Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2.git synced 2024-11-21 22:24:07 +01:00

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Chatterino/chatterino2 into chore/eradicate_hardcoded_names_from_our_amazing_codebase

This commit is contained in:
Mm2PL 2023-08-06 18:15:34 +02:00
commit d38caafcbc
222 changed files with 8851 additions and 3057 deletions

.CI/build-installer.ps1 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container Chatterino2)) {
Write-Error "Couldn't find a folder called 'Chatterino2' in the current directory.";
exit 1
# Check if we're on a tag
$OldErrorActionPref = $ErrorActionPreference;
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue';
git describe --exact-match --match 'v*' *> $null;
$isTagged = $?;
$ErrorActionPreference = $OldErrorActionPref;
$defines = $null;
if ($isTagged) {
# This is a release.
# Make sure, any existing `modes` file is overwritten for the user,
# for example when updating from nightly to stable.
Write-Output "" > Chatterino2/modes;
$installerBaseName = "Chatterino.Installer";
else {
Write-Output nightly > Chatterino2/modes;
$defines = "/DIS_NIGHTLY=1";
$installerBaseName = "Chatterino.Nightly.Installer";
# This is used in CI when creating the artifact
"C2_INSTALLER_BASE_NAME=$installerBaseName" >> "$Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# Copy vc_redist.x64.exe
if ($null -eq $Env:VCToolsRedistDir) {
Write-Error "VCToolsRedistDir is not set. Forgot to set Visual Studio environment variables?";
exit 1
Copy-Item "$Env:VCToolsRedistDir\vc_redist.x64.exe" .;
# Build the installer
/DWORKING_DIR="$($pwd.Path)\" `
/DINSTALLER_BASE_NAME="$installerBaseName" `
$defines `
/O. `
Move-Item "$installerBaseName.exe" "$installerBaseName$($Env:VARIANT_SUFFIX).exe"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
#define MyAppName "Chatterino"
#define MyAppVersion "2.4.4"
#define MyAppPublisher "Chatterino Team"
#define MyAppURL "https://www.chatterino.com"
#define MyAppExeName "chatterino.exe"
; used in build-installer.ps1
; if set, must end in a backslash
#define WORKING_DIR ""
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application. Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}
;Uncomment the following line to run in non administrative install mode (install for current user only.)
; This is defined by the build-installer.ps1 script,
; but kept optional for regular use.
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
SetupAppTitle=Setup (Nightly)
SetupWindowTitle=Setup - %1 (Nightly)
Name: "vcredist"; Description: "Install the required Visual C++ 2015/2017/2019/2022 Redistributable";
; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}";
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; Flags: unchecked
Name: "freshinstall"; Description: "Fresh install (delete old settings/logs)"; Flags: unchecked
Source: "{#WORKING_DIR}Chatterino2\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: "{#WORKING_DIR}vc_redist.x64.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Tasks: vcredist;
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
Name: "{autoprograms}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"
Name: "{autodesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
; VC++ redistributable
Filename: {tmp}\vc_redist.x64.exe; Parameters: "/install /passive /norestart"; StatusMsg: "Installing 64-bit Windows Universal Runtime..."; Flags: waituntilterminated; Tasks: vcredist
; Run chatterino
Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
; Delete cache on install
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{userappdata}\Chatterino2\Cache"
; Delete %appdata%\Chatterino2 on freshinstall
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{userappdata}\Chatterino2"; Tasks: freshinstall
; Delete cache on uninstall
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{userappdata}\Chatterino2\Cache"

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Checks: "-*,
-cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay, -cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,
-cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory, -cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory,
-cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers, -cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,
-readability-magic-numbers, -readability-magic-numbers,
-performance-noexcept-move-constructor, -performance-noexcept-move-constructor,
-misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes, -misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes,
@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ CheckOptions:
value: CamelCase value: CamelCase
- key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantCase - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantCase
- key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalVariableCase
- key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase - key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase
value: camelBack value: camelBack
- key: readability-implicit-bool-conversion.AllowPointerConditions - key: readability-implicit-bool-conversion.AllowPointerConditions

.git-blame-ignore-revs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# If a commit modifies a ton of files and doesn't really contribute to the
# output of git-blame, please add it here
# Don't add commits from the same PR you are creating. We squash PRs into a
# single commit, so references to those commits will be lost
# 2018 - changed to 80 max column
# 2018 - added brace wrapping after if and for
# 2019 - Normalize line endings in already existing files

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ on:
- master - master
pull_request: pull_request:
workflow_dispatch: workflow_dispatch:
concurrency: concurrency:
group: build-${{ github.ref }} group: build-${{ github.ref }}
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Install Qt5 - name: Install Qt5
if: startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '5.') if: startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '5.')
uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.2.0 uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.2.1
with: with:
cache: true cache: true
cache-key-prefix: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }}-v2 cache-key-prefix: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }}-v2
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Install Qt6 - name: Install Qt6
if: startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.') if: startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.')
uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.2.0 uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.2.1
with: with:
cache: true cache: true
cache-key-prefix: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }}-v2 cache-key-prefix: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }}-v2
@ -134,6 +135,18 @@ jobs:
"C2_CONAN_CACHE_SUFFIX=$(if ($Env:C2_BUILD_WITH_QT6 -eq "on") { "-QT6" } else { "`" })" >> "$Env:GITHUB_ENV" "C2_CONAN_CACHE_SUFFIX=$(if ($Env:C2_BUILD_WITH_QT6 -eq "on") { "-QT6" } else { "`" })" >> "$Env:GITHUB_ENV"
shell: powershell shell: powershell
- name: Setup sccache (Windows)
# sccache v0.5.3
uses: nerixyz/ccache-action@9a7e8d00116ede600ee7717350c6594b8af6aaa5
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows')
variant: sccache
# only save on on the default (master) branch
save: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
key: sccache-build-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.qt-version }}-${{ matrix.skip-crashpad }}
restore-keys: |
sccache-build-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.qt-version }}
- name: Cache conan packages (Windows) - name: Cache conan packages (Windows)
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows') if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows')
uses: actions/cache@v3 uses: actions/cache@v3
@ -171,13 +184,16 @@ jobs:
- name: Build (Windows) - name: Build (Windows)
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows') if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows')
shell: pwsh shell: pwsh
# Enable PCH on Windows when crashpad is enabled
C2_WINDOWS_USE_PCH: ${{ matrix.skip-crashpad && 'OFF' || 'ON' }}
run: | run: |
cd build cd build
cmake ` cmake `
-G"NMake Makefiles" ` -G"NMake Makefiles" `
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="conan_toolchain.cmake" ` -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="conan_toolchain.cmake" `
@ -276,16 +292,34 @@ jobs:
- name: clang-tidy review - name: clang-tidy review
if: matrix.clang-tidy-review && github.event_name == 'pull_request' if: matrix.clang-tidy-review && github.event_name == 'pull_request'
uses: ZedThree/clang-tidy-review@v0.13.0 uses: ZedThree/clang-tidy-review@v0.13.2
with: with:
build_dir: build build_dir: build-clang-tidy
config_file: ".clang-tidy" config_file: ".clang-tidy"
split_workflow: true split_workflow: true
exclude: "tests/*,lib/*" exclude: "lib/*"
cmake_command: >-
cmake -S. -Bbuild-clang-tidy
apt_packages: >-
qttools5-dev, qt5-image-formats-plugins, libqt5svg5-dev,
libboost-dev, libboost-system-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev,
- name: clang-tidy-review upload - name: clang-tidy-review upload
if: matrix.clang-tidy-review && github.event_name == 'pull_request' if: matrix.clang-tidy-review && github.event_name == 'pull_request'
uses: ZedThree/clang-tidy-review/upload@v0.13.0 uses: ZedThree/clang-tidy-review/upload@v0.13.2
- name: Package - AppImage (Ubuntu) - name: Package - AppImage (Ubuntu)
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-20.04') && !matrix.skip-artifact if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-20.04') && !matrix.skip-artifact

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ on:
branches: branches:
- master - master
pull_request: pull_request:
concurrency: concurrency:
group: check-formatting-${{ github.ref }} group: check-formatting-${{ github.ref }}

.github/workflows/create-installer.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
name: Create installer
workflows: ["Build"]
types: [completed]
# make sure this only runs on the default branch
branches: [master]
runs-on: windows-latest
# Only run manually or when a build succeeds
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
qt-version: [5.15.2, 6.5.0]
VARIANT_SUFFIX: ${{ startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.') && '.EXPERIMENTAL-Qt6' || '' }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0 # allows for tags access
- name: Download artifact
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
workflow: build.yml
name: chatterino-windows-x86-64-Qt-${{ matrix.qt-version }}.zip
path: build/
- name: Unzip
run: 7z e -spf chatterino-windows-x86-64-Qt-${{ matrix.qt-version }}.zip
working-directory: build
- name: Install InnoSetup
run: choco install innosetup
- name: Add InnoSetup to path
run: echo "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Enable Developer Command Prompt
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1.12.1
- name: Build installer
id: build-installer
working-directory: build
run: ..\.CI\build-installer.ps1
shell: powershell
- name: Upload installer
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
path: build/${{ steps.build-installer.outputs.C2_INSTALLER_BASE_NAME }}${{ env.VARIANT_SUFFIX }}.exe
name: ${{ steps.build-installer.outputs.C2_INSTALLER_BASE_NAME }}${{ env.VARIANT_SUFFIX }}.exe

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ on:
branches: branches:
- master - master
pull_request: pull_request:
concurrency: concurrency:
group: lint-${{ github.ref }} group: lint-${{ github.ref }}
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Check formatting with Prettier - name: Check formatting with Prettier
uses: actionsx/prettier@e90ec5455552f0f640781bdd5f5d2415acb52f1a uses: actionsx/prettier@3d9f7c3fa44c9cb819e68292a328d7f4384be206
with: with:
# prettier CLI arguments. # prettier CLI arguments.
args: --write . args: --write .

View file

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: ZedThree/clang-tidy-review/post@v0.13.0 - uses: ZedThree/clang-tidy-review/post@v0.13.2
with: with:
lgtm_comment_body: "" lgtm_comment_body: ""

View file

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ name: Test
on: on:
pull_request: pull_request:
workflow_dispatch: workflow_dispatch:
env: env:
TWITCH_PUBSUB_SERVER_IMAGE: ghcr.io/chatterino/twitch-pubsub-server-test:v1.0.6 TWITCH_PUBSUB_SERVER_IMAGE: ghcr.io/chatterino/twitch-pubsub-server-test:v1.0.6
concurrency: concurrency:
group: test-${{ github.ref }} group: test-${{ github.ref }}
@ -17,29 +19,30 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
strategy: strategy:
matrix: matrix:
os: [ubuntu-20.04] include:
qt-version: [5.15.2] - os: "ubuntu-20.04"
qt-version: "5.15.2"
- os: "ubuntu-20.04"
qt-version: "5.12.12"
- os: "ubuntu-22.04"
qt-version: "6.2.4"
fail-fast: false fail-fast: false
C2_BUILD_WITH_QT6: ${{ startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }}
QT_MODULES: ${{ startsWith(matrix.qt-version, '6.') && 'qt5compat qtimageformats' || '' }}
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/checkout@v3
with: with:
submodules: recursive submodules: recursive
- name: Cache Qt
id: cache-qt
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: "${{ github.workspace }}/qt/"
key: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }}
- name: Install Qt - name: Install Qt
uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.2.0 uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.2.1
with: with:
cache: true cache: true
cache-key-prefix: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }} cache-key-prefix: ${{ runner.os }}-QtCache-${{ matrix.qt-version }}-v2
modules: ${{ env.QT_MODULES }}
version: ${{ matrix.qt-version }} version: ${{ matrix.qt-version }}
dir: "${{ github.workspace }}/qt/"
- name: Install dependencies (Ubuntu) - name: Install dependencies (Ubuntu)
@ -73,18 +76,23 @@ jobs:
- name: Build (Ubuntu) - name: Build (Ubuntu)
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu')
run: | run: |
cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=On -DBUILD_APP=OFF .. cmake \
cmake --build . --config Release -DBUILD_TESTS=On \
cmake --build .
working-directory: build-test working-directory: build-test
shell: bash shell: bash
- name: Test (Ubuntu) - name: Test (Ubuntu)
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu')
timeout-minutes: 30
run: | run: |
docker pull kennethreitz/httpbin docker pull kennethreitz/httpbin
docker pull ${{ env.TWITCH_PUBSUB_SERVER_IMAGE }} docker pull ${{ env.TWITCH_PUBSUB_SERVER_IMAGE }}
docker run --network=host --detach ${{ env.TWITCH_PUBSUB_SERVER_IMAGE }} docker run --network=host --detach ${{ env.TWITCH_PUBSUB_SERVER_IMAGE }}
docker run -p 9051:80 --detach kennethreitz/httpbin docker run -p 9051:80 --detach kennethreitz/httpbin
./bin/chatterino-test --platform minimal || ./bin/chatterino-test --platform minimal || ./bin/chatterino-test --platform minimal ./bin/chatterino-test || ./bin/chatterino-test || ./bin/chatterino-test
working-directory: build-test working-directory: build-test
shell: bash shell: bash

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -121,3 +121,6 @@ resources/resources_autogenerated.qrc
# Leftovers from running `aqt install` # Leftovers from running `aqt install`
aqtinstall.log aqtinstall.log
# sccache (CI)

View file

@ -2,6 +2,65 @@
## Unversioned ## Unversioned
- Minor: Message input is now focused when clicking on emotes. (#4719)
- Minor: Changed viewer list to chatter list to more match Twitch's terminology. (#4732)
- Minor: Nicknames are now taken into consideration when searching for messages. (#4663, #4742)
- Minor: Add an icon showing when streamer mode is enabled (#4410, #4690)
- Minor: Added `/shoutout <username>` commands to shoutout specified user. (#4638)
- Minor: Improved editing hotkeys. (#4628)
- Minor: The input completion and quick switcher are now styled to match your theme. (#4671)
- Minor: Added setting to only show tabs with live channels (default toggle hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+L). (#4358)
- Minor: Added better support for Twitch's Hype Chat feature. (#4715)
- Minor: Added option to subscribe to and unsubscribe from reply threads. (#4680, #4739)
- Minor: Added a message for when Chatterino joins a channel (#4616)
- Minor: Add accelerators to the right click menu for messages (#4705)
- Minor: Add pin action to usercards and reply threads. (#4692)
- Minor: 7TV badges now automatically update upon changing. (#4512)
- Minor: Stream status requests are now batched. (#4713)
- Minor: Added `/c2-theme-autoreload` command to automatically reload a custom theme. This is useful for when you're developing your own theme. (#4718)
- Minor: Remove restriction on Go To Message on system messages from search. (#4614)
- Minor: Highlights loaded from message history will now correctly appear in the /mentions tab. (#4475)
- Minor: All channels opened in browser tabs are synced when using the extension for quicker switching between tabs. (#4741)
- Minor: Show channel point redemptions without messages in usercard. (#4557)
- Minor: Allow for customizing the behavior of `Right Click`ing of usernames. (#4622, #4751)
- Minor: Added support for opening incognito links in firefox-esr and chromium. (#4745)
- Minor: Added support for opening incognito links under Linux/BSD using XDG. (#4745)
- Bugfix: Increased amount of blocked users loaded from 100 to 1,000. (#4721)
- Bugfix: Fixed generation of crashdumps by the browser-extension process when the browser was closed. (#4667)
- Bugfix: Fix spacing issue with mentions inside RTL text. (#4677)
- Bugfix: Fixed a crash when opening and closing a reply thread and switching the user. (#4675)
- Bugfix: Fixed a crash that could happen when closing splits before their display name was updated. This was especially noticeable after the live controller changes. (#4731)
- Bugfix: Fix visual glitches with smooth scrolling. (#4501)
- Bugfix: Fixed pings firing for the "Your username" highlight when not signed in. (#4698)
- Bugfix: Fixed partially broken filters on Qt 6 builds. (#4702)
- Bugfix: Fixed tooltips & popups sometimes showing up on the wrong monitor. (#4740)
- Bugfix: Fixed some network errors having `0` as their HTTP status. (#4704)
- Bugfix: Fixed crash that could occurr when closing the usercard too quickly after blocking or unblocking a user. (#4711)
- Bugfix: Fixed highlights sometimes not working after changing sound device, or switching users in your operating system. (#4729)
- Bugfix: Fixed key bindings not showing in context menus on Mac. (#4722)
- Bugfix: Fixed tab completion rarely completing the wrong word. (#4735)
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where Subscriptions & Announcements that contained ignored phrases would still appear if the Block option was enabled. (#4748)
- Dev: Added command to set Qt's logging filter/rules at runtime (`/c2-set-logging-rules`). (#4637)
- Dev: Added the ability to see & load custom themes from the Themes directory. No stable promises are made of this feature, changes might be made that breaks custom themes without notice. (#4570)
- Dev: Added test cases for emote and tab completion. (#4644)
- Dev: Fixed `clang-tidy-review` action not picking up dependencies. (#4648)
- Dev: Expanded upon `$$$` test channels. (#4655)
- Dev: Added tools to help debug image GC. (#4578)
- Dev: Removed duplicate license when having plugins enabled. (#4665)
- Dev: Replace our QObjectRef class with Qt's QPointer class. (#4666)
- Dev: Fixed warnings about QWidgets already having a QLayout. (#4672)
- Dev: Fixed undefined behavior when loading non-existant credentials. (#4673)
- Dev: Added support for compiling with `sccache`. (#4678)
- Dev: Added `sccache` in Windows CI. (#4678)
- Dev: Moved preprocessor Git and date definitions to executables only. (#4681)
- Dev: Refactored tests to be able to use `ctest` and run in debug builds. (#4700)
- Dev: Added the ability to use an alternate linker using the `-DUSE_ALTERNATE_LINKER=...` CMake parameter. (#4711)
- Dev: The Windows installer is now built in CI. (#4408)
- Dev: Removed `getApp` and `getSettings` calls from message rendering. (#4535)
- Dev: Get the default browser executable instead of the entire command line when opening incognito links. (#4745)
## 2.4.4
- Minor: Added a Send button in the input box so you can click to send a message. This is disabled by default and can be enabled with the "Show send message button" setting. (#4607) - Minor: Added a Send button in the input box so you can click to send a message. This is disabled by default and can be enabled with the "Show send message button" setting. (#4607)
- Minor: Improved error messages when the updater fails a download. (#4594) - Minor: Improved error messages when the updater fails a download. (#4594)
- Minor: Added `/shield` and `/shieldoff` commands to toggle shield mode. (#4580) - Minor: Added `/shield` and `/shieldoff` commands to toggle shield mode. (#4580)
@ -9,8 +68,10 @@
- Bugfix: Fixed the menu warping on macOS on Qt6. (#4595) - Bugfix: Fixed the menu warping on macOS on Qt6. (#4595)
- Bugfix: Fixed link tooltips not showing unless the thumbnail setting was enabled. (#4597) - Bugfix: Fixed link tooltips not showing unless the thumbnail setting was enabled. (#4597)
- Bugfix: Domains starting with `http` are now parsed as links again. (#4598) - Bugfix: Domains starting with `http` are now parsed as links again. (#4598)
- Bugfix: Reduced the size of the update prompt to prevent it from going off the users screen. (#4626)
- Bugfix: Fixed click effects on buttons not being antialiased. (#4473) - Bugfix: Fixed click effects on buttons not being antialiased. (#4473)
- Bugfix: Fixed Ctrl+Backspace not working after Select All in chat search popup. (#4461) - Bugfix: Fixed Ctrl+Backspace not working after Select All in chat search popup. (#4461)
- Bugfix: Fixed crash when scrolling up really fast. (#4621)
- Dev: Added the ability to control the `followRedirect` mode for requests. (#4594) - Dev: Added the ability to control the `followRedirect` mode for requests. (#4594)
## 2.4.3 ## 2.4.3

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/sanitizers-cmake/cmake" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/sanitizers-cmake/cmake"
) )
project(chatterino VERSION 2.4.3) project(chatterino VERSION 2.4.4)
option(BUILD_APP "Build Chatterino" ON) option(BUILD_APP "Build Chatterino" ON)
option(BUILD_TESTS "Build the tests for Chatterino" OFF) option(BUILD_TESTS "Build the tests for Chatterino" OFF)
@ -42,9 +42,49 @@ else()
endif() endif()
find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache) find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache)
if (CCACHE_PROGRAM) find_program(SCCACHE_PROGRAM sccache)
message("Using ${CCACHE_PROGRAM} for speeding up build") set(_compiler_launcher ${SCCACHE_PROGRAM})
set(_compiler_launcher ${CCACHE_PROGRAM})
endif ()
# Alternate linker code taken from heavyai/heavydb
# https://github.com/heavyai/heavydb/blob/0517d99b467806f6af7b4c969e351368a667497d/CMakeLists.txt#L87-L103
macro(set_alternate_linker linker)
set(USE_ALTERNATE_LINKER "" CACHE STRING "Use alternate linker" FORCE)
set(USE_ALTERNATE_LINKER "" CACHE STRING "Use alternate linker. Leave empty for system default; alternatives are 'gold', 'lld', 'bfd', 'mold'")
if (_compiler_launcher)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${_compiler_launcher}" CACHE STRING "CXX compiler launcher")
message(STATUS "Using ${_compiler_launcher} for speeding up build")
if (MSVC)
# /Zi can't be used with (s)ccache
# Use /Z7 instead (debug info in object files)
endif() endif()
include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/GIT.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/GIT.cmake)
@ -72,7 +112,7 @@ if (WIN32)
find_package(WinToast REQUIRED) find_package(WinToast REQUIRED)
endif () endif ()
find_package(Sanitizers) find_package(Sanitizers QUIET)
# Find boost on the system # Find boost on the system
# `OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS random` is required for vcpkg builds to link. # `OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS random` is required for vcpkg builds to link.
@ -119,6 +159,7 @@ find_package(RapidJSON REQUIRED)
find_package(Websocketpp REQUIRED) find_package(Websocketpp REQUIRED)
# For MSVC: Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker settings # For MSVC: Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker settings
# See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/googletest/README.md#visual-studio-dynamic-vs-static-runtimes # See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/googletest/README.md#visual-studio-dynamic-vs-static-runtimes
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
@ -166,6 +207,16 @@ if (BUILD_WITH_CRASHPAD)
add_subdirectory("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/crashpad" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/crashpad" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
endif() endif()
# Used to provide a date of build in the About page (for nightly builds). Getting the actual time of
# compilation in CMake is a more involved, as documented in https://stackoverflow.com/q/24292898.
# For CI runs, however, the date of build file generation should be consistent with the date of
# compilation so this approximation is "good enough" for our purpose.
set(cmake_gen_date "1970-01-01")
else ()
string(TIMESTAMP cmake_gen_date "%Y-%m-%d")
endif ()
@ -174,6 +225,10 @@ include(cmake/resources/generate_resources.cmake)
add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(src)
endif ()
enable_testing() enable_testing()
add_subdirectory(tests) add_subdirectory(tests)

View file

@ -44,6 +44,18 @@ git submodule update --init --recursive
[Building on FreeBSD](../master/BUILDING_ON_FREEBSD.md) [Building on FreeBSD](../master/BUILDING_ON_FREEBSD.md)
## Git blame
This project has big commits in the history which for example update all line
endings. To improve the output of git-blame, consider setting:
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
This will ignore all revisions mentioned in the [`.git-blame-ignore-revs`
file](./.git-blame-ignore-revs). GitHub does this by default.
## Code style ## Code style
The code is formatted using clang format in Qt Creator. [.clang-format](src/.clang-format) contains the style file for clang format. The code is formatted using clang format in Qt Creator. [.clang-format](src/.clang-format) contains the style file for clang format.

