#ifndef INTEGRITY_H #define INTEGRITY_H #include <ntifs.h> #include "common.h" typedef struct _MODULE_DISPATCHER_HEADER { volatile UINT32 validated; // if this is > 0, a thread is already using it UINT8 result; } MODULE_DISPATCHER_HEADER, *PMODULE_DISPATCHER_HEADER; typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION { MODULE_DISPATCHER_HEADER dispatcher_header; RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO module_information; } SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION; // #pragma pack(1) // typedef struct VERIFICATION_CONTEXT //{ // // PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION module_info; // // // } VERIFICATION_CONTEXT, *PVERIFICATION_CONTEXT; // #pragma pack() #define VERIFICATION_THREAD_COUNT 4 typedef struct _SYS_MODULE_VAL_CONTEXT { /* Stores the number of actively executing worker threads */ volatile LONG active_thread_count; /* determines whether a validation is in progress */ volatile LONG active; /* determines whether a validation is complete */ volatile LONG complete; /* current count of validated modules */ volatile LONG current_count; /* total count of modules */ UINT32 total_count; /* number of modules to validate in a single sweep */ UINT32 block_size; /* pointer to the buffer containing the system module information */ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO module_info; /* pointer to the array of dispatcher info used to synchonize threads */ PMODULE_DISPATCHER_HEADER dispatcher_info; /* array of pointers to work items, used to free work items when complete */ PIO_WORKITEM work_items[VERIFICATION_THREAD_COUNT]; } SYS_MODULE_VAL_CONTEXT, *PSYS_MODULE_VAL_CONTEXT; typedef enum _SMBIOS_TABLE_INDEX { SmbiosInformation = 0, SystemInformation, VendorSpecificInformation, ChassisInformation } SMBIOS_TABLE_INDEX; #define SMBIOS_VMWARE_SERIAL_NUMBER_SUB_INDEX 3 #define SMBIOS_NATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER_SUB_INDEX 4 #define SMBIOS_VENDOR_STRING_SUB_INDEX 1 NTSTATUS GetDriverImageSize(_Inout_ PIRP Irp); NTSTATUS RetrieveInMemoryModuleExecutableSections(_Inout_ PIRP Irp); NTSTATUS ValidateProcessLoadedModule(_Inout_ PIRP Irp); NTSTATUS GetHardDiskDriveSerialNumber(_Inout_ PVOID ConfigDrive0Serial, _In_ SIZE_T ConfigDrive0MaxSize); NTSTATUS ParseSMBIOSTable(_Out_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ SIZE_T BufferSize, _In_ ULONG TableIndex, _In_ ULONG TableSubIndex); NTSTATUS DetectEptHooksInKeyFunctions(); PVOID ScanForSignature(_In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ SIZE_T MaxLength, _In_ LPCSTR Signature, _In_ SIZE_T SignatureLength); // NTSTATUS // DetermineIfTestSigningIsEnabled( // _Inout_ PBOOLEAN Result //); NTSTATUS ValidateNtoskrnl(); NTSTATUS GetOsVersionInformation(_Out_ PRTL_OSVERSIONINFOW VersionInfo); NTSTATUS SystemModuleVerificationDispatcher(); NTSTATUS ValidateOurDriverImage(); VOID CleanupValidationContextOnUnload(_In_ PSYS_MODULE_VAL_CONTEXT Context); UINT32 CalculateCpuCoreUsage(_In_ UINT32 Core); NTSTATUS HashModule(_In_ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO Module, _Out_ PVOID Hash); VOID ValidateSystemModule(_In_ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO Module); BOOLEAN ValidateOurDriversDispatchRoutines(); #endif