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synced 2024-11-21 22:24:07 +01:00
Migrate Remaining Chat Settings Commands to Helix API (#4040)
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 846 additions and 39 deletions
@ -51,6 +51,12 @@
- Minor: Migrated /unvip command to Helix API. (#4025)
- Minor: Migrated /untimeout to Helix API. (#4026)
- Minor: Migrated /unban to Helix API. (#4026)
- Minor: Migrated /subscribers to Helix API. (#4040)
- Minor: Migrated /subscribersoff to Helix API. (#4040)
- Minor: Migrated /slow to Helix API. (#4040)
- Minor: Migrated /slowoff to Helix API. (#4040)
- Minor: Migrated /followers to Helix API. (#4040)
- Minor: Migrated /followersoff to Helix API. (#4040)
- Minor: Migrated /raid command to Helix API. Chat command will continue to be used until February 11th 2023. (#4029)
- Bugfix: Connection to Twitch PubSub now recovers more reliably. (#3643, #3716)
- Bugfix: Fixed `Smooth scrolling on new messages` setting sometimes hiding messages. (#4028)
@ -2108,46 +2108,74 @@ void CommandController::initialize(Settings &, Paths &paths)
return "";
}); // /raid
const auto formatChatSettingsError =
[](const HelixUpdateChatSettingsError error, const QString &message) {
QString errorMessage = QString("Failed to update - ");
using Error = HelixUpdateChatSettingsError;
switch (error)
case Error::UserMissingScope: {
errorMessage += "Missing required scope. "
"Re-login with your "
"account and try again.";
const auto formatChatSettingsError = [](const HelixUpdateChatSettingsError
const QString &message,
int durationUnitMultiplier = 1) {
static const QRegularExpression invalidRange("(\\d+) through (\\d+)");
case Error::UserNotAuthorized: {
errorMessage += "You don't have permission to "
"perform that action.";
case Error::Ratelimited: {
errorMessage += "You are being ratelimited by Twitch. Try "
"again in a few seconds.";
case Error::Forwarded: {
errorMessage = message;
case Error::Unknown:
default: {
errorMessage += "An unknown error has occurred.";
QString errorMessage = QString("Failed to update - ");
using Error = HelixUpdateChatSettingsError;
switch (error)
case Error::UserMissingScope: {
errorMessage += "Missing required scope. "
"Re-login with your "
"account and try again.";
return errorMessage;
case Error::UserNotAuthorized:
case Error::Forbidden: {
errorMessage += "You don't have permission to "
"perform that action.";
case Error::Ratelimited: {
errorMessage += "You are being ratelimited by Twitch. Try "
"again in a few seconds.";
case Error::OutOfRange: {
QRegularExpressionMatch matched = invalidRange.match(message);
if (matched.hasMatch())
auto from = matched.captured(1).toInt();
auto to = matched.captured(2).toInt();
errorMessage +=
QString("The duration is out of the valid range: "
"%1 through %2.")
.arg(from == 0 ? "0s"
: formatTime(from *
to == 0
? "0s"
: formatTime(to * durationUnitMultiplier));
errorMessage += message;
case Error::Forwarded: {
errorMessage = message;
case Error::Unknown:
default: {
errorMessage += "An unknown error has occurred.";
return errorMessage;
this->registerCommand("/emoteonly", [formatChatSettingsError](
const QStringList & /* words */,
@ -2223,6 +2251,266 @@ void CommandController::initialize(Settings &, Paths &paths)
return "";
"/subscribers", [formatChatSettingsError](
const QStringList & /* words */, auto channel) {
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
"You must be logged in to update chat settings!"));
return "";
auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get());
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /subscribers command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
if (twitchChannel->accessRoomModes()->submode)
"This room is already in subscribers-only mode."));
return "";
twitchChannel->roomId(), currentUser->getUserId(), true,
[](auto) {
//we'll get a message from irc
[channel, formatChatSettingsError](auto error, auto message) {
formatChatSettingsError(error, message)));
return "";
this->registerCommand("/subscribersoff", [formatChatSettingsError](
const QStringList
& /* words */,
auto channel) {
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
"You must be logged in to update chat settings!"));
return "";
auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get());
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /subscribersoff command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
if (!twitchChannel->accessRoomModes()->submode)
"This room is not in subscribers-only mode."));
return "";
twitchChannel->roomId(), currentUser->getUserId(), false,
[](auto) {
// we'll get a message from irc
[channel, formatChatSettingsError](auto error, auto message) {
makeSystemMessage(formatChatSettingsError(error, message)));
return "";
this->registerCommand("/slow", [formatChatSettingsError](
const QStringList &words, auto channel) {
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
"You must be logged in to update chat settings!"));
return "";
auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get());
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /slow command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
int duration = 30;
if (words.length() >= 2)
bool ok = false;
duration = words.at(1).toInt(&ok);
if (!ok || duration <= 0)
"Usage: \"/slow [duration]\" - Enables slow mode (limit "
"how often users may send messages). Duration (optional, "
"default=30) must be a positive number of seconds. Use "
"\"slowoff\" to disable. "));
return "";
if (twitchChannel->accessRoomModes()->slowMode == duration)
QString("This room is already in %1-second slow mode.")
