch user JSON {}", rj::stringify(userIt->value)); continue; } this->ignores_.insert(ignoredUser); } } return Success; }); req.execute(); } void TwitchAccount::ignore( const QString &targetName, std::function onFinished) { const auto onIdFetched = [this, targetName, onFinished](QString targetUserId) { this->ignoreByID(targetUserId, targetName, onFinished); // }; PartialTwitchUser::byName(targetName).getId(onIdFetched); } void TwitchAccount::ignoreByID( const QString &targetUserID, const QString &targetName, std::function onFinished) { QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/blocks/" + targetUserID); NetworkRequest req(url, NetworkRequestType::Put); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); req.onError([=](int errorCode) { onFinished(IgnoreResult_Failed, "An unknown error occured while trying to ignore user " + targetName + " (" + QString::number(errorCode) + ")"); return true; }); req.onSuccess([=](auto result) -> Outcome { auto document = result.parseRapidJson(); if (!document.IsObject()) { onFinished(IgnoreResult_Failed, "Bad JSON data while ignoring user " + targetName); return Failure; } auto userIt = document.FindMember("user"); if (userIt == document.MemberEnd()) { onFinished(IgnoreResult_Failed, "Bad JSON data while ignoring user (missing user) " + targetName); return Failure; } TwitchUser ignoredUser; if (!rj::getSafe(userIt->value, ignoredUser)) { onFinished(IgnoreResult_Failed, "Bad JSON data while ignoring user (invalid user) " + targetName); return Failure; } { std::lock_guard lock(this->ignoresMutex_); auto res = this->ignores_.insert(ignoredUser); if (!res.second) { const TwitchUser &existingUser = *(res.first); existingUser.update(ignoredUser); onFinished(IgnoreResult_AlreadyIgnored, "User " + targetName + " is already ignored"); return Failure; } } onFinished(IgnoreResult_Success, "Successfully ignored user " + targetName); return Success; }); req.execute(); } void TwitchAccount::unignore( const QString &targetName, std::function onFinished) { const auto onIdFetched = [this, targetName, onFinished](QString targetUserId) { this->unignoreByID(targetUserId, targetName, onFinished); // }; PartialTwitchUser::byName(targetName).getId(onIdFetched); } void TwitchAccount::unignoreByID( const QString &targetUserID, const QString &targetName, std::function onFinished) { QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/blocks/" + targetUserID); NetworkRequest req(url, NetworkRequestType::Delete); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); req.onError([=](int errorCode) { onFinished(UnignoreResult_Failed, "An unknown error occured while trying to unignore user " + targetName + " (" + QString::number(errorCode) + ")"); return true; }); req.onSuccess([=](auto result) -> Outcome { auto document = result.parseRapidJson(); TwitchUser ignoredUser; ignoredUser.id = targetUserID; { std::lock_guard lock(this->ignoresMutex_); this->ignores_.erase(ignoredUser); } onFinished(UnignoreResult_Success, "Successfully unignored user " + targetName); return Success; }); req.execute(); } void TwitchAccount::checkFollow(const QString targetUserID, std::function onFinished) { QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/follows/channels/" + targetUserID); NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); req.onError([=](int errorCode) { if (errorCode == 203) { onFinished(FollowResult_NotFollowing); } else { onFinished(FollowResult_Failed); } return true; }); req.onSuccess([=](auto result) -> Outcome { auto document = result.parseRapidJson(); onFinished(FollowResult_Following); return Success; }); req.execute(); } void TwitchAccount::followUser(const QString userID, std::function successCallback) { QUrl requestUrl("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/follows/channels/" + userID); NetworkRequest request(requestUrl, NetworkRequestType::Put); request.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); request.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); // TODO: Properly check result of follow request request.onSuccess([successCallback](auto result) -> Outcome { successCallback(); return Success; }); request.execute(); } void TwitchAccount::unfollowUser(const QString userID, std::function successCallback) { QUrl requestUrl("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/follows/channels/" + userID); NetworkRequest request(requestUrl, NetworkRequestType::Delete); request.