#include "modules.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "driver.h" #define WHITELISTED_MODULE_TAG 'whte' #define NMI_DELAY 200 * 10000 #define WHITELISTED_MODULE_COUNT 11 #define MODULE_MAX_STRING_SIZE 256 #define NTOSKRNL 0 #define CLASSPNP 1 #define WDF01000 2 /* * The modules seen in the array below have been seen to commonly hook other drivers' * IOCTL dispatch routines. Its possible to see this by using WinObjEx64 and checking which * module each individual dispatch routine lies in. These modules are then addded to the list * (in addition to either the driver itself or ntoskrnl) which is seen as a valid region * for a drivers dispatch routine to lie within. */ CHAR WHITELISTED_MODULES[WHITELISTED_MODULE_COUNT][MODULE_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { "ntoskrnl.exe", "CLASSPNP.SYS", "Wdf01000.sys", "HIDCLASS.SYS", "storport.sys", "dxgkrnl.sys", "ndis.sys", "ks.sys", "portcls.sys", "rdbss.sys", "LXCORE.SYS" }; #define MODULE_REPORT_DRIVER_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define REASON_NO_BACKING_MODULE 1 #define REASON_INVALID_IOCTL_DISPATCH 2 #define SYSTEM_IDLE_PROCESS_ID 0 #define SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID 4 #define SVCHOST_PROCESS_ID 8 typedef struct _WHITELISTED_REGIONS { UINT64 base; UINT64 end; }WHITELISTED_REGIONS, * PWHITELISTED_REGIONS; typedef struct _NMI_POOLS { PVOID thread_data_pool; PVOID stack_frames; PVOID nmi_context; }NMI_POOLS, * PNMI_POOLS; typedef struct _NMI_CORE_CONTEXT { INT nmi_callbacks_run; }NMI_CORE_CONTEXT, * PNMI_CORE_CONTEXT; typedef struct _MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER { INT module_count; }MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER, * PMODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER; typedef struct _NMI_CONTEXT { PVOID thread_data_pool; PVOID stack_frames; PVOID nmi_core_context; INT core_count; }NMI_CONTEXT, * PNMI_CONTEXT; typedef struct _NMI_CALLBACK_DATA { UINT64 kthread_address; UINT64 kprocess_address; UINT64 start_address; UINT64 stack_limit; UINT64 stack_base; uintptr_t stack_frames_offset; INT num_frames_captured; UINT64 cr3; }NMI_CALLBACK_DATA, * PNMI_CALLBACK_DATA; typedef struct _INVALID_DRIVER { struct _INVALID_DRIVER* next; INT reason; PDRIVER_OBJECT driver; }INVALID_DRIVER, * PINVALID_DRIVER; typedef struct _INVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD { PINVALID_DRIVER first_entry; INT count; }INVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD, * PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD; STATIC NTSTATUS PopulateWhitelistedModuleBuffer( _Inout_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules); STATIC NTSTATUS ValidateDriverIOCTLDispatchRegion( _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES Modules, _In_ PWHITELISTED_REGIONS WhitelistedRegions, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Flag); STATIC VOID InitDriverList( _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD ListHead); STATIC VOID AddDriverToList( _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, _In_ INT Reason); STATIC VOID RemoveInvalidDriverFromList( _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead); STATIC VOID EnumerateInvalidDrivers( _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead); STATIC NTSTATUS ValidateDriverObjectHasBackingModule( _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES ModuleInformation, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Result); _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) _Acquires_lock_(_Lock_kind_critical_section_) _Releases_lock_(_Lock_kind_critical_section_) STATIC NTSTATUS ValidateDriverObjects( _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules, _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriverListHead); STATIC NTSTATUS AnalyseNmiData( _In_ PNMI_CONTEXT NmiContext, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules, _Inout_ PIRP Irp); STATIC NTSTATUS LaunchNonMaskableInterrupt( _Inout_ PNMI_CONTEXT NmiContext); _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ApcRundownRoutine( _In_ PRKAPC Apc); _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ApcKernelRoutine( _In_ PRKAPC Apc, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE* NormalRoutine, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PVOID* NormalContext, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PVOID* SystemArgument1, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PVOID* SystemArgument2); _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ApcNormalRoutine( _In_opt_ PVOID NormalContext, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument1, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument2); _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ValidateThreadViaKernelApcCallback( _In_ PTHREAD_LIST_ENTRY ThreadListEntry, _Inout_opt_ PVOID