#include "modules.h" #include "nmi.h" #include "common.h" NTSTATUS ValidateDriverIOCTLDispatchRegion( _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES Modules, _In_ PBOOLEAN Flag ) { if ( !Modules || !Driver || !Flag ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; UINT64 dispatch_function; UINT64 ntoskrnl_base = 0; UINT64 ntoskrnl_end = 0; *Flag = TRUE; /* * If the dispatch routine points to a location that is not in the confines of * the module, report it. Basic check but every effective for catching driver * dispatch hooking. */ dispatch_function = Driver->MajorFunction[ IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL ]; if ( dispatch_function == NULL ) return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* grab ntoskrnl region as default handler is located in here */ for ( INT index = 0; index < Modules->module_count; index++ ) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = ( PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO )( ( uintptr_t )Modules->address + index * sizeof( RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ) ); if ( strstr(system_module->FullPathName, "ntoskrnl.exe" ) ) { ntoskrnl_base = ( UINT64 )system_module->ImageBase; ntoskrnl_end = ntoskrnl_base + system_module->ImageSize; break; } } if ( !ntoskrnl_base || !ntoskrnl_end ) return STATUS_ABANDONED; DEBUG_LOG( "ntoskrnl base: %llx, end: %llx", ntoskrnl_base, ntoskrnl_end ); for ( INT index = 0; index < Modules->module_count; index++ ) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = ( PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO )( ( uintptr_t )Modules->address + index * sizeof( RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ) ); if ( system_module->ImageBase != Driver->DriverStart ) continue; if ( Driver->DeviceObject == NULL ) continue; if ( dispatch_function >= ntoskrnl_base && dispatch_function <= ntoskrnl_end ) continue; if ( dispatch_function >= system_module->ImageBase && dispatch_function <= ( UINT64 )system_module->ImageBase + system_module->ImageSize ) return STATUS_SUCCESS; //if ( Driver->DeviceObject->DeviceType != NULL ) // continue; DEBUG_LOG( "name: %s, base: %p, size: %lx, dispatch: %llx, type: %lx", system_module->FullPathName, system_module->ImageBase, system_module->ImageSize, dispatch_function, Driver->DeviceObject->DeviceType); *Flag = FALSE; DEBUG_ERROR( "system modules ioctl dispatch is outside of its region" ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //DEBUG_LOG( "Current function: %llx", dispatch_function ); //if ( dispatch_function >= base && dispatch_function <= end ) //{ // DEBUG_LOG( "THIS ADDRESS IS INSIDE ITS REGIUON :)" ); // return STATUS_SUCCESS; //} //DEBUG_ERROR( "Driver with invalid IOCTL dispatch routine found" ); //*Flag = FALSE; } VOID InitDriverList( _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD ListHead ) { ListHead->count = 0; ListHead->first_entry = NULL; } VOID AddDriverToList( _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, _In_ INT Reason ) { PINVALID_DRIVER new_entry = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof( INVALID_DRIVER ), INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_ENTRY_POOL ); if ( !new_entry ) return; new_entry->driver = Driver; new_entry->reason = Reason; new_entry->next = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry; InvalidDriversHead->first_entry = new_entry; } VOID RemoveInvalidDriverFromList( _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead ) { if ( InvalidDriversHead->first_entry ) { PINVALID_DRIVER entry = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry; InvalidDriversHead->first_entry = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry->next; ExFreePoolWithTag( entry, INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_ENTRY_POOL ); } } VOID EnumerateInvalidDrivers( _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead ) { PINVALID_DRIVER entry = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry; while ( entry != NULL ) { DEBUG_LOG( "Invalid Driver: %wZ", entry->driver->DriverName ); entry = entry->next; } } NTSTATUS ValidateDriverObjectHasBackingModule( _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES ModuleInformation, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Result ) { if ( !ModuleInformation || !DriverObject || !Result ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for ( INT i = 0; i < ModuleInformation->module_count; i++ ) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = ( PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO )( ( uintptr_t )ModuleInformation->address + i * sizeof( RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ) ); if ( system_module->ImageBase == DriverObject->DriverStart ) { *Result = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } DEBUG_LOG( "invalid driver found" ); *Result = FALSE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //https://imphash.medium.com/windows-process-internals-a-few-concepts-to-know-before-jumping-on-memory-forensics-part-3-4a0e195d947b NTSTATUS GetSystemModuleInformation( _Out_ PSYSTEM_MODULES ModuleInformation ) { if ( !ModuleInformation ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ULONG size = 0; /* * query system module information without an output buffer to get * number of bytes required to store all module info structures */ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( RtlQueryModuleInformation( &size, sizeof( RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ), NULL ) ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed to query module information" ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* Allocate a pool equal to the output size of RtlQueryModuleInformation */ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO driver_information = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, size, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL ); if ( !driver_information ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed to allocate pool LOL" ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* Query the modules again this time passing a pointer to the allocated buffer */ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( RtlQueryModuleInformation( &size, sizeof( RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ), driver_information ) ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed lolz" ); ExFreePoolWithTag( driver_information, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } ModuleInformation->address = driver_information; ModuleInformation->module_count = size / sizeof( RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ValidateDriverObjects( _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules, _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriverListHead ) { if ( !SystemModules || !InvalidDriverListHead ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; HANDLE handle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attributes = { 0 }; PVOID directory = { 0 }; UNICODE_STRING directory_name; RtlInitUnicodeString( &directory_name, L"\\Driver" ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &attributes, &directory_name, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ZwOpenDirectoryObject( &handle, DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS, &attributes ) ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed to query directory object" ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ObReferenceObjectByHandle( handle, DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, KernelMode, &directory, NULL ) ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed to reference directory by handle" ); ZwClose( handle ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* * Windows organises its drivers in object directories (not the same as * files directories). For the driver directory, there are 37 entries, * each driver is hashed and indexed. If there is a driver with a duplicate * index, it is inserted into same index in a linked list using the * _OBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY struct. So to enumerate all drivers we visit * each entry in the hashmap, enumerate all objects in the linked list * at entry j then we increment the hashmap index i. The motivation behind * this is that when a driver is accessed, it is brought to the first index * in the linked list, so drivers that are accessed the most can be * accessed quickly */ POBJECT_DIRECTORY directory_object = ( POBJECT_DIRECTORY )directory; ExAcquirePushLockExclusiveEx( &directory_object->Lock, NULL ); for ( INT i = 0; i < NUMBER_HASH_BUCKETS; i++ ) { POBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY entry = directory_object->HashBuckets[ i ]; if ( !entry ) continue; POBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY sub_entry = entry; while ( sub_entry ) { PDRIVER_OBJECT current_driver = sub_entry->Object; BOOLEAN flag; /* validate driver has backing module */ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ValidateDriverObjectHasBackingModule( SystemModules, current_driver, &flag ) ) ) { DEBUG_LOG( "Error validating driver object" ); ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx( &directory_object->Lock, 0 ); ObDereferenceObject( directory ); ZwClose( handle ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } if ( !flag ) { InvalidDriverListHead->count += 1; AddDriverToList( InvalidDriverListHead, current_driver, REASON_NO_BACKING_MODULE ); } /* validate drivers IOCTL dispatch routines */ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ValidateDriverIOCTLDispatchRegion( current_driver, SystemModules, &flag ) ) ) { DEBUG_LOG( "Error validating drivers IOCTL routines" ); ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx( &directory_object->Lock, 0 ); ObDereferenceObject( directory ); ZwClose( handle ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } if ( !flag ) { InvalidDriverListHead->count += 1; AddDriverToList( InvalidDriverListHead, current_driver, REASON_INVALID_IOCTL_DISPATCH ); } sub_entry = sub_entry->ChainLink; } } ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx( &directory_object->Lock, 0 ); ObDereferenceObject( directory ); ZwClose( handle ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS HandleValidateDriversIOCTL( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SYSTEM_MODULES system_modules = { 0 }; /* Fix annoying visual studio linting error */ RtlZeroMemory( &system_modules, sizeof( SYSTEM_MODULES ) ); status = GetSystemModuleInformation( &system_modules ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Error retriving system module information" ); return status; } PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD head = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof( INVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD ), INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_HEAD_POOL ); if ( !head ) { ExFreePoolWithTag( system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* * Use a linked list here so that so we have easy access to the invalid drivers * which we can then use to copy the drivers logic for further analysis in * identifying drivers specifically used for the purpose of cheating */ InitDriverList( head ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ValidateDriverObjects( &system_modules, head ) ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed to validate driver objects" ); ExFreePoolWithTag( system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL ); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER header; header.module_count = head->count; if ( head->count > 0 ) { DEBUG_LOG( "found INVALID drivers with count: %i", head->count ); Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof( MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER ) + MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT * sizeof( MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE ); RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &header, sizeof( MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER ) ); for ( INT i = 0; i < head->count; i++ ) { /* make sure we free any non reported modules */ if ( i >= MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT ) { RemoveInvalidDriverFromList( head ); continue; } MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE report; report.report_code = REPORT_MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE; report.report_type = head->first_entry->reason; report.driver_base_address = head->first_entry->driver->DriverStart; report.driver_size = head->first_entry->driver->Size; RtlCopyMemory( &report.driver_name, head->first_entry->driver->DriverName.Buffer, MODULE_REPORT_DRIVER_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE ); RtlCopyMemory( ( UINT64 )Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + sizeof( MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER ) + i * sizeof( MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE ), &report, sizeof( MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE ) ); RemoveInvalidDriverFromList( head ); } } else { DEBUG_LOG( "No INVALID drivers found :)" ); } ExFreePoolWithTag( head, INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_HEAD_POOL ); ExFreePoolWithTag( system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL ); /* * Complete the IRP here so we don't have to implement a waiting mechanism * to prevent an early completion of the IRP. */ //IoCompleteRequest( Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT ); //Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; return status; }