#include "map.h" #include "../lib/stdlib.h" VOID RtlHashmapDelete(_In_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Hashmap->buckets, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); ExFreePoolWithTag(Hashmap->locks, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); ExDeleteLookasideListEx(&Hashmap->pool); } NTSTATUS RtlHashmapCreate(_In_ UINT32 BucketCount, _In_ UINT32 EntryObjectSize, _In_ HASH_FUNCTION HashFunction, _In_ COMPARE_FUNCTION CompareFunction, _In_opt_ PVOID Context, _Out_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; UINT32 entry_size = sizeof(RTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY) + EntryObjectSize; PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = NULL; if (!CompareFunction || !HashFunction) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; Hashmap->buckets = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, BucketCount * entry_size, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); if (!Hashmap->buckets) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Hashmap->locks = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(KGUARDED_MUTEX) * BucketCount, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); if (!Hashmap->locks) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Hashmap->buckets, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } for (UINT32 index = 0; index < BucketCount; index++) { entry = &Hashmap->buckets[index]; entry->in_use = FALSE; InitializeListHead(&entry->entry); KeInitializeGuardedMutex(&Hashmap->locks[index]); } status = ExInitializeLookasideListEx(&Hashmap->pool, NULL, NULL, NonPagedPoolNx, 0, entry_size, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ExInitializeLookasideListEx: %x", status); ExFreePoolWithTag(Hashmap->buckets, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); ExFreePoolWithTag(Hashmap->locks, POOL_TAG_HASHMAP); return status; } Hashmap->bucket_count = BucketCount; Hashmap->hash_function = HashFunction; Hashmap->compare_function = CompareFunction; Hashmap->object_size = EntryObjectSize; Hashmap->active = TRUE; Hashmap->context = Context; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } FORCEINLINE STATIC PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY RtlpHashmapFindUnusedEntry(_In_ PLIST_ENTRY Head) { PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY list_entry = Head->Flink; while (list_entry != Head) { entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(list_entry, RTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY, entry); if (entry->in_use == FALSE) { entry->in_use = TRUE; return entry; } list_entry = list_entry->Flink; } return NULL; } FORCEINLINE STATIC PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY RtlpHashmapAllocateBucketEntry(_In_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap) { PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = ExAllocateFromLookasideListEx(&Hashmap->pool); if (!entry) return NULL; entry->in_use = TRUE; return entry; } FORCEINLINE STATIC BOOLEAN RtlpHashmapIsIndexInRange(_In_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ UINT32 Index) { return Index < Hashmap->bucket_count ? TRUE : FALSE; } INT32 RtlHashmapHashKeyAndAcquireBucket(_Inout_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ UINT64 Key) { UINT32 index = Hashmap->hash_function(Key); if (!RtlpHashmapIsIndexInRange(Hashmap, index)) return -1; KeAcquireGuardedMutex(&Hashmap->locks[index]); return index; } VOID RtlHashmapReleaseBucket(_Inout_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ UINT32 Index) { /* No index check here, assuming we exit the caller early if we fail on * acquisition */ KeReleaseGuardedMutex(&Hashmap->locks[Index]); } /* assumes map lock is held */ PVOID RtlHashmapEntryInsert(_In_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ UINT32 Index) { UINT32 index = 0; PLIST_ENTRY list_head = NULL; PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = NULL; PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY new_entry = NULL; if (!Hashmap->active) return NULL; list_head = &(&Hashmap->buckets[index])->entry; entry = RtlpHashmapFindUnusedEntry(list_head); if (entry) return entry; new_entry = RtlpHashmapAllocateBucketEntry(Hashmap); if (!new_entry) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate new entry"); return NULL; } InsertHeadList(list_head, &new_entry->entry); return new_entry->object; } /* Returns a pointer to the start of the entries caller defined data. i.e * &PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY->Object * * Also assumes lock is held. */ PVOID RtlHashmapEntryLookup(_In_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ UINT32 Index, _In_ PVOID Compare) { UINT32 index = 0; PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = NULL; if (!Hashmap->active) return NULL; entry = &Hashmap->buckets[index]; while (entry) { if (entry->in_use == FALSE) goto increment; if (Hashmap->compare_function(entry->object, Compare)) return entry->object; increment: entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry->entry.Flink, RTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY, entry); } DEBUG_ERROR("Unable to find entry in hashmap."); return NULL; } /* Assumes lock is held */ BOOLEAN RtlHashmapEntryDelete(_Inout_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ UINT32 Index, _In_ PVOID Compare) { UINT32 index = 0; PLIST_ENTRY list_head = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY list_entry = NULL; PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = NULL; if (!Hashmap->active) return FALSE; list_head = &(&Hashmap->buckets[index])->entry; list_entry = list_head->Flink; while (list_entry != list_head) { entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(list_entry, RTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY, entry); if (entry->in_use && Hashmap->compare_function(entry->object, Compare)) { if (entry == list_head) { entry->in_use = FALSE; } else { RemoveEntryList(&entry->entry); ExFreeToLookasideListEx(&Hashmap->pool, entry); } return TRUE; } list_entry = list_entry->Flink; } return FALSE; } /* assumes lock is held */ VOID RtlHashmapEnumerate(_In_ PRTL_HASHMAP Hashmap, _In_ ENUMERATE_HASHMAP EnumerationCallback, _In_opt_ PVOID Context) { PLIST_ENTRY list_head = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY list_entry = NULL; PRTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY entry = NULL; for (UINT32 index = 0; index < Hashmap->bucket_count; index++) { KeAcquireGuardedMutex(&Hashmap->locks[index]); list_head = &Hashmap->buckets[index]; list_entry = list_head->Flink; while (list_entry != list_head) { entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(list_entry, RTL_HASHMAP_ENTRY, entry); if (entry->in_use == TRUE) EnumerationCallback(entry->object, Context); list_entry = list_entry->Flink; } KeReleaseGuardedMutex(&Hashmap->locks[index]); } }