Added setting to display them inline under "Special Channels" page
Store a twitch users color in the TwitchUser struct
this is useful if we ever want to use the users own color.
The users own color is only updated once he has written once in chat
Add helper method for calling function only on normal channels
- Channel now needs to be initialized with a name. Special cases like the emote window just sends an empty string.
- ChatWidget now has a signal which is called whenever the widgets channel is changed
- Changed roomID from an std::string to a QString
* Add operator[] to ConcurrentMap which returns a TValue reference
* BTTV/FFZ channel emotes are now stored in the Emote Manager, and each Channel object has a reference to their own BTTV/FFZ channel emote map.
* Restructure EmoteManager a bit (simplify the ConcurrentMap havoc).
* Add EmoteData struct which can store emote data (for now only messages::LazyLoadedImage*)
* Add CompletionManager that does nothing
- Remove some underscore-prefixes
- Start using this-> more
- Remove a few of the singletons (We pass references to managers to
things that need it now. Might not be much better, but for now
it works. It also shows what places might be slightly wrong