return "";
twitchChannel->roomId(), currentUser->getUserId(), duration,
[](auto) {
//we'll get a message from irc
[channel, formatChatSettingsError](auto error, auto message) {
makeSystemMessage(formatChatSettingsError(error, message)));
return "";
"/slowoff", [formatChatSettingsError](const QStringList & /* words */,
auto channel) {
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
"You must be logged in to update chat settings!"));
return "";
auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get());
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /slowoff command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
if (twitchChannel->accessRoomModes()->slowMode <= 0)
makeSystemMessage("This room is not in slow mode."));
return "";
twitchChannel->roomId(), currentUser->getUserId(), boost::none,
[](auto) {
// we'll get a message from irc
[channel, formatChatSettingsError](auto error, auto message) {
formatChatSettingsError(error, message)));
return "";
this->registerCommand("/followers", [formatChatSettingsError](
const QStringList &words,
auto channel) {
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
"You must be logged in to update chat settings!"));
return "";
auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get());
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /followers command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
int duration = 0;
if (words.length() >= 2)
auto parsed = parseDurationToSeconds(words.mid(1).join(' '), 60);
duration = (int)(parsed / 60);
// -1 / 60 == 0 => use parsed
if (parsed < 0)
"Usage: \"/followers [duration]\" - Enables followers-only"
" mode (only users who have followed for 'duration' may "
"chat). Examples: \"30m\", \"1 week\", \"5 days 12 "
"hours\". Must be less than 3 months. "));
return "";
if (twitchChannel->accessRoomModes()->followerOnly == duration)
QString("This room is already in %1 followers-only mode.")
.arg(formatTime(duration * 60))));
return "";
twitchChannel->roomId(), currentUser->getUserId(), duration,
[](auto) {
//we'll get a message from irc
[channel, formatChatSettingsError](auto error, auto message) {
formatChatSettingsError(error, message, 60)));
return "";
this->registerCommand("/followersoff", [formatChatSettingsError](
const QStringList & /* words */,
auto channel) {
auto currentUser = getApp()->accounts->twitch.getCurrent();
if (currentUser->isAnon())
"You must be logged in to update chat settings!"));
return "";
auto *twitchChannel = dynamic_cast<TwitchChannel *>(channel.get());
if (twitchChannel == nullptr)
"The /followersoff command only works in Twitch channels"));
return "";
if (twitchChannel->accessRoomModes()->followerOnly < 0)
makeSystemMessage("This room is not in followers-only mode. "));
return "";
twitchChannel->roomId(), currentUser->getUserId(), boost::none,
[](auto) {
// we'll get a message from irc
[channel, formatChatSettingsError](auto error, auto message) {
makeSystemMessage(formatChatSettingsError(error, message)));
return "";
void CommandController::save()
@ -1650,7 +1650,17 @@ void Helix::updateChatSettings(
switch (result.status())
case 400:
case 400: {
if (message.contains("must be in the range"))
failureCallback(Error::OutOfRange, message);
failureCallback(Error::Forwarded, message);
case 409:
case 422:
case 425: {
@ -460,6 +460,8 @@ enum class HelixUpdateChatSettingsError { // update chat settings
// The error message is forwarded directly from the Twitch API
}; // update chat settings
@ -8,6 +8,110 @@
namespace chatterino {
namespace _helpers_internal {
int skipSpace(const QStringRef &view, int startPos)
while (startPos < view.length() && view.at(startPos).isSpace())
return startPos - 1;
bool matchesIgnorePlural(const QStringRef &word, const QString &singular)
if (!word.startsWith(singular))
return false;
if (word.length() == singular.length())
return true;
return word.length() == singular.length() + 1 &&
word.at(word.length() - 1).toLatin1() == 's';
std::pair<uint64_t, bool> findUnitMultiplierToSec(const QStringRef &view,
int &pos)
// Step 1. find end of unit
int startIdx = pos;
int endIdx = view.length();
for (; pos < view.length(); pos++)