Context); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FindSystemModuleByName) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PopulateWhitelistedModuleBuffer) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ValidateDriverIOCTLDispatchRegion) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, InitDriverList) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, AddDriverToList) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RemoveInvalidDriverFromList) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, EnumerateInvalidDrivers) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ValidateDriverObjectHasBackingModule) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, GetSystemModuleInformation) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ValidateDriverObjects) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleValidateDriversIOCTL) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IsInstructionPointerInInvalidRegion) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, AnalyseNmiData) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, LaunchNonMaskableInterrupt) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleNmiIOCTL) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ApcRundownRoutine) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ApcKernelRoutine) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ApcNormalRoutine) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FlipKThreadMiscFlagsFlag) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ValidateThreadsViaKernelApc) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ValidateThreadViaKernelApcCallback) #endif /* * TODO: this needs to be refactored to just return the entry not the whole fukin thing */ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO FindSystemModuleByName( _In_ LPCSTR ModuleName, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!ModuleName || !SystemModules) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (INT index = 0; index < SystemModules->module_count; index++) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = (PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)( (uintptr_t)SystemModules->address + index * sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)); if (strstr(system_module->FullPathName, ModuleName)) { return system_module; } } } STATIC NTSTATUS PopulateWhitelistedModuleBuffer( _Inout_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!Buffer || !SystemModules) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (INT index = 0; index < WHITELISTED_MODULE_COUNT; index++) { LPCSTR name = WHITELISTED_MODULES[index]; PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO module = FindSystemModuleByName(name, SystemModules); /* not everyone will contain all whitelisted modules */ if (!module) continue; WHITELISTED_REGIONS region; region.base = (UINT64)module->ImageBase; region.end = region.base + module->ImageSize; RtlCopyMemory( (UINT64)Buffer + index * sizeof(WHITELISTED_REGIONS), ®ion, sizeof(WHITELISTED_REGIONS) ); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } STATIC NTSTATUS ValidateDriverIOCTLDispatchRegion( _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES Modules, _In_ PWHITELISTED_REGIONS WhitelistedRegions, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Flag ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!Modules || !Driver || !Flag || !WhitelistedRegions) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; UINT64 dispatch_function; UINT64 module_base; UINT64 module_end; *Flag = TRUE; dispatch_function = Driver->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL]; if (dispatch_function == NULL) return STATUS_SUCCESS; for (INT index = 0; index < Modules->module_count; index++) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = (PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)( (uintptr_t)Modules->address + index * sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)); if (system_module->ImageBase != Driver->DriverStart) continue; /* make sure our driver has a device object which is required for IOCTL */ if (Driver->DeviceObject == NULL) return STATUS_SUCCESS; module_base = (UINT64)system_module->ImageBase; module_end = module_base + system_module->ImageSize; /* firstly, check if its inside its own module */ if (dispatch_function >= module_base && dispatch_function <= module_end) return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* * The WDF framework and other low level drivers often hook the dispatch routines * when initiating the respective config of their framework or system. With a bit of * digging you can view the drivers reponsible for the hooks. What this means is that * there will be legit drivers with dispatch routines that point outside of ntoskrnl * and their own memory region. So, I have formed a list which contains the drivers * that perform these hooks and we iteratively check if the dispatch routine is contained * within one of these whitelisted regions. A note on how to imrpove this is the fact * that a code cave can be used inside a whitelisted region which then jumps to an invalid * region such as a manually mapped driver. So in the future we should implement a function * which checks for standard hook implementations like mov rax jmp rax etc. */ for (INT index = 0; index < WHITELISTED_MODULE_COUNT; index++) { if (dispatch_function >= WhitelistedRegions[index].base && dispatch_function <= WhitelistedRegions[index].end) return STATUS_SUCCESS; } DEBUG_LOG("name: %s, base: %p, size: %lx, dispatch: %llx, type: %lx", system_module->FullPathName, system_module->ImageBase, system_module->ImageSize, dispatch_function, Driver->DeviceObject->DeviceType); *Flag = FALSE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } STATIC VOID InitDriverList( _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD ListHead ) { PAGED_CODE(); ListHead->count = 0; ListHead->first_entry = NULL; } STATIC VOID AddDriverToList( _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, _In_ INT Reason ) { PAGED_CODE(); PINVALID_DRIVER new_entry = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(INVALID_DRIVER), INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_ENTRY_POOL ); if (!new_entry) return; new_entry->driver = Driver; new_entry->reason = Reason; new_entry->next = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry; InvalidDriversHead->first_entry = new_entry; } STATIC VOID RemoveInvalidDriverFromList( _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (InvalidDriversHead->first_entry) { PINVALID_DRIVER entry = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry; InvalidDriversHead->first_entry = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry->next; ExFreePoolWithTag(entry, INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_ENTRY_POOL); } } STATIC VOID EnumerateInvalidDrivers( _In_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriversHead ) { PAGED_CODE(); PINVALID_DRIVER entry = InvalidDriversHead->first_entry; while (entry != NULL) { DEBUG_LOG("Invalid Driver: %wZ", entry->driver->DriverName); entry = entry->next; } } STATIC NTSTATUS ValidateDriverObjectHasBackingModule( _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES ModuleInformation, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Result ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!ModuleInformation || !DriverObject || !Result) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (INT i = 0; i < ModuleInformation->module_count; i++) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = (PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)( (uintptr_t)ModuleInformation->address + i * sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)); if (system_module->ImageBase == DriverObject->DriverStart) { *Result = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } DEBUG_LOG("invalid driver found"); *Result = FALSE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //https://imphash.medium.com/windows-process-internals-a-few-concepts-to-know-before-jumping-on-memory-forensics-part-3-4a0e195d947b NTSTATUS GetSystemModuleInformation( _Inout_ PSYSTEM_MODULES ModuleInformation ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!ModuleInformation) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ULONG size = 0; /* * query system module information without an output buffer to get * number of bytes required to store all module info structures */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlQueryModuleInformation( &size, sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO), NULL ))) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to query module information"); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* Allocate a pool equal to the output size of RtlQueryModuleInformation */ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO driver_information = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, size, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL ); if (!driver_information) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate pool LOL"); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* Query the modules again this time passing a pointer to the allocated buffer */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlQueryModuleInformation( &size, sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO), driver_information ))) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed lolz"); ExFreePoolWithTag(driver_information, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } ModuleInformation->address = driver_information; ModuleInformation->module_count = size / sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) _Acquires_lock_(_Lock_kind_critical_section_) _Releases_lock_(_Lock_kind_critical_section_) STATIC NTSTATUS ValidateDriverObjects( _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules, _Inout_ PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD InvalidDriverListHead ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!SystemModules || !InvalidDriverListHead) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; HANDLE handle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attributes = { 0 }; PVOID directory = { 0 }; UNICODE_STRING directory_name; NTSTATUS status; RtlInitUnicodeString(&directory_name, L"\\Driver"); InitializeObjectAttributes( &attributes, &directory_name, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ZwOpenDirectoryObject( &handle, DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS, &attributes ))) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to query directory object"); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(ObReferenceObjectByHandle( handle, DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, KernelMode, &directory, NULL ))) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to reference directory by handle"); ZwClose(handle); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* * Windows organises its drivers in object directories (not the same as * files directories). For the driver directory, there are 37 entries, * each driver is hashed and indexed. If there is a driver with a duplicate * index, it is inserted into same index in a linked list using the * _OBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY struct. So to enumerate all drivers we visit * each entry in the hashmap, enumerate all objects in the linked list * at entry j then we increment the hashmap