#include "widgets/splits/SplitInput.hpp" #include "Application.hpp" #include "common/enums/MessageOverflow.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/CommandController.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyController.hpp" #include "messages/Link.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/MessageThread.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Theme.hpp" #include "util/Clamp.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/LayoutCreator.hpp" #include "widgets/dialogs/EmotePopup.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/ChannelView.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/EffectLabel.hpp" #include "widgets/helper/ResizingTextEdit.hpp" #include "widgets/Notebook.hpp" #include "widgets/Scrollbar.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/InputCompletionPopup.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/Split.hpp" #include "widgets/splits/SplitContainer.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace chatterino { SplitInput::SplitInput(Split *_chatWidget, bool enableInlineReplying) : SplitInput(_chatWidget, _chatWidget, _chatWidget->view_, enableInlineReplying) { } SplitInput::SplitInput(QWidget *parent, Split *_chatWidget, ChannelView *_channelView, bool enableInlineReplying) : BaseWidget(parent) , split_(_chatWidget) , channelView_(_channelView) , enableInlineReplying_(enableInlineReplying) { this->installEventFilter(this); this->initLayout(); auto completer = new QCompleter(&this->split_->getChannel().get()->completionModel); this->ui_.textEdit->setCompleter(completer); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(this->split_->channelChanged, [this] { auto channel = this->split_->getChannel(); auto completer = new QCompleter(&channel->completionModel); this->ui_.textEdit->setCompleter(completer); }); // misc this->installKeyPressedEvent(); this->addShortcuts(); // The textEdit's signal will be destroyed before this SplitInput is // destroyed, so we can safely ignore this signal's connection. std::ignore = this->ui_.textEdit->focusLost.connect([this] { this->hideCompletionPopup(); }); this->scaleChangedEvent(this->scale()); this->signalHolder_.managedConnect(getApp()->hotkeys->onItemsUpdated, [this]() { this->clearShortcuts(); this->addShortcuts(); }); } void SplitInput::initLayout() { auto app = getApp(); LayoutCreator layoutCreator(this); auto layout = layoutCreator.setLayoutType().withoutMargin().assign( &this->ui_.vbox); // reply label stuff auto replyWrapper = layout.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.replyWrapper); this->ui_.replyWrapper->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto replyHbox = replyWrapper.emplace().withoutMargin().assign( &this->ui_.replyHbox); auto replyLabel = replyHbox.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.replyLabel); replyLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); replyLabel->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, this->scale())); replyHbox->addStretch(1); auto replyCancelButton = replyHbox.emplace(nullptr, 4) .assign(&this->ui_.cancelReplyButton); replyCancelButton->getLabel().setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); replyCancelButton->hide(); replyLabel->hide(); // hbox for input, right box auto hboxLayout = layout.emplace().withoutMargin().assign(&this->ui_.hbox); // input auto textEdit = hboxLayout.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.textEdit); connect(textEdit.getElement(), &ResizingTextEdit::textChanged, this, &SplitInput::editTextChanged); hboxLayout.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.sendButton); this->ui_.sendButton->getLabel().setText("SEND"); this->ui_.sendButton->hide(); QObject::connect(this->ui_.sendButton, &EffectLabel::leftClicked, [this] { std::vector arguments; this->handleSendMessage(arguments); }); getSettings()->showSendButton.connect( [this](const bool value, auto) { if (value) { this->ui_.sendButton->show(); } else { this->ui_.sendButton->hide(); } }, this->managedConnections_); // right box auto box = hboxLayout.emplace().withoutMargin(); box->setSpacing(0); { auto textEditLength = box.