
586 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Exposed build flags:
# from lib/websocketpp.pri
# - WEBSOCKETPP_PREFIX ($$PWD by default)
# - WEBSOCKETPP_SYSTEM (1 = true) (unix only)
# from lib/rapidjson.pri
# - RAPIDJSON_PREFIX ($$PWD by default)
# - RAPIDJSON_SYSTEM (1 = true) (Linux only, uses pkg-config)
# from lib/boost.pri
# - BOOST_DIRECTORY (C:\local\boost\ by default) (Windows only)
QT += widgets core gui network multimedia svg concurrent
CONFIG += communi
COMMUNI += core model util
TARGET = chatterino
PRECOMPILED_HEADER = src/PrecompiledHeader.hpp
CONFIG += precompile_header
useBreakpad {
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/qBreakpad/handler/build
# use C++17
2019-10-07 16:51:46 +02:00
CONFIG += c++17
# C++17 backwards compatability
win32-msvc* {
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /std:c++17
} else {
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++17
linux {
LIBS += -lrt
# Enable linking libraries using PKGCONFIG += libraryname
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
macx {
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/opt/openssl/include
LIBS += -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-27018
equals(QMAKE_CXX, "clang++")|equals(QMAKE_CXX, "g++") {
TARGET = bin/chatterino
# Icons
2019-04-27 15:28:44 +02:00
macx:ICON = resources/chatterino.icns
win32:RC_FILE = resources/windows.rc
macx {
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib
2019-09-22 16:14:16 +02:00
# Set C_DEBUG if it's a debug build
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
2019-09-22 16:14:16 +02:00
# Submodules
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
exists( $$OUT_PWD/conanbuildinfo.pri ) {
message("Using conan packages")
CONFIG += conan_basic_setup
LIBS += -lGdi32
2019-08-04 15:31:17 +02:00
# Optional feature: QtWebEngine
#exists ($(QTDIR)/include/QtWebEngine/QtWebEngine) {
# message(Using QWebEngine)
# QT += webenginewidgets
src/Application.cpp \
src/autogenerated/ResourcesAutogen.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/BaseSettings.cpp \
src/BaseTheme.cpp \
src/BrowserExtension.cpp \
src/common/Args.cpp \
src/common/Channel.cpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/common/ChannelChatters.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/common/ChatterinoSetting.cpp \
src/common/CompletionModel.cpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/common/Credentials.cpp \
src/common/DownloadManager.cpp \
src/common/Env.cpp \
src/common/LinkParser.cpp \
2019-09-15 15:45:04 +02:00
src/common/Modes.cpp \
src/common/NetworkManager.cpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/common/NetworkPrivate.cpp \
src/common/NetworkRequest.cpp \
src/common/NetworkResult.cpp \
src/common/UsernameSet.cpp \
src/common/Version.cpp \
src/controllers/accounts/Account.cpp \
src/controllers/accounts/AccountController.cpp \
src/controllers/accounts/AccountModel.cpp \
src/controllers/commands/Command.cpp \
src/controllers/commands/CommandController.cpp \
src/controllers/commands/CommandModel.cpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightBlacklistModel.cpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightModel.cpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightPhrase.cpp \
src/controllers/highlights/UserHighlightModel.cpp \
src/controllers/ignores/IgnoreModel.cpp \
src/controllers/moderationactions/ModerationAction.cpp \
src/controllers/moderationactions/ModerationActionModel.cpp \
src/controllers/notifications/NotificationController.cpp \
src/controllers/notifications/NotificationModel.cpp \
2020-02-23 20:34:00 +01:00
src/controllers/pings/MutedChannelModel.cpp \
src/controllers/taggedusers/TaggedUser.cpp \
src/controllers/taggedusers/TaggedUsersModel.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/debug/Benchmark.cpp \
src/main.cpp \
src/messages/Emote.cpp \
src/messages/Image.cpp \
src/messages/ImageSet.cpp \
src/messages/layouts/MessageLayout.cpp \
src/messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.cpp \
src/messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.cpp \
src/messages/Link.cpp \
src/messages/Message.cpp \
src/messages/MessageBuilder.cpp \
src/messages/MessageColor.cpp \
src/messages/MessageContainer.cpp \
src/messages/MessageElement.cpp \
Improvements to Message Search (#1237) * Ran clang-format * Implement user-specific search in message history This functionality was originally requested in #1236. This commit changes the SearchPopup::performSearch method so that only messages from specific users can be shown. In order to filter for a specific user, enter their username with a leading '@' in the search popup. You can also add an additional search phrase which will also be considered in the search. * Naive implementation for "from:" tags Rebase later? * Cleverer (?) version using Predicates Commit adds two POC predicates: one for the author of messages, and one for substring search in messages. Problems/TODOs: * Best way to register new predicates? * Clean up tags (e.g. "from:") or not? * Test combinations of different predicates * Add a predicate to check for links in messages * Remove a dumb TODO * Rewrite SearchPopup::performSearch to be cleaner * Ran clang-format on all files * Remove TODO I missed earlier * Forgot to run clang-format peepoSadDank * Re-use {}-initialization Was accidentally removed when fixing earlier merge conflict. * Does this fix line endings? No diffs are shown locally, hopefully Git doesn't lie to me. * Rename "predicates" directory to "search" Resolving one conversation in the review of #1237. * Use LinkParser in LinkPredicate Resolving a conversation in the review of #1237. * Predicates: Use unique_ptr instead of shared_ptr Resolves a conversation in the review of #1237. * Refactor of SearchPopup and AuthorPredicate Resolving some points from the review in #1237. * Moved parsing of comma-seperated values into AuthorPredicate constructor. * Rewrite SearchPopup::parsePredicates as suggested. * Deleted now redundant methods in SearchPopup. * MessagePredicate::appliesTo now takes a Message& ... instead of a MessagePtr. This resolves a conversation in the review of #1237. * Run clang-format on two files I missed * AuthorPredicate: Check for displayName & loginName Resolving conversation on #1237.
2019-09-09 15:21:49 +02:00
src/messages/search/AuthorPredicate.cpp \
src/messages/search/LinkPredicate.cpp \
src/messages/search/SubstringPredicate.cpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/messages/SharedMessageBuilder.cpp \
src/providers/bttv/BttvEmotes.cpp \
src/providers/bttv/LoadBttvChannelEmote.cpp \
src/providers/chatterino/ChatterinoBadges.cpp \
src/providers/colors/ColorProvider.cpp \
src/providers/emoji/Emojis.cpp \
src/providers/ffz/FfzEmotes.cpp \
src/providers/irc/AbstractIrcServer.cpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/providers/irc/Irc2.cpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcAccount.cpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcChannel2.cpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/providers/irc/IrcCommands.cpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcConnection2.cpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcMessageBuilder.cpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcServer.cpp \
src/providers/LinkResolver.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/ChannelPointReward.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/api/Helix.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/api/Kraken.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/IrcMessageHandler.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/PubsubActions.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/PubsubClient.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/PubsubHelpers.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchAccountManager.cpp \
2019-12-01 13:32:41 +01:00
src/providers/twitch/TwitchBadge.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchBadges.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchEmotes.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchHelpers.cpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchMessageBuilder.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchParseCheerEmotes.cpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchUser.cpp \
src/RunGui.cpp \
src/singletons/Badges.cpp \
src/singletons/Emotes.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/singletons/Fonts.cpp \
src/singletons/helper/GifTimer.cpp \
src/singletons/helper/LoggingChannel.cpp \
src/singletons/Logging.cpp \
src/singletons/NativeMessaging.cpp \
src/singletons/Paths.cpp \
src/singletons/Resources.cpp \
src/singletons/Settings.cpp \
src/singletons/Theme.cpp \
src/singletons/Toasts.cpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/singletons/TooltipPreviewImage.cpp \
src/singletons/Updates.cpp \
src/singletons/WindowManager.cpp \
src/util/Clipboard.cpp \
src/util/DebugCount.cpp \
src/util/FormatTime.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/FunctionEventFilter.cpp \
src/util/FuzzyConvert.cpp \
src/util/Helpers.cpp \
src/util/IncognitoBrowser.cpp \
src/util/InitUpdateButton.cpp \
src/util/JsonQuery.cpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/util/NuulsUploader.cpp \
src/util/RapidjsonHelpers.cpp \
src/util/StreamerMode.cpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/util/StreamLink.cpp \
src/util/Twitch.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/WindowsHelper.cpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/widgets/AccountSwitchPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/AccountSwitchWidget.cpp \
src/widgets/AttachedWindow.cpp \
src/widgets/BasePopup.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/BaseWidget.cpp \