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${benchmark_SOURCES})
add_sanitizers(${PROJECT_NAME}) add_sanitizers(${PROJECT_NAME})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE chatterino-lib) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE chatterino-lib)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE chatterino-mocks)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE benchmark::benchmark) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE benchmark::benchmark)

View file

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
#include "Application.hpp" #include "Application.hpp"
#include "singletons/Settings.hpp"
#include "common/Channel.hpp" #include "common/Channel.hpp"
#include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp"
#include "controllers/highlights/HighlightController.hpp" #include "controllers/highlights/HighlightController.hpp"
#include "controllers/highlights/HighlightPhrase.hpp" #include "controllers/highlights/HighlightPhrase.hpp"
#include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp"
#include "messages/SharedMessageBuilder.hpp" #include "messages/SharedMessageBuilder.hpp"
#include "mocks/EmptyApplication.hpp"
#include "singletons/Settings.hpp"
#include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp"
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h> #include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <QDebug> #include <QDebug>
#include <QString> #include <QString>
#include <QTemporaryDir>
using namespace chatterino; using namespace chatterino;
@ -45,65 +47,17 @@ public:
} }
}; };
class MockApplication : IApplication class MockApplication : mock::EmptyApplication
{ {
public: public:
Theme *getThemes() override
return nullptr;
Fonts *getFonts() override
return nullptr;
IEmotes *getEmotes() override
return nullptr;
AccountController *getAccounts() override AccountController *getAccounts() override
{ {
return &this->accounts; return &this->accounts;
} }
HotkeyController *getHotkeys() override
return nullptr;
WindowManager *getWindows() override
return nullptr;
Toasts *getToasts() override
return nullptr;
CommandController *getCommands() override
return nullptr;
NotificationController *getNotifications() override
return nullptr;
HighlightController *getHighlights() override HighlightController *getHighlights() override
{ {
return &this->highlights; return &this->highlights;
} }
TwitchIrcServer *getTwitch() override
return nullptr;
ChatterinoBadges *getChatterinoBadges() override
return nullptr;
FfzBadges *getFfzBadges() override
return nullptr;
IUserDataController *getUserData() override
return nullptr;
AccountController accounts; AccountController accounts;
HighlightController highlights; HighlightController highlights;
@ -113,7 +67,8 @@ public:
static void BM_HighlightTest(benchmark::State &state) static void BM_HighlightTest(benchmark::State &state)
{ {
MockApplication mockApplication; MockApplication mockApplication;
Settings settings("/tmp/c2-mock"); QTemporaryDir settingsDir;
Settings settings(settingsDir.path());
std::string message = std::string message =
R"(@badge-info=subscriber/34;badges=moderator/1,subscriber/24;color=#FF0000;display-name=테스트계정420;emotes=41:6-13,15-22;flags=;id=a3196c7e-be4c-4b49-9c5a-8b8302b50c2a;mod=1;room-id=11148817;subscriber=1;tmi-sent-ts=1590922213730;turbo=0;user-id=117166826;user-type=mod :testaccount_420!testaccount_420@testaccount_420.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #pajlada :-tags Kreygasm,Kreygasm (no space))"; R"(@badge-info=subscriber/34;badges=moderator/1,subscriber/24;color=#FF0000;display-name=테스트계정420;emotes=41:6-13,15-22;flags=;id=a3196c7e-be4c-4b49-9c5a-8b8302b50c2a;mod=1;room-id=11148817;subscriber=1;tmi-sent-ts=1590922213730;turbo=0;user-id=117166826;user-type=mod :testaccount_420!testaccount_420@testaccount_420.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #pajlada :-tags Kreygasm,Kreygasm (no space))";

View file

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
#include "singletons/Settings.hpp"
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h> #include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <QApplication> #include <QApplication>
#include <QtConcurrent> #include <QtConcurrent>
#include <QTemporaryDir>
using namespace chatterino;
int main(int argc, char **argv) int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ {
@ -8,11 +13,26 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); ::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
QtConcurrent::run([&app] { // Ensure settings are initialized before any benchmarks are run
QTemporaryDir settingsDir;
settingsDir.setAutoRemove(false); // we'll remove it manually
chatterino::Settings settings(settingsDir.path());
QTimer::singleShot(0, [&]() {
::benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); ::benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks();
app.exit(0); settingsDir.remove();
// Pick up the last events from the eventloop
// Using a loop to catch events queueing other events (e.g. deletions)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(nullptr, QEvent::DeferredDelete);
}); });
return app.exec(); return QApplication::exec();
} }

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
}, },
{ {
"title": "SVG Color", "title": "SVG Color",
"description": "This is stricter than Qt. You could theoretically put tabs an spaces between characters in a named color and capitalize the color.", "description": "This enum is stricter than Qt. You could theoretically put tabs and spaces between characters in a named color and capitalize the color.",
"$comment": "https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#ColorKeywords", "$comment": "https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#ColorKeywords",
"enum": [ "enum": [
"aliceblue", "aliceblue",

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
This can only be "whole versions", so if you're releasing `2.4.0-beta` you'll need to condense it to `2.4.0` This can only be "whole versions", so if you're releasing `2.4.0-beta` you'll need to condense it to `2.4.0`
- [ ] Updated version code in `resources/com.chatterino.chatterino.appdata.xml` - [ ] Updated version code in `resources/com.chatterino.chatterino.appdata.xml`
This cannot use dash to denote a pre-release identifier, you have to use a tilde instead. This cannot use dash to denote a pre-release identifier, you have to use a tilde instead.
- [ ] Updated version code in `.CI/chatterino-installer.iss`
- [ ] Update the changelog `## Unreleased` section to the new version `CHANGELOG.md` - [ ] Update the changelog `## Unreleased` section to the new version `CHANGELOG.md`
Make sure to leave the `## Unreleased` line unchanged for easier merges Make sure to leave the `## Unreleased` line unchanged for easier merges
- [ ] Push directly to master :tf: - [ ] Push directly to master :tf:

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit ec992578688b4c51c1856d08731cf7dcf10e446a Subproject commit 432ff49ecccc1cdebf1a7646007bb0594ac3481f

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5d708c3f9cae12820e415d4f89c9eacbe2ab964b Subproject commit ea39042e13645f63713425c05cc9ee4cfdcf0a40

mocks/.clang-format Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Language: Cpp
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: false
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
BasedOnStyle: Google
AfterClass: "true"
AfterControlStatement: "true"
AfterFunction: "true"
AfterNamespace: "false"
BeforeCatch: "true"
BeforeElse: "true"
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
ColumnLimit: 80
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
DerivePointerBinding: false
FixNamespaceComments: true
IndentCaseLabels: true
IndentWidth: 4
IndentWrappedFunctionNames: true
IndentPPDirectives: AfterHash
SortIncludes: CaseInsensitive
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
# Project includes
- Regex: '^"[a-zA-Z\._-]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)*"$'
Priority: 1
# Third party library includes
- Regex: '<[[:alnum:].]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\._\/-]+>'
Priority: 3
# Qt includes
- Regex: '^<Q[a-zA-Z0-9\._\/-]+>$'
Priority: 3
CaseSensitive: true
# LibCommuni includes
- Regex: "^<Irc[a-zA-Z]+>$"
Priority: 3
# Misc libraries
- Regex: '^<[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\.h(pp)?>$'
Priority: 3
# Standard library includes
- Regex: "^<[a-zA-Z_]+>$"
Priority: 4
NamespaceIndentation: Inner
PointerBindsToType: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2
Standard: Auto
ReflowComments: false

mocks/CMakeLists.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
add_library(chatterino-mocks INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(chatterino-mocks INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE gmock)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#pragma once
#include "Application.hpp"
namespace chatterino::mock {
class EmptyApplication : public IApplication
Theme *getThemes() override
return nullptr;
Fonts *getFonts() override
return nullptr;
IEmotes *getEmotes() override
return nullptr;
AccountController *getAccounts() override
return nullptr;
HotkeyController *getHotkeys() override
return nullptr;
WindowManager *getWindows() override
return nullptr;
Toasts *getToasts() override
return nullptr;
CommandController *getCommands() override
return nullptr;
NotificationController *getNotifications() override
return nullptr;
HighlightController *getHighlights() override
return nullptr;
ITwitchIrcServer *getTwitch() override
return nullptr;
ChatterinoBadges *getChatterinoBadges() override
return nullptr;
FfzBadges *getFfzBadges() override
return nullptr;
IUserDataController *getUserData() override
return nullptr;
ITwitchLiveController *getTwitchLiveController() override
return nullptr;
} // namespace chatterino::mock

View file

@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
#pragma once
#include "providers/twitch/api/Helix.hpp"
#include "util/CancellationToken.hpp"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <vector>
namespace chatterino::mock {
class Helix : public IHelix
virtual ~Helix() = default;
MOCK_METHOD(void, fetchUsers,
(QStringList userIds, QStringList userLogins,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixUser>> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getUserByName,
(QString userName, ResultCallback<HelixUser> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getUserById,
(QString userId, ResultCallback<HelixUser> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, fetchUsersFollows,
(QString fromId, QString toId,
ResultCallback<HelixUsersFollowsResponse> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getUserFollowers,
(QString userId,
ResultCallback<HelixUsersFollowsResponse> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, fetchStreams,
(QStringList userIds, QStringList userLogins,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixStream>> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback,
std::function<void()> finallyCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getStreamById,
(QString userId,
(ResultCallback<bool, HelixStream> successCallback),
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback,
std::function<void()> finallyCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getStreamByName,
(QString userName,
(ResultCallback<bool, HelixStream> successCallback),
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback,
std::function<void()> finallyCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, fetchGames,
(QStringList gameIds, QStringList gameNames,
(ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixGame>> successCallback),
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, searchGames,
(QString gameName,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixGame>> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getGameById,
(QString gameId, ResultCallback<HelixGame> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, createClip,
(QString channelId, ResultCallback<HelixClip> successCallback,
std::function<void(HelixClipError)> failureCallback,
std::function<void()> finallyCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, fetchChannels,
(QStringList userIDs,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixChannel>> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getChannel,
(QString broadcasterId,
ResultCallback<HelixChannel> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, createStreamMarker,
(QString broadcasterId, QString description,
ResultCallback<HelixStreamMarker> successCallback,
std::function<void(HelixStreamMarkerError)> failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, loadBlocks,
(QString userId,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixBlock>> successCallback,
FailureCallback<QString> failureCallback,
CancellationToken &&token),
MOCK_METHOD(void, blockUser,
(QString targetUserId, const QObject *caller,
std::function<void()> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, unblockUser,
(QString targetUserId, const QObject *caller,
std::function<void()> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateChannel,
(QString broadcasterId, QString gameId, QString language,
QString title,
std::function<void(NetworkResult)> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, manageAutoModMessages,
(QString userID, QString msgID, QString action,
std::function<void()> successCallback,
std::function<void(HelixAutoModMessageError)> failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getCheermotes,
(QString broadcasterId,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixCheermoteSet>> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getEmoteSetData,
(QString emoteSetId,
ResultCallback<HelixEmoteSetData> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
MOCK_METHOD(void, getChannelEmotes,
(QString broadcasterId,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixChannelEmote>> successCallback,
HelixFailureCallback failureCallback),
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, getGlobalBadges,
(ResultCallback<HelixGlobalBadges> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixGetGlobalBadgesError, QString> failureCallback)),
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, getChannelBadges,
(QString broadcasterID,
ResultCallback<HelixChannelBadges> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixGetChannelBadgesError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateUserChatColor,
(QString userID, QString color,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateUserChatColorError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, deleteChatMessages,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, QString messageID,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixDeleteChatMessagesError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, addChannelModerator,
(QString broadcasterID, QString userID,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixAddChannelModeratorError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, removeChannelModerator,
(QString broadcasterID, QString userID,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixRemoveChannelModeratorError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, sendChatAnnouncement,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, QString message,
HelixAnnouncementColor color, ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixSendChatAnnouncementError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, addChannelVIP,
(QString broadcasterID, QString userID,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixAddChannelVIPError, QString> failureCallback)),
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, removeChannelVIP,
(QString broadcasterID, QString userID,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixRemoveChannelVIPError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, unbanUser,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, QString userID,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUnbanUserError, QString> failureCallback)),
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD( // /raid
void, startRaid,
(QString fromBroadcasterID, QString toBroadcasterId,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixStartRaidError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /raid
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD( // /unraid
void, cancelRaid,
(QString broadcasterID, ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixCancelRaidError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /unraid
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateEmoteMode,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, bool emoteMode,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateFollowerMode,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID,
boost::optional<int> followerModeDuration,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateNonModeratorChatDelay,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID,
boost::optional<int> nonModeratorChatDelayDuration,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateSlowMode,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID,
boost::optional<int> slowModeWaitTime,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateSubscriberMode,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID,
bool subscriberMode,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateUniqueChatMode,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID,
bool uniqueChatMode,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
// update chat settings
// /timeout, /ban
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, banUser,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, QString userID,
boost::optional<int> duration, QString reason,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixBanUserError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /timeout, /ban
// /w
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, sendWhisper,
(QString fromUserID, QString toUserID, QString message,
ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixWhisperError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /w
// getChatters
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, getChatters,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, int maxChattersToFetch,
ResultCallback<HelixChatters> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixGetChattersError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // getChatters
// /vips
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, getChannelVIPs,
(QString broadcasterID,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixVip>> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixListVIPsError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /vips
// /commercial
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, startCommercial,
(QString broadcasterID, int length,
ResultCallback<HelixStartCommercialResponse> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixStartCommercialError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /commercial
// /mods
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
void, getModerators,
(QString broadcasterID, int maxModeratorsToFetch,
ResultCallback<std::vector<HelixModerator>> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixGetModeratorsError, QString> failureCallback)),
(override)); // /mods
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateShieldMode,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, bool isActive,
ResultCallback<HelixShieldModeStatus> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateShieldModeError, QString>
// /shoutout
void, sendShoutout,
(QString fromBroadcasterID, QString toBroadcasterID,
QString moderatorID, ResultCallback<> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixSendShoutoutError, QString> failureCallback)),
MOCK_METHOD(void, update, (QString clientId, QString oauthToken),
// The extra parenthesis around the failure callback is because its type
// contains a comma
MOCK_METHOD(void, updateChatSettings,
(QString broadcasterID, QString moderatorID, QJsonObject json,
ResultCallback<HelixChatSettings> successCallback,
(FailureCallback<HelixUpdateChatSettingsError, QString>
} // namespace chatterino::mock

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.5 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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(image error) Size: 3.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.4 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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(image error) Size: 3.7 KiB

View file

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
<binary>chatterino</binary> <binary>chatterino</binary>
</provides> </provides>
<releases> <releases>
<release version="2.4.4" date="2023-05-14">
<release version="2.4.3" date="2023-04-30"> <release version="2.4.3" date="2023-04-30">
<url>https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2/releases/tag/v2.4.3</url> <url>https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2/releases/tag/v2.4.3</url>
</release> </release>

View file

@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ ScrubN | https://github.com/ScrubN | | Contributor
Cyclone | https://github.com/PsycloneTM | :/avatars/cyclone.png | Contributor Cyclone | https://github.com/PsycloneTM | :/avatars/cyclone.png | Contributor
2547techno | https://github.com/2547techno | :/avatars/techno.png | Contributor 2547techno | https://github.com/2547techno | :/avatars/techno.png | Contributor
ZonianMidian | https://github.com/ZonianMidian | :/avatars/zonianmidian.png | Contributor ZonianMidian | https://github.com/ZonianMidian | :/avatars/zonianmidian.png | Contributor
olafyang | https://github.com/olafyang | | Contributor
chrrs | https://github.com/chrrs | | Contributor
4rneee | https://github.com/4rneee | | Contributor
# If you are a contributor add yourself above this line # If you are a contributor add yourself above this line

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# include "controllers/plugins/PluginController.hpp" # include "controllers/plugins/PluginController.hpp"
#endif #endif
#include "controllers/sound/SoundController.hpp" #include "controllers/sound/SoundController.hpp"
#include "controllers/twitch/LiveController.hpp"
#include "controllers/userdata/UserDataController.hpp" #include "controllers/userdata/UserDataController.hpp"
#include "debug/AssertInGuiThread.hpp" #include "debug/AssertInGuiThread.hpp"
#include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp"
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ Application::Application(Settings &_settings, Paths &_paths)
, seventvBadges(&this->emplace<SeventvBadges>()) , seventvBadges(&this->emplace<SeventvBadges>())
, userData(&this->emplace<UserDataController>()) , userData(&this->emplace<UserDataController>())
, sound(&this->emplace<SoundController>()) , sound(&this->emplace<SoundController>())
, twitchLiveController(&this->emplace<TwitchLiveController>())
, plugins(&this->emplace<PluginController>()) , plugins(&this->emplace<PluginController>())
#endif #endif
@ -245,6 +247,16 @@ IUserDataController *Application::getUserData()
return this->userData; return this->userData;
} }
ITwitchLiveController *Application::getTwitchLiveController()
return this->twitchLiveController;
ITwitchIrcServer *Application::getTwitch()
return this->twitch;
void Application::save() void Application::save()
{ {
for (auto &singleton : this->singletons_) for (auto &singleton : this->singletons_)
@ -258,7 +270,7 @@ void Application::initNm(Paths &paths)
(void)paths; (void)paths;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
# if defined QT_NO_DEBUG || defined C_DEBUG_NM # if defined QT_NO_DEBUG || defined CHATTERINO_DEBUG_NM
registerNmHost(paths); registerNmHost(paths);
this->nmServer.start(); this->nmServer.start();
# endif # endif

View file

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include "common/Singleton.hpp" #include "common/Singleton.hpp"
#include "singletons/NativeMessaging.hpp" #include "singletons/NativeMessaging.hpp"
#include <pajlada/signals.hpp>
#include <pajlada/signals/signal.hpp>
#include <QApplication> #include <QApplication>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
@ -10,6 +12,7 @@
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
class TwitchIrcServer; class TwitchIrcServer;
class ITwitchIrcServer;
class PubSub; class PubSub;
class CommandController; class CommandController;
@ -20,6 +23,8 @@ class HotkeyController;
class IUserDataController; class IUserDataController;
class UserDataController; class UserDataController;
class SoundController; class SoundController;
class ITwitchLiveController;
class TwitchLiveController;
class PluginController; class PluginController;
#endif #endif
@ -55,10 +60,11 @@ public:
virtual CommandController *getCommands() = 0; virtual CommandController *getCommands() = 0;
virtual HighlightController *getHighlights() = 0; virtual HighlightController *getHighlights() = 0;
virtual NotificationController *getNotifications() = 0; virtual NotificationController *getNotifications() = 0;
virtual TwitchIrcServer *getTwitch() = 0; virtual ITwitchIrcServer *getTwitch() = 0;
virtual ChatterinoBadges *getChatterinoBadges() = 0; virtual ChatterinoBadges *getChatterinoBadges() = 0;
virtual FfzBadges *getFfzBadges() = 0; virtual FfzBadges *getFfzBadges() = 0;
virtual IUserDataController *getUserData() = 0; virtual IUserDataController *getUserData() = 0;
virtual ITwitchLiveController *getTwitchLiveController() = 0;
}; };
class Application : public IApplication class Application : public IApplication
@ -98,6 +104,10 @@ public:
UserDataController *const userData{}; UserDataController *const userData{};
SoundController *const sound{}; SoundController *const sound{};
TwitchLiveController *const twitchLiveController{};
PluginController *const plugins{}; PluginController *const plugins{};
#endif #endif
@ -141,10 +151,7 @@ public:
{ {
return this->highlights; return this->highlights;
} }
TwitchIrcServer *getTwitch() override ITwitchIrcServer *getTwitch() override;
return this->twitch;
ChatterinoBadges *getChatterinoBadges() override ChatterinoBadges *getChatterinoBadges() override
{ {
return this->chatterinoBadges; return this->chatterinoBadges;
@ -154,6 +161,9 @@ public:
return this->ffzBadges; return this->ffzBadges;
} }
IUserDataController *getUserData() override; IUserDataController *getUserData() override;
ITwitchLiveController *getTwitchLiveController() override;
pajlada::Signals::NoArgSignal streamerModeChanged;
private: private:
void addSingleton(Singleton *singleton); void addSingleton(Singleton *singleton);