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.textEditLength); textEditLength->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); box->addStretch(1); box.emplace().assign(&this->ui_.emoteButton); } this->ui_.emoteButton->getLabel().setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); // ---- misc // set edit font this->ui_.textEdit->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, this->scale())); QObject::connect(this->ui_.textEdit, &QTextEdit::cursorPositionChanged, this, &SplitInput::onCursorPositionChanged); QObject::connect(this->ui_.textEdit, &QTextEdit::textChanged, this, &SplitInput::onTextChanged); this->managedConnections_.managedConnect( app->fonts->fontChanged, [=, this]() { this->ui_.textEdit->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, this->scale())); this->ui_.replyLabel->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMediumBold, this->scale())); }); // open emote popup QObject::connect(this->ui_.emoteButton, &EffectLabel::leftClicked, [this] { this->openEmotePopup(); }); // clear input and remove reply thread QObject::connect(this->ui_.cancelReplyButton, &EffectLabel::leftClicked, [this] { this->clearInput(); }); // Forward selection change signal QObject::connect(this->ui_.textEdit, &QTextEdit::copyAvailable, [this](bool available) { if (available) { this->selectionChanged.invoke(); } }); // textEditLength visibility getSettings()->showMessageLength.connect( [this](const bool &value, auto) { // this->ui_.textEditLength->setHidden(!value); this->editTextChanged(); }, this->managedConnections_); } void SplitInput::scaleChangedEvent(float scale) { auto app = getApp(); // update the icon size of the buttons this->updateEmoteButton(); this->updateCancelReplyButton(); // set maximum height if (!this->hidden) { this->setMaximumHeight(this->scaledMaxHeight()); } this->ui_.textEdit->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, this->scale())); this->ui_.textEditLength->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMedium, this->scale())); this->ui_.replyLabel->setFont( app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::ChatMediumBold, this->scale())); } void SplitInput::themeChangedEvent() { QPalette palette, placeholderPalette; palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, this->theme->splits.input.text); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0)) placeholderPalette.setColor( QPalette::PlaceholderText, this->theme->messages.textColors.chatPlaceholder); #endif this->updateEmoteButton(); this->updateCancelReplyButton(); this->ui_.textEditLength->setPalette(palette); this->ui_.textEdit->setStyleSheet(this->theme->splits.input.styleSheet); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0)) this->ui_.textEdit->setPalette(placeholderPalette); #endif auto marginPx = (this->theme->isLightTheme() ? 4 : 2) * this->scale(); this->ui_.vbox->setContentsMargins(marginPx, marginPx, marginPx, marginPx); this->ui_.emoteButton->getLabel().setStyleSheet("color: #000"); if (this->theme->isLightTheme()) { this->ui_.replyLabel->setStyleSheet("color: #333"); } else { this->ui_.replyLabel->setStyleSheet("color: #ccc"); } } void SplitInput::updateEmoteButton() { float scale = this->scale(); QString text = ""; text.replace("xD", QString::number(int(12 * scale))); if (this->theme->isLightTheme()) { text.replace("emote", "emoteDark"); } this->ui_.emoteButton->getLabel().setText(text); this->ui_.emoteButton->setFixedHeight(int(18 * scale)); } void SplitInput::updateCancelReplyButton() { float scale = this->scale(); QString text = QStringLiteral( "") .arg(QString::number(int(12 * scale))); if (this->theme->isLightTheme()) { text.replace("cancel", "cancelDark"); } this->ui_.cancelReplyButton->getLabel().setText(text); this->ui_.cancelReplyButton->setFixedHeight(int(12 * scale)); } void SplitInput::openEmotePopup() { if (!this->emotePopup_) { this->emotePopup_ = new EmotePopup(this); this->emotePopup_->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); // The EmotePopup is closed & destroyed when this is destroyed, meaning it's safe to ignore this connection std::ignore = this->emotePopup_->linkClicked.connect([this](const Link &link) { if (link.type == Link::InsertText) { QTextCursor cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); QString textToInsert(link.value + " "); // If symbol before cursor isn't space or empty // Then insert space before emote. if (cursor.position() > 0 && !this->getInputText()[cursor.position() - 1].isSpace()) { textToInsert = " " + textToInsert; } this->insertText(textToInsert); this->ui_.textEdit->activateWindow(); } }); } this->emotePopup_->resize(int(300 * this->emotePopup_->scale()), int(500 * this->emotePopup_->scale())); this->emotePopup_->loadChannel(this->split_->getChannel()); this->emotePopup_->show(); this->emotePopup_->raise(); this->emotePopup_->activateWindow(); } QString SplitInput::handleSendMessage(std::vector &arguments) { auto c = this->split_->getChannel(); if (c == nullptr) return ""; if (!c->isTwitchChannel() || this->replyThread_ == nullptr) { // standard message send behavior QString message = ui_.textEdit->toPlainText(); message = message.replace('\n', ' '); QString sendMessage = getApp()->commands->execCommand(message, c, false); c->sendMessage(sendMessage); this->postMessageSend(message, arguments); return ""; } else { // Reply to message auto tc = dynamic_cast(c.get()); if (!tc) { // this should not fail return ""; } QString message = this->ui_.textEdit->toPlainText(); if (this->enableInlineReplying_) { // Remove @username prefix that is inserted when doing inline replies message.remove(0, this->replyThread_->root()->displayName.length() + 1); // remove "@username" if (!message.isEmpty() && message.at(0) == ' ') { message.remove(0, 1); // remove possible space } } message = message.replace('\n', ' '); QString sendMessage = getApp()->commands->execCommand(message, c, false); // Reply within TwitchChannel tc->sendReply(sendMessage, this->replyThread_->rootId()); this->postMessageSend(message, arguments); return ""; } } void SplitInput::postMessageSend(const QString &message, const std::vector &arguments) { // don't add duplicate messages and empty message to message history if ((this->prevMsg_.isEmpty() || !this->prevMsg_.endsWith(message)) && !message.trimmed().isEmpty()) { this->prevMsg_.append(message); } if (arguments.empty() || arguments.at(0) != "keepInput") { this->clearInput(); } this->prevIndex_ = this->prevMsg_.size(); } int SplitInput::scaledMaxHeight() const { return int(150 * this->scale()); } void SplitInput::addShortcuts() { HotkeyController::HotkeyMap actions{ {"cursorToStart", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (arguments.size() != 1) { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "Invalid cursorToStart arguments. Argument 0: select " "(\"withSelection\" or \"withoutSelection\")"; return "Invalid cursorToStart arguments. Argument 0: select " "(\"withSelection\" or \"withoutSelection\")"; } QTextCursor cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); auto place = QTextCursor::Start; auto stringTakeSelection = arguments.at(0); bool select; if (stringTakeSelection == "withSelection") { select = true; } else if (stringTakeSelection == "withoutSelection") { select = false; } else { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "Invalid cursorToStart select argument (0)!"; return "Invalid cursorToStart select argument (0)!"; } cursor.movePosition(place, select ? QTextCursor::MoveMode::KeepAnchor : QTextCursor::MoveMode::MoveAnchor); this->ui_.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); return ""; }}, {"cursorToEnd", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { if (arguments.size() != 1) { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "Invalid cursorToEnd arguments. Argument 0: select " "(\"withSelection\" or \"withoutSelection\")"; return "Invalid cursorToEnd arguments. Argument 0: select " "(\"withSelection\" or \"withoutSelection\")"; } QTextCursor cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); auto place = QTextCursor::End; auto stringTakeSelection = arguments.at(0); bool select; if (stringTakeSelection == "withSelection") { select = true; } else if (stringTakeSelection == "withoutSelection") { select = false; } else { qCWarning(chatterinoHotkeys) << "Invalid cursorToEnd select argument (0)!"; return "Invalid cursorToEnd select argument (0)!"; } cursor.movePosition(place, select ? QTextCursor::MoveMode::KeepAnchor : QTextCursor::MoveMode::MoveAnchor); this->ui_.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); return ""; }}, {"openEmotesPopup", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->openEmotePopup(); return ""; }}, {"sendMessage", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { return this->handleSendMessage(arguments); }}, {"previousMessage", [this](std::vector) -> QString { if (this->prevMsg_.size() && this->prevIndex_) { if (this->prevIndex_ == (this->prevMsg_.size())) { this->currMsg_ = ui_.textEdit->toPlainText(); } this->prevIndex_--; this->ui_.textEdit->setPlainText( this->prevMsg_.at(this->prevIndex_)); this->ui_.textEdit->resetCompletion(); QTextCursor cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); this->ui_.