src/widgets/BaseWindow.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/ColorPickerDialog.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/EmotePopup.cpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/widgets/dialogs/IrcConnectionEditor.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/LastRunCrashDialog.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/LoginDialog.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/NotificationPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/QualityPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/SelectChannelDialog.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/SettingsDialog.cpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/AbstractSwitcherItem.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/NewTabItem.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/QuickSwitcherModel.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/QuickSwitcherPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/SwitcherItemDelegate.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/SwitchSplitItem.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/TextInputDialog.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/UserInfoPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/Button.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/ChannelView.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/ColorButton.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/ComboBoxItemDelegate.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/DebugPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/EditableModelView.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/EffectLabel.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/NotebookButton.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/NotebookTab.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/QColorPicker.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/ResizingTextEdit.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/ScrollbarHighlight.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/SearchPopup.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/SettingsDialogTab.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/SignalLabel.cpp \
src/widgets/helper/TitlebarButton.cpp \
src/widgets/Label.cpp \
src/widgets/Notebook.cpp \
src/widgets/Scrollbar.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/AboutPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/AccountsPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/CommandPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/ExternalToolsPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/GeneralPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/HighlightingPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/IgnoresPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/KeyboardSettingsPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/ModerationPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/NotificationPage.cpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/SettingsPage.cpp \
src/widgets/splits/ClosedSplits.cpp \
src/widgets/splits/Split.cpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitContainer.cpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitHeader.cpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitInput.cpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitOverlay.cpp \
src/widgets/StreamView.cpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/TooltipWidget.cpp \
src/widgets/Window.cpp \
src/Application.hpp \
src/autogenerated/ResourcesAutogen.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/BaseSettings.hpp \
src/BaseTheme.hpp \
src/BrowserExtension.hpp \
src/common/Aliases.hpp \
src/common/Args.hpp \
src/common/Atomic.hpp \
src/common/Channel.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/common/ChannelChatters.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/common/ChatterinoSetting.hpp \
src/common/Common.hpp \
src/common/CompletionModel.hpp \
src/common/ConcurrentMap.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/common/Credentials.hpp \
src/common/DownloadManager.hpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/common/Env.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/common/FlagsEnum.hpp \
src/common/IrcColors.hpp \
src/common/LinkParser.hpp \
2019-09-15 15:45:04 +02:00
src/common/Modes.hpp \
src/common/NetworkCommon.hpp \
src/common/NetworkManager.hpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/common/NetworkPrivate.hpp \
src/common/NetworkRequest.hpp \
src/common/NetworkResult.hpp \
src/common/NullablePtr.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/common/Outcome.hpp \
src/common/ProviderId.hpp \
src/common/SignalVector.hpp \
src/common/SignalVectorModel.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/common/Singleton.hpp \
src/common/UniqueAccess.hpp \
src/common/UsernameSet.hpp \
src/common/Version.hpp \
src/controllers/accounts/Account.hpp \
src/controllers/accounts/AccountController.hpp \
src/controllers/accounts/AccountModel.hpp \
src/controllers/commands/Command.hpp \
src/controllers/commands/CommandController.hpp \
src/controllers/commands/CommandModel.hpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightBlacklistModel.hpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightBlacklistUser.hpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightModel.hpp \
src/controllers/highlights/HighlightPhrase.hpp \
src/controllers/highlights/UserHighlightModel.hpp \
src/controllers/ignores/IgnoreController.hpp \
src/controllers/ignores/IgnoreModel.hpp \
src/controllers/ignores/IgnorePhrase.hpp \
src/controllers/moderationactions/ModerationAction.hpp \
src/controllers/moderationactions/ModerationActionModel.hpp \
src/controllers/notifications/NotificationController.hpp \
src/controllers/notifications/NotificationModel.hpp \
2020-02-23 20:34:00 +01:00
src/controllers/pings/MutedChannelModel.hpp \