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace {
#endif #endif
} }
void runLoop(NativeMessagingClient &client) void runLoop()
{ {
auto received_message = std::make_shared<std::atomic_bool>(true); auto received_message = std::make_shared<std::atomic_bool>(true);
@ -73,8 +73,9 @@ namespace {
received_message->store(true); received_message->store(true);
client.sendMessage(data); nm::client::sendMessage(data);
} }
} }
} // namespace } // namespace
@ -82,9 +83,7 @@ void runBrowserExtensionHost()
{ {
initFileMode(); initFileMode();
NativeMessagingClient client; runLoop();
} }
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
add_compile_definitions(QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050F00) add_compile_definitions(QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050F00)
# registers the native messageing host
option(CHATTERINO_DEBUG_NATIVE_MESSAGES "Debug native messages" OFF)
Application.cpp Application.cpp
Application.hpp Application.hpp
@ -32,6 +36,7 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
common/Env.hpp common/Env.hpp
common/LinkParser.cpp common/LinkParser.cpp
common/LinkParser.hpp common/LinkParser.hpp
common/Modes.cpp common/Modes.cpp
common/Modes.hpp common/Modes.hpp
common/NetworkCommon.cpp common/NetworkCommon.cpp
@ -46,8 +51,6 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
common/NetworkResult.hpp common/NetworkResult.hpp
common/QLogging.cpp common/QLogging.cpp
common/QLogging.hpp common/QLogging.hpp
common/WindowDescriptors.cpp common/WindowDescriptors.cpp
common/WindowDescriptors.hpp common/WindowDescriptors.hpp
@ -60,10 +63,14 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
controllers/accounts/AccountModel.cpp controllers/accounts/AccountModel.cpp
controllers/accounts/AccountModel.hpp controllers/accounts/AccountModel.hpp
controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ChatSettings.cpp controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ChatSettings.cpp
controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ChatSettings.hpp controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ChatSettings.hpp
controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ShieldMode.cpp controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ShieldMode.cpp
controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ShieldMode.hpp controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ShieldMode.hpp
controllers/commands/CommandContext.hpp controllers/commands/CommandContext.hpp
controllers/commands/CommandController.cpp controllers/commands/CommandController.cpp
controllers/commands/CommandController.hpp controllers/commands/CommandController.hpp
@ -163,13 +170,16 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
controllers/plugins/LuaUtilities.cpp controllers/plugins/LuaUtilities.cpp
controllers/plugins/LuaUtilities.hpp controllers/plugins/LuaUtilities.hpp
controllers/userdata/UserDataController.cpp controllers/userdata/UserDataController.cpp
controllers/userdata/UserDataController.hpp controllers/userdata/UserDataController.hpp
controllers/userdata/UserData.hpp controllers/userdata/UserData.hpp
debug/Benchmark.cpp debug/Benchmark.cpp
debug/Benchmark.hpp debug/Benchmark.hpp
@ -199,6 +209,8 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
messages/layouts/MessageLayout.hpp messages/layouts/MessageLayout.hpp
messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.cpp messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.cpp
messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.hpp messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.hpp
messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.cpp messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.cpp
messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp
messages/search/AuthorPredicate.cpp messages/search/AuthorPredicate.cpp
@ -276,8 +288,11 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
providers/liveupdates/BasicPubSubManager.hpp providers/liveupdates/BasicPubSubManager.hpp
providers/liveupdates/BasicPubSubWebsocket.hpp providers/liveupdates/BasicPubSubWebsocket.hpp
providers/seventv/SeventvBadges.cpp providers/seventv/SeventvBadges.cpp
providers/seventv/SeventvBadges.hpp providers/seventv/SeventvBadges.hpp
providers/seventv/SeventvEmotes.cpp providers/seventv/SeventvEmotes.cpp
providers/seventv/SeventvEmotes.hpp providers/seventv/SeventvEmotes.hpp
providers/seventv/SeventvEventAPI.cpp providers/seventv/SeventvEventAPI.cpp
@ -378,6 +393,7 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
util/AttachToConsole.cpp util/AttachToConsole.cpp
util/AttachToConsole.hpp util/AttachToConsole.hpp
util/Clipboard.cpp util/Clipboard.cpp
util/Clipboard.hpp util/Clipboard.hpp
util/ConcurrentMap.hpp util/ConcurrentMap.hpp
@ -397,6 +413,8 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp
util/InitUpdateButton.cpp util/InitUpdateButton.cpp
util/InitUpdateButton.hpp util/InitUpdateButton.hpp
util/LayoutHelper.cpp util/LayoutHelper.cpp
util/LayoutHelper.hpp util/LayoutHelper.hpp
util/NuulsUploader.cpp util/NuulsUploader.cpp
@ -420,6 +438,12 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
util/TypeName.hpp util/TypeName.hpp
util/WindowsHelper.cpp util/WindowsHelper.cpp
util/WindowsHelper.hpp util/WindowsHelper.hpp
util/serialize/Container.hpp util/serialize/Container.hpp
@ -706,7 +730,12 @@ if (BUILD_APP)
else() else()
add_executable(${EXECUTABLE_PROJECT} main.cpp) add_executable(${EXECUTABLE_PROJECT} main.cpp)
endif() endif()
if(COMMAND add_sanitizers)
add_sanitizers(${EXECUTABLE_PROJECT}) add_sanitizers(${EXECUTABLE_PROJECT})
message(WARNING "Sanitizers support is disabled")
@ -790,15 +819,26 @@ set_target_properties(${LIBRARY_PROJECT}
) )
# Used to provide a date of build in the About page (for nightly builds). Getting the actual time of # The version project has definitions about the build.
# compilation in CMake is a more involved, as documented in https://stackoverflow.com/q/24292898. # To avoid recompilations because of changing preprocessor definitions,
# For CI runs, however, the date of build file generation should be consistent with the date of # this is its own project.
# compilation so this approximation is "good enough" for our purpose. set(VERSION_SOURCE_FILES common/Version.cpp common/Version.hpp)
set(cmake_gen_date "1970-01-01")
else () # source group for IDEs
string(TIMESTAMP cmake_gen_date "%Y-%m-%d") source_group(TREE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} FILES ${VERSION_SOURCE_FILES})
endif () target_include_directories(${VERSION_PROJECT} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(${VERSION_PROJECT} PRIVATE Qt${MAJOR_QT_VERSION}::Core)
target_compile_definitions(${VERSION_PROJECT} PRIVATE
target_compile_definitions(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC target_compile_definitions(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC
@ -806,18 +846,7 @@ target_compile_definitions(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC
) )
target_compile_definitions(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC
endif ()
target_compile_definitions(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC target_compile_definitions(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC
@ -831,6 +860,9 @@ if (WIN32)
endif () endif ()
endif () endif ()
endif ()
if (MSVC) if (MSVC)
target_compile_options(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC /EHsc /bigobj) target_compile_options(${LIBRARY_PROJECT} PUBLIC /EHsc /bigobj)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus
# include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
# include <boost/current_function.hpp> # include <boost/current_function.hpp>
# include <boost/foreach.hpp> # include <boost/foreach.hpp>
# include <boost/noncopyable.hpp> # include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
# include <boost/optional.hpp> # include <boost/optional.hpp>
# include <boost/signals2.hpp>
# include <IrcCommand> # include <IrcCommand>
# include <IrcConnection> # include <IrcConnection>
# include <IrcMessage> # include <IrcMessage>
@ -12,40 +14,29 @@
# include <pajlada/signals/connection.hpp> # include <pajlada/signals/connection.hpp>
# include <pajlada/signals/signal.hpp> # include <pajlada/signals/signal.hpp>
# include <QAbstractListModel> # include <QAbstractListModel>
# include <QAbstractNativeEventFilter>
# include <QAction> # include <QAction>
# include <QApplication> # include <QApplication>
# include <QBrush> # include <QBrush>
# include <QBuffer> # include <QBuffer>
# include <QButtonGroup>
# include <QByteArray> # include <QByteArray>
# include <QCheckBox> # include <QCheckBox>
# include <QClipboard> # include <QClipboard>
# include <QColor> # include <QColor>
# include <QComboBox> # include <QComboBox>
# include <QCompleter>
# include <QCoreApplication>
# include <QDateTime> # include <QDateTime>
# include <QDebug> # include <QDebug>
# include <QDesktopServices> # include <QDesktopServices>
# include <QDialog> # include <QDialog>
# include <QDialogButtonBox> # include <QDialogButtonBox>
# include <QDir> # include <QDir>
# include <QDockWidget>
# include <QDrag>
# include <QDragEnterEvent>
# include <QElapsedTimer> # include <QElapsedTimer>
# include <QEventLoop>
# include <QFile> # include <QFile>
# include <QFileDialog> # include <QFileDialog>
# include <QFileInfo> # include <QFileInfo>
# include <QFlags> # include <QFlags>
# include <QFont> # include <QFont>
# include <QFontDatabase>
# include <QFontDialog>
# include <QFontMetrics> # include <QFontMetrics>
# include <QFormLayout> # include <QFormLayout>
# include <QGraphicsBlurEffect>
# include <QGroupBox> # include <QGroupBox>
# include <QHBoxLayout> # include <QHBoxLayout>
# include <QHeaderView> # include <QHeaderView>
@ -58,7 +49,6 @@
# include <QKeyEvent> # include <QKeyEvent>
# include <QLabel> # include <QLabel>
# include <QLayout> # include <QLayout>
# include <QLibrary>
# include <QLineEdit> # include <QLineEdit>
# include <QList> # include <QList>
# include <QListView> # include <QListView>
@ -92,31 +82,17 @@
# include <QSizePolicy> # include <QSizePolicy>
# include <QSlider> # include <QSlider>
# include <QSpinBox> # include <QSpinBox>
# include <QStackedLayout>
# include <QStandardPaths> # include <QStandardPaths>
# include <QString> # include <QString>
# include <QStyle> # include <QStyle>
# include <QStyleOption> # include <QStyleOption>
# include <QTabWidget> # include <QTabWidget>
# include <QtCore/QVariant>
# include <QTextEdit> # include <QTextEdit>
# include <QtGlobal> # include <QtGlobal>
# include <QThread> # include <QThread>
# include <QThreadPool> # include <QThreadPool>
# include <QTime> # include <QTime>
# include <QTimer> # include <QTimer>
# include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
# include <QtWidgets/QButtonGroup>
# include <QtWidgets/QDialog>
# include <QtWidgets/QDialogButtonBox>
# include <QtWidgets/QFormLayout>
# include <QtWidgets/QHBoxLayout>
# include <QtWidgets/QHeaderView>
# include <QtWidgets/QLabel>
# include <QtWidgets/QLineEdit>
# include <QtWidgets/QPushButton>
# include <QtWidgets/QTabWidget>
# include <QtWidgets/QVBoxLayout>
# include <QUrl> # include <QUrl>
# include <QUuid> # include <QUuid>
# include <QVariant> # include <QVariant>

View file

@ -86,6 +86,13 @@ namespace {
QApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icon.ico")); QApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icon.ico"));
#endif #endif
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
// On the Mac/Cocoa platform this attribute is enabled by default
// We override it to ensure shortcuts show in context menus on that platform
installCustomPalette(); installCustomPalette();
} }

View file

@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ void CompletionModel::refresh(const QString &prefix, bool isFirstWord)
return; return;
} }
auto *app = getIApp();
// Twitch channel // Twitch channel
auto *tc = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(&this->channel_); auto *tc = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(&this->channel_);
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ void CompletionModel::refresh(const QString &prefix, bool isFirstWord)
} }
}; };
if (auto account = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()) if (auto account = app->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent())
{ {
// Twitch Emotes available globally // Twitch Emotes available globally
for (const auto &emote : account->accessEmotes()->emotes) for (const auto &emote : account->accessEmotes()->emotes)
@ -153,18 +154,18 @@ void CompletionModel::refresh(const QString &prefix, bool isFirstWord)
// 7TV Global // 7TV Global
for (const auto &emote : for (const auto &emote :
*getApp()->twitch->getSeventvEmotes().globalEmotes()) *app->getTwitch()->getSeventvEmotes().globalEmotes())
{ {
addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::SeventvGlobalEmote); addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::SeventvGlobalEmote);
} }
// Bttv Global // Bttv Global
for (const auto &emote : *getApp()->twitch->getBttvEmotes().emotes()) for (const auto &emote : *app->getTwitch()->getBttvEmotes().emotes())
{ {
addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::BTTVChannelEmote); addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::BTTVChannelEmote);
} }
// Ffz Global // Ffz Global
for (const auto &emote : *getApp()->twitch->getFfzEmotes().emotes()) for (const auto &emote : *app->getTwitch()->getFfzEmotes().emotes())
{ {
addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::FFZChannelEmote); addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::FFZChannelEmote);
} }
@ -172,7 +173,8 @@ void CompletionModel::refresh(const QString &prefix, bool isFirstWord)
// Emojis // Emojis
if (prefix.startsWith(":")) if (prefix.startsWith(":"))
{ {
const auto &emojiShortCodes = getApp()->emotes->emojis.shortCodes; const auto &emojiShortCodes =
for (const auto &m : emojiShortCodes) for (const auto &m : emojiShortCodes)
{ {
addString(QString(":%1:").arg(m), TaggedString::Type::Emoji); addString(QString(":%1:").arg(m), TaggedString::Type::Emoji);
@ -231,20 +233,20 @@ void CompletionModel::refresh(const QString &prefix, bool isFirstWord)
addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::BTTVGlobalEmote); addString(emote.first.string, TaggedString::Type::BTTVGlobalEmote);
} }
for (const auto &command : getApp()->commands->pluginCommands()) for (const auto &command : app->getCommands()->pluginCommands())
{ {
addString(command, TaggedString::PluginCommand); addString(command, TaggedString::PluginCommand);
} }
#endif #endif
// Custom Chatterino commands // Custom Chatterino commands
for (const auto &command : getApp()->commands->items) for (const auto &command : app->getCommands()->items)
{ {
addString(command.name, TaggedString::CustomCommand); addString(command.name, TaggedString::CustomCommand);
} }
// Default Chatterino commands // Default Chatterino commands
for (const auto &command : for (const auto &command :
getApp()->commands->getDefaultChatterinoCommandList()) app->getCommands()->getDefaultChatterinoCommandList())
{ {
addString(command, TaggedString::ChatterinoCommand); addString(command, TaggedString::ChatterinoCommand);
} }
@ -256,6 +258,19 @@ void CompletionModel::refresh(const QString &prefix, bool isFirstWord)
} }
} }
std::vector<QString> CompletionModel::allItems() const
std::shared_lock lock(this->itemsMutex_);
std::vector<QString> results;
for (const auto &item : this->items_)
return results;
bool CompletionModel::compareStrings(const QString &a, const QString &b) bool CompletionModel::compareStrings(const QString &a, const QString &b)
{ {
// try comparing insensitively, if they are the same then senstively // try comparing insensitively, if they are the same then senstively

View file

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <set> #include <set>
#include <shared_mutex> #include <shared_mutex>
class InputCompletionTest;
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
class Channel; class Channel;
@ -60,10 +62,14 @@ public:
static bool compareStrings(const QString &a, const QString &b); static bool compareStrings(const QString &a, const QString &b);
private: private:
std::vector<QString> allItems() const;
mutable std::shared_mutex itemsMutex_; mutable std::shared_mutex itemsMutex_;
std::set<TaggedString> items_; std::set<TaggedString> items_;
Channel &channel_; Channel &channel_;
friend class ::InputCompletionTest;
}; };
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ void Credentials::get(const QString &provider, const QString &name_,
} }
else else
{ {
auto &instance = insecureInstance(); const auto &instance = insecureInstance();
onLoaded(instance.object().find(name).value().toString()); onLoaded(instance[name].toString());
} }
} }

src/common/Literals.hpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
#pragma once
#include <QString>
/// This namespace defines the string suffixes _s, _ba, and _L1 used to create Qt types at compile-time.
/// They're easier to use comapred to their corresponding macros.
/// * u"foobar"_s creates a QString (like QStringLiteral). The u prefix is required.
/// * "foobar"_ba creates a QByteArray (like QByteArrayLiteral).
/// * "foobar"_L1 creates a QLatin1String(-View).
namespace chatterino::literals {
// This makes sure that the backing data never causes allocation after compilation.
// It's essentially the QStringLiteral macro inlined.
// From desktop-app/lib_base
// https://github.com/desktop-app/lib_base/blob/f904c60987115a4b514a575b23009ff25de0fafa/base/basic_types.h#L63-L152
// And qt/qtbase (5.15)
// https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/29400a683f96867133b28299c0d0bd6bcf40df35/src/corelib/text/qstringliteral.h#L64-L104
namespace detail {
// NOLINTBEGIN(modernize-avoid-c-arrays)
// NOLINTBEGIN(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays)
template <size_t N>
struct LiteralResolver {
template <size_t... I>
constexpr LiteralResolver(const char16_t (&text)[N],
std::index_sequence<I...> /*seq*/)
: utf16Text{text[I]...}
template <size_t... I>
constexpr LiteralResolver(const char (&text)[N],
std::index_sequence<I...> /*seq*/)
: latin1Text{text[I]...}
, latin1(true)
constexpr LiteralResolver(const char16_t (&text)[N])
: LiteralResolver(text, std::make_index_sequence<N>{})
constexpr LiteralResolver(const char (&text)[N])
: LiteralResolver(text, std::make_index_sequence<N>{})
const char16_t utf16Text[N]{};
const char latin1Text[N]{};
size_t length = N;
bool latin1 = false;
template <size_t N>
struct StaticStringData {
template <std::size_t... I>
constexpr StaticStringData(const char16_t (&text)[N],
std::index_sequence<I...> /*seq*/)
, text{text[I]...}
QArrayData data;
char16_t text[N];
QStringData *pointer()
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast)
return static_cast<QStringData *>(&data);
template <size_t N>
struct StaticByteArrayData {
template <std::size_t... I>
constexpr StaticByteArrayData(const char (&text)[N],
std::index_sequence<I...> /*seq*/)
, text{text[I]...}
QByteArrayData data;
char text[N];
QByteArrayData *pointer()
return &data;
// NOLINTEND(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays)
// NOLINTEND(modernize-avoid-c-arrays)
} // namespace detail
template <detail::LiteralResolver R>
inline QString operator""_s() noexcept
static_assert(R.length > 0); // always has a terminating null
static_assert(!R.latin1, "QString literals must be made up of 16bit "
"characters. Forgot a u\"\"?");
static auto literal = detail::StaticStringData<R.length>(
R.utf16Text, std::make_index_sequence<R.length>{});
return QString{QStringDataPtr{literal.pointer()}};
template <detail::LiteralResolver R>
inline QByteArray operator""_ba() noexcept
static_assert(R.length > 0); // always has a terminating null
static_assert(R.latin1, "QByteArray literals must be made up of 8bit "
"characters. Misplaced u\"\"?");
static auto literal = detail::StaticByteArrayData<R.length>(
R.latin1Text, std::make_index_sequence<R.length>{});
return QByteArray{QByteArrayDataPtr{literal.pointer()}};
// The operators were added in 6.4, but their implementation works in any 6.x version.
// NOLINTBEGIN(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-const-cast)
inline QString operator""_s(const char16_t *str, size_t size) noexcept
return QString(
QStringPrivate(nullptr, const_cast<char16_t *>(str), qsizetype(size)));
inline QByteArray operator""_ba(const char *str, size_t size) noexcept
return QByteArray(
QByteArrayData(nullptr, const_cast<char *>(str), qsizetype(size)));
// NOLINTEND(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-const-cast)
inline QString operator""_s(const char16_t *str, size_t size) noexcept
return Qt::Literals::StringLiterals::operator""_s(str, size);
inline QByteArray operator""_ba(const char *str, size_t size) noexcept
return Qt::Literals::StringLiterals::operator""_ba(str, size);
constexpr inline QLatin1String operator""_L1(const char *str,
size_t size) noexcept
using SizeType = int;
using SizeType = qsizetype;
return QLatin1String{str, static_cast<SizeType>(size)};
} // namespace chatterino::literals