auto c = view.at(pos);
if (c.isSpace() || c.isDigit())
endIdx = pos;
// TODO(QT6): use sliced (more readable)
auto unit = view.mid(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
if (unit.isEmpty())
return std::make_pair(0, false);
auto first = unit.at(0).toLatin1();
switch (first)
case 's': {
if (unit.length() == 1 ||
matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("second")))
return std::make_pair(1, true);
case 'm': {
if (unit.length() == 1 ||
matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("minute")))
return std::make_pair(60, true);
if ((unit.length() == 2 && unit.at(1).toLatin1() == 'o') ||
matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("month")))
return std::make_pair(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, true);
case 'h': {
if (unit.length() == 1 ||
matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("hour")))
return std::make_pair(60 * 60, true);
case 'd': {
if (unit.length() == 1 ||
matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("day")))
return std::make_pair(60 * 60 * 24, true);
case 'w': {
if (unit.length() == 1 ||
matchesIgnorePlural(unit, QStringLiteral("week")))
return std::make_pair(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, true);
return std::make_pair(0, false);
} // namespace _helpers_internal
using namespace _helpers_internal;
bool startsWithOrContains(const QString &str1, const QString &str2,
Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, bool startsWith)
@ -93,4 +197,76 @@ QString formatUserMention(const QString &userName, bool isFirstWord,
return result;
int64_t parseDurationToSeconds(const QString &inputString,
uint64_t noUnitMultiplier)
if (inputString.length() == 0)
return -1;
// TODO(QT6): use QStringView
QStringRef input(&inputString);
input = input.trimmed();
uint64_t currentValue = 0;
bool visitingNumber = true; // input must start with a number
int numberStartIdx = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos < input.length(); pos++)
QChar c = input.at(pos);
if (visitingNumber && !c.isDigit())
uint64_t parsed =
(uint64_t)input.mid(numberStartIdx, pos - numberStartIdx)
if (c.isSpace())
pos = skipSpace(input, pos) + 1;
if (pos >= input.length())
// input like "40 ", this shouldn't happen
// since we trimmed the view
return -1;
c = input.at(pos);
auto result = findUnitMultiplierToSec(input, pos);
if (!result.second)
return -1; // invalid unit or leading spaces (shouldn't happen)
currentValue += parsed * result.first;
visitingNumber = false;
else if (!visitingNumber && !c.isSpace())
if (!c.isDigit())
return -1; // expected a digit
visitingNumber = true;
numberStartIdx = pos;
// else: visitingNumber && isDigit || !visitingNumber && isSpace
if (visitingNumber)
if (numberStartIdx != 0)
return -1; // input like "1w 3s 70", 70 what? apples?
currentValue += input.toUInt() * noUnitMultiplier;
return (int64_t)currentValue;
} // namespace chatterino
@ -2,11 +2,54 @@
#include <QColor>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringRef>
#include <cmath>
namespace chatterino {
// only qualified for tests
namespace _helpers_internal {
* Skips all spaces.
* The caller must guarantee view.at(startPos).isSpace().
* @param view The string to skip spaces in.
* @param startPos The starting position (there must be a space in the view).
* @return The position of the last space.
int skipSpace(const QStringRef &view, int startPos);
* Checks if `word` equals `expected` (singular) or `expected` + 's' (plural).
* @param word Word to test. Must not be empty.
* @param expected Singular of the expected word.
* @return true if `word` is singular or plural of `expected`.
bool matchesIgnorePlural(const QStringRef &word, const QString &expected);
* Tries to find the unit starting at `pos` and returns its multiplier so
* `valueInUnit * multiplier = valueInSeconds` (e.g. 60 for minutes).
* Supported units are
* 'w[eek(s)]', 'd[ay(s)]',
* 'h[our(s)]', 'm[inute(s)]', 's[econd(s)]'.
* The unit must be in lowercase.
* @param view A view into a string
* @param pos The starting position.
* This is set to the last position of the unit
* if it's a valid unit, undefined otherwise.
