Chatterino 2 is the second installment of the Twitch chat client series "Chatterino". For now you can check out Chatterino 1 at [](
The code is normally formated using clang format in Qt Creator. [.clang-format]( contains the style file for clang format.
You can also add "-o2" to optimize the final binary size but increase compilation time, and add "-pipe" to use more ram in compilation but increase compilation speed
1. open appropriate MSYS2 terminal and do `pacman -S mingw-w64-<arch>-boost mingw-w64-<arch>-qt5 mingw-w64-<arch>-rapidjson` where `<arch>` is x86_64 or i686
3. copy `include/rapidjson` from [rapidjson]( into the chatterino directory so that the file `<chatterino2 directory>/rapidjson/document.h` exists
4. open `` with QT Creator and build
*most likely works the same for other Debian-like distros*
1. Install dependencies (and the C++ IDE Qt Creator) `sudo apt install qtcreator qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libboost-dev`
2. Install rapidjson to `/usr/local/` like this: From the Chatterino2 root folder: `sudo cp -r lib/rapidjson/include/rapidjson /usr/local/include`. If you want to install it to another place, you have to make sure it's in the include path
3. open `` with QT Creator and build