View file

@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ void writeToCache(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data,
} }
} }
void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data) void loadUncached(std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &&data)
{ {
DebugCount::increase("http request started"); DebugCount::increase("http request started");
NetworkRequester requester; NetworkRequester requester;
NetworkWorker *worker = new NetworkWorker; auto *worker = new NetworkWorker;
worker->moveToThread(&NetworkManager::workerThread); worker->moveToThread(&NetworkManager::workerThread);
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
data->timer_->start(data->timeoutMS_); data->timer_->start(data->timeoutMS_);
} }
auto reply = [&]() -> QNetworkReply * { auto *reply = [&]() -> QNetworkReply * {
switch (data->requestType_) switch (data->requestType_)
{ {
case NetworkRequestType::Get: case NetworkRequestType::Get:
@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
{ {
postToThread([data] { postToThread([data] {
data->onError_(NetworkResult( data->onError_(NetworkResult(
{}, NetworkResult::timedoutStatus)); NetworkResult::NetworkError::TimeoutError, {},
}); });
} }
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
} }
auto handleReply = [data, reply]() mutable { auto handleReply = [data, reply]() mutable {
if (data->hasCaller_ && !data->caller_.get()) if (data->hasCaller_ && data->caller_.isNull())
{ {
return; return;
} }
@ -218,8 +219,9 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
QString(data->payload_)); QString(data->payload_));
} }
// TODO: Should this always be run on the GUI thread? // TODO: Should this always be run on the GUI thread?
postToThread([data, code = status.toInt(), reply] { postToThread([data, status, reply] {
data->onError_(NetworkResult(reply->readAll(), code)); data->onError_(NetworkResult(reply->error(), status,
}); });
} }
@ -238,20 +240,24 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
auto status = auto status =
reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute);
NetworkResult result(bytes, status.toInt()); NetworkResult result(reply->error(), status, bytes);
DebugCount::increase("http request success"); DebugCount::increase("http request success");
// log("starting {}", data->request_.url().toString()); // log("starting {}", data->request_.url().toString());
if (data->onSuccess_) if (data->onSuccess_)
{ {
if (data->executeConcurrently_) if (data->executeConcurrently_)
QtConcurrent::run([onSuccess = std::move(data->onSuccess_), QtConcurrent::run([onSuccess = std::move(data->onSuccess_),
result = std::move(result)] { result = std::move(result)] {
onSuccess(result); onSuccess(result);
}); });
else else
data->onSuccess_(result); data->onSuccess_(result);
} }
// log("finished {}", data->request_.url().toString()); // log("finished {}", data->request_.url().toString());
reply->deleteLater(); reply->deleteLater();
@ -276,12 +282,16 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
if (data->finally_) if (data->finally_)
{ {
if (data->executeConcurrently_) if (data->executeConcurrently_)
QtConcurrent::run([finally = std::move(data->finally_)] { QtConcurrent::run([finally = std::move(data->finally_)] {
finally(); finally();
}); });
else else
data->finally_(); data->finally_();
} }
}; };
if (data->timer_ != nullptr) if (data->timer_ != nullptr)
@ -316,21 +326,21 @@ void loadUncached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
} }
// First tried to load cached, then uncached. // First tried to load cached, then uncached.
void loadCached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data) void loadCached(std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &&data)
{ {
QFile cachedFile(getPaths()->cacheDirectory() + "/" + data->getHash()); QFile cachedFile(getPaths()->cacheDirectory() + "/" + data->getHash());
if (!cachedFile.exists() || !cachedFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) if (!cachedFile.exists() || !cachedFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
{ {
// File didn't exist OR File could not be opened // File didn't exist OR File could not be opened
loadUncached(data); loadUncached(std::move(data));
return; return;
} }
// XXX: check if bytes is empty? // XXX: check if bytes is empty?
QByteArray bytes = cachedFile.readAll(); QByteArray bytes = cachedFile.readAll();
NetworkResult result(bytes, 200); NetworkResult result(NetworkResult::NetworkError::NoError, QVariant(200),
qCDebug(chatterinoHTTP) qCDebug(chatterinoHTTP)
<< QString("%1 [CACHED] 200 %2") << QString("%1 [CACHED] 200 %2")
@ -343,7 +353,7 @@ void loadCached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
// XXX: If outcome is Failure, we should invalidate the cache file // XXX: If outcome is Failure, we should invalidate the cache file
// somehow/somewhere // somehow/somewhere
/*auto outcome =*/ /*auto outcome =*/
if (data->hasCaller_ && !data->caller_.get()) if (data->hasCaller_ && data->caller_.isNull())
{ {
return; return;
} }
@ -352,7 +362,7 @@ void loadCached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
else else
{ {
postToThread([data, result]() { postToThread([data, result]() {
if (data->hasCaller_ && !data->caller_.get()) if (data->hasCaller_ && data->caller_.isNull())
{ {
return; return;
} }
@ -366,7 +376,7 @@ void loadCached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
{ {
if (data->executeConcurrently_ || isGuiThread()) if (data->executeConcurrently_ || isGuiThread())
{ {
if (data->hasCaller_ && !data->caller_.get()) if (data->hasCaller_ && data->caller_.isNull())
{ {
return; return;
} }
@ -376,7 +386,7 @@ void loadCached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
else else
{ {
postToThread([data]() { postToThread([data]() {
if (data->hasCaller_ && !data->caller_.get()) if (data->hasCaller_ && data->caller_.isNull())
{ {
return; return;
} }
@ -386,17 +396,18 @@ void loadCached(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data)
} }
} }
} }
void load(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data) void load(std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &&data)
{ {
if (data->cache_) if (data->cache_)
{ {
QtConcurrent::run(loadCached, data); QtConcurrent::run([data = std::move(data)]() mutable {
} }
else else
{ {
loadUncached(data); loadUncached(std::move(data));
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "common/NetworkCommon.hpp" #include "common/NetworkCommon.hpp"
#include "util/QObjectRef.hpp"
#include <QHttpMultiPart> #include <QHttpMultiPart>
#include <QNetworkRequest> #include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QTimer> #include <QTimer>
#include <functional> #include <functional>
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ struct NetworkData {
QNetworkRequest request_; QNetworkRequest request_;
bool hasCaller_{}; bool hasCaller_{};
QObjectRef<QObject> caller_; QPointer<QObject> caller_;
bool cache_{}; bool cache_{};
bool executeConcurrently_{}; bool executeConcurrently_{};
@ -68,6 +68,6 @@ private:
QString hash_; QString hash_;
}; };
void load(const std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &data); void load(std::shared_ptr<NetworkData> &&data);
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
#include "common/NetworkRequest.hpp" #include "common/NetworkRequest.hpp"
#include "common/NetworkPrivate.hpp" #include "common/NetworkPrivate.hpp"
#include "common/Outcome.hpp"
#include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp"
#include "common/Version.hpp" #include "common/Version.hpp"
#include "debug/AssertInGuiThread.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp"
#include "singletons/Paths.hpp"
#include "util/DebugCount.hpp"
#include "util/PostToThread.hpp"
#include <QDebug> #include <QDebug>
#include <QFile> #include <QFile>
@ -28,7 +22,7 @@ NetworkRequest::NetworkRequest(const std::string &url,
this->initializeDefaultValues(); this->initializeDefaultValues();
} }
NetworkRequest::NetworkRequest(QUrl url, NetworkRequestType requestType) NetworkRequest::NetworkRequest(const QUrl &url, NetworkRequestType requestType)
: data(new NetworkData) : data(new NetworkData)
{ {
this->data->request_.setUrl(url); this->data->request_.setUrl(url);
@ -37,10 +31,7 @@ NetworkRequest::NetworkRequest(QUrl url, NetworkRequestType requestType)
this->initializeDefaultValues(); this->initializeDefaultValues();
} }
NetworkRequest::~NetworkRequest() NetworkRequest::~NetworkRequest() = default;
//assert(!this->data || this->executed_);
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::type(NetworkRequestType newRequestType) && NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::type(NetworkRequestType newRequestType) &&
{ {
@ -63,25 +54,25 @@ NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::caller(const QObject *caller) &&
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::onReplyCreated(NetworkReplyCreatedCallback cb) && NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::onReplyCreated(NetworkReplyCreatedCallback cb) &&
{ {
this->data->onReplyCreated_ = cb; this->data->onReplyCreated_ = std::move(cb);
return std::move(*this); return std::move(*this);
} }
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::onError(NetworkErrorCallback cb) && NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::onError(NetworkErrorCallback cb) &&
{ {
this->data->onError_ = cb; this->data->onError_ = std::move(cb);
return std::move(*this); return std::move(*this);
} }
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::onSuccess(NetworkSuccessCallback cb) && NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::onSuccess(NetworkSuccessCallback cb) &&
{ {
this->data->onSuccess_ = cb; this->data->onSuccess_ = std::move(cb);
return std::move(*this); return std::move(*this);
} }
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::finally(NetworkFinallyCallback cb) && NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::finally(NetworkFinallyCallback cb) &&
{ {
this->data->finally_ = cb; this->data->finally_ = std::move(cb);
return std::move(*this); return std::move(*this);
} }
@ -106,6 +97,13 @@ NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::header(const char *headerName,
return std::move(*this); return std::move(*this);
} }
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::header(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders header,
const QVariant &value) &&
this->data->request_.setHeader(header, value);
return std::move(*this);
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::headerList( NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::headerList(
const std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &headers) && const std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &headers) &&
{ {
@ -129,20 +127,6 @@ NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::concurrent() &&
return std::move(*this); return std::move(*this);
} }
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::authorizeTwitchV5(const QString &clientID,
const QString &oauthToken) &&
// TODO: make two overloads, with and without oauth token
auto tmp = std::move(*this)
.header("Client-ID", clientID)
.header("Accept", "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json");
if (!oauthToken.isEmpty())
return std::move(tmp).header("Authorization", "OAuth " + oauthToken);
return tmp;
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::multiPart(QHttpMultiPart *payload) && NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::multiPart(QHttpMultiPart *payload) &&
{ {
payload->setParent(this->data->lifetimeManager_); payload->setParent(this->data->lifetimeManager_);
@ -200,17 +184,36 @@ void NetworkRequest::execute()
void NetworkRequest::initializeDefaultValues() void NetworkRequest::initializeDefaultValues()
{ {
const auto userAgent = QString("chatterino/%1 (%2)") const auto userAgent = QStringLiteral("chatterino/%1 (%2)")
.arg(CHATTERINO_VERSION, CHATTERINO_GIT_HASH) .arg(Version::instance().version(),
.toUtf8(); .toUtf8();
this->data->request_.setRawHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); this->data->request_.setRawHeader("User-Agent", userAgent);
} }
// Helper creator functions NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::json(const QJsonArray &root) &&
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::twitchRequest(QUrl url)
{ {
return NetworkRequest(url).authorizeTwitchV5(getDefaultClientID()); return std::move(*this).json(QJsonDocument(root));
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::json(const QJsonObject &root) &&
return std::move(*this).json(QJsonDocument(root));
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::json(const QJsonDocument &document) &&
return std::move(*this).json(document.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
NetworkRequest NetworkRequest::json(const QByteArray &payload) &&
return std::move(*this)
.header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json")
.header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, payload.length())
.header("Accept", "application/json");
} }
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
#include <memory> #include <memory>
class QJsonArray;
class QJsonObject;
class QJsonDocument;
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
struct NetworkData; struct NetworkData;
@ -24,8 +28,8 @@ public:
explicit NetworkRequest( explicit NetworkRequest(
const std::string &url, const std::string &url,
NetworkRequestType requestType = NetworkRequestType::Get); NetworkRequestType requestType = NetworkRequestType::Get);
explicit NetworkRequest( explicit NetworkRequest(const QUrl &url, NetworkRequestType requestType =
QUrl url, NetworkRequestType requestType = NetworkRequestType::Get); NetworkRequestType::Get);
// Enable move // Enable move
NetworkRequest(NetworkRequest &&other) = default; NetworkRequest(NetworkRequest &&other) = default;
@ -54,23 +58,25 @@ public:
NetworkRequest header(const char *headerName, const char *value) &&; NetworkRequest header(const char *headerName, const char *value) &&;
NetworkRequest header(const char *headerName, const QByteArray &value) &&; NetworkRequest header(const char *headerName, const QByteArray &value) &&;
NetworkRequest header(const char *headerName, const QString &value) &&; NetworkRequest header(const char *headerName, const QString &value) &&;
NetworkRequest header(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders header,
const QVariant &value) &&;
NetworkRequest headerList( NetworkRequest headerList(
const std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &headers) &&; const std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &headers) &&;
NetworkRequest timeout(int ms) &&; NetworkRequest timeout(int ms) &&;
NetworkRequest concurrent() &&; NetworkRequest concurrent() &&;
NetworkRequest authorizeTwitchV5(const QString &clientID,
const QString &oauthToken = QString()) &&;
NetworkRequest multiPart(QHttpMultiPart *payload) &&; NetworkRequest multiPart(QHttpMultiPart *payload) &&;
/** /**
* This will change `RedirectPolicyAttribute`. * This will change `RedirectPolicyAttribute`.
* `QNetworkRequest`'s defaults are used by default (Qt 5: no-follow, Qt 6: follow). * `QNetworkRequest`'s defaults are used by default (Qt 5: no-follow, Qt 6: follow).
*/ */
NetworkRequest followRedirects(bool on) &&; NetworkRequest followRedirects(bool on) &&;
NetworkRequest json(const QJsonObject &root) &&;
NetworkRequest json(const QJsonArray &root) &&;
NetworkRequest json(const QJsonDocument &document) &&;
NetworkRequest json(const QByteArray &payload) &&;
void execute(); void execute();
static NetworkRequest twitchRequest(QUrl url);
private: private:
void initializeDefaultValues(); void initializeDefaultValues();
}; };

View file

@ -3,15 +3,21 @@
#include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp"
#include <QJsonDocument> #include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QMetaEnum>
#include <rapidjson/document.h> #include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h> #include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
NetworkResult::NetworkResult(const QByteArray &data, int status) NetworkResult::NetworkResult(NetworkError error, const QVariant &httpStatusCode,
: data_(data) QByteArray data)
, status_(status) : data_(std::move(data))
, error_(error)
{ {
if (httpStatusCode.isValid())
this->status_ = httpStatusCode.toInt();
} }
QJsonObject NetworkResult::parseJson() const QJsonObject NetworkResult::parseJson() const
@ -59,9 +65,21 @@ const QByteArray &NetworkResult::getData() const
return this->data_; return this->data_;
} }
int NetworkResult::status() const QString NetworkResult::formatError() const
{ {
return this->status_; if (this->status_)
return QString::number(*this->status_);
const auto *name =
if (name == nullptr)
return QStringLiteral("unknown error (%1)").arg(this->error_);
return name;
} }
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -2,14 +2,20 @@
#include <QJsonArray> #include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject> #include <QJsonObject>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <rapidjson/document.h> #include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <optional>
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
class NetworkResult class NetworkResult
{ {
public: public:
NetworkResult(const QByteArray &data, int status); using NetworkError = QNetworkReply::NetworkError;
NetworkResult(NetworkError error, const QVariant &httpStatusCode,
QByteArray data);
/// Parses the result as json and returns the root as an object. /// Parses the result as json and returns the root as an object.
/// Returns empty object if parsing failed. /// Returns empty object if parsing failed.
@ -20,13 +26,29 @@ public:
/// Parses the result as json and returns the document. /// Parses the result as json and returns the document.
rapidjson::Document parseRapidJson() const; rapidjson::Document parseRapidJson() const;
const QByteArray &getData() const; const QByteArray &getData() const;
int status() const;
static constexpr int timedoutStatus = -2; /// The error code of the reply.
/// In case of a successful reply, this will be NoError (0)
NetworkError error() const
return this->error_;
/// The HTTP status code if a response was received.
std::optional<int> status() const
return this->status_;
/// Formats the error.
/// If a reply is received, returns the HTTP status otherwise, the network error.
QString formatError() const;
private: private:
QByteArray data_; QByteArray data_;
int status_;
NetworkError error_;
std::optional<int> status_;
}; };
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -48,8 +48,11 @@ Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoStreamlink, "chatterino.streamlink", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTheme, "chatterino.theme", logThreshold); Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTheme, "chatterino.theme", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTokenizer, "chatterino.tokenizer", logThreshold); Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTokenizer, "chatterino.tokenizer", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTwitch, "chatterino.twitch", logThreshold); Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTwitch, "chatterino.twitch", logThreshold);
"chatterino.twitch.livecontroller", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoUpdate, "chatterino.update", logThreshold); Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoUpdate, "chatterino.update", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWebsocket, "chatterino.websocket", logThreshold); Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWebsocket, "chatterino.websocket", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWidget, "chatterino.widget", logThreshold); Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWidget, "chatterino.widget", logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWindowmanager, "chatterino.windowmanager", Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWindowmanager, "chatterino.windowmanager",
logThreshold); logThreshold);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoXDG, "chatterino.xdg", logThreshold);

View file

@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoStreamlink);
Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTokenizer); Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoTokenizer);
Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWebsocket); Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWebsocket);
Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWindowmanager); Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(chatterinoWindowmanager);

View file

@ -4,27 +4,14 @@
#include <QFileInfo> #include <QFileInfo>
#define UGLYMACROHACK1(s) #s
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
Version::Version() Version::Version()
, commitHash_(QStringLiteral(CHATTERINO_GIT_HASH))
, dateOfBuild_(QStringLiteral(CHATTERINO_CMAKE_GEN_DATE))
{ {
this->version_ = CHATTERINO_VERSION;
this->commitHash_ =
this->isModified_ = true;
this->dateOfBuild_ =
this->fullVersion_ = "Chatterino "; this->fullVersion_ = "Chatterino ";
if (Modes::instance().isNightly) if (Modes::instance().isNightly)
{ {

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
* - 2.4.0-alpha.2 * - 2.4.0-alpha.2
* - 2.4.0-alpha * - 2.4.0-alpha
**/ **/
#define CHATTERINO_VERSION "2.4.3" #define CHATTERINO_VERSION "2.4.4"
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
# define CHATTERINO_OS "win" # define CHATTERINO_OS "win"

View file

@ -7,13 +7,16 @@
#include "common/QLogging.hpp" #include "common/QLogging.hpp"
#include "common/SignalVector.hpp" #include "common/SignalVector.hpp"
#include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp" #include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/builtin/chatterino/Debugging.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ChatSettings.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ChatSettings.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ShieldMode.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/ShieldMode.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/Shoutout.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/Command.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/Command.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/CommandContext.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/CommandContext.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/CommandModel.hpp" #include "controllers/commands/CommandModel.hpp"
#include "controllers/plugins/PluginController.hpp" #include "controllers/plugins/PluginController.hpp"
#include "controllers/userdata/UserDataController.hpp" #include "controllers/userdata/UserDataController.hpp"
#include "messages/Image.hpp"
#include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageBuilder.hpp" #include "messages/MessageBuilder.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageElement.hpp" #include "messages/MessageElement.hpp"
@ -36,6 +39,7 @@
#include "util/FormatTime.hpp" #include "util/FormatTime.hpp"
#include "util/Helpers.hpp" #include "util/Helpers.hpp"
#include "util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp" #include "util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp"
#include "util/PostToThread.hpp"
#include "util/Qt.hpp" #include "util/Qt.hpp"
#include "util/StreamerMode.hpp" #include "util/StreamerMode.hpp"
#include "util/StreamLink.hpp" #include "util/StreamLink.hpp"
@ -646,7 +650,7 @@ void CommandController::initialize(Settings &, Paths &paths)
target, target,
[currentUser, channel, target](const HelixUser &targetUser) { [currentUser, channel, target](const HelixUser &targetUser) {
getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->blockUser( getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->blockUser(
targetUser.id, targetUser.id, nullptr,
[channel, target, targetUser] { [channel, target, targetUser] {
channel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage( channel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage(
QString("You successfully blocked user %1") QString("You successfully blocked user %1")
@ -699,7 +703,7 @@ void CommandController::initialize(Settings &, Paths &paths)
target, target,
[currentUser, channel, target](const auto &targetUser) { [currentUser, channel, target](const auto &targetUser) {
getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->unblockUser( getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->unblockUser(
targetUser.id, targetUser.id, nullptr,
[channel, target, targetUser] { [channel, target, targetUser] {
channel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage( channel->addMessage(makeSystemMessage(
QString("You successfully unblocked user %1") QString("You successfully unblocked user %1")
@ -919,7 +923,8 @@ void CommandController::initialize(Settings &, Paths &paths)
static_cast<QWidget *>(&(getApp()->windows->getMainWindow())), static_cast<QWidget *>(&(getApp()->windows->getMainWindow())),
currentSplit); currentSplit);
userPopup->setData(userName, channel); userPopup->setData(userName, channel);
userPopup->move(QCursor::pos()); userPopup->moveTo(QCursor::pos(), false,
userPopup->show(); userPopup->show();
return ""; return "";
}); });
@ -3209,8 +3214,35 @@ void CommandController::initialize(Settings &, Paths &paths)
return ""; return "";
}); });
[](const QStringList & /*words*/, auto /*channel*/) -> QString {
runInGuiThread([] {
using namespace chatterino::detail;
auto &iep = ImageExpirationPool::instance();
return "";
[](const QStringList & /*words*/, auto /*channel*/) -> QString {
runInGuiThread([] {
using namespace chatterino::detail;
auto &iep = ImageExpirationPool::instance();
return "";
this->registerCommand("/shield", &commands::shieldModeOn); this->registerCommand("/shield", &commands::shieldModeOn);
this->registerCommand("/shieldoff", &commands::shieldModeOff); this->registerCommand("/shieldoff", &commands::shieldModeOff);
this->registerCommand("/shoutout", &commands::sendShoutout);
this->registerCommand("/c2-set-logging-rules", &commands::setLoggingRules);
this->registerCommand("/c2-theme-autoreload", &commands::toggleThemeReload);
} }
void CommandController::save() void CommandController::save()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#include "controllers/commands/builtin/chatterino/Debugging.hpp"
#include "common/Channel.hpp"
#include "common/Literals.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/CommandContext.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageBuilder.hpp"
#include "singletons/Theme.hpp"
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QString>
namespace chatterino::commands {
using namespace literals;
QString setLoggingRules(const CommandContext &ctx)
if (ctx.words.size() < 2)
"Usage: /c2-set-logging-rules <rules...>. To enable debug logging "
"for all categories from chatterino, use "
"'chatterino.*.debug=true'. For the format on the rules, see "
return {};
auto filterRules = ctx.words.mid(1).join('\n');
auto message =
QStringLiteral("Updated filter rules to '%1'.").arg(filterRules);
if (!qgetenv("QT_LOGGING_RULES").isEmpty())
message += QStringLiteral(
" Warning: Logging rules were previously set by the "
"QT_LOGGING_RULES environment variable. This might cause "
"interference - see: "
return {};
QString toggleThemeReload(const CommandContext &ctx)
if (getTheme()->isAutoReloading())
makeSystemMessage(u"Disabled theme auto reloading."_s));
return {};
makeSystemMessage(u"Auto reloading theme every %1 ms."_s.arg(
return {};
} // namespace chatterino::commands