src/controllers/taggedusers/TaggedUser.hpp \
src/controllers/taggedusers/TaggedUsersModel.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/debug/AssertInGuiThread.hpp \
src/debug/Benchmark.hpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/ForwardDecl.hpp \
src/messages/Emote.hpp \
src/messages/Image.hpp \
src/messages/ImageSet.hpp \
src/messages/layouts/MessageLayout.hpp \
src/messages/layouts/MessageLayoutContainer.hpp \
src/messages/layouts/MessageLayoutElement.hpp \
src/messages/LimitedQueue.hpp \
src/messages/LimitedQueueSnapshot.hpp \
src/messages/Link.hpp \
src/messages/Message.hpp \
src/messages/MessageBuilder.hpp \
src/messages/MessageColor.hpp \
src/messages/MessageContainer.hpp \
src/messages/MessageElement.hpp \
src/messages/MessageParseArgs.hpp \
Improvements to Message Search (#1237) * Ran clang-format * Implement user-specific search in message history This functionality was originally requested in #1236. This commit changes the SearchPopup::performSearch method so that only messages from specific users can be shown. In order to filter for a specific user, enter their username with a leading '@' in the search popup. You can also add an additional search phrase which will also be considered in the search. * Naive implementation for "from:" tags Rebase later? * Cleverer (?) version using Predicates Commit adds two POC predicates: one for the author of messages, and one for substring search in messages. Problems/TODOs: * Best way to register new predicates? * Clean up tags (e.g. "from:") or not? * Test combinations of different predicates * Add a predicate to check for links in messages * Remove a dumb TODO * Rewrite SearchPopup::performSearch to be cleaner * Ran clang-format on all files * Remove TODO I missed earlier * Forgot to run clang-format peepoSadDank * Re-use {}-initialization Was accidentally removed when fixing earlier merge conflict. * Does this fix line endings? No diffs are shown locally, hopefully Git doesn't lie to me. * Rename "predicates" directory to "search" Resolving one conversation in the review of #1237. * Use LinkParser in LinkPredicate Resolving a conversation in the review of #1237. * Predicates: Use unique_ptr instead of shared_ptr Resolves a conversation in the review of #1237. * Refactor of SearchPopup and AuthorPredicate Resolving some points from the review in #1237. * Moved parsing of comma-seperated values into AuthorPredicate constructor. * Rewrite SearchPopup::parsePredicates as suggested. * Deleted now redundant methods in SearchPopup. * MessagePredicate::appliesTo now takes a Message& ... instead of a MessagePtr. This resolves a conversation in the review of #1237. * Run clang-format on two files I missed * AuthorPredicate: Check for displayName & loginName Resolving conversation on #1237.
2019-09-09 15:21:49 +02:00
src/messages/search/AuthorPredicate.hpp \
src/messages/search/LinkPredicate.hpp \
src/messages/search/MessagePredicate.hpp \
src/messages/search/SubstringPredicate.hpp \
src/messages/Selection.hpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/messages/SharedMessageBuilder.hpp \
src/PrecompiledHeader.hpp \
src/providers/bttv/BttvEmotes.hpp \
src/providers/bttv/LoadBttvChannelEmote.hpp \
src/providers/chatterino/ChatterinoBadges.hpp \
src/providers/colors/ColorProvider.hpp \
src/providers/emoji/Emojis.hpp \
src/providers/ffz/FfzEmotes.hpp \
src/providers/irc/AbstractIrcServer.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/providers/irc/Irc2.hpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcAccount.hpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcChannel2.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/providers/irc/IrcCommands.hpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcConnection2.hpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcMessageBuilder.hpp \
src/providers/irc/IrcServer.hpp \
src/providers/LinkResolver.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/ChannelPointReward.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/api/Helix.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/api/Kraken.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/EmoteValue.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/IrcMessageHandler.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/PubsubActions.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/PubsubClient.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/PubsubHelpers.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchAccount.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchAccountManager.hpp \
2019-12-01 13:32:41 +01:00
src/providers/twitch/TwitchBadge.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchBadges.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchChannel.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchCommon.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchEmotes.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchHelpers.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/providers/twitch/TwitchIrcServer.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchMessageBuilder.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchParseCheerEmotes.hpp \
src/providers/twitch/TwitchUser.hpp \
src/RunGui.hpp \
