#include "util/StreamLink.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "common/Version.hpp" #include "providers/irc/IrcMessageBuilder.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/SplitCommand.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/QualityPopup.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/Split.hpp" #include "widgets/Window.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using namespace chatterino; QString getStreamlinkPath() { if (getSettings()->streamlinkUseCustomPath) { const QString path = getSettings()->streamlinkPath; return path.trimmed() % "/" % STREAMLINK_BINARY_NAME; } return STREAMLINK_BINARY_NAME.toString(); } void showStreamlinkNotFoundError() { static auto *msg = new QErrorMessage; msg->setWindowTitle("Chatterino - streamlink not found"); if (getSettings()->streamlinkUseCustomPath) { msg->showMessage("Unable to find Streamlink executable\nMake sure " "your custom path is pointing to the DIRECTORY " "where the streamlink executable is located"); } else { msg->showMessage( "Unable to find Streamlink executable.\nIf you have Streamlink " "installed, you might need to enable the custom path option"); } } QProcess *createStreamlinkProcess() { auto *p = new QProcess; const auto path = getStreamlinkPath(); if (Version::instance().isFlatpak()) { p->setProgram("flatpak-spawn"); p->setArguments({"--host", path}); } else { p->setProgram(path); } QObject::connect(p, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [=](auto err) { if (err == QProcess::FailedToStart) { showStreamlinkNotFoundError(); } else { qCWarning(chatterinoStreamlink) << "Error occurred" << err; } p->deleteLater(); }); QObject::connect( p, static_cast( &QProcess::finished), [=](int /*exitCode*/, QProcess::ExitStatus /*exitStatus*/) { p->deleteLater(); }); return p; } } // namespace namespace chatterino { void getStreamQualities(const QString &channelURL, std::function cb) { auto *p = createStreamlinkProcess(); QObject::connect( p, static_cast( &QProcess::finished), [=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus /*exitStatus*/) { if (exitCode != 0) { qCWarning(chatterinoStreamlink) << "Got error code" << exitCode; // return; } QString lastLine = QString(p->readAllStandardOutput()); lastLine = lastLine.trimmed().split('\n').last().trimmed(); if (lastLine.startsWith("Available streams: ")) { QStringList options; QStringList split = lastLine.right(lastLine.length() - 19).split(", "); for (auto i = split.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { QString option = split.at(i); if (option == "best)") { // As it turns out, sometimes, one quality option can // be the best and worst quality at the same time. // Since we start loop from the end, we can check // that and act accordingly option = split.at(--i); // "900p60 (worst" options << option.left(option.length() - 7); } else if (option.endsWith(" (worst)")) { options << option.left(option.length() - 8); } else if (option.endsWith(" (best)")) { options << option.left(option.length() - 7); } else { options << option; } } cb(options); } }); p->setArguments(p->arguments() + QStringList{channelURL, "--default-stream=KKona"}); p->start(); } void openStreamlink(const QString &channelURL, const QString &quality, QStringList extraArguments) { auto *proc = createStreamlinkProcess(); auto arguments = proc->arguments() << extraArguments << channelURL << quality; // Remove empty arguments before appending additional streamlink options // as the options might purposely contain empty arguments arguments.removeAll(QString()); QString additionalOptions = getSettings()->streamlinkOpts.getValue(); arguments << splitCommand(additionalOptions); proc->setArguments(std::move(arguments)); bool res = proc->startDetached(); if (!res) { showStreamlinkNotFoundError(); } } void openStreamlinkForChannel(const QString &channel) { static const QString INFO_TEMPLATE("Opening %1 in Streamlink ..."); auto *currentPage = dynamic_cast( getApp()->windows->getMainWindow().getNotebook().getSelectedPage()); if (currentPage != nullptr) { auto *currentSplit = currentPage->getSelectedSplit(); if (currentSplit != nullptr) { currentSplit->getChannel()->addMessage( makeSystemMessage(INFO_TEMPLATE.arg(channel))); } } QString channelURL = "twitch.tv/" + channel; QString preferredQuality = getSettings()->preferredQuality.getValue(); preferredQuality = preferredQuality.toLower(); if (preferredQuality == "choose") { getStreamQualities(channelURL, [=](QStringList qualityOptions) { QualityPopup::showDialog(channelURL, qualityOptions); }); return; } QStringList args; // Quality converted from Chatterino format to Streamlink format QString quality; // Streamlink qualities to exclude QString exclude; if (preferredQuality == "high") { exclude = ">720p30"; quality = "high,best"; } else if (preferredQuality == "medium") { exclude = ">540p30"; quality = "medium,best"; } else if (preferredQuality == "low") { exclude = ">360p30"; quality = "low,best"; } else if (preferredQuality == "audio only") { quality = "audio,audio_only"; } else { quality = "best"; } if (!exclude.isEmpty()) { args << "--stream-sorting-excludes" << exclude; } openStreamlink(channelURL, quality, args); } } // namespace chatterino