using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Serilog; using server; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using server.Types.ClientReport; using server.Types.ClientSend; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using server.Database.Model; using server.Database.Entity; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.BC; namespace server { public class Message { private byte[] _buffer; private int _bufferSize; private ILogger _logger; private PACKET_HEADER _header; private NetworkStream _networkStream; private TcpClient _tcpClient; private enum MESSAGE_TYPE { MESSAGE_TYPE_CLIENT_REPORT = 1, MESSAGE_TYPE_CLIENT_SEND = 2, MESSAGE_TYPE_CLIENT_REQUEST = 3 } private enum CLIENT_SEND_REQUEST_ID { SYSTEM_INFORMATION = 10 } public struct PACKET_HEADER { public int message_type; public ulong steam64_id; }; private struct PACKET_REQUEST_HEADER { public int RequestId; } private struct SYSTEM_INFORMATION_REQUEST_RESPONSE { public int RequestId; public int CanUserProceed; public int reason; } private enum USER_BAN_REASONS { HARDWARE_BAN = 10, USER_BAN = 20 } public Message(TcpClient client, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, ILogger logger) { _tcpClient = client; _networkStream = client.GetStream(); _buffer = buffer; _bufferSize = bufferSize; _logger = logger; _header = this.GetMessageHeader(); switch (_header.message_type) { case (int)MESSAGE_TYPE.MESSAGE_TYPE_CLIENT_REPORT: int reportId = GetPacketRequestId().RequestId; this.HandleReportMessage(reportId); break; case (int)MESSAGE_TYPE.MESSAGE_TYPE_CLIENT_SEND: int requestId = GetPacketRequestId().RequestId; this.HandleClientSendMessage(requestId); break; default: _logger.Information("This message type is not accepted at the moment."); break; } } private PACKET_HEADER GetMessageHeader() { return Helper.BytesToStructure(ref _buffer, 0); } unsafe private PACKET_REQUEST_HEADER GetPacketRequestId() { return Helper.BytesToStructure(ref _buffer, sizeof(PACKET_HEADER)); } unsafe private CLIENT_SEND_PACKET_HEADER GetClientSendPacketHeader() { return Helper.BytesToStructure(ref _buffer, sizeof(PACKET_HEADER)); } unsafe private void HandleReportMessage(int reportId) { OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT openHandleFailure = Helper.BytesToStructure(ref _buffer, sizeof(PACKET_HEADER)); _logger.Information("Report code: {0}, ProcessID: {1:x}, ThreadId: {2:x}, DesiredAccess{3:x}", openHandleFailure.ReportCode, openHandleFailure.ProcessId, openHandleFailure.ThreadId, openHandleFailure.DesiredAccess); } private void HandleClientSendMessage(int clientSendId) { CLIENT_SEND_PACKET_HEADER header = GetClientSendPacketHeader(); switch (header.RequestId) { case (int)CLIENT_SEND_REQUEST_ID.SYSTEM_INFORMATION: this.HandleClientSendHardwareInformation(header); break; } } unsafe private void HandleClientSendHardwareInformation(CLIENT_SEND_PACKET_HEADER sendPacketHeader) { _logger.Information("Handling client send hardware information"); string moboSerial = Helper.FixedUnsafeBufferToSafeString( ref _buffer, _bufferSize, sizeof(PACKET_HEADER) + sizeof(CLIENT_SEND_PACKET_HEADER), 32); if (moboSerial == null) return; string driveSerial = Helper.FixedUnsafeBufferToSafeString( ref _buffer, _bufferSize, sizeof(PACKET_HEADER) + sizeof(CLIENT_SEND_PACKET_HEADER) + 32, 32); if (driveSerial == null) return; _logger.Information("SteamId: {0}, Mobo Serial: {1}, drive serial: {2}", _header.steam64_id, moboSerial, driveSerial); using (var context = new ModelContext()) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Create a new user var user = new User { Steam64Id = 12312322222, // Replace with a valid Steam64Id }; context.Users.Add(user); // Create a new hardware configuration associated with the user var hardwareConfiguration = new HardwareConfiguration { DeviceDrive0Serial = "Serial123", // Replace with a valid serial number MotherboardSerial = "MotherboardSerial123", // Replace with a valid serial number User = user // Associate the hardware configuration with the user }; // Add the user and hardware configuration to the context and save changes context.HardwareConfiguration.Add(hardwareConfiguration); context.SaveChanges(); /* UserEntity user = new UserEntity(context); user.Steam64Id = _header.steam64_id; if (!user.CheckIfUserExists()) { _logger.Information("Creating new user"); user.InsertUser(); context.SaveChanges(); } else if (user.CheckIfUserIsBanned()) { _logger.Information("User is banned"); BuildSystemVerificationResponseHeader(0, sendPacketHeader.RequestId, (int)USER_BAN_REASONS.USER_BAN); return; } HardwareConfigurationEntity hwConfig = new HardwareConfigurationEntity(context) { User = user, IsBanned = false, MotherboardSerial = moboSerial, DeviceDrive0Serial = driveSerial };*/ /* if (hwConfig.CheckIfHardwareIsBanned()) { _logger.Information("Users hardware is banned"); BuildSystemVerificationResponseHeader(0, sendPacketHeader.RequestId, (int)USER_BAN_REASONS.HARDWARE_BAN); return; }*/ //context.HardwareConfiguration.Add(hwConfig); //context.SaveChanges(); } } private void BuildSystemVerificationResponseHeader(int canUserProceed, int requestId, int reason) { SYSTEM_INFORMATION_REQUEST_RESPONSE response = new SYSTEM_INFORMATION_REQUEST_RESPONSE(); response.CanUserProceed = canUserProceed; response.RequestId = requestId; response.reason = reason; byte[] responseBytes = Helper.StructureToBytes(ref response); _networkStream.Write(responseBytes, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(response)); } } }