src/singletons/Badges.hpp \
src/singletons/Emotes.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/singletons/Fonts.hpp \
src/singletons/helper/GifTimer.hpp \
src/singletons/helper/LoggingChannel.hpp \
src/singletons/Logging.hpp \
src/singletons/NativeMessaging.hpp \
src/singletons/Paths.hpp \
src/singletons/Resources.hpp \
src/singletons/Settings.hpp \
src/singletons/Theme.hpp \
src/singletons/Toasts.hpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/singletons/TooltipPreviewImage.hpp \
src/singletons/Updates.hpp \
src/singletons/WindowManager.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/Clamp.hpp \
src/util/Clipboard.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/CombinePath.hpp \
src/util/ConcurrentMap.hpp \
src/util/DebugCount.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/DistanceBetweenPoints.hpp \
src/util/FormatTime.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/FunctionEventFilter.hpp \
src/util/FuzzyConvert.hpp \
src/util/Helpers.hpp \
src/util/IncognitoBrowser.hpp \
src/util/InitUpdateButton.hpp \
src/util/IrcHelpers.hpp \
src/util/IsBigEndian.hpp \
src/util/JsonQuery.hpp \
src/util/LayoutCreator.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/LayoutHelper.hpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/util/NuulsUploader.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/util/Overloaded.hpp \
2020-02-23 20:01:35 +01:00
src/util/PersistSignalVector.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/PostToThread.hpp \
2019-08-13 16:39:22 +02:00
src/util/QObjectRef.hpp \
src/util/QStringHash.hpp \
src/util/rangealgorithm.hpp \
src/util/RapidjsonHelpers.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/RapidJsonSerializeQString.hpp \
src/util/RemoveScrollAreaBackground.hpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/util/SampleCheerMessages.hpp \
2019-12-29 15:45:52 +01:00
src/util/SampleLinks.hpp \
src/util/SharedPtrElementLess.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/Shortcut.hpp \
src/util/StandardItemHelper.hpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/util/StreamerMode.hpp \
src/util/StreamLink.hpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/util/Twitch.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/util/WindowsHelper.hpp \
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
src/widgets/AccountSwitchPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/AccountSwitchWidget.hpp \
src/widgets/AttachedWindow.hpp \
src/widgets/BasePopup.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/BaseWidget.hpp \
src/widgets/BaseWindow.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/ColorPickerDialog.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/EmotePopup.hpp \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
src/widgets/dialogs/IrcConnectionEditor.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/LastRunCrashDialog.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/LoginDialog.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/NotificationPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/QualityPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/SelectChannelDialog.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/SettingsDialog.hpp \
Discord-like Quick Switcher (#1588) * Proof of Concept for Quick Switcher * Fix crash when suggestions are empty * QuickSwitcher: Use tab name instead of a single channel * Rebase later * Add missing include for <functional> * Move QuickSwitcher related classes into own subfolder * Refactor switcher list items Now, items are responsible for taking the right action when selected in the switcher list. This should allow for more focused code and responsibilities. * Add note about memory management * Add option to open channel in a new tab * Add support for using the mouse * Spawn switcher popup in the middle of the window Works reliably on i3 at least. Might need some additional testing on other WMs (and especially on Windows!). * Add some icons for switcher items Note that the final design of the list is not final but I do plan to incorporate these in the future. * Set Qt::Dialog window flag on switcher popup Prevents tiling window managers like i3 from trying to tile the window. * Rename "SwitcherItem" to "AbstractSwitcherItem" * Add comments about what items are inserted * Use custom model and view Still missing: Currently selected item is not highlighted yet. You can move between selected items with tab and arrow keys though. * Add helper function to convert QVariant to AbstractSwitcherItem * * Remove useless constant * Highlight currently selected switcher item * Use a different method for centering QuickSwitcherPopup window * QuickSwitcherModel: Add documentation * Add default parameter to QuickSwitcherModel::rowCount * QuickSwitcherPopup: Add comments * Remove outdated TODO * QuickSwitcherModel: Init vector with default capacity * Remove outdated comment * Add comment about 0 ms timeout interval * NewTabItem: Simplify interface * Only fetch opened splits once This is better than the prior approach since opened splits cannot change anyways while the switcher is open. * Use SplitContainer to pass information instead of custom type * Allow searching for tab titles as well Before this commit, only channel names could be searched. * Refactor switcher item interface to be more flexible Also show tab name and channel name in the switcher list. * Add documentation for AbstractSwitcherItem * Add documentation for NewTabItem * Add comments about {begin,end}{Insert,Remove}Rows * Remove unused method * Replace magic size with named constant * Add change log entry Co-authored-by: fourtf <tf.four@gmail.com>