* @return (multiplier, ok)
std::pair<uint64_t, bool> findUnitMultiplierToSec(const QStringRef &view,
int &pos);
} // namespace _helpers_internal
* @brief startsWithOrContains is a wrapper for checking
* whether str1 starts with or contains str2 within itself
@ -29,6 +72,37 @@ QString kFormatNumbers(const int &number);
QColor getRandomColor(const QString &userId);
* Parses a duration.
* Spaces are allowed before and after a unit but not mandatory.
* Supported units are
* 'w[eek(s)]', 'd[ay(s)]',
* 'h[our(s)]', 'm[inute(s)]', 's[econd(s)]'.
* Units must be lowercase.
* If the entire input string is a number (e.g. "12345"),
* then it's multiplied by noUnitMultiplier.
* Examples:
* - "1w 2h"
* - "1w 1w 0s 4d" (2weeks, 4days)
* - "5s3h4w" (4weeks, 3hours, 5seconds)
* - "30m"
* - "1 week"
* - "5 days 12 hours"
* - "10" (10 * noUnitMultiplier seconds)
* @param inputString A non-empty string to parse
* @param noUnitMultiplier A multiplier if the input string only contains one number.
* For example, if a number without a unit should be interpreted
* as a minute, set this to 60. If it should be interpreted
* as a second, set it to 1 (default).
* @return The parsed duration in seconds, -1 if the input is invalid.
int64_t parseDurationToSeconds(const QString &inputString,
uint64_t noUnitMultiplier = 1);
* @brief Takes a user's name and some formatting parameter and spits out the standardized way to format it
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace chatterino;
using namespace _helpers_internal;
TEST(Helpers, formatUserMention)
@ -250,3 +251,253 @@ TEST(Helpers, BatchDifferentInputType)
EXPECT_EQ(result, expectation);
TEST(Helpers, skipSpace)
struct TestCase {
QString input;
int startIdx;
int expected;
std::vector<TestCase> tests{{"foo bar", 3, 6}, {"foo bar", 3, 3},
{"foo ", 3, 3}, {"foo ", 3, 6},
{" ", 0, 2}, {" ", 0, 0}};
for (const auto &c : tests)
const auto actual = skipSpace(&c.input, c.startIdx);
EXPECT_EQ(actual, c.expected)
<< actual << " (" << qUtf8Printable(c.input)
<< ") did not match expected value " << c.expected;
TEST(Helpers, findUnitMultiplierToSec)
constexpr uint64_t sec = 1;
constexpr uint64_t min = 60;
constexpr uint64_t hour = min * 60;
constexpr uint64_t day = hour * 24;
constexpr uint64_t week = day * 7;
constexpr uint64_t month = day * 30;
constexpr uint64_t bad = 0;
struct TestCase {
QString input;
int startPos;
int expectedEndPos;
uint64_t expectedMultiplier;
std::vector<TestCase> tests{
{"s", 0, 0, sec},
{"m", 0, 0, min},
{"h", 0, 0, hour},
{"d", 0, 0, day},
{"w", 0, 0, week},
{"mo", 0, 1, month},
{"s alienpls", 0, 0, sec},
{"m alienpls", 0, 0, min},
{"h alienpls", 0, 0, hour},
{"d alienpls", 0, 0, day},
{"w alienpls", 0, 0, week},
{"mo alienpls", 0, 1, month},
{"alienpls s", 9, 9, sec},
{"alienpls m", 9, 9, min},
{"alienpls h", 9, 9, hour},
{"alienpls d", 9, 9, day},
{"alienpls w", 9, 9, week},
{"alienpls mo", 9, 10, month},
{"alienpls s alienpls", 9, 9, sec},
{"alienpls m alienpls", 9, 9, min},
{"alienpls h alienpls", 9, 9, hour},
{"alienpls d alienpls", 9, 9, day},
{"alienpls w alienpls", 9, 9, week},
{"alienpls mo alienpls", 9, 10, month},
{"second", 0, 5, sec},
{"minute", 0, 5, min},
{"hour", 0, 3, hour},
{"day", 0, 2, day},
{"week", 0, 3, week},
{"month", 0, 4, month},
{"alienpls2 second", 10, 15, sec},
{"alienpls2 minute", 10, 15, min},
{"alienpls2 hour", 10, 13, hour},
{"alienpls2 day", 10, 12, day},
{"alienpls2 week", 10, 13, week},
{"alienpls2 month", 10, 14, month},
{"alienpls2 second alienpls", 10, 15, sec},
{"alienpls2 minute alienpls", 10, 15, min},
{"alienpls2 hour alienpls", 10, 13, hour},
{"alienpls2 day alienpls", 10, 12, day},
{"alienpls2 week alienpls", 10, 13, week},
{"alienpls2 month alienpls", 10, 14, month},
{"seconds", 0, 6, sec},
{"minutes", 0, 6, min},
{"hours", 0, 4, hour},
{"days", 0, 3, day},
{"weeks", 0, 4, week},
{"months", 0, 5, month},