index i. The motivation behind * this is that when a driver is accessed, it is brought to the first index * in the linked list, so drivers that are accessed the most can be * accessed quickly */ POBJECT_DIRECTORY directory_object = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY)directory; ExAcquirePushLockExclusiveEx(&directory_object->Lock, NULL); PVOID whitelisted_regions_buffer = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, WHITELISTED_MODULE_COUNT * MODULE_MAX_STRING_SIZE, WHITELISTED_MODULE_TAG ); if (!whitelisted_regions_buffer) goto end; status = PopulateWhitelistedModuleBuffer( whitelisted_regions_buffer, SystemModules ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("PopulateWhiteListedBuffer failed with status %x", status); goto end; } for (INT i = 0; i < NUMBER_HASH_BUCKETS; i++) { POBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY entry = directory_object->HashBuckets[i]; if (!entry) continue; POBJECT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY sub_entry = entry; while (sub_entry) { PDRIVER_OBJECT current_driver = sub_entry->Object; BOOLEAN flag; /* validate driver has backing module */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(ValidateDriverObjectHasBackingModule( SystemModules, current_driver, &flag ))) { DEBUG_LOG("Error validating driver object"); ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx(&directory_object->Lock, 0); ObDereferenceObject(directory); ZwClose(handle); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } if (!flag) { InvalidDriverListHead->count += 1; AddDriverToList(InvalidDriverListHead, current_driver, REASON_NO_BACKING_MODULE); } /* validate drivers IOCTL dispatch routines */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(ValidateDriverIOCTLDispatchRegion( current_driver, SystemModules, (PWHITELISTED_REGIONS)whitelisted_regions_buffer, &flag ))) { DEBUG_LOG("Error validating drivers IOCTL routines"); ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx(&directory_object->Lock, 0); ObDereferenceObject(directory); ZwClose(handle); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } if (!flag) { InvalidDriverListHead->count += 1; AddDriverToList(InvalidDriverListHead, current_driver, REASON_INVALID_IOCTL_DISPATCH); } sub_entry = sub_entry->ChainLink; } } end: if (whitelisted_regions_buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(whitelisted_regions_buffer, WHITELISTED_MODULE_TAG); ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx(&directory_object->Lock, 0); ObDereferenceObject(directory); ZwClose(handle); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS HandleValidateDriversIOCTL( _Inout_ PIRP Irp ) { PAGED_CODE(); NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_MODULES system_modules = { 0 }; /* Fix annoying visual studio linting error */ RtlZeroMemory(&system_modules, sizeof(SYSTEM_MODULES)); status = GetSystemModuleInformation(&system_modules); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Error retriving system module information"); return status; } PINVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD head = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(INVALID_DRIVERS_HEAD), INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_HEAD_POOL); if (!head) { ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* * Use a linked list here so that so we have easy access to the invalid drivers * which we can then use to copy the drivers logic for further analysis in * identifying drivers specifically used for the purpose of cheating */ InitDriverList(head); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ValidateDriverObjects(&system_modules, head))) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to validate driver objects"); ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER header; header.module_count = head->count >= MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT ? MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT : head->count; if (head->count > 0) { DEBUG_LOG("found INVALID drivers with count: %i", head->count); PVOID buffer = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER) + MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT * sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE), MODULES_REPORT_POOL_TAG); if (!buffer) { ExFreePoolWithTag(head, INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_HEAD_POOL); ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; } Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER) + MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT * sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE); RtlCopyMemory( buffer, &header, sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER) ); for (INT i = 0; i < head->count; i++) { /* make sure we free any non reported modules */ if (i >= MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT) { RemoveInvalidDriverFromList(head); continue; } MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE report; report.report_code = REPORT_MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE; report.report_type = head->first_entry->reason; report.driver_base_address = head->first_entry->driver->DriverStart; report.driver_size = head->first_entry->driver->DriverSize; ANSI_STRING string; string.Length = 0; string.MaximumLength = MODULE_REPORT_DRIVER_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE; string.Buffer = &report.driver_name; status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &string, &head->first_entry->driver->DriverName, FALSE ); /* still continue if we fail to get the driver name */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) DEBUG_ERROR("RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString failed with statsu %x", status); RtlCopyMemory( (UINT64)buffer + sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER) + i * sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE), &report, sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE)); RemoveInvalidDriverFromList(head); } RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, buffer, sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_HEADER) + MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MAX_REPORT_COUNT * sizeof(MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILURE) ); ExFreePoolWithTag(buffer, MODULES_REPORT_POOL_TAG); } else { DEBUG_LOG("No INVALID drivers found :)"); } ExFreePoolWithTag(head, INVALID_DRIVER_LIST_HEAD_POOL); ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return status; } NTSTATUS IsInstructionPointerInInvalidRegion( _In_ UINT64 RIP, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Result ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!RIP || !SystemModules || !Result) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Note that this does not check for HAL or PatchGuard Execution */ for (INT i = 0; i < SystemModules->module_count; i++) { PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO system_module = (PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)( (uintptr_t)SystemModules->address + i * sizeof(RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO)); UINT64 base = (UINT64)system_module->ImageBase; UINT64 end = base + system_module->ImageSize; if (RIP >= base && RIP <= end) { *Result = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS;; } } *Result = FALSE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } STATIC NTSTATUS AnalyseNmiData( _In_ PNMI_CONTEXT NmiContext, _In_ PSYSTEM_MODULES SystemModules, _Inout_ PIRP Irp ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!NmiContext || !SystemModules) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (INT core = 0; core < NmiContext->core_count; core++) { PNMI_CORE_CONTEXT context = (PNMI_CORE_CONTEXT)((uintptr_t)NmiContext->nmi_core_context + core * sizeof(NMI_CORE_CONTEXT)); /* Make sure our NMIs were run */ if (!context->nmi_callbacks_run) { NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE report; report.report_code = REPORT_NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE; report.kthread_address = NULL; report.invalid_rip = NULL; report.were_nmis_disabled = TRUE; Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE); RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &report, sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE) ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } PNMI_CALLBACK_DATA thread_data = (PNMI_CALLBACK_DATA)( (uintptr_t)NmiContext->thread_data_pool + core * sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_DATA)); DEBUG_LOG("cpu number: %i callback count: %i", core, context->nmi_callbacks_run); /* Walk the stack */ for (INT frame = 0; frame < thread_data->num_frames_captured; frame++) { BOOLEAN flag; DWORD64 stack_frame = *(DWORD64*)( ((uintptr_t)NmiContext->stack_frames + thread_data->stack_frames_offset + frame * sizeof(PVOID))); if (!NT_SUCCESS(IsInstructionPointerInInvalidRegion(stack_frame, SystemModules, &flag))) { DEBUG_ERROR("errro checking RIP for current stack address"); continue; } if (flag == FALSE) { /* * Note: for now, we only handle 1 report at a time so we stop the * analysis once we receive a report since we only send a buffer * large enough for 1 report. In the future this should be changed * to a buffer that can hold atleast 4 reports (since the chance we * get 4 reports with a single NMI would be impossible) so we can * continue parsing the rest of the stack frames after receiving a * single report. */ NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE report; report.report_code = REPORT_NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE; report.kthread_address = thread_data->kthread_address; report.invalid_rip = stack_frame; report.were_nmis_disabled = FALSE; Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE); RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &report, sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_FAILURE) ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } _IRQL_requires_max_(HIGH_LEVEL) STATIC BOOLEAN NmiCallback( _Inout_opt_ PVOID Context, _In_ BOOLEAN Handled ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Handled); PVOID current_thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); NMI_CALLBACK_DATA thread_data = { 0 }; PNMI_CONTEXT nmi_context = (PNMI_CONTEXT)Context; ULONG proc_num = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); if (!nmi_context) return TRUE; /* * Cannot allocate pool in this function as it runs at IRQL >= dispatch level * so ive just allocated a global pool with size equal to 0x200 * num_procs */ INT num_frames_captured = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( NULL, STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE / sizeof(UINT64), (uintptr_t)nmi_context->stack_frames + proc_num * STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE, NULL ); /* * This function is run in the