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); request.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); request.onError([successCallback](int code) { if (code >= 200 && code <= 299) { successCallback(); } return true; }); request.onSuccess([successCallback](const auto &document) -> Outcome { successCallback(); return Success; }); request.execute(); } std::set TwitchAccount::getIgnores() const { std::lock_guard lock(this->ignoresMutex_); return this->ignores_; } void TwitchAccount::loadEmotes() { Log("Loading Twitch emotes for user {}", this->getUserName()); const auto &clientID = this->getOAuthClient(); const auto &oauthToken = this->getOAuthToken(); if (clientID.isEmpty() || oauthToken.isEmpty()) { Log("Missing Client ID or OAuth token"); return; } QString url("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/" + this->getUserId() + "/emotes"); NetworkRequest req(url); req.setCaller(QThread::currentThread()); req.makeAuthorizedV5(this->getOAuthClient(), this->getOAuthToken()); req.onError([=](int errorCode) { Log("[TwitchAccount::loadEmotes] Error {}", errorCode); if (errorCode == 203) { // onFinished(FollowResult_NotFollowing); } else { // onFinished(FollowResult_Failed); } return true; }); req.onSuccess([=](auto result) -> Outcome { this->parseEmotes(result.parseRapidJson()); return Success; }); req.execute(); } AccessGuard TwitchAccount::accessEmotes() const { return this->emotes_.accessConst(); } void TwitchAccount::parseEmotes(const rapidjson::Document &root) { auto emoteData = this->emotes_.access(); emoteData->emoteSets.clear(); emoteData->allEmoteNames.clear(); auto emoticonSets = root.FindMember("emoticon_sets"); if (emoticonSets == root.MemberEnd() || !emoticonSets->value.IsObject()) { Log("No emoticon_sets in load emotes response"); return; } for (const auto &emoteSetJSON : emoticonSets->value.GetObject()) { auto emoteSet = std::make_shared(); emoteSet->key = emoteSetJSON.name.GetString(); this->loadEmoteSetData(emoteSet); for (const rapidjson::Value &emoteJSON : emoteSetJSON.value.GetArray()) { if (!emoteJSON.IsObject()) { Log("Emote value was invalid"); return; } uint64_t idNumber; if (!rj::getSafe(emoteJSON, "id", idNumber)) { Log("No ID key found in Emote value"); return; } QString _code; if (!rj::getSafe(emoteJSON, "code", _code)) { Log("No code key found in Emote value"); return; } auto code = EmoteName{_code}; auto id = EmoteId{QString::number(idNumber)}; auto cleanCode = cleanUpCode(code); emoteSet->emotes.emplace_back(TwitchEmote{id, cleanCode}); emoteData->allEmoteNames.push_back(cleanCode); auto emote = getApp()->emotes->twitch.getOrCreateEmote(id, code); emoteData->emotes.emplace(code, emote); } emoteData->emoteSets.emplace_back(emoteSet); } }; void TwitchAccount::loadEmoteSetData(std::shared_ptr emoteSet) { if (!emoteSet) { Log("null emote set sent"); return; } auto staticSetIt = this->staticEmoteSets.find(emoteSet->key); if (staticSetIt != this->staticEmoteSets.end()) { const auto &staticSet = staticSetIt->second; emoteSet->channelName = staticSet.channelName; emoteSet->text = staticSet.text; return; } NetworkRequest req( "https://braize.pajlada.com/chatterino/twitchemotes/set/" + emoteSet->key + "/"); req.setUseQuickLoadCache(true); req.onError([](int errorCode) -> bool { Log("Error code {} while loading emote set data", errorCode); return true; }); req.onSuccess([emoteSet](auto result) -> Outcome { auto root = result.parseRapidJson(); if (!root.IsObject()) { return Failure; } std::string emoteSetID; QString channelName; QString type; if (!rj::getSafe(root, "channel_name", channelName)) { return Failure; } if (!rj::getSafe(root, "type", type)) { return Failure; } Log("Loaded twitch emote set data for {}!", emoteSet->key); if (type == "sub") { emoteSet->text = QString("Twitch Subscriber Emote (%1)").arg(channelName); } else { emoteSet->text = QString("Twitch Account Emote (%1)").arg(channelName); } emoteSet->channelName = channelName; return Success; }); req.execute(); } } // namespace chatterino