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } return ""; }}, {"nextMessage", [this](std::vector) -> QString { // If user did not write anything before then just do nothing. if (this->prevMsg_.isEmpty()) { return ""; } bool cursorToEnd = true; QString message = ui_.textEdit->toPlainText(); if (this->prevIndex_ != (this->prevMsg_.size() - 1) && this->prevIndex_ != this->prevMsg_.size()) { this->prevIndex_++; this->ui_.textEdit->setPlainText( this->prevMsg_.at(this->prevIndex_)); this->ui_.textEdit->resetCompletion(); } else { this->prevIndex_ = this->prevMsg_.size(); if (message == this->prevMsg_.at(this->prevIndex_ - 1)) { // If user has just come from a message history // Then simply get currMsg_. this->ui_.textEdit->setPlainText(this->currMsg_); this->ui_.textEdit->resetCompletion(); } else if (message != this->currMsg_) { // If user are already in current message // And type something new // Then replace currMsg_ with new one. this->currMsg_ = message; } // If user is already in current message // Then don't touch cursos. cursorToEnd = (message == this->prevMsg_.at(this->prevIndex_ - 1)); } if (cursorToEnd) { QTextCursor cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); this->ui_.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } return ""; }}, {"undo", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->ui_.textEdit->undo(); return ""; }}, {"redo", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->ui_.textEdit->redo(); return ""; }}, {"copy", [this](std::vector arguments) -> QString { // XXX: this action is unused at the moment, a qt standard shortcut is used instead if (arguments.size() == 0) { return "copy action takes only one argument: the source " "of the copy \"split\", \"input\" or " "\"auto\". If the source is \"split\", only text " "from the chat will be copied. If it is " "\"splitInput\", text from the input box will be " "copied. Automatic will pick whichever has a " "selection"; } bool copyFromSplit = false; auto mode = arguments.at(0); if (mode == "split") { copyFromSplit = true; } else if (mode == "splitInput") { copyFromSplit = false; } else if (mode == "auto") { const auto &cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); copyFromSplit = !cursor.hasSelection(); } if (copyFromSplit) { this->channelView_->copySelectedText(); } else { this->ui_.textEdit->copy(); } return ""; }}, {"paste", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->ui_.textEdit->paste(); return ""; }}, {"clear", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->clearInput(); return ""; }}, {"selectAll", [this](std::vector) -> QString { this->ui_.textEdit->selectAll(); return ""; }}, {"selectWord", [this](std::vector) -> QString { auto cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); cursor.select(QTextCursor::WordUnderCursor); this->ui_.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); return ""; }}, }; this->shortcuts_ = getApp()->hotkeys->shortcutsForCategory( HotkeyCategory::SplitInput, actions, this->parentWidget()); } bool SplitInput::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride || event->type() == QEvent::Shortcut) { if (auto popup = this->inputCompletionPopup_.data()) { if (popup->isVisible()) { // Stop shortcut from triggering by saying we will handle it ourselves event->accept(); // Return false means the underlying event isn't stopped, it will continue to propagate return false; } } } return BaseWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); } void SplitInput::installKeyPressedEvent() { // We can safely ignore this signal's connection because SplitInput owns // the textEdit object, so it will always be deleted before SplitInput std::ignore = this->ui_.textEdit->keyPressed.connect([this](QKeyEvent *event) { if (auto *popup = this->inputCompletionPopup_.data()) { if (popup->isVisible()) { if (popup->eventFilter(nullptr, event)) { event->accept(); return; } } } // One of the last remaining of it's kind, the copy shortcut. // For some bizarre reason Qt doesn't want this key be rebound. // TODO(Mm2PL): Revisit in Qt6, maybe something changed? if ((event->key() == Qt::Key_C || event->key() == Qt::Key_Insert) && event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { if (this->channelView_->hasSelection()) { this->channelView_->copySelectedText(); event->accept(); } } }); #ifdef DEBUG assert(this->keyPressedEventInstalled == false); this->keyPressedEventInstalled = true; #endif } void SplitInput::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (this->hidden) { BaseWidget::mousePressEvent(event); } // else, don't call QWidget::mousePressEvent, // which will call event->ignore() } void SplitInput::onTextChanged() { this->updateCompletionPopup(); } void SplitInput::onCursorPositionChanged() { this->updateCompletionPopup(); } void SplitInput::updateCompletionPopup() { auto *channel = this->split_->getChannel().get(); auto *tc = dynamic_cast(channel); bool showEmoteCompletion = getSettings()->emoteCompletionWithColon; bool showUsernameCompletion = tc != nullptr && getSettings()->showUsernameCompletionMenu; if (!showEmoteCompletion && !showUsernameCompletion) { this->hideCompletionPopup(); return; } // check if in completion prefix auto &edit = *this->ui_.textEdit; auto text = edit.toPlainText(); auto position = edit.textCursor().position() - 1; if (text.length() == 0 || position == -1) { this->hideCompletionPopup(); return; } for (int i = clamp(position, 0, (int)text.length() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (text[i] == ' ') { this->hideCompletionPopup(); return; } if (text[i] == ':' && showEmoteCompletion) { if (i == 0 || text[i - 1].isSpace()) { this->showCompletionPopup(text.mid(i, position - i + 1).mid(1), true); } else { this->hideCompletionPopup(); } return; } if (text[i] == '@' && showUsernameCompletion) { if (i == 0 || text[i - 1].isSpace()) { this->showCompletionPopup(text.mid(i, position - i + 1).mid(1), false); } else { this->hideCompletionPopup(); } return; } } this->hideCompletionPopup(); } void SplitInput::showCompletionPopup(const QString &text, bool emoteCompletion) { if (this->inputCompletionPopup_.isNull()) { this->inputCompletionPopup_ = new InputCompletionPopup(this); this->inputCompletionPopup_->setInputAction( [that = QPointer(this)](const QString &text) mutable { if (auto *this2 = that.data()) { this2->insertCompletionText(text); this2->hideCompletionPopup(); } }); } auto *popup = this->inputCompletionPopup_.data(); assert(popup); if (emoteCompletion) { popup->updateEmotes(text, this->split_->getChannel()); } else { popup->updateUsers(text, this->split_->getChannel()); } auto pos = this->mapToGlobal(QPoint{0, 0}) - QPoint(0, popup->height()) + QPoint((this->width() - popup->width()) / 2, 0); popup->move(pos); popup->show(); } void SplitInput::hideCompletionPopup() { if (auto *popup = this->inputCompletionPopup_.data()) { popup->hide(); } } void SplitInput::insertCompletionText(const QString &input_) const { auto &edit = *this->ui_.textEdit; auto input = input_ + ' '; auto text = edit.toPlainText(); auto position = edit.textCursor().position() - 1; for (int i = clamp(position, 0, (int)text.length() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { bool done = false; if (text[i] == ':') { done = true; } else if (text[i] == '@') { const auto userMention = formatUserMention(input_, edit.isFirstWord(), getSettings()->mentionUsersWithComma); input = "@" + userMention + " "; done = true; } if (done) { auto cursor = edit.textCursor(); edit.setPlainText( text.remove(i, position - i + 1).insert(i, input)); cursor.setPosition(i + input.size()); edit.setTextCursor(cursor); break; } } } bool SplitInput::hasSelection() const { return this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor().hasSelection(); } void SplitInput::clearSelection() const { auto cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); cursor.clearSelection(); this->ui_.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } bool SplitInput::isEditFirstWord() const { return this->ui_.textEdit->isFirstWord(); } QString SplitInput::getInputText() const { return this->ui_.textEdit->toPlainText(); } void SplitInput::insertText(const QString &text) { this->ui_.textEdit->insertPlainText(text); } void SplitInput::hide() { if (this->isHidden()) { return; } this->hidden = true; this->setMaximumHeight(0); this->updateGeometry(); } void SplitInput::show() { if (!this->isHidden()) { return; } this->hidden = false; this->setMaximumHeight(this->scaledMaxHeight()); this->updateGeometry(); } bool SplitInput::isHidden() const { return this->hidden; } void SplitInput::editTextChanged() { auto app = getApp(); // set textLengthLabel value QString text = this->ui_.textEdit->toPlainText(); if (this->shouldPreventInput(text)) { this->ui_.textEdit->setPlainText(text.left(TWITCH_MESSAGE_LIMIT)); this->ui_.textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock); return; } if (text.startsWith("/r ", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && this->split_->getChannel()->isTwitchChannel()) { QString lastUser = app->twitch->lastUserThatWhisperedMe.get(); if (!lastUser.isEmpty()) { this->ui_.textEdit->setPlainText("/w " + lastUser + text.mid(2)); this->ui_.textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock); } } else { this->textChanged.invoke(text); text = text.trimmed(); text = app->commands->execCommand(text, this->split_->getChannel(), true); } if (text.length() > 0 && getSettings()->messageOverflow.getValue() == MessageOverflow::Highlight) { QTextCursor cursor = this->ui_.textEdit->textCursor(); QTextCharFormat format; QList selections; cursor.setPosition(qMin(text.length(), TWITCH_MESSAGE_LIMIT), QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); selections.append({cursor, format}); if (text.length() > TWITCH_MESSAGE_LIMIT) { cursor.setPosition(TWITCH_MESSAGE_LIMIT, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); format.setForeground(Qt::red); selections.append({cursor, format}); } // block reemit of QTextEdit::textChanged() { const QSignalBlocker b(this->ui_.textEdit); this->ui_.textEdit->setExtraSelections(selections); } } QString labelText; if (text.length() > 0 && getSettings()->showMessageLength) { labelText = QString::number(text.length()); if (text.length() > TWITCH_MESSAGE_LIMIT) { this->ui_.textEditLength->setStyleSheet("color: red"); } else { this->ui_.textEditLength->setStyleSheet(""); } } else { labelText = ""; } this->ui_.textEditLength->setText(labelText); bool hasReply = false; if (this->enableInlineReplying_) { if (this->replyThread_ != nullptr) { // Check if the input still starts with @username. If not, don't reply. // // We need to verify that // 1. the @username prefix exists and // 2. if a character exists after the @username, it is a space QString replyPrefix = "@" + this->replyThread_->root()->displayName; if (!text.startsWith(replyPrefix) || (text.length() > replyPrefix.length() && text.at(replyPrefix.length()) != ' ')) { this->replyThread_ = nullptr; } } // Show/hide reply label if inline replies are possible hasReply = this->replyThread_ != nullptr; } this->ui_.replyWrapper->setVisible(hasReply); this->ui_.replyLabel->setVisible(hasReply); this->ui_.cancelReplyButton->setVisible(hasReply); } void SplitInput::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*event*/) { QPainter painter(this); int s; QColor borderColor; if (this->theme->isLightTheme()) { s = int(3 * this->scale()); borderColor = QColor("#ccc"); } else { s = int(1 * this->scale()); borderColor = QColor("#333"); } QMargins removeMargins(s - 1, s - 1, s, s); QRect baseRect = this->rect(); // completeAreaRect includes the reply label QRect completeAreaRect = baseRect.marginsRemoved(removeMargins); painter.fillRect(completeAreaRect, this->theme->splits.input.background); painter.setPen(borderColor); painter.drawRect(completeAreaRect); if (this->enableInlineReplying_ && this->replyThread_ != nullptr) { // Move top of rect down to not include reply label baseRect.setTop(baseRect.top() + this->ui_.replyWrapper->height()); QRect onlyInputRect = baseRect.marginsRemoved(removeMargins); painter.setPen(borderColor); painter.drawRect(onlyInputRect); } } void SplitInput::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { if (this->height() == this->maximumHeight()) { this->ui_.textEdit->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); } else { this->ui_.textEdit->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); } } void SplitInput::giveFocus(Qt::FocusReason reason) { this->ui_.textEdit->setFocus(reason); } void SplitInput::setReply(std::shared_ptr reply, bool showReplyingLabel) { this->replyThread_ = std::move(reply); if (this->enableInlineReplying_) { // Only enable reply label if inline replying auto replyPrefix = "@" + this->replyThread_->root()->displayName; auto plainText = this->ui_.textEdit->toPlainText().trimmed(); if (!plainText.startsWith(replyPrefix)) { if (!plainText.isEmpty()) { replyPrefix.append(' '); } this->ui_.textEdit->setPlainText(replyPrefix + plainText + " "); this->ui_.textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock); this->ui_.textEdit->resetCompletion(); } this->ui_.replyLabel->setText("Replying to @" + this->replyThread_->root()->displayName); } } void SplitInput::setPlaceholderText(const QString &text) { this->ui_.textEdit->setPlaceholderText(text); } void SplitInput::clearInput() { this->currMsg_ = ""; this->ui_.textEdit->setText(""); this->ui_.textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start); if (this->enableInlineReplying_) { this->replyThread_ = nullptr; } } bool SplitInput::shouldPreventInput(const QString &text) const { if (getSettings()->messageOverflow.getValue() != MessageOverflow::Prevent) { return false; } auto channel = this->split_->getChannel(); if (channel == nullptr) { return false; } if (!channel->isTwitchChannel()) { // Don't respect this setting for IRC channels as the limits might be server-specific return false; } return text.length() > TWITCH_MESSAGE_LIMIT; } } // namespace chatterino