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
class QString;
namespace chatterino {
struct CommandContext;
} // namespace chatterino
namespace chatterino::commands {
QString setLoggingRules(const CommandContext &ctx);
QString toggleThemeReload(const CommandContext &ctx);
} // namespace chatterino::commands

View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#include "controllers/commands/builtin/twitch/Shoutout.hpp"
#include "Application.hpp"
#include "controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp"
#include "controllers/commands/CommandContext.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageBuilder.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/api/Helix.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp"
namespace chatterino::commands {
QString sendShoutout(const CommandContext &ctx)
auto *twitchChannel = ctx.twitchChannel;
auto channel = ctx.channel;
auto words = &ctx.words;
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /shoutout command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
makeSystemMessage("You must be logged in to send shoutout"));
return "";
if (words->size() < 2)
makeSystemMessage("Usage: \"/shoutout <username>\" - Sends a "
"shoutout to the specified twitch user"));
return "";
const auto target = words->at(1);
using Error = HelixSendShoutoutError;
[twitchChannel, channel, currentUser, &target](const auto targetUser) {
twitchChannel->roomId(), targetUser.id,
[channel, targetUser]() {
QString("Sent shoutout to %1").arg(targetUser.login)));
[channel](auto error, auto message) {
QString errorMessage = "Failed to send shoutout - ";
switch (error)
case Error::UserNotAuthorized: {
errorMessage += "You don't have permission to "
"perform that action.";
case Error::UserMissingScope: {
errorMessage += "Missing required scope. "
"Re-login with your "
"account and try again.";
case Error::Ratelimited: {
errorMessage +=
"You are being ratelimited by Twitch. "
"Try again in a few seconds.";
case Error::UserIsBroadcaster: {
errorMessage += "The broadcaster may not give "
"themselves a Shoutout.";
case Error::BroadcasterNotLive: {
errorMessage +=
"The broadcaster is not streaming live or "
"does not have one or more viewers.";
case Error::Unknown: {
errorMessage += message;
[channel, target] {
// Equivalent error from IRC
makeSystemMessage(QString("Invalid username: %1").arg(target)));
return "";
} // namespace chatterino::commands

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
#include <QString>
namespace chatterino {
struct CommandContext;
} // namespace chatterino
namespace chatterino::commands {
QString sendShoutout(const CommandContext &ctx);
} // namespace chatterino::commands

View file

@ -2,6 +2,43 @@
#include <QRegularExpression> #include <QRegularExpression>
namespace {
/// Loosely compares `lhs` with `rhs`.
/// This attempts to convert both variants to a common type if they're not equal.
bool looselyCompareVariants(QVariant &lhs, QVariant &rhs)
// Qt 6 and later don't convert types as much as Qt 5 did when comparing.
// Based on QVariant::cmp from Qt 5.15
// https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/29400a683f96867133b28299c0d0bd6bcf40df35/src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp#L4039-L4071
if (lhs.metaType() != rhs.metaType())
if (rhs.canConvert(lhs.metaType()))
if (!rhs.convert(lhs.metaType()))
return false;
// try the opposite conversion, it might work
qSwap(lhs, rhs);
if (!rhs.convert(lhs.metaType()))
return false;
return lhs == rhs;
} // namespace
namespace chatterino::filters { namespace chatterino::filters {
BinaryOperation::BinaryOperation(TokenType op, ExpressionPtr left, BinaryOperation::BinaryOperation(TokenType op, ExpressionPtr left,
@ -60,14 +97,14 @@ QVariant BinaryOperation::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
return left.toString().compare(right.toString(), return left.toString().compare(right.toString(),
Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0;
} }
return left == right; return looselyCompareVariants(left, right);
case NEQ: case NEQ:
if (variantTypesMatch(left, right, QMetaType::QString)) if (variantTypesMatch(left, right, QMetaType::QString))
{ {
return left.toString().compare(right.toString(), return left.toString().compare(right.toString(),
Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0; Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0;
} }
return left != right; return !looselyCompareVariants(left, right);
case LT: case LT:
if (convertVariantTypes(left, right, QMetaType::Int)) if (convertVariantTypes(left, right, QMetaType::Int))
return left.toInt() < right.toInt(); return left.toInt() < right.toInt();
@ -92,13 +129,13 @@ QVariant BinaryOperation::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
Qt::CaseInsensitive); Qt::CaseInsensitive);
} }
if (variantIs(left.type(), QMetaType::QVariantMap) && if (variantIs(left, QMetaType::QVariantMap) &&
right.canConvert(QMetaType::QString)) right.canConvert(QMetaType::QString))
{ {
return left.toMap().contains(right.toString()); return left.toMap().contains(right.toString());
} }
if (variantIs(left.type(), QMetaType::QVariantList)) if (variantIs(left, QMetaType::QVariantList))
{ {
return left.toList().contains(right); return left.toList().contains(right);
} }
@ -112,7 +149,7 @@ QVariant BinaryOperation::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
return false; return false;
if (variantIs(left.type(), QMetaType::QStringList) && if (variantIs(left, QMetaType::QStringList) &&
right.canConvert(QMetaType::QString)) right.canConvert(QMetaType::QString))
{ {
auto list = left.toStringList(); auto list = left.toStringList();
@ -121,7 +158,7 @@ QVariant BinaryOperation::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0;
} }
if (variantIs(left.type(), QMetaType::QVariantList)) if (variantIs(left, QMetaType::QVariantList))
{ {
return left.toList().startsWith(right); return left.toList().startsWith(right);
} }
@ -136,7 +173,7 @@ QVariant BinaryOperation::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
return false; return false;
if (variantIs(left.type(), QMetaType::QStringList) && if (variantIs(left, QMetaType::QStringList) &&
right.canConvert(QMetaType::QString)) right.canConvert(QMetaType::QString))
{ {
auto list = left.toStringList(); auto list = left.toStringList();
@ -145,7 +182,7 @@ QVariant BinaryOperation::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0;
} }
if (variantIs(left.type(), QMetaType::QVariantList)) if (variantIs(left, QMetaType::QVariantList))
{ {
return left.toList().endsWith(right); return left.toList().endsWith(right);
} }

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ QVariant ListExpression::execute(const ContextMap &context) const
for (const auto &exp : this->list_) for (const auto &exp : this->list_)
{ {
auto res = exp->execute(context); auto res = exp->execute(context);
if (allStrings && variantIsNot(res.type(), QMetaType::QString)) if (allStrings && variantIsNot(res, QMetaType::QString))
{ {
allStrings = false; allStrings = false;
} }

View file

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void rebuildReplyThreadHighlight(Settings &settings,
const auto & /*senderName*/, const auto & /*originalMessage*/, const auto & /*senderName*/, const auto & /*originalMessage*/,
const auto &flags, const auto &flags,
const auto self) -> boost::optional<HighlightResult> { const auto self) -> boost::optional<HighlightResult> {
if (flags.has(MessageFlag::ParticipatedThread) && !self) if (flags.has(MessageFlag::SubscribedThread) && !self)
{ {
return HighlightResult{ return HighlightResult{
highlightAlert, highlightAlert,
@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ void rebuildMessageHighlights(Settings &settings,
auto currentUser = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent(); auto currentUser = getIApp()->getAccounts()->twitch.getCurrent();
QString currentUsername = currentUser->getUserName(); QString currentUsername = currentUser->getUserName();
if (settings.enableSelfHighlight && !currentUsername.isEmpty()) if (settings.enableSelfHighlight && !currentUsername.isEmpty() &&
{ {
HighlightPhrase highlight( HighlightPhrase highlight(
currentUsername, settings.showSelfHighlightInMentions, currentUsername, settings.showSelfHighlightInMentions,

View file

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ void HighlightModel::afterInit()
std::vector<QStandardItem *> threadMessageRow = this->createRow(); std::vector<QStandardItem *> threadMessageRow = this->createRow();
setBoolItem(threadMessageRow[Column::Pattern], setBoolItem(threadMessageRow[Column::Pattern],
getSettings()->enableThreadHighlight.getValue(), true, false); getSettings()->enableThreadHighlight.getValue(), true, false);
threadMessageRow[Column::Pattern]->setData("Participated Reply Threads", threadMessageRow[Column::Pattern]->setData("Subscribed Reply Threads",
Qt::DisplayRole); Qt::DisplayRole);
setBoolItem(threadMessageRow[Column::ShowInMentions], setBoolItem(threadMessageRow[Column::ShowInMentions],
getSettings()->showThreadHighlightInMentions.getValue(), true, getSettings()->showThreadHighlightInMentions.getValue(), true,

View file

@ -5,6 +5,20 @@
#include <QString> #include <QString>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <vector>
inline const std::vector<std::pair<QString, std::vector<QString>>>
{"Toggle", {}},
{"Set to on", {"on"}},
{"Set to off", {"off"}},
inline const std::vector<std::pair<QString, std::vector<QString>>>
{"No", {"withoutSelection"}},
{"Yes", {"withSelection"}},
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
@ -13,6 +27,9 @@ struct ActionDefinition {
// displayName is the value that would be shown to a user when they edit or create a hotkey for an action // displayName is the value that would be shown to a user when they edit or create a hotkey for an action
QString displayName; QString displayName;
// argumentDescription is a description of the arguments in a format of
// "<required arg: description of possible values> [optional arg: possible
// values]"
QString argumentDescription = ""; QString argumentDescription = "";
// minCountArguments is the minimum amount of arguments the action accepts // minCountArguments is the minimum amount of arguments the action accepts
@ -21,6 +38,20 @@ struct ActionDefinition {
// maxCountArguments is the maximum amount of arguments the action accepts // maxCountArguments is the maximum amount of arguments the action accepts
uint8_t maxCountArguments = minCountArguments; uint8_t maxCountArguments = minCountArguments;
// possibleArguments is empty or contains all possible argument values,
// it is an ordered mapping from option name (what the user sees) to
// arguments (what the action code will see).
// As std::map<K, V> does not guarantee order this is a std::vector<...>
std::vector<std::pair<QString, std::vector<QString>>> possibleArguments =
// When possibleArguments are present this should be a string like
// "Direction:" which will be shown before the values from
// possibleArguments in the UI. Otherwise, it should be empty.
QString argumentsPrompt = "";
// A more detailed description of what argumentsPrompt means
QString argumentsPromptHover = "";
}; };
using ActionDefinitionMap = std::map<QString, ActionDefinition>; using ActionDefinitionMap = std::map<QString, ActionDefinition>;
@ -39,15 +70,22 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
}}, }},
{"scrollPage", {"scrollPage",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Scroll", .displayName = "Scroll",
"<up or down>", .argumentDescription = "<direction: up or down>",
1, .minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
{"Up", {"up"}},
{"Down", {"down"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Direction:",
}}, }},
{"search", ActionDefinition{"Focus search box"}}, {"search", ActionDefinition{"Focus search box"}},
{"execModeratorAction", {"execModeratorAction",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Usercard: execute moderation action", "Usercard: execute moderation action",
"<ban, unban or number of the timeout button to use>", 1}}, "<ban, unban or number of the timeout button to use>", 1}},
{"pin", ActionDefinition{"Usercard, reply thread: pin window"}},
}}, }},
{HotkeyCategory::Split, {HotkeyCategory::Split,
{ {
@ -57,24 +95,42 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
{"delete", ActionDefinition{"Close"}}, {"delete", ActionDefinition{"Close"}},
{"focus", {"focus",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Focus neighbouring split", .displayName = "Focus neighbouring split",
"<up, down, left, or right>", .argumentDescription = "<direction: up, down, left or right>",
1, .minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
{"Up", {"up"}},
{"Down", {"down"}},
{"Left", {"left"}},
{"Right", {"right"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Direction:",
.argumentsPromptHover =
"Which direction to look for a split to focus?",
}}, }},
{"openInBrowser", ActionDefinition{"Open channel in browser"}}, {"openInBrowser", ActionDefinition{"Open channel in browser"}},
{"openInCustomPlayer", {"openInCustomPlayer",
ActionDefinition{"Open stream in custom player"}}, ActionDefinition{"Open stream in custom player"}},
{"openInStreamlink", ActionDefinition{"Open stream in streamlink"}}, {"openInStreamlink", ActionDefinition{"Open stream in streamlink"}},
{"openModView", ActionDefinition{"Open mod view in browser"}}, {"openModView", ActionDefinition{"Open mod view in browser"}},
{"openViewerList", ActionDefinition{"Open viewer list"}}, {"openViewerList", ActionDefinition{"Open chatter list"}},
{"pickFilters", ActionDefinition{"Pick filters"}}, {"pickFilters", ActionDefinition{"Pick filters"}},
{"reconnect", ActionDefinition{"Reconnect to chat"}}, {"reconnect", ActionDefinition{"Reconnect to chat"}},
{"reloadEmotes", {"reloadEmotes",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Reload emotes", .displayName = "Reload emotes",
"[channel or subscriber]", .argumentDescription =
0, "[type: channel or subscriber; default: all emotes]",
1, .minCountArguments = 0,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
{"All emotes", {}},
{"Channel emotes only", {"channel"}},
{"Subscriber emotes only", {"subscriber"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Emote type:",
.argumentsPromptHover = "Which emotes should Chatterino reload",
}}, }},
{"runCommand", {"runCommand",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
@ -84,25 +140,41 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
}}, }},
{"scrollPage", {"scrollPage",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Scroll", .displayName = "Scroll",
"<up or down>", .argumentDescription = "<up or down>",
1, .minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
{"Up", {"up"}},
{"Down", {"down"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Direction:",
.argumentsPromptHover =
"Which direction do you want to see more messages",
}}, }},
{"scrollToBottom", ActionDefinition{"Scroll to the bottom"}}, {"scrollToBottom", ActionDefinition{"Scroll to the bottom"}},
{"scrollToTop", ActionDefinition{"Scroll to the top"}}, {"scrollToTop", ActionDefinition{"Scroll to the top"}},
{"setChannelNotification", {"setChannelNotification",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Set channel live notification", .displayName = "Set channel live notification",
"[on or off. default: toggle]", .argumentDescription = "[on or off. default: toggle]",
0, .minCountArguments = 0,
1, .maxCountArguments = 1,
.possibleArguments = HOTKEY_ARG_ON_OFF_TOGGLE,
.argumentsPrompt = "New value:",
.argumentsPromptHover = "Should the channel live notification be "
"enabled, disabled or toggled",
}}, }},
{"setModerationMode", {"setModerationMode",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Set moderation mode", .displayName = "Set moderation mode",
"[on or off. default: toggle]", .argumentDescription = "[on or off. default: toggle]",
0, .minCountArguments = 0,
1, .maxCountArguments = 1,
.possibleArguments = HOTKEY_ARG_ON_OFF_TOGGLE,
.argumentsPrompt = "New value:",
.argumentsPromptHover =
"Should the moderation mode be enabled, disabled or toggled",
}}, }},
{"showSearch", ActionDefinition{"Search current channel"}}, {"showSearch", ActionDefinition{"Search current channel"}},
{"showGlobalSearch", ActionDefinition{"Search all channels"}}, {"showGlobalSearch", ActionDefinition{"Search all channels"}},
@ -114,21 +186,38 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
{"clear", ActionDefinition{"Clear message"}}, {"clear", ActionDefinition{"Clear message"}},
{"copy", {"copy",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Copy", .displayName = "Copy",
"<source of text: split, splitInput or auto>", .argumentDescription =
1, "<source of text: auto, split or splitInput>",
.minCountArguments = 1,
{"Automatic", {"auto"}},
{"Split", {"split"}},
{"Split Input", {"splitInput"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Source of text:",
}}, }},
{"cursorToStart", {"cursorToStart",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"To start of message", .displayName = "To start of message",
"<withSelection or withoutSelection>", .argumentDescription =
1, "<selection mode: withSelection or withoutSelection>",
.minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
.argumentsPrompt = "Select text from cursor to start:",
// XXX: write a hover for this that doesn't suck
}}, }},
{"cursorToEnd", {"cursorToEnd",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"To end of message", .displayName = "To end of message",
"<withSelection or withoutSelection>", .argumentDescription =
1, "<selection mode: withSelection or withoutSelection>",
.minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
.argumentsPrompt = "Select text from cursor to end:",
// XXX: write a hover for this that doesn't suck
}}, }},
{"nextMessage", ActionDefinition{"Choose next sent message"}}, {"nextMessage", ActionDefinition{"Choose next sent message"}},
{"openEmotesPopup", ActionDefinition{"Open emotes list"}}, {"openEmotesPopup", ActionDefinition{"Open emotes list"}},
@ -140,10 +229,16 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
{"selectWord", ActionDefinition{"Select word"}}, {"selectWord", ActionDefinition{"Select word"}},
{"sendMessage", {"sendMessage",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Send message", .displayName = "Send message",
.argumentDescription =
"[keepInput to not clear the text after sending]", "[keepInput to not clear the text after sending]",
0, .minCountArguments = 0,
1, .maxCountArguments = 1,
{"Default behavior", {}},
{"Keep message in input after sending it", {"keepInput"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Behavior:",
}}, }},
{"undo", ActionDefinition{"Undo"}}, {"undo", ActionDefinition{"Undo"}},
@ -163,7 +258,7 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
{"moveTab", {"moveTab",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Move tab", "Move tab",
"<next, previous, or new index of tab>", "<where to move the tab: next, previous, or new index of tab>",
1, 1,
}}, }},
{"newSplit", ActionDefinition{"Create a new split"}}, {"newSplit", ActionDefinition{"Create a new split"}},
@ -172,40 +267,78 @@ inline const std::map<HotkeyCategory, ActionDefinitionMap> actionNames{
{"openTab", {"openTab",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Select tab", "Select tab",
"<last, next, previous, or index of tab to select>", "<which tab to select: last, next, previous, or index>",
1, 1,
}}, }},
{"openQuickSwitcher", ActionDefinition{"Open the quick switcher"}}, {"openQuickSwitcher", ActionDefinition{"Open the quick switcher"}},
{"popup", {"popup",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"New popup", .displayName = "New popup",
"<split or window>", .argumentDescription = "<split or window>",
1, .minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
{"Focused Split", {"split"}},
{"Entire Tab", {"window"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Include:",
.argumentsPromptHover =
"What should be included in the new popup",
}}, }},
{"quit", ActionDefinition{"Quit Chatterino"}}, {"quit", ActionDefinition{"Quit Chatterino"}},
{"removeTab", ActionDefinition{"Remove current tab"}}, {"removeTab", ActionDefinition{"Remove current tab"}},
{"reopenSplit", ActionDefinition{"Reopen closed split"}}, {"reopenSplit", ActionDefinition{"Reopen closed split"}},
{"setStreamerMode", {"setStreamerMode",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Set streamer mode", .displayName = "Set streamer mode",
.argumentDescription =
"[on, off, toggle, or auto. default: toggle]", "[on, off, toggle, or auto. default: toggle]",
0, .minCountArguments = 0,
1, .maxCountArguments = 1,
.possibleArguments =
{"Toggle on/off", {}},
{"Set to on", {"on"}},
{"Set to off", {"off"}},
{"Set to automatic", {"auto"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "New value:",
.argumentsPromptHover =
"Should streamer mode be enabled, disabled, toggled (on/off) "
"or set to auto",
}}, }},
{"toggleLocalR9K", ActionDefinition{"Toggle local R9K"}}, {"toggleLocalR9K", ActionDefinition{"Toggle local R9K"}},
{"zoom", {"zoom",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Zoom in/out", .displayName = "Zoom in/out",
"<in, out, or reset>", .argumentDescription = "Argument:",
1, .minCountArguments = 1,
.maxCountArguments = 1,
.possibleArguments =
{"Zoom in", {"in"}},
{"Zoom out", {"out"}},
{"Reset zoom", {"reset"}},
.argumentsPrompt = "Option:",
}}, }},
{"setTabVisibility", {"setTabVisibility",
ActionDefinition{ ActionDefinition{
"Set tab visibility", .displayName = "Set tab visibility",
"[on, off, or toggle. default: toggle]", .argumentDescription = "[on, off, toggle, liveOnly, or "
0, "toggleLiveOnly. default: toggle]",
1, .minCountArguments = 0,
}}}}, .maxCountArguments = 1,
.possibleArguments{{"Toggle", {}},
{"Set to on", {"on"}},
{"Set to off", {"off"}},
{"Live only on", {"liveOnly"}},
{"Live only toggle", {"toggleLiveOnly"}}},
.argumentsPrompt = "New value:",
.argumentsPromptHover = "Should the tabs be enabled, disabled, "
"toggled, or live-only.",
}; };
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -500,6 +500,10 @@ void HotkeyController::addDefaults(std::set<QString> &addedHotkeys)
this->tryAddDefault(addedHotkeys, HotkeyCategory::Window, this->tryAddDefault(addedHotkeys, HotkeyCategory::Window,
QKeySequence("Ctrl+U"), "setTabVisibility", QKeySequence("Ctrl+U"), "setTabVisibility",
{"toggle"}, "toggle tab visibility"); {"toggle"}, "toggle tab visibility");
this->tryAddDefault(addedHotkeys, HotkeyCategory::Window,
QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+L"), "setTabVisibility",
{"toggleLiveOnly"}, "toggle live tabs only");
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyHelpers.hpp" #include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyHelpers.hpp"
#include "controllers/hotkeys/ActionNames.hpp"
#include "controllers/hotkeys/HotkeyCategory.hpp"
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <QStringList> #include <QStringList>
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
@ -27,4 +31,20 @@ std::vector<QString> parseHotkeyArguments(QString argumentString)
return arguments; return arguments;
} }
boost::optional<ActionDefinition> findHotkeyActionDefinition(
HotkeyCategory category, const QString &action)
auto allActions = actionNames.find(category);
if (allActions != actionNames.end())
const auto &actionsMap = allActions->second;
auto definition = actionsMap.find(action);
if (definition != actionsMap.end())
return {definition->second};
return {};
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "controllers/hotkeys/ActionNames.hpp"
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <QString> #include <QString>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
@ -7,5 +10,7 @@
namespace chatterino { namespace chatterino {
std::vector<QString> parseHotkeyArguments(QString argumentString); std::vector<QString> parseHotkeyArguments(QString argumentString);
boost::optional<ActionDefinition> findHotkeyActionDefinition(
HotkeyCategory category, const QString &action);
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ bool isIgnoredMessage(IgnoredMessageParameters &&params)
{ {
auto sourceUserID = params.twitchUserID; auto sourceUserID = params.twitchUserID;
auto blocks = bool isBlocked =
getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->accessBlockedUserIds(); getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent()->blockedUserIds().contains(
if (auto it = blocks->find(sourceUserID); it != blocks->end()) if (isBlocked)
{ {
switch (static_cast<ShowIgnoredUsersMessages>( switch (static_cast<ShowIgnoredUsersMessages>(
getSettings()->showBlockedUsersMessages.getValue())) getSettings()->showBlockedUsersMessages.getValue()))