2020-08-13 19:25:51 +02:00
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/AbstractSwitcherItem.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/NewTabItem.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/QuickSwitcherModel.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/QuickSwitcherPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/SwitcherItemDelegate.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/switcher/SwitchSplitItem.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/TextInputDialog.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/UpdateDialog.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/UserInfoPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/dialogs/WelcomeDialog.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/Button.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/ChannelView.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/ColorButton.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/ComboBoxItemDelegate.hpp \
2019-04-27 10:31:02 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/CommonTexts.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/DebugPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/EditableModelView.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/EffectLabel.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/Line.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/NotebookButton.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/NotebookTab.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/QColorPicker.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/ResizingTextEdit.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/ScrollbarHighlight.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/SearchPopup.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/SettingsDialogTab.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/helper/SignalLabel.hpp \
src/widgets/helper/TitlebarButton.hpp \
src/widgets/Label.hpp \
src/widgets/Notebook.hpp \
src/widgets/Scrollbar.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/AboutPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/AccountsPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/CommandPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/ExternalToolsPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/GeneralPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/HighlightingPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/IgnoresPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/KeyboardSettingsPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/ModerationPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/NotificationPage.hpp \
src/widgets/settingspages/SettingsPage.hpp \
src/widgets/splits/ClosedSplits.hpp \
src/widgets/splits/Split.hpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitContainer.hpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitHeader.hpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitInput.hpp \
src/widgets/splits/SplitOverlay.hpp \
src/widgets/StreamView.hpp \
2019-10-07 15:46:08 +02:00
src/widgets/TooltipWidget.hpp \
src/widgets/Window.hpp \
resources/resources.qrc \
2019-09-18 13:03:16 +02:00
FORMS += \
# do not use windows min/max macros
#win32 {
linux:isEmpty(PREFIX) {
message("Using default installation prefix (/usr/local). Change PREFIX in qmake command")
PREFIX = /usr/local
linux {
desktop.files = resources/com.chatterino.chatterino.desktop
desktop.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications
build_icons.path = .
2019-12-28 14:54:03 +01:00
build_icons.commands = @echo $$PWD && mkdir -p $$PWD/resources/linuxinstall/icons/hicolor/256x256 && cp $$PWD/resources/icon.png $$PWD/resources/linuxinstall/icons/hicolor/256x256/com.chatterino.chatterino.png
2019-12-28 14:54:03 +01:00
icon.files = $$PWD/resources/linuxinstall/icons/hicolor/256x256/com.chatterino.chatterino.png
icon.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
target.path = $$PREFIX/bin
INSTALLS += desktop build_icons icon target
# Git data
isEmpty(git_commit) {
git_commit=$$system(git rev-parse HEAD)
isEmpty(git_release) {
git_release=$$system(git describe)
git_hash = $$str_member($$git_commit, 0, 8)
# Passing strings as defines requires you to use this weird triple-escape then quotation mark syntax.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3348711/add-a-define-to-qmake-with-a-value/18343449#18343449
DEFINES += CHATTERINO_GIT_COMMIT=\\\"$$git_commit\\\"
DEFINES += CHATTERINO_GIT_RELEASE=\\\"$$git_release\\\"
2019-09-08 18:17:18 +02:00
DEFINES += CHATTERINO_GIT_HASH=\\\"$$git_hash\\\"
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
message("Building Chatterino2 DEBUG")
} else {
message("Building Chatterino2 RELEASE")
message("Injected git values: $$git_commit ($$git_release) $$git_hash")