{"alienpls2 seconds", 10, 16, sec},
{"alienpls2 minutes", 10, 16, min},
{"alienpls2 hours", 10, 14, hour},
{"alienpls2 days", 10, 13, day},
{"alienpls2 weeks", 10, 14, week},
{"alienpls2 months", 10, 15, month},
{"alienpls2 seconds alienpls", 10, 16, sec},
{"alienpls2 minutes alienpls", 10, 16, min},
{"alienpls2 hours alienpls", 10, 14, hour},
{"alienpls2 days alienpls", 10, 13, day},
{"alienpls2 weeks alienpls", 10, 14, week},
{"alienpls2 months alienpls", 10, 15, month},
{"sec", 0, 0, bad},
{"min", 0, 0, bad},
{"ho", 0, 0, bad},
{"da", 0, 0, bad},
{"we", 0, 0, bad},
{"mon", 0, 0, bad},
{"foo", 0, 0, bad},
{"S", 0, 0, bad},
{"M", 0, 0, bad},
{"H", 0, 0, bad},
{"D", 0, 0, bad},
{"W", 0, 0, bad},
{"MO", 0, 1, bad},
{"alienpls2 sec", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 min", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 ho", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 da", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 we", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 mon", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 foo", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 S", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 M", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 H", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 D", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 W", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 MO", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 sec alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 min alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 ho alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 da alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 we alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 mon alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 foo alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 S alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 M alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 H alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 D alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 W alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
{"alienpls2 MO alienpls", 10, 0, bad},
for (const auto &c : tests)
int pos = c.startPos;
const auto actual = findUnitMultiplierToSec(&c.input, pos);
if (c.expectedMultiplier == bad)
EXPECT_FALSE(actual.second) << qUtf8Printable(c.input);
EXPECT_TRUE(pos == c.expectedEndPos && actual.second &&
actual.first == c.expectedMultiplier)
<< qUtf8Printable(c.input)
<< ": Expected(end: " << c.expectedEndPos
<< ", mult: " << c.expectedMultiplier << ") Actual(end: " << pos
<< ", mult: " << actual.first << ")";
TEST(Helpers, parseDurationToSeconds)
struct TestCase {
QString input;
int64_t output;
int64_t noUnitMultiplier = 1;
auto wrongInput = [](QString &&input) {
return TestCase{input, -1};
std::vector<TestCase> tests{
{"1 minutes 9s", 69},
{"22 m 17 s", 1337},
{"7d 5h 10m 52s", 623452},
{"2h 19m 5s ", 8345},
{"3d 15 h 13m 54s", 314034},
{"27s", 27},
"9h 36 m 29s", 34589,
7, // should be unused
{"1h 59s", 3659},
{"12d2h22m25s", 1045345},
{"2h22m25s12d", 1045345},
{"1d32s", 86432},
{"0", 0},
{"0 s", 0},
{"1weeks", 604800},
{"2 day5days", 604800},
{"1 day", 86400},
{"4 hours 30m 19h 30 minute", 86400},
{"3 months", 7776000},
{"1 mo 2month", 7776000},
// from documentation
{"1w 2h", 612000},
{"1w 1w 0s 4d", 1555200},
{"5s3h4w", 2430005},
// from twitch response
{"30m", 1800},
{"1 week", 604800},
{"5 days 12 hours", 475200},
// noUnitMultiplier
{"0", 0, 60},
"60", 3600,
60, // minute
86400, // 1d
// wrong input
wrongInput("12 34w"),
for (const auto &c : tests)
const auto actual = parseDurationToSeconds(c.input, c.noUnitMultiplier);
EXPECT_EQ(actual, c.output)
<< actual << " (" << qUtf8Printable(c.input)
<< ") did not match expected value " << c.output;
Reference in a new issue