context of the interrupted thread hence we can * gather any and all information regarding the thread that may be useful for analysis */ thread_data.kthread_address = (UINT64)current_thread; thread_data.kprocess_address = (UINT64)PsGetCurrentProcess(); thread_data.stack_base = *((UINT64*)((uintptr_t)current_thread + KTHREAD_STACK_BASE_OFFSET)); thread_data.stack_limit = *((UINT64*)((uintptr_t)current_thread + KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT_OFFSET)); thread_data.start_address = *((UINT64*)((uintptr_t)current_thread + KTHREAD_START_ADDRESS_OFFSET)); thread_data.cr3 = __readcr3(); thread_data.stack_frames_offset = proc_num * STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE; thread_data.num_frames_captured = num_frames_captured; RtlCopyMemory( ((uintptr_t)nmi_context->thread_data_pool) + proc_num * sizeof(thread_data), &thread_data, sizeof(thread_data) ); PNMI_CORE_CONTEXT core_context = (PNMI_CORE_CONTEXT)((uintptr_t)nmi_context->nmi_core_context + proc_num * sizeof(NMI_CORE_CONTEXT)); core_context->nmi_callbacks_run += 1; return TRUE; } STATIC NTSTATUS LaunchNonMaskableInterrupt( _Inout_ PNMI_CONTEXT NmiContext ) { PAGED_CODE(); if (!NmiContext) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; PKAFFINITY_EX ProcAffinityPool = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(KAFFINITY_EX), PROC_AFFINITY_POOL); if (!ProcAffinityPool) return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; NmiContext->stack_frames = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, NmiContext->core_count * STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE, STACK_FRAMES_POOL); if (!NmiContext->stack_frames) { ExFreePoolWithTag(ProcAffinityPool, PROC_AFFINITY_POOL); return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; } NmiContext->thread_data_pool = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, NmiContext->core_count * sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_DATA), THREAD_DATA_POOL); if (!NmiContext->thread_data_pool) { ExFreePoolWithTag(NmiContext->stack_frames, STACK_FRAMES_POOL); ExFreePoolWithTag(ProcAffinityPool, PROC_AFFINITY_POOL); return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; } LARGE_INTEGER delay = { 0 }; delay.QuadPart -= 100 * 10000; for (ULONG core = 0; core < NmiContext->core_count; core++) { KeInitializeAffinityEx(ProcAffinityPool); KeAddProcessorAffinityEx(ProcAffinityPool, core); HalSendNMI(ProcAffinityPool); /* * Only a single NMI can be active at any given time, so arbitrarily * delay execution to allow time for the NMI to be processed */ KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &delay); } ExFreePoolWithTag(ProcAffinityPool, PROC_AFFINITY_POOL); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS HandleNmiIOCTL( _Inout_ PIRP Irp ) { PAGED_CODE(); NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_MODULES system_modules = { 0 }; NMI_CONTEXT nmi_context = { 0 }; PVOID callback_handle; nmi_context.core_count = KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx(0); nmi_context.nmi_core_context = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, nmi_context.core_count * sizeof(NMI_CORE_CONTEXT), NMI_CONTEXT_POOL); if (!nmi_context.nmi_core_context) return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; /* * We want to register and unregister our callback each time so it becomes harder * for people to hook our callback and get up to some funny business */ callback_handle = KeRegisterNmiCallback(NmiCallback, &nmi_context); if (!callback_handle) { DEBUG_ERROR("KeRegisterNmiCallback failed"); ExFreePoolWithTag(nmi_context.nmi_core_context, NMI_CONTEXT_POOL); return STATUS_ABANDONED; } /* * We query the system modules each time since they can potentially * change at any time */ status = GetSystemModuleInformation(&system_modules); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Error retriving system module information"); return status; } status = LaunchNonMaskableInterrupt(&nmi_context); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Error running NMI callbacks"); if (system_modules.address) ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return status; } status = AnalyseNmiData(&nmi_context, &system_modules, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) DEBUG_ERROR("Error analysing nmi data"); if (system_modules.address) ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); if (nmi_context.nmi_core_context) ExFreePoolWithTag(nmi_context.nmi_core_context, NMI_CONTEXT_POOL); if (nmi_context.stack_frames) ExFreePoolWithTag(nmi_context.stack_frames, STACK_FRAMES_POOL); if (nmi_context.thread_data_pool) ExFreePoolWithTag(nmi_context.thread_data_pool, THREAD_DATA_POOL); KeDeregisterNmiCallback(callback_handle); return status; } /* * The RundownRoutine is executed if the thread terminates before the APC was delivered to * user mode. */ _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ApcRundownRoutine( _In_ PRKAPC Apc ) { PAGED_CODE(); FreeApcAndDecrementApcCount(Apc, APC_CONTEXT_ID_STACKWALK); } /* * The KernelRoutine is executed in kernel mode at APC_LEVEL before the APC is delivered. This * is also where we want to free our APC object. */ _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ApcKernelRoutine( _In_ PRKAPC Apc, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE* NormalRoutine, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PVOID* NormalContext, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PVOID* SystemArgument1, _Inout_ _Deref_pre_maybenull_ PVOID* SystemArgument2 ) { PAGED_CODE(); PVOID buffer = NULL; INT frames_captured = 0; UINT64 stack_frame = 0; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN flag = FALSE; PAPC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT context; PTHREAD_LIST_ENTRY thread_list_entry = NULL; context = (PAPC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT)Apc->NormalContext; FindThreadListEntryByThreadAddress(KeGetCurrentThread(), &thread_list_entry); if (!thread_list_entry) return; buffer = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE, POOL_TAG_APC); if (!buffer) goto free; frames_captured = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( NULL, STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE / sizeof(UINT64), buffer, NULL ); if (frames_captured == NULL) goto free; for (INT index = 0; index < frames_captured; index++) { stack_frame = *(UINT64*)((UINT64)buffer + index * sizeof(UINT64)); /* * Apc->NormalContext holds the address of our context data structure that we passed into * KeInitializeApc as the last argument. */ status = IsInstructionPointerInInvalidRegion( stack_frame, context->modules, &flag ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("IsInstructionPointerInInvalidRegion failed with status %x", status); goto free; } if (flag == FALSE) { PAPC_STACKWALK_REPORT report = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(APC_STACKWALK_REPORT), POOL_TAG_APC); if (!report) goto free; report->report_code = REPORT_APC_STACKWALK; report->kthread_address = (UINT64)KeGetCurrentThread(); report->invalid_rip = stack_frame; RtlCopyMemory( &report->driver, (UINT64)stack_frame - 0x500, APC_STACKWALK_BUFFER_SIZE ); InsertReportToQueue(report); } } free: if (buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(buffer, POOL_TAG_APC); FreeApcAndDecrementApcCount(Apc, APC_CONTEXT_ID_STACKWALK); thread_list_entry->apc = NULL; thread_list_entry->apc_queued = FALSE; } /* * The NormalRoutine is executed in user mode when the APC is delivered. */ _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ApcNormalRoutine( _In_opt_ PVOID NormalContext, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument1, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument2 ) { PAGED_CODE(); } VOID FlipKThreadMiscFlagsFlag( _In_ PKTHREAD Thread, _In_ LONG FlagIndex, _In_ BOOLEAN NewValue ) { PAGED_CODE(); PLONG misc_flags = (PLONG)((UINT64)Thread + KTHREAD_MISC_FLAGS_OFFSET); LONG mask = 1U << FlagIndex; if (NewValue) *misc_flags |= mask; else *misc_flags &= ~mask; } #define THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED 4 #define THREAD_STATE_WAIT 5 #define THREAD_STATE_INIT 0 _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL) STATIC VOID ValidateThreadViaKernelApcCallback( _In_ PTHREAD_LIST_ENTRY ThreadListEntry, _Inout_opt_ PVOID Context ) { PAGED_CODE(); PKAPC apc = NULL; BOOLEAN apc_status = FALSE; PLONG misc_flags = NULL; PCHAR previous_mode = NULL; PUCHAR state = NULL; BOOLEAN apc_queueable = FALSE; PAPC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT context = (PAPC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT)Context; LPCSTR process_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName(ThreadListEntry->owning_process); /* we dont want to schedule an apc to threads owned by the kernel */ if (ThreadListEntry->owning_process == PsInitialSystemProcess || !Context) return; /* We are not interested in these processess.. for now lol */ if (!strcmp(process_name, "svchost.exe") || !strcmp(process_name, "Registry") || !strcmp(process_name, "smss.exe") || !strcmp(process_name, "csrss.exe") || !strcmp(process_name, "explorer.exe") || !strcmp(process_name, "svchost.exe") || !strcmp(process_name, "lsass.exe") || !strcmp(process_name, "MemCompression") || !strcmp(process_name, "WerFault.exe")) return; DEBUG_LOG("Process: %s", process_name); if (ThreadListEntry->thread == KeGetCurrentThread() || !ThreadListEntry->thread) return; /* * Its possible to set the KThread->ApcQueueable flag to false ensuring that no APCs can be * queued to the thread, as KeInsertQueueApc will check this flag before queueing an APC so * lets make sure we flip this before before queueing ours. Since we filter out any system * threads this should be fine... c: */ misc_flags = (PLONG)((UINT64)ThreadListEntry->thread + KTHREAD_MISC_FLAGS_OFFSET); previous_mode = (PCHAR)((UINT64)ThreadListEntry->thread + KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE_OFFSET); state = (PUCHAR)((UINT64)ThreadListEntry->thread + KTHREAD_STATE_OFFSET); /* we dont care about user mode threads */ //if (*previous_mode == UserMode) // return; /* todo: We should also flag all threads that have the flag set to false */ if (*misc_flags >> KTHREAD_MISC_FLAGS_APC_QUEUEABLE == FALSE) FlipKThreadMiscFlagsFlag(ThreadListEntry->thread, KTHREAD_MISC_FLAGS_APC_QUEUEABLE, TRUE); /* * force thread into an alertable state, noting that this does not guarantee that our APC will be * run. */ if (*misc_flags >> KTHREAD_MISC_FLAGS_ALERTABLE == FALSE) FlipKThreadMiscFlagsFlag(ThreadListEntry->thread, KTHREAD_MISC_FLAGS_ALERTABLE, TRUE); apc = (PKAPC)ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(KAPC), POOL_TAG_APC); if (!apc) return; /* * KTHREAD->State values: * * 0 is INITIALIZED; * 1 is READY; * 2 is RUNNING; * 3 is STANDBY; * 4 is TERMINATED; * 5 is WAIT; * 6 is