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "util/RapidjsonHelpers.hpp" #include "util/RapidjsonHelpers.hpp"
#include "util/RapidJsonSerializeQString.hpp" #include "util/RapidJsonSerializeQString.hpp"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <pajlada/serialize.hpp> #include <pajlada/serialize.hpp>
#include <QRegularExpression> #include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QString> #include <QString>
@ -58,25 +59,25 @@ public:
return this->isCaseSensitive_; return this->isCaseSensitive_;
} }
[[nodiscard]] bool match(QString &usernameText) const [[nodiscard]] boost::optional<QString> match(
const QString &usernameText) const
{ {
if (this->isRegex()) if (this->isRegex())
{ {
if (!this->regex_.isValid()) if (!this->regex_.isValid())
{ {
return false; return boost::none;
} }
if (this->name().isEmpty()) if (this->name().isEmpty())
{ {
return false; return boost::none;
} }
auto workingCopy = usernameText; auto workingCopy = usernameText;
workingCopy.replace(this->regex_, this->replace()); workingCopy.replace(this->regex_, this->replace());
if (workingCopy != usernameText) if (workingCopy != usernameText)
{ {
usernameText = workingCopy; return workingCopy;
return true;
} }
} }
else else
@ -85,12 +86,11 @@ public:
this->name().compare(usernameText, this->caseSensitivity()); this->name().compare(usernameText, this->caseSensitivity());
if (res == 0) if (res == 0)
{ {
usernameText = this->replace(); return this->replace();
return true;
} }
} }
return false; return boost::none;
} }
private: private:

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ constexpr const auto NUM_SOUNDS = 4;
SoundController::SoundController() SoundController::SoundController()
: context(std::make_unique<ma_context>()) : context(std::make_unique<ma_context>())
, resourceManager(std::make_unique<ma_resource_manager>()) , resourceManager(std::make_unique<ma_resource_manager>())
, device(std::make_unique<ma_device>())
, engine(std::make_unique<ma_engine>()) , engine(std::make_unique<ma_engine>())
{ {
} }
@ -66,27 +65,9 @@ void SoundController::initialize(Settings &settings, Paths &paths)
this->defaultPingData = defaultPingFile.readAll(); this->defaultPingData = defaultPingFile.readAll();
/// Initialize a sound device /// Initialize a sound device
auto deviceConfig = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback); if (!this->recreateDevice())
deviceConfig.playback.pDeviceID = nullptr;
deviceConfig.playback.format = this->resourceManager->config.decodedFormat;
deviceConfig.playback.channels = 0;
deviceConfig.pulse.pStreamNamePlayback = "Chatterino MA";
deviceConfig.sampleRate = this->resourceManager->config.decodedSampleRate;
deviceConfig.dataCallback = ma_engine_data_callback_internal;
deviceConfig.pUserData = this->engine.get();
result =
ma_device_init(this->context.get(), &deviceConfig, this->device.get());
if (result != MA_SUCCESS)
{ {
qCWarning(chatterinoSound) << "Error initializing device:" << result; qCWarning(chatterinoSound) << "Failed to create the initial device";
result = ma_device_start(this->device.get());
if (result != MA_SUCCESS)
qCWarning(chatterinoSound) << "Error starting device:" << result;
return; return;
} }
@ -172,7 +153,11 @@ SoundController::~SoundController()
} }
ma_engine_uninit(this->engine.get()); ma_engine_uninit(this->engine.get());
if (this->device)
ma_device_uninit(this->device.get()); ma_device_uninit(this->device.get());
ma_resource_manager_uninit(this->resourceManager.get()); ma_resource_manager_uninit(this->resourceManager.get());
ma_context_uninit(this->context.get()); ma_context_uninit(this->context.get());
} }
@ -204,8 +189,13 @@ void SoundController::play(const QUrl &sound)
{ {
qCWarning(chatterinoSound) qCWarning(chatterinoSound)
<< "Failed to start the sound device" << result; << "Failed to start the sound device" << result;
if (!this->recreateDevice())
qCWarning(chatterinoSound) << "Failed to recreate device";
return; return;
} }
qCInfo(chatterinoSound) << "Successfully restarted the sound device"; qCInfo(chatterinoSound) << "Successfully restarted the sound device";
} }
@ -234,4 +224,44 @@ void SoundController::play(const QUrl &sound)
} }
} }
bool SoundController::recreateDevice()
ma_result result{};
if (this->device)
// Release the previous device first
qCDebug(chatterinoSound) << "Uniniting previously created device";
this->device = std::make_unique<ma_device>();
auto deviceConfig = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback);
deviceConfig.playback.pDeviceID = nullptr;
deviceConfig.playback.format = this->resourceManager->config.decodedFormat;
deviceConfig.playback.channels = 0;
deviceConfig.pulse.pStreamNamePlayback = "Chatterino MA";
deviceConfig.sampleRate = this->resourceManager->config.decodedSampleRate;
deviceConfig.dataCallback = ma_engine_data_callback_internal;
deviceConfig.pUserData = this->engine.get();
result =
ma_device_init(this->context.get(), &deviceConfig, this->device.get());
if (result != MA_SUCCESS)
qCWarning(chatterinoSound) << "Error initializing device:" << result;
return false;
result = ma_device_start(this->device.get());
if (result != MA_SUCCESS)
qCWarning(chatterinoSound) << "Error starting device:" << result;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ private:
// Used for storing & reusing sounds to be played // Used for storing & reusing sounds to be played
std::unique_ptr<ma_resource_manager> resourceManager; std::unique_ptr<ma_resource_manager> resourceManager;
// The sound device we're playing sound into // The sound device we're playing sound into
std::unique_ptr<ma_device> device; std::unique_ptr<ma_device> device{nullptr};
// The engine is a high-level API for playing sounds from paths in a simple & efficient-enough manner // The engine is a high-level API for playing sounds from paths in a simple & efficient-enough manner
std::unique_ptr<ma_engine> engine; std::unique_ptr<ma_engine> engine;
@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ private:
bool initialized{false}; bool initialized{false};
// Recreates the sound device
// This is used during initialization, and can also be used if the device
// needs to be recreated during playback
// Returns false on failure
bool recreateDevice();
friend class Application; friend class Application;
}; };

View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
#include "controllers/twitch/LiveController.hpp"
#include "common/QLogging.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/api/Helix.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp"
#include "util/Helpers.hpp"
#include <QDebug>
namespace {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
const auto &LOG = chatterinoTwitchLiveController;
} // namespace
namespace chatterino {
QObject::connect(&this->refreshTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this] {
QObject::connect(&this->immediateRequestTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this] {
QStringList channelIDs;
std::unique_lock immediateRequestsLock(
for (const auto &channelID : this->immediateRequests)
if (channelIDs.isEmpty())
void TwitchLiveController::add(const std::shared_ptr<TwitchChannel> &newChannel)
assert(newChannel != nullptr);
const auto channelID = newChannel->roomId();
std::unique_lock lock(this->channelsMutex);
this->channels[channelID] = newChannel;
std::unique_lock immediateRequestsLock(this->immediateRequestsMutex);
void TwitchLiveController::request(std::optional<QStringList> optChannelIDs)
QStringList channelIDs;
if (optChannelIDs)
channelIDs = *optChannelIDs;
std::shared_lock lock(this->channelsMutex);
for (const auto &channelList : this->channels)
if (channelIDs.isEmpty())
auto batches =
splitListIntoBatches(channelIDs, TwitchLiveController::BATCH_SIZE);
qCDebug(LOG) << "Make" << batches.size() << "requests";
for (const auto &batch : batches)
// TODO: Explore making this concurrent
batch, {},
[this, batch{batch}](const auto &streams) {
std::unordered_map<QString, std::optional<HelixStream>> results;
for (const auto &channelID : batch)
results[channelID] = std::nullopt;
for (const auto &stream : streams)
results[stream.userId] = stream;
QStringList deadChannels;
std::shared_lock lock(this->channelsMutex);
for (const auto &result : results)
auto it = this->channels.find(result.first);
if (it != channels.end())
if (auto channel = it->second.lock(); channel)
if (!deadChannels.isEmpty())
std::unique_lock lock(this->channelsMutex);
for (const auto &deadChannel : deadChannels)
[] {
qCWarning(LOG) << "Failed stream check request";
[] {});
// TODO: Explore making this concurrent
[this, batch{batch}](const auto &helixChannels) {
QStringList deadChannels;
std::shared_lock lock(this->channelsMutex);
for (const auto &helixChannel : helixChannels)
auto it = this->channels.find(helixChannel.userId);
if (it != this->channels.end())
if (auto channel = it->second.lock(); channel)
if (!deadChannels.isEmpty())
std::unique_lock lock(this->channelsMutex);
for (const auto &deadChannel : deadChannels)
[] {
qCWarning(LOG) << "Failed stream check request";
} // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#pragma once
#include "common/Singleton.hpp"
#include "util/QStringHash.hpp"
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace chatterino {
class TwitchChannel;
class ITwitchLiveController
virtual ~ITwitchLiveController() = default;
virtual void add(const std::shared_ptr<TwitchChannel> &newChannel) = 0;
class TwitchLiveController : public ITwitchLiveController, public Singleton
// Controls how often all channels have their stream status refreshed
static constexpr std::chrono::seconds REFRESH_INTERVAL{30};
// Controls how quickly new channels have their stream status loaded
static constexpr std::chrono::seconds IMMEDIATE_REQUEST_INTERVAL{1};
* How many channels to include in a single request
* Should not be more than 100
static constexpr int BATCH_SIZE{100};
// Add a Twitch channel to be queried for live status
// A request is made within a few seconds if this is the first time this channel is added
void add(const std::shared_ptr<TwitchChannel> &newChannel) override;
* Run batched Helix Channels & Stream requests for channels
* If a list of channel IDs is passed to request, we only make a request for those channels
* If no list of channels is passed to request (the default behaviour), we make requests for all channels
* in the `channels` map.
void request(std::optional<QStringList> optChannelIDs = std::nullopt);
* List of channel IDs pointing to their Twitch Channel
* These channels will have their stream status updated every REFRESH_INTERVAL seconds
std::unordered_map<QString, std::weak_ptr<TwitchChannel>> channels;
std::shared_mutex channelsMutex;
* List of channels that need an immediate live status update
* These channels will have their stream status updated after at most IMMEDIATE_REQUEST_INTERVAL seconds
std::unordered_set<QString> immediateRequests;
std::mutex immediateRequestsMutex;
* Timer responsible for refreshing `channels`
QTimer refreshTimer;
* Timer responsible for refreshing `immediateRequests`
QTimer immediateRequestTimer;
} // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ namespace detail {
60000); 60000);
} }
this->processOffset(); this->processOffset();
DebugCount::increase("image bytes", this->memoryUsage());
DebugCount::increase("image bytes (ever loaded)", this->memoryUsage());
} }
Frames::~Frames() Frames::~Frames()
@ -91,10 +93,27 @@ namespace detail {
{ {
DebugCount::decrease("animated images"); DebugCount::decrease("animated images");
} }
DebugCount::decrease("image bytes", this->memoryUsage());
DebugCount::increase("image bytes (ever unloaded)",
this->gifTimerConnection_.disconnect(); this->gifTimerConnection_.disconnect();
} }
int64_t Frames::memoryUsage() const
int64_t usage = 0;
for (const auto &frame : this->items_)
auto sz = frame.image.size();
auto area = sz.width() * sz.height();
auto memory = area * frame.image.depth();
usage += memory;
return usage;
void Frames::advance() void Frames::advance()
{ {
this->durationOffset_ += GIF_FRAME_LENGTH; this->durationOffset_ += GIF_FRAME_LENGTH;
@ -131,6 +150,9 @@ namespace detail {
{ {
DebugCount::decrease("loaded images"); DebugCount::decrease("loaded images");
} }
DebugCount::decrease("image bytes", this->memoryUsage());
DebugCount::increase("image bytes (ever unloaded)",
this->items_.clear(); this->items_.clear();
this->index_ = 0; this->index_ = 0;
@ -573,8 +595,8 @@ ImageExpirationPool::ImageExpirationPool()
ImageExpirationPool &ImageExpirationPool::instance() ImageExpirationPool &ImageExpirationPool::instance()
{ {
static ImageExpirationPool instance; static auto *instance = new ImageExpirationPool;
return instance; return *instance;
} }
void ImageExpirationPool::addImagePtr(ImagePtr imgPtr) void ImageExpirationPool::addImagePtr(ImagePtr imgPtr)
@ -589,14 +611,26 @@ void ImageExpirationPool::removeImagePtr(Image *rawPtr)
this->allImages_.erase(rawPtr); this->allImages_.erase(rawPtr);
} }
void ImageExpirationPool::freeAll()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex_);
for (auto it = this->allImages_.begin(); it != this->allImages_.end();)
auto img = it->second.lock();
it = this->allImages_.erase(it);
void ImageExpirationPool::freeOld() void ImageExpirationPool::freeOld()
{ {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex_); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->mutex_);
# ifndef NDEBUG
size_t numExpired = 0; size_t numExpired = 0;
size_t eligible = 0; size_t eligible = 0;
# endif
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (auto it = this->allImages_.begin(); it != this->allImages_.end();) for (auto it = this->allImages_.begin(); it != this->allImages_.end();)
@ -617,17 +651,13 @@ void ImageExpirationPool::freeOld()
continue; continue;
} }
# ifndef NDEBUG
++eligible; ++eligible;
# endif
// Check if image has expired and, if so, expire its frame data // Check if image has expired and, if so, expire its frame data
auto diff = now - img->lastUsed_; auto diff = now - img->lastUsed_;
{ {
# ifndef NDEBUG
++numExpired; ++numExpired;
# endif
img->expireFrames(); img->expireFrames();
// erase without mutex locking issue // erase without mutex locking issue
it = this->allImages_.erase(it); it = this->allImages_.erase(it);
@ -641,6 +671,9 @@ void ImageExpirationPool::freeOld()
qCDebug(chatterinoImage) << "freed frame data for" << numExpired << "/" qCDebug(chatterinoImage) << "freed frame data for" << numExpired << "/"
<< eligible << "eligible images"; << eligible << "eligible images";
# endif # endif
DebugCount::set("last image gc: expired", numExpired);
DebugCount::set("last image gc: eligible", eligible);
DebugCount::set("last image gc: left after gc", this->allImages_.size());
} }
#endif #endif

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ namespace detail {
boost::optional<QPixmap> first() const; boost::optional<QPixmap> first() const;
private: private:
int64_t memoryUsage() const;
void processOffset(); void processOffset();
QVector<Frame<QPixmap>> items_; QVector<Frame<QPixmap>> items_;
int index_{0}; int index_{0};
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ class ImageExpirationPool
{ {
private: private:
friend class Image; friend class Image;
friend class CommandController;
ImageExpirationPool(); ImageExpirationPool();
static ImageExpirationPool &instance(); static ImageExpirationPool &instance();
@ -126,6 +128,12 @@ private:
*/ */
void freeOld(); void freeOld();
* Debug function that unloads all images in the pool. This is intended to
* test for possible memory leaks from tracked images.
void freeAll();
private: private:
// Timer to periodically run freeOld() // Timer to periodically run freeOld()
QTimer *freeTimer_; QTimer *freeTimer_;

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ enum class MessageFlag : int64_t {
FirstMessage = (1LL << 23), FirstMessage = (1LL << 23),
ReplyMessage = (1LL << 24), ReplyMessage = (1LL << 24),
ElevatedMessage = (1LL << 25), ElevatedMessage = (1LL << 25),
ParticipatedThread = (1LL << 26), SubscribedThread = (1LL << 26),
CheerMessage = (1LL << 27), CheerMessage = (1LL << 27),
LiveUpdatesAdd = (1LL << 28), LiveUpdatesAdd = (1LL << 28),
LiveUpdatesRemove = (1LL << 29), LiveUpdatesRemove = (1LL << 29),

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "MessageThread.hpp" #include "messages/MessageThread.hpp"
#include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp"
#include "util/DebugCount.hpp" #include "util/DebugCount.hpp"
@ -58,14 +58,26 @@ size_t MessageThread::liveCount(
return count; return count;
} }
bool MessageThread::participated() const void MessageThread::markSubscribed()
{ {
return this->participated_; if (this->subscription_ == Subscription::Subscribed)
} }
void MessageThread::markParticipated() this->subscription_ = Subscription::Subscribed;
void MessageThread::markUnsubscribed()
{ {
this->participated_ = true; if (this->subscription_ == Subscription::Unsubscribed)
this->subscription_ = Subscription::Unsubscribed;
} }
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <QString> #include <QString>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
@ -11,6 +12,12 @@ struct Message;
class MessageThread class MessageThread
{ {
public: public:
enum class Subscription : uint8_t {
MessageThread(std::shared_ptr<const Message> rootMessage); MessageThread(std::shared_ptr<const Message> rootMessage);
~MessageThread(); ~MessageThread();
@ -23,9 +30,22 @@ public:
/// Returns the number of live reply references /// Returns the number of live reply references
size_t liveCount(const std::shared_ptr<const Message> &exclude) const; size_t liveCount(const std::shared_ptr<const Message> &exclude) const;
bool participated() const; bool subscribed() const
return this->subscription_ == Subscription::Subscribed;
void markParticipated(); /// Returns true if and only if the user manually unsubscribed from the thread
/// @see #markUnsubscribed()
bool unsubscribed() const
return this->subscription_ == Subscription::Unsubscribed;
/// Subscribe to this thread.
void markSubscribed();
/// Unsubscribe from this thread.
void markUnsubscribed();
const QString &rootId() const const QString &rootId() const
{ {
@ -42,11 +62,14 @@ public:
return replies_; return replies_;
} }
boost::signals2::signal<void()> subscriptionUpdated;
private: private:
const QString rootMessageId_; const QString rootMessageId_;
const std::shared_ptr<const Message> rootMessage_; const std::shared_ptr<const Message> rootMessage_;
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<const Message>> replies_; std::vector<std::weak_ptr<const Message>> replies_;
bool participated_ = false;
Subscription subscription_ = Subscription::None;
}; };
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ struct Selection {
if (offset > this->selectionMin.messageIndex) if (offset > this->selectionMin.messageIndex)
{ {
this->selectionMin.messageIndex = 0; this->selectionMin.messageIndex = 0;
this->selectionMin.charIndex = 0;
} }
else else
{ {
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ struct Selection {
if (offset > this->selectionMax.messageIndex) if (offset > this->selectionMax.messageIndex)
{ {
this->selectionMax.messageIndex = 0; this->selectionMax.messageIndex = 0;
this->selectionMax.charIndex = 0;
} }
else else
{ {
@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ struct Selection {
if (offset > this->start.messageIndex) if (offset > this->start.messageIndex)
{ {
this->start.messageIndex = 0; this->start.messageIndex = 0;
this->start.charIndex = 0;
} }
else else
{ {
@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ struct Selection {
if (offset > this->end.messageIndex) if (offset > this->end.messageIndex)
{ {
this->end.messageIndex = 0; this->end.messageIndex = 0;
this->end.charIndex = 0;
} }
else else
{ {

