#include "integrity.h" #include "common.h" #include "driver.h" #include "modules.h" #include <bcrypt.h> #include <initguid.h> #include <devpkey.h> #define SMBIOS_TABLE 'RSMB' /* for generic intel */ #define SMBIOS_SYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE_2_TABLE 2 #define MOTHERBOARD_SERIAL_CODE_TABLE_INDEX 4 #define NULL_TERMINATOR '\0' /* for testing purposes in vmware */ #define VMWARE_SMBIOS_TABLE 1 #define VMWARE_SMBIOS_TABLE_INDEX 3 typedef struct _INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER { INT executable_section_count; LONG total_packet_size; }INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER, * PINTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER; #define MAX_MODULE_PATH 256 typedef struct _PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION { PVOID module_base; SIZE_T module_size; WCHAR module_path[MAX_MODULE_PATH]; }PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION, * PPROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _PROCESS_MODULE_VALIDATION_RESULT { INT is_module_valid; }PROCESS_MODULE_VALIDATION_RESULT, * PPROCESS_MODULE_VALIDATION_RESULT; /* * note: this can be put into its own function wihtout an IRP as argument then it can be used * in both the get driver image ioctl handler and the CopyDriverExecvutableRegions func */ NTSTATUS GetDriverImageSize( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_MODULES modules = { 0 }; PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO driver_info; status = GetSystemModuleInformation(&modules); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("GetSystemModuleInformation failed with status %x", status); return status; } driver_info = FindSystemModuleByName( "driver.sys", &modules ); Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(ULONG); RtlCopyMemory(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &driver_info->ImageSize, sizeof(ULONG)); if (modules.address) ExFreePoolWithTag(modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return status; } STATIC NTSTATUS GetModuleInformationByName( _In_ PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO ModuleInfo, _In_ LPCSTR ModuleName ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SYSTEM_MODULES modules = { 0 }; PRTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO driver_info; status = GetSystemModuleInformation(&modules); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("GetSystemModuleInformation failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } driver_info = FindSystemModuleByName( "driver.sys", &modules ); ModuleInfo->FileNameOffset = driver_info->FileNameOffset; ModuleInfo->ImageBase = driver_info->ImageBase; ModuleInfo->ImageSize = driver_info->ImageSize; RtlCopyMemory( ModuleInfo->FullPathName, driver_info->FullPathName, sizeof(ModuleInfo->FullPathName) ); if (modules.address) ExFreePoolWithTag(modules.address, SYSTEM_MODULES_POOL); return status; } STATIC NTSTATUS StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer( _In_ PVOID* Buffer, _In_ PVOID ModuleBase, _In_ SIZE_T ModuleSize, _In_ PSIZE_T BytesWritten ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header; PLOCAL_NT_HEADER nt_header; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section; ULONG total_packet_size = 0; ULONG num_sections = 0; ULONG num_executable_sections = 0; UINT64 buffer_base; ULONG bytes_returned; MM_COPY_ADDRESS address; if (!ModuleBase || !ModuleSize) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* * The reason we allocate a buffer to temporarily