TRANSITION. * * Since we are unsafely enumerating the threads linked list, it's best just * to make sure we don't queue an APC to a terminated thread. We also check after * we've allocated memory for the apc to ensure the window between queuing our APC * and checking the thread state is as small as possible. */ //if (*state == THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED || THREAD_STATE_INIT) //{ // ExFreePoolWithTag(apc, POOL_TAG_APC); // return; //} DEBUG_LOG("Apc: %llx", (UINT64)apc); KeInitializeApc( apc, ThreadListEntry->thread, OriginalApcEnvironment, ApcKernelRoutine, ApcRundownRoutine, ApcNormalRoutine, KernelMode, Context ); apc_status = KeInsertQueueApc( apc, NULL, NULL, IO_NO_INCREMENT ); if (!apc_status) { DEBUG_ERROR("KeInsertQueueApc failed"); ExFreePoolWithTag(apc, POOL_TAG_APC); return; } ThreadListEntry->apc = apc; ThreadListEntry->apc_queued = TRUE; IncrementApcCount(APC_CONTEXT_ID_STACKWALK); } /* * Since NMIs are only executed on the thread that is running on each logical core, it makes * sense to make use of APCs that, while can be masked off, provide us to easily issue a callback * routine to threads we want a stack trace of. Hence by utilising both APCs and NMIs we get * excellent coverage of the entire system. */ NTSTATUS ValidateThreadsViaKernelApc() { PAGED_CODE(); NTSTATUS status; PAPC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT context = NULL; /* First, ensure we dont already have an ongoing operation */ GetApcContext(&context, APC_CONTEXT_ID_STACKWALK); if (context) { DEBUG_LOG("Existing APC_STACKWALK operation already in progress."); return STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } context = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(APC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT), POOL_TAG_APC); if (!context) return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; context->header.context_id = APC_CONTEXT_ID_STACKWALK; context->modules = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(SYSTEM_MODULES), POOL_TAG_APC); if (!context->modules) { ExFreePoolWithTag(context, POOL_TAG_APC); return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; } status = GetSystemModuleInformation(context->modules); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(context->modules, POOL_TAG_APC); ExFreePoolWithTag(context, POOL_TAG_APC); return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; } status = InsertApcContext(context); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(context->modules, POOL_TAG_APC); ExFreePoolWithTag(context, POOL_TAG_APC); return status; } context->header.allocation_in_progress = TRUE; EnumerateThreadListWithCallbackRoutine( ValidateThreadViaKernelApcCallback, context ); context->header.allocation_in_progress = FALSE; return status; } VOID FreeApcStackwalkApcContextInformation( _Inout_ PAPC_STACKWALK_CONTEXT Context ) { if (Context->modules->address) ExFreePoolWithTag(Context->modules->address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); if (Context->modules) ExFreePoolWithTag(Context->modules, POOL_TAG_APC); } /* * Since NMI evasion methods are becoming commonplace, we can use interprocess * interrupts. For now i am just using the same nmi methods. To accomplish this * we can use KeIpiGenericCall, which runs a specified routine on all processors * simultaneously. The callback routine runs at IRQL IPI_LEVEL which is > DIRQL. */ NTSTATUS LaunchInterProcessInterrupt( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { PAGED_CODE(); NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_MODULES system_modules = { 0 }; NMI_CONTEXT ipi_context = { 0 }; PVOID callback_handle; DEBUG_LOG("Launching interprocess interrupt"); ipi_context.core_count = KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx(0); ipi_context.nmi_core_context = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, ipi_context.core_count * sizeof(NMI_CORE_CONTEXT), NMI_CONTEXT_POOL); if (!ipi_context.nmi_core_context) return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; ipi_context.stack_frames = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, ipi_context.core_count * STACK_FRAME_POOL_SIZE, STACK_FRAMES_POOL); if (!ipi_context.stack_frames) goto end; ipi_context.thread_data_pool = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, ipi_context.core_count * sizeof(NMI_CALLBACK_DATA), THREAD_DATA_POOL); if (!ipi_context.thread_data_pool) goto end; /* * We query the system modules each time since they can potentially * change at any time */ status = GetSystemModuleInformation(&system_modules); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Error retriving system module information"); goto end; } KeIpiGenericCall(NmiCallback, &ipi_context); /* * since the routines are run simultaneously, once we've reached here we can be sure * all routines have run. */ status = AnalyseNmiData(&ipi_context, &system_modules, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) DEBUG_ERROR("Error analysing ipi interrupt data"); end: if (system_modules.address) ExFreePoolWithTag(system_modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); if (ipi_context.nmi_core_context) ExFreePoolWithTag(ipi_context.nmi_core_context, NMI_CONTEXT_POOL); if (ipi_context.stack_frames) ExFreePoolWithTag(ipi_context.stack_frames, STACK_FRAMES_POOL); if (ipi_context.thread_data_pool) ExFreePoolWithTag(ipi_context.thread_data_pool, THREAD_DATA_POOL); return status; }