View file

@ -270,14 +270,9 @@ QString SharedMessageBuilder::stylizeUsername(const QString &username,
break; break;
} }
auto nicknames = getCSettings().nicknames.readOnly(); if (auto nicknameText = getCSettings().matchNickname(usernameText))
for (const auto &nickname : *nicknames)
{ {
if (nickname.match(usernameText)) usernameText = *nicknameText;
} }
return usernameText; return usernameText;

View file

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayout.hpp" #include "messages/layouts/MessageLayout.hpp"
#include "Application.hpp" #include "Application.hpp"
#include "debug/Benchmark.hpp"
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.hpp" #include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.hpp"
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContext.hpp"
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp" #include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp"
#include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageElement.hpp" #include "messages/MessageElement.hpp"
#include "messages/Selection.hpp" #include "messages/Selection.hpp"
#include "providers/colors/ColorProvider.hpp" #include "providers/colors/ColorProvider.hpp"
#include "singletons/Emotes.hpp"
#include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp"
#include "singletons/Theme.hpp"
#include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp" #include "singletons/WindowManager.hpp"
#include "util/DebugCount.hpp" #include "util/DebugCount.hpp"
#include "util/StreamerMode.hpp" #include "util/StreamerMode.hpp"
@ -198,83 +196,76 @@ void MessageLayout::actuallyLayout(int width, MessageElementFlags flags)
} }
// Painting // Painting
void MessageLayout::paint(QPainter &painter, int width, int y, int messageIndex, void MessageLayout::paint(const MessagePaintContext &ctx)
Selection &selection, bool isLastReadMessage,
bool isWindowFocused, bool isMentions)
{ {
auto app = getApp(); QPixmap *pixmap = this->ensureBuffer(ctx.painter, ctx.canvasWidth);
QPixmap *pixmap = this->ensureBuffer(painter, width);
if (!this->bufferValid_ || !selection.isEmpty()) if (!this->bufferValid_ || !ctx.selection.isEmpty())
{ {
this->updateBuffer(pixmap, messageIndex, selection); this->updateBuffer(pixmap, ctx);
} }
// draw on buffer // draw on buffer
painter.drawPixmap(0, y, *pixmap); ctx.painter.drawPixmap(0, ctx.y, *pixmap);
// painter.drawPixmap(0, y, this->container.width,
// this->container.getHeight(), *pixmap);
// draw gif emotes // draw gif emotes
this->container_.paintAnimatedElements(painter, y); this->container_.paintAnimatedElements(ctx.painter, ctx.y);
// draw disabled // draw disabled
if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::Disabled)) if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::Disabled))
{ {
painter.fillRect(0, y, pixmap->width(), pixmap->height(), ctx.painter.fillRect(0, ctx.y, pixmap->width(), pixmap->height(),
app->themes->messages.disabled); ctx.messageColors.disabled);
// painter.fillRect(0, y, pixmap->width(), pixmap->height(),
// QBrush(QColor(64, 64, 64, 64)));
} }
if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RecentMessage)) if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RecentMessage))
{ {
painter.fillRect(0, y, pixmap->width(), pixmap->height(), ctx.painter.fillRect(0, ctx.y, pixmap->width(), pixmap->height(),
app->themes->messages.disabled); ctx.messageColors.disabled);
} }
if (!isMentions && if (!ctx.isMentions &&
(this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RedeemedChannelPointReward) || (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RedeemedChannelPointReward) ||
this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RedeemedHighlight)) && this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RedeemedHighlight)) &&
getSettings()->enableRedeemedHighlight.getValue()) ctx.preferences.enableRedeemedHighlight)
{ {
painter.fillRect( ctx.painter.fillRect(
0, y, this->scale_ * 4, pixmap->height(), 0, ctx.y, int(this->scale_ * 4), pixmap->height(),
*ColorProvider::instance().color(ColorType::RedeemedHighlight)); *ColorProvider::instance().color(ColorType::RedeemedHighlight));
} }
// draw selection // draw selection
if (!selection.isEmpty()) if (!ctx.selection.isEmpty())
{ {
this->container_.paintSelection(painter, messageIndex, selection, y); this->container_.paintSelection(ctx.painter, ctx.messageIndex,
ctx.selection, ctx.y);
} }
// draw message seperation line // draw message seperation line
if (getSettings()->separateMessages.getValue()) if (ctx.preferences.separateMessages)
{ {
painter.fillRect(0, y, this->container_.getWidth() + 64, 1, ctx.painter.fillRect(0, ctx.y, this->container_.getWidth() + 64, 1,
app->themes->splits.messageSeperator); ctx.messageColors.messageSeperator);
} }
// draw last read message line // draw last read message line
if (isLastReadMessage) if (ctx.isLastReadMessage)
{ {
QColor color; QColor color;
if (getSettings()->lastMessageColor != QStringLiteral("")) if (ctx.preferences.lastMessageColor.isValid())
{ {
color = QColor(getSettings()->lastMessageColor.getValue()); color = ctx.preferences.lastMessageColor;
} }
else else
{ {
color = isWindowFocused color = ctx.isWindowFocused
? app->themes->tabs.selected.backgrounds.regular ? ctx.messageColors.focusedLastMessageLine
: app->themes->tabs.selected.backgrounds.unfocused; : ctx.messageColors.unfocusedLastMessageLine;
} }
QBrush brush(color, static_cast<Qt::BrushStyle>( QBrush brush(color, ctx.preferences.lastMessagePattern);
painter.fillRect(0, y + this->container_.getHeight() - 1, ctx.painter.fillRect(0, ctx.y + this->container_.getHeight() - 1,
pixmap->width(), 1, brush); pixmap->width(), 1, brush);
} }
@ -305,45 +296,42 @@ QPixmap *MessageLayout::ensureBuffer(QPainter &painter, int width)
return this->buffer_.get(); return this->buffer_.get();
} }
void MessageLayout::updateBuffer(QPixmap *buffer, int /*messageIndex*/, void MessageLayout::updateBuffer(QPixmap *buffer,
Selection & /*selection*/) const MessagePaintContext &ctx)
{ {
if (buffer->isNull()) if (buffer->isNull())
return; return;
auto app = getApp();
auto settings = getSettings();
QPainter painter(buffer); QPainter painter(buffer);
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
// draw background // draw background
QColor backgroundColor = [this, &app] { QColor backgroundColor = [&] {
if (getSettings()->alternateMessages.getValue() && if (ctx.preferences.alternateMessages &&
this->flags.has(MessageLayoutFlag::AlternateBackground)) this->flags.has(MessageLayoutFlag::AlternateBackground))
{ {
return app->themes->messages.backgrounds.alternate; return ctx.messageColors.alternate;
return app->themes->messages.backgrounds.regular;
} }
return ctx.messageColors.regular;
}(); }();
if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::ElevatedMessage) && if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::ElevatedMessage) &&
getSettings()->enableElevatedMessageHighlight.getValue()) ctx.preferences.enableElevatedMessageHighlight)
backgroundColor = blendColors(backgroundColor,
else if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::FirstMessage) &&
{ {
backgroundColor = blendColors( backgroundColor = blendColors(
backgroundColor, backgroundColor,
*ColorProvider::instance().color(ColorType::FirstMessageHighlight)); *ctx.colorProvider.color(ColorType::ElevatedMessageHighlight));
else if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::FirstMessage) &&
backgroundColor = blendColors(
} }
else if ((this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::Highlighted) || else if ((this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::Highlighted) ||
this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::HighlightedWhisper)) && this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::HighlightedWhisper)) &&
@ -354,22 +342,21 @@ void MessageLayout::updateBuffer(QPixmap *buffer, int /*messageIndex*/,
blendColors(backgroundColor, *this->message_->highlightColor); blendColors(backgroundColor, *this->message_->highlightColor);
} }
else if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::Subscription) && else if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::Subscription) &&
getSettings()->enableSubHighlight) ctx.preferences.enableSubHighlight)
{ {
// Blend highlight color with usual background color // Blend highlight color with usual background color
backgroundColor = blendColors( backgroundColor = blendColors(
backgroundColor, backgroundColor, *ctx.colorProvider.color(ColorType::Subscription));
} }
else if ((this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RedeemedHighlight) || else if ((this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::RedeemedHighlight) ||
this->message_->flags.has( this->message_->flags.has(
MessageFlag::RedeemedChannelPointReward)) && MessageFlag::RedeemedChannelPointReward)) &&
settings->enableRedeemedHighlight.getValue()) ctx.preferences.enableRedeemedHighlight)
{ {
// Blend highlight color with usual background color // Blend highlight color with usual background color
backgroundColor = blendColors( backgroundColor =
backgroundColor, blendColors(backgroundColor,
*ColorProvider::instance().color(ColorType::RedeemedHighlight)); *ctx.colorProvider.color(ColorType::RedeemedHighlight));
} }
else if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::AutoMod)) else if (this->message_->flags.has(MessageFlag::AutoMod))
{ {
@ -383,7 +370,7 @@ void MessageLayout::updateBuffer(QPixmap *buffer, int /*messageIndex*/,
painter.fillRect(buffer->rect(), backgroundColor); painter.fillRect(buffer->rect(), backgroundColor);
// draw message // draw message
this->container_.paintElements(painter); this->container_.paintElements(painter, ctx);
#ifdef FOURTF #ifdef FOURTF
// debug // debug

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ using MessagePtr = std::shared_ptr<const Message>;
struct Selection; struct Selection;
struct MessageLayoutContainer; struct MessageLayoutContainer;
class MessageLayoutElement; class MessageLayoutElement;
struct MessagePaintContext;
enum class MessageElementFlag : int64_t; enum class MessageElementFlag : int64_t;
using MessageElementFlags = FlagsEnum<MessageElementFlag>; using MessageElementFlags = FlagsEnum<MessageElementFlag>;
@ -49,9 +50,7 @@ public:
bool layout(int width, float scale_, MessageElementFlags flags); bool layout(int width, float scale_, MessageElementFlags flags);
// Painting // Painting
void paint(QPainter &painter, int width, int y, int messageIndex, void paint(const MessagePaintContext &ctx);
Selection &selection, bool isLastReadMessage,
bool isWindowFocused, bool isMentions);
void invalidateBuffer(); void invalidateBuffer();
void deleteBuffer(); void deleteBuffer();
void deleteCache(); void deleteCache();
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ public:
private: private:
// methods // methods
void actuallyLayout(int width, MessageElementFlags flags); void actuallyLayout(int width, MessageElementFlags flags);
void updateBuffer(QPixmap *pixmap, int messageIndex, Selection &selection); void updateBuffer(QPixmap *buffer, const MessagePaintContext &ctx);
// Create new buffer if required, returning the buffer // Create new buffer if required, returning the buffer
QPixmap *ensureBuffer(QPainter &painter, int width); QPixmap *ensureBuffer(QPainter &painter, int width);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "MessageLayoutContainer.hpp" #include "MessageLayoutContainer.hpp"
#include "Application.hpp" #include "Application.hpp"
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContext.hpp"
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp" #include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp"
#include "messages/Message.hpp" #include "messages/Message.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageElement.hpp" #include "messages/MessageElement.hpp"
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::_addElement(MessageLayoutElement *element,
} }
// top margin // top margin
if (this->elements_.size() == 0) if (this->elements_.empty())
{ {
this->currentY_ = int(this->margin.top * this->scale_); this->currentY_ = int(this->margin.top * this->scale_);
} }
@ -276,17 +277,24 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::reorderRTL(int firstTextIndex)
// 2 - in LTR mode, the previous word should be RTL (i.e. reversed) // 2 - in LTR mode, the previous word should be RTL (i.e. reversed)
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
{ {
if (isNeutral(this->elements_[i]->getText()) && auto &element = this->elements_[i];
const auto neutral = isNeutral(element->getText());
const auto neutralOrUsername =
neutral ||
if (neutral &&
((this->first == FirstWord::RTL && !this->wasPrevReversed_) || ((this->first == FirstWord::RTL && !this->wasPrevReversed_) ||
(this->first == FirstWord::LTR && this->wasPrevReversed_))) (this->first == FirstWord::LTR && this->wasPrevReversed_)))
{ {
this->elements_[i]->reversedNeutral = true; element->reversedNeutral = true;
} }
if (((this->elements_[i]->getText().isRightToLeft() != if (((element->getText().isRightToLeft() !=
(this->first == FirstWord::RTL)) && (this->first == FirstWord::RTL)) &&
!isNeutral(this->elements_[i]->getText())) || !neutralOrUsername) ||
(isNeutral(this->elements_[i]->getText()) && (neutralOrUsername && this->wasPrevReversed_))
{ {
swappedSequence.push(i); swappedSequence.push(i);
this->wasPrevReversed_ = true; this->wasPrevReversed_ = true;
@ -379,7 +387,7 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::breakLine()
element->getRect().y() + this->lineHeight_ + yExtra)); element->getRect().y() + this->lineHeight_ + yExtra));
} }
if (this->lines_.size() != 0) if (!this->lines_.empty())
{ {
this->lines_.back().endIndex = this->lineStart_; this->lines_.back().endIndex = this->lineStart_;
this->lines_.back().endCharIndex = this->charIndex_; this->lines_.back().endCharIndex = this->charIndex_;
@ -388,7 +396,7 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::breakLine()
{(int)lineStart_, 0, this->charIndex_, 0, {(int)lineStart_, 0, this->charIndex_, 0,
QRect(-100000, this->currentY_, 200000, lineHeight_)}); QRect(-100000, this->currentY_, 200000, lineHeight_)});
for (int i = this->lineStart_; i < this->elements_.size(); i++) for (auto i = this->lineStart_; i < this->elements_.size(); i++)
{ {
this->charIndex_ += this->elements_[i]->getSelectionIndexCount(); this->charIndex_ += this->elements_[i]->getSelectionIndexCount();
} }
@ -458,7 +466,7 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::end()
this->height_ += this->lineHeight_; this->height_ += this->lineHeight_;
if (this->lines_.size() != 0) if (!this->lines_.empty())
{ {
this->lines_[0].rect.setTop(-100000); this->lines_[0].rect.setTop(-100000);
this->lines_.back().rect.setBottom(100000); this->lines_.back().rect.setBottom(100000);
@ -473,7 +481,7 @@ bool MessageLayoutContainer::canCollapse()
this->flags_.has(MessageFlag::Collapsed); this->flags_.has(MessageFlag::Collapsed);
} }
bool MessageLayoutContainer::isCollapsed() bool MessageLayoutContainer::isCollapsed() const
{ {
return this->isCollapsed_; return this->isCollapsed_;
} }
@ -492,7 +500,8 @@ MessageLayoutElement *MessageLayoutContainer::getElementAt(QPoint point)
} }
// painting // painting
void MessageLayoutContainer::paintElements(QPainter &painter) void MessageLayoutContainer::paintElements(QPainter &painter,
const MessagePaintContext &ctx)
{ {
for (const std::unique_ptr<MessageLayoutElement> &element : this->elements_) for (const std::unique_ptr<MessageLayoutElement> &element : this->elements_)
{ {
@ -501,7 +510,7 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::paintElements(QPainter &painter)
painter.drawRect(element->getRect()); painter.drawRect(element->getRect());
#endif #endif
element->paint(painter); element->paint(painter, ctx.messageColors);
} }
} }
@ -514,10 +523,12 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::paintAnimatedElements(QPainter &painter,
} }
} }
void MessageLayoutContainer::paintSelection(QPainter &painter, int messageIndex, void MessageLayoutContainer::paintSelection(QPainter &painter,
Selection &selection, int yOffset) size_t messageIndex,
const Selection &selection,
int yOffset)
{ {
auto app = getApp(); auto *app = getApp();
QColor selectionColor = app->themes->messages.selection; QColor selectionColor = app->themes->messages.selection;
// don't draw anything // don't draw anything
@ -706,7 +717,7 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::paintSelection(QPainter &painter, int messageIndex,
// selection // selection
int MessageLayoutContainer::getSelectionIndex(QPoint point) int MessageLayoutContainer::getSelectionIndex(QPoint point)
{ {
if (this->elements_.size() == 0) if (this->elements_.empty())
{ {
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -767,7 +778,7 @@ int MessageLayoutContainer::getSelectionIndex(QPoint point)
// fourtf: no idea if this is acurate LOL // fourtf: no idea if this is acurate LOL
int MessageLayoutContainer::getLastCharacterIndex() const int MessageLayoutContainer::getLastCharacterIndex() const
{ {
if (this->lines_.size() == 0) if (this->lines_.empty())
{ {
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -784,7 +795,7 @@ int MessageLayoutContainer::getFirstMessageCharacterIndex() const
// Get the index of the first character of the real message // Get the index of the first character of the real message
int index = 0; int index = 0;
for (auto &element : this->elements_) for (const auto &element : this->elements_)
{ {
if (element->getFlags().hasAny(skippedFlags)) if (element->getFlags().hasAny(skippedFlags))
{ {
@ -846,11 +857,9 @@ void MessageLayoutContainer::addSelectionText(QString &str, uint32_t from,
element->addCopyTextToString(str, 0, to - index); element->addCopyTextToString(str, 0, to - index);
break; break;
} }
element->addCopyTextToString(str); element->addCopyTextToString(str);
} }
index += indexCount; index += indexCount;
} }

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ enum class FirstWord { Neutral, RTL, LTR };
using MessageFlags = FlagsEnum<MessageFlag>; using MessageFlags = FlagsEnum<MessageFlag>;
class MessageLayoutElement; class MessageLayoutElement;
struct Selection; struct Selection;
struct MessagePaintContext;
struct Margin { struct Margin {
int top; int top;
@ -73,10 +74,10 @@ struct MessageLayoutContainer {
MessageLayoutElement *getElementAt(QPoint point); MessageLayoutElement *getElementAt(QPoint point);
// painting // painting
void paintElements(QPainter &painter); void paintElements(QPainter &painter, const MessagePaintContext &ctx);
void paintAnimatedElements(QPainter &painter, int yOffset); void paintAnimatedElements(QPainter &painter, int yOffset);
void paintSelection(QPainter &painter, int messageIndex, void paintSelection(QPainter &painter, size_t messageIndex,
Selection &selection, int yOffset); const Selection &selection, int yOffset);
// selection // selection
int getSelectionIndex(QPoint point); int getSelectionIndex(QPoint point);
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ struct MessageLayoutContainer {
void addSelectionText(QString &str, uint32_t from, uint32_t to, void addSelectionText(QString &str, uint32_t from, uint32_t to,
CopyMode copymode); CopyMode copymode);
bool isCollapsed(); bool isCollapsed() const;
private: private:
struct Line { struct Line {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContext.hpp"
#include "singletons/Settings.hpp"
#include "singletons/Theme.hpp"
namespace chatterino {
void MessageColors::applyTheme(Theme *theme)
this->regular = theme->messages.backgrounds.regular;
this->alternate = theme->messages.backgrounds.alternate;
this->disabled = theme->messages.disabled;
this->selection = theme->messages.selection;
this->system = theme->messages.textColors.system;
this->messageSeperator = theme->splits.messageSeperator;
this->focusedLastMessageLine = theme->tabs.selected.backgrounds.regular;
this->unfocusedLastMessageLine = theme->tabs.selected.backgrounds.unfocused;
void MessagePreferences::connectSettings(Settings *settings,
pajlada::Signals::SignalHolder &holder)
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->enableRedeemedHighlight = newValue;
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->enableElevatedMessageHighlight = newValue;
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->enableFirstMessageHighlight = newValue;
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->enableSubHighlight = newValue;
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->alternateMessages = newValue;
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->separateMessages = newValue;
[this](const auto &newValue) {
if (newValue.isEmpty())
this->lastMessageColor = QColor();
this->lastMessageColor = QColor(newValue);
[this](const auto &newValue) {
this->lastMessagePattern = static_cast<Qt::BrushStyle>(newValue);
} // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#pragma once
#include <QColor>
#include <QPainter>
namespace pajlada::Signals {
class SignalHolder;
} // namespace pajlada::Signals
namespace chatterino {
class ColorProvider;
class Theme;
class Settings;
struct Selection;
// TODO: Figure out if this could be a subset of Theme instead (e.g. Theme::MessageColors)
struct MessageColors {
QColor regular;
QColor alternate;
QColor disabled;
QColor selection;
QColor system;
QColor messageSeperator;
QColor focusedLastMessageLine;
QColor unfocusedLastMessageLine;
void applyTheme(Theme *theme);
// TODO: Explore if we can let settings own this
struct MessagePreferences {
QColor lastMessageColor;
Qt::BrushStyle lastMessagePattern{};
bool enableRedeemedHighlight{};
bool enableElevatedMessageHighlight{};
bool enableFirstMessageHighlight{};
bool enableSubHighlight{};
bool alternateMessages{};
bool separateMessages{};
void connectSettings(Settings *settings,
pajlada::Signals::SignalHolder &holder);
struct MessagePaintContext {
QPainter &painter;
const Selection &selection;
const ColorProvider &colorProvider;
const MessageColors &messageColors;
const MessagePreferences &preferences;
// width of the area we have to draw on
const int canvasWidth{};
// whether the painting should be treated as if this view's window is focused
const bool isWindowFocused{};
// whether the painting should be treated as if this view is the special mentions view
const bool isMentions{};
// y coordinate we're currently painting at
int y{};
// Index of the message that is currently being painted
// This index refers to the snapshot being used in the painting
size_t messageIndex{};
bool isLastReadMessage{};
} // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
#include "Application.hpp" #include "Application.hpp"
#include "messages/Emote.hpp" #include "messages/Emote.hpp"
#include "messages/Image.hpp" #include "messages/Image.hpp"
#include "messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContext.hpp"
#include "messages/MessageElement.hpp" #include "messages/MessageElement.hpp"
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchEmotes.hpp" #include "providers/twitch/TwitchEmotes.hpp"
#include "singletons/Theme.hpp"
#include "util/DebugCount.hpp" #include "util/DebugCount.hpp"
#include <QDebug> #include <QDebug>
@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ int ImageLayoutElement::getSelectionIndexCount() const
return this->trailingSpace ? 2 : 1; return this->trailingSpace ? 2 : 1;
} }
void ImageLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void ImageLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter,
const MessageColors & /*messageColors*/)
{ {
if (this->image_ == nullptr) if (this->image_ == nullptr)
{ {
@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ int LayeredImageLayoutElement::getSelectionIndexCount() const
return this->trailingSpace ? 2 : 1; return this->trailingSpace ? 2 : 1;
} }
void LayeredImageLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void LayeredImageLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter,
const MessageColors & /*messageColors*/)
{ {
auto fullRect = QRectF(this->getRect()); auto fullRect = QRectF(this->getRect());
@ -329,7 +331,8 @@ ImageWithBackgroundLayoutElement::ImageWithBackgroundLayoutElement(
{ {
} }
void ImageWithBackgroundLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void ImageWithBackgroundLayoutElement::paint(
QPainter &painter, const MessageColors & /*messageColors*/)
{ {
if (this->image_ == nullptr) if (this->image_ == nullptr)
{ {
@ -360,7 +363,8 @@ ImageWithCircleBackgroundLayoutElement::ImageWithCircleBackgroundLayoutElement(
{ {
} }
void ImageWithCircleBackgroundLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void ImageWithCircleBackgroundLayoutElement::paint(
QPainter &painter, const MessageColors & /*messageColors*/)
{ {
if (this->image_ == nullptr) if (this->image_ == nullptr)
{ {
@ -423,7 +427,8 @@ int TextLayoutElement::getSelectionIndexCount() const
return this->getText().length() + (this->trailingSpace ? 1 : 0); return this->getText().length() + (this->trailingSpace ? 1 : 0);
} }
void TextLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void TextLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter,
const MessageColors & /*messageColors*/)
{ {
auto app = getApp(); auto app = getApp();
QString text = this->getText(); QString text = this->getText();
@ -532,13 +537,14 @@ int TextIconLayoutElement::getSelectionIndexCount() const
return this->trailingSpace ? 2 : 1; return this->trailingSpace ? 2 : 1;
} }
void TextIconLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void TextIconLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter,
const MessageColors &messageColors)
{ {
auto app = getApp(); auto *app = getApp();
QFont font = app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::Tiny, this->scale); QFont font = app->fonts->getFont(FontStyle::Tiny, this->scale);
painter.setPen(app->themes->messages.textColors.system); painter.setPen(messageColors.system);
painter.setFont(font); painter.setFont(font);
QTextOption option; QTextOption option;
@ -598,7 +604,8 @@ ReplyCurveLayoutElement::ReplyCurveLayoutElement(MessageElement &creator,
{ {
} }
void ReplyCurveLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter) void ReplyCurveLayoutElement::paint(QPainter &painter,
const MessageColors & /*messageColors*/)
{ {
QRectF paintRect(this->getRect()); QRectF paintRect(this->getRect());
QPainterPath path; QPainterPath path;

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class Image;
using ImagePtr = std::shared_ptr<Image>; using ImagePtr = std::shared_ptr<Image>;
enum class FontStyle : uint8_t; enum class FontStyle : uint8_t;
enum class MessageElementFlag : int64_t; enum class MessageElementFlag : int64_t;
struct MessageColors;
class MessageLayoutElement : boost::noncopyable class MessageLayoutElement : boost::noncopyable
{ {
@ -44,7 +45,8 @@ public:
virtual void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0, virtual void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0,
uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const = 0; uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const = 0;
virtual int getSelectionIndexCount() const = 0; virtual int getSelectionIndexCount() const = 0;
virtual void paint(QPainter &painter) = 0; virtual void paint(QPainter &painter,
const MessageColors &messageColors) = 0;
virtual void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) = 0; virtual void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) = 0;
virtual int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const = 0; virtual int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const = 0;
virtual int getXFromIndex(int index) = 0; virtual int getXFromIndex(int index) = 0;
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ protected:
void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0, void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0,
uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override; uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override;
int getSelectionIndexCount() const override; int getSelectionIndexCount() const override;
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override; void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override;
int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override; int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override;
int getXFromIndex(int index) override; int getXFromIndex(int index) override;
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ protected:
void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0, void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0,
uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override; uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override;
int getSelectionIndexCount() const override; int getSelectionIndexCount() const override;
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override; void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override;
int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override; int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override;
int getXFromIndex(int index) override; int getXFromIndex(int index) override;
@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ public:
const QSize &size, QColor color); const QSize &size, QColor color);
protected: protected:
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
private: private:
QColor color_; QColor color_;
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ public:
int padding); int padding);
protected: protected:
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
private: private:
const QColor color_; const QColor color_;
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ protected:
void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0, void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0,
uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override; uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override;
int getSelectionIndexCount() const override; int getSelectionIndexCount() const override;
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override; void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override;
int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override; int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override;
int getXFromIndex(int index) override; int getXFromIndex(int index) override;
@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ protected:
void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0, void addCopyTextToString(QString &str, uint32_t from = 0,
uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override; uint32_t to = UINT32_MAX) const override;
int getSelectionIndexCount() const override; int getSelectionIndexCount() const override;
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override; void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override;
int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override; int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override;
int getXFromIndex(int index) override; int getXFromIndex(int index) override;
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ public:
float radius, float neededMargin); float radius, float neededMargin);
protected: protected:
void paint(QPainter &painter) override; void paint(QPainter &painter, const MessageColors &messageColors) override;
void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override; void paintAnimated(QPainter &painter, int yOffset) override;
int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override; int getMouseOverIndex(const QPoint &abs) const override;
int getXFromIndex(int index) override; int getXFromIndex(int index) override;

View file

@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<crashpad::CrashpadClient> installCrashHandler()
// See https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad/+/HEAD/handler/crashpad_handler.md // See https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad/+/HEAD/handler/crashpad_handler.md
// for documentation on available options. // for documentation on available options.
if (!client->StartHandler(handlerPath, databaseDir, {}, {}, {}, {}, true, if (!client->StartHandler(handlerPath, databaseDir, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
false)) true, false))
{ {
qCDebug(chatterinoApp) << "Failed to start crashpad handler"; qCDebug(chatterinoApp) << "Failed to start crashpad handler";
return nullptr; return nullptr;

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void IvrApi::getSubage(QString userName, QString channelName,
}) })
.onError([failureCallback](auto result) { .onError([failureCallback](auto result) {
qCWarning(chatterinoIvr) qCWarning(chatterinoIvr)
<< "Failed IVR API Call!" << result.status() << "Failed IVR API Call!" << result.formatError()
<< QString(result.getData()); << QString(result.getData());
failureCallback(); failureCallback();
}) })
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void IvrApi::getBulkEmoteSets(QString emoteSetList,
}) })
.onError([failureCallback](auto result) { .onError([failureCallback](auto result) {
qCWarning(chatterinoIvr) qCWarning(chatterinoIvr)
<< "Failed IVR API Call!" << result.status() << "Failed IVR API Call!" << result.formatError()
<< QString(result.getData()); << QString(result.getData());
failureCallback(); failureCallback();
}) })

View file

@ -217,17 +217,20 @@ void RecentMessagesApi::loadRecentMessages(const QString &channelName,
return Success; return Success;
}) })
.onError([channelPtr, onError](NetworkResult result) { .onError([channelPtr, onError](const NetworkResult &result) {
auto shared = channelPtr.lock(); auto shared = channelPtr.lock();
if (!shared) if (!shared)
return; return;
qCDebug(chatterinoRecentMessages) qCDebug(chatterinoRecentMessages)
<< "Failed to load recent messages for" << shared->getName(); << "Failed to load recent messages for" << shared->getName();
shared->addMessage(makeSystemMessage( shared->addMessage(makeSystemMessage(
QString("Message history service unavailable (Error %1)") QStringLiteral(
.arg(result.status()))); "Message history service unavailable (Error: %1)")
onError(); onError();
}) })

View file

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ void BttvEmotes::loadEmotes()
{ {
if (!Settings::instance().enableBTTVGlobalEmotes) if (!Settings::instance().enableBTTVGlobalEmotes)
{ {
this->global_.set(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP); this->setEmotes(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP);
return; return;
} }
@ -203,13 +203,18 @@ void BttvEmotes::loadEmotes()
auto emotes = this->global_.get(); auto emotes = this->global_.get();
auto pair = parseGlobalEmotes(result.parseJsonArray(), *emotes); auto pair = parseGlobalEmotes(result.parseJsonArray(), *emotes);
if (pair.first) if (pair.first)
this->global_.set( this->setEmotes(
std::make_shared<EmoteMap>(std::move(pair.second))); std::make_shared<EmoteMap>(std::move(pair.second)));
return pair.first; return pair.first;
}) })
.execute(); .execute();
} }
void BttvEmotes::setEmotes(std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes)
void BttvEmotes::loadChannel(std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel, void BttvEmotes::loadChannel(std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel,
const QString &channelId, const QString &channelId,
const QString &channelDisplayName, const QString &channelDisplayName,
@ -254,23 +259,17 @@ void BttvEmotes::loadChannel(std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel,
shared->addMessage( shared->addMessage(
makeSystemMessage(CHANNEL_HAS_NO_EMOTES)); makeSystemMessage(CHANNEL_HAS_NO_EMOTES));
} }
else if (result.status() == NetworkResult::timedoutStatus)
// TODO: Auto retry in case of a timeout, with a delay
<< "Fetching BTTV emotes for channel" << channelId
<< "failed due to timeout";
"Failed to fetch BetterTTV channel emotes. (timed out)"));
else else
{ {
// TODO: Auto retry in case of a timeout, with a delay
auto errorString = result.formatError();
qCWarning(chatterinoBttv) qCWarning(chatterinoBttv)
<< "Error fetching BTTV emotes for channel" << channelId << "Error fetching BTTV emotes for channel" << channelId
<< ", error" << result.status(); << ", error" << errorString;
shared->addMessage( shared->addMessage(makeSystemMessage(
makeSystemMessage("Failed to fetch BetterTTV channel " QStringLiteral("Failed to fetch BetterTTV channel "
"emotes. (unknown error)")); "emotes. (Error: %1)")
} }
}) })
.execute(); .execute();

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes() const; std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes() const;
boost::optional<EmotePtr> emote(const EmoteName &name) const; boost::optional<EmotePtr> emote(const EmoteName &name) const;
void loadEmotes(); void loadEmotes();
void setEmotes(std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes);
static void loadChannel(std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel, static void loadChannel(std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel,
const QString &channelId, const QString &channelId,
const QString &channelDisplayName, const QString &channelDisplayName,

View file

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ void Emojis::loadEmojiSet()
} }
std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>> Emojis::parse( std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>> Emojis::parse(
const QString &text) const QString &text) const
{ {
auto result = std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>>(); auto result = std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>>();
int lastParsedEmojiEndIndex = 0; int lastParsedEmojiEndIndex = 0;
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>> Emojis::parse(
return result; return result;
} }
QString Emojis::replaceShortCodes(const QString &text) QString Emojis::replaceShortCodes(const QString &text) const
{ {
QString ret(text); QString ret(text);
auto it = this->findShortCodesRegex_.globalMatch(text); auto it = this->findShortCodesRegex_.globalMatch(text);
@ -393,4 +393,14 @@ QString Emojis::replaceShortCodes(const QString &text)
return ret; return ret;
} }
const EmojiMap &Emojis::getEmojis() const
return this->emojis;
const std::vector<QString> &Emojis::getShortCodes() const
return this->shortCodes;
} // namespace chatterino } // namespace chatterino

View file

@ -37,16 +37,32 @@ struct EmojiData {
using EmojiMap = ConcurrentMap<QString, std::shared_ptr<EmojiData>>; using EmojiMap = ConcurrentMap<QString, std::shared_ptr<EmojiData>>;
class Emojis class IEmojis
virtual ~IEmojis() = default;
virtual std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>> parse(
const QString &text) const = 0;
virtual const EmojiMap &getEmojis() const = 0;
virtual const std::vector<QString> &getShortCodes() const = 0;
virtual QString replaceShortCodes(const QString &text) const = 0;
class Emojis : public IEmojis
{ {
public: public:
void initialize(); void initialize();
void load(); void load();
std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>> parse(const QString &text); std::vector<boost::variant<EmotePtr, QString>> parse(
const QString &text) const override;
EmojiMap emojis; EmojiMap emojis;
std::vector<QString> shortCodes; std::vector<QString> shortCodes;
QString replaceShortCodes(const QString &text); QString replaceShortCodes(const QString &text) const override;
const EmojiMap &getEmojis() const override;
const std::vector<QString> &getShortCodes() const override;
private: private:
void loadEmojis(); void loadEmojis();

View file

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void FfzEmotes::loadEmotes()
{ {
if (!Settings::instance().enableFFZGlobalEmotes) if (!Settings::instance().enableFFZGlobalEmotes)
{ {
this->global_.set(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP); this->setEmotes(EMPTY_EMOTE_MAP);
return; return;
} }
@ -199,13 +199,18 @@ void FfzEmotes::loadEmotes()
.timeout(30000) .timeout(30000)
.onSuccess([this](auto result) -> Outcome { .onSuccess([this](auto result) -> Outcome {
auto parsedSet = parseGlobalEmotes(result.parseJson()); auto parsedSet = parseGlobalEmotes(result.parseJson());
this->global_.set(std::make_shared<EmoteMap>(std::move(parsedSet))); this->setEmotes(std::make_shared<EmoteMap>(std::move(parsedSet)));
return Success; return Success;
}) })
.execute(); .execute();
} }
void FfzEmotes::setEmotes(std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes)
void FfzEmotes::loadChannel( void FfzEmotes::loadChannel(
std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel, const QString &channelID, std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel, const QString &channelID,
std::function<void(EmoteMap &&)> emoteCallback, std::function<void(EmoteMap &&)> emoteCallback,
@ -268,24 +273,17 @@ void FfzEmotes::loadChannel(
makeSystemMessage(CHANNEL_HAS_NO_EMOTES)); makeSystemMessage(CHANNEL_HAS_NO_EMOTES));
} }
} }
else if (result.status() == NetworkResult::timedoutStatus)
// TODO: Auto retry in case of a timeout, with a delay
<< "Fetching FFZ emotes for channel" << channelID
<< "failed due to timeout";
makeSystemMessage("Failed to fetch FrankerFaceZ channel "
"emotes. (timed out)"));
else else
{ {
// TODO: Auto retry in case of a timeout, with a delay
auto errorString = result.formatError();
qCWarning(chatterinoFfzemotes) qCWarning(chatterinoFfzemotes)
<< "Error fetching FFZ emotes for channel" << channelID << "Error fetching FFZ emotes for channel" << channelID
<< ", error" << result.status(); << ", error" << errorString;
shared->addMessage( shared->addMessage(makeSystemMessage(
makeSystemMessage("Failed to fetch FrankerFaceZ channel " QStringLiteral("Failed to fetch FrankerFaceZ channel "
"emotes. (unknown error)")); "emotes. (Error: %1)")
} }
}) })
.execute(); .execute();

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes() const; std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes() const;
boost::optional<EmotePtr> emote(const EmoteName &name) const; boost::optional<EmotePtr> emote(const EmoteName &name) const;
void loadEmotes(); void loadEmotes();
void setEmotes(std::shared_ptr<const EmoteMap> emotes);
static void loadChannel( static void loadChannel(
std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel, const QString &channelId, std::weak_ptr<Channel> channel, const QString &channelId,
std::function<void(EmoteMap &&)> emoteCallback, std::function<void(EmoteMap &&)> emoteCallback,

View file

@ -64,7 +64,11 @@ MessagePtr IrcMessageBuilder::build()
// message // message
this->addIrcMessageText(this->originalMessage_); this->addIrcMessageText(this->originalMessage_);
this->message().searchText = this->message().localizedName + " " + QString stylizedUsername =
this->stylizeUsername(this->userName, this->message());
this->message().searchText = stylizedUsername + " " +
this->message().localizedName + " " +
this->userName + ": " + this->originalMessage_; this->userName + ": " + this->originalMessage_;
// highlights // highlights

View file

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
#include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" // NOTE: Included to access the mentions channel #include "providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp" // NOTE: Included to access the mentions channel
#include "singletons/Settings.hpp" #include "singletons/Settings.hpp"
#include "util/IrcHelpers.hpp" #include "util/IrcHelpers.hpp"
#include "util/QObjectRef.hpp"
#include <QMetaEnum> #include <QMetaEnum>
#include <QPointer>
#include <cassert> #include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib> #include <cstdlib>
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void IrcServer::initializeConnection(IrcConnection *connection,
[[fallthrough]]; [[fallthrough]];
case IrcAuthType::Pass: case IrcAuthType::Pass:
this->data_->getPassword( this->data_->getPassword(
this, [conn = new QObjectRef(connection) /* can't copy */, this, [conn = new QPointer(connection) /* can't copy */,
this](const QString &password) mutable { this](const QString &password) mutable {
if (*conn) if (*conn)
{ {

View file

@ -87,8 +87,11 @@ public:
this->websocketClient_.set_fail_handler([this](auto hdl) { this->websocketClient_.set_fail_handler([this](auto hdl) {
this->onConnectionFail(hdl); this->onConnectionFail(hdl);
}); });
this->websocketClient_.set_user_agent("Chatterino/" CHATTERINO_VERSION this->websocketClient_.set_user_agent(
" (" CHATTERINO_GIT_HASH ")"); QStringLiteral("Chatterino/%1 (%2)")
} }
virtual ~BasicPubSubManager() = default; virtual ~BasicPubSubManager() = default;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include "providers/seventv/SeventvAPI.hpp"
#include "common/Literals.hpp"
#include "common/NetworkRequest.hpp"
#include "common/NetworkResult.hpp"
#include "common/Outcome.hpp"
namespace {
using namespace chatterino::literals;
const QString API_URL_USER = u"https://7tv.io/v3/users/twitch/%1"_s;
const QString API_URL_EMOTE_SET = u"https://7tv.io/v3/emote-sets/%1"_s;
const QString API_URL_PRESENCES = u"https://7tv.io/v3/users/%1/presences"_s;
} // namespace
// NOLINTBEGIN(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static)
namespace chatterino {
void SeventvAPI::getUserByTwitchID(
const QString &twitchID, SuccessCallback<const QJsonObject &> &&onSuccess,
ErrorCallback &&onError)
NetworkRequest(API_URL_USER.arg(twitchID), NetworkRequestType::Get)
.onSuccess([callback = std::move(onSuccess)](
const NetworkResult &result) -> Outcome {
auto json = result.parseJson();
return Success;
.onError([callback = std::move(onError)](const NetworkResult &result) {
void SeventvAPI::getEmoteSet(const QString &emoteSet,
SuccessCallback<const QJsonObject &> &&onSuccess,
ErrorCallback &&onError)
NetworkRequest(API_URL_EMOTE_SET.arg(emoteSet), NetworkRequestType::Get)
.onSuccess([callback = std::move(onSuccess)](
const NetworkResult &result) -> Outcome {
auto json = result.parseJson();
return Success;
.onError([callback = std::move(onError)](const NetworkResult &result) {
void SeventvAPI::updatePresence(const QString &twitchChannelID,
const QString &seventvUserID,
SuccessCallback<> &&onSuccess,
ErrorCallback &&onError)
QJsonObject payload{
{u"kind"_s, 1}, // UserPresenceKindChannel
{u"id"_s, twitchChannelID},
{u"platform"_s, u"TWITCH"_s},
.onSuccess([callback = std::move(onSuccess)](const auto &) -> Outcome {
return Success;
.onError([callback = std::move(onError)](const NetworkResult &result) {
SeventvAPI &getSeventvAPI()
static SeventvAPI instance;
return instance;
} // namespace chatterino
// NOLINTEND(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#pragma once
#include <functional>
class QString;
class QJsonObject;
namespace chatterino {
class NetworkResult;
class SeventvAPI
using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(const NetworkResult &)>;
template <typename... T>
using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(T...)>;
void getUserByTwitchID(const QString &twitchID,
SuccessCallback<const QJsonObject &> &&onSuccess,
ErrorCallback &&onError);
void getEmoteSet(const QString &emoteSet,
SuccessCallback<const QJsonObject &> &&onSuccess,
ErrorCallback &&onError);
void updatePresence(const QString &twitchChannelID,
const QString &seventvUserID,
SuccessCallback<> &&onSuccess, ErrorCallback &&onError);
SeventvAPI &getSeventvAPI();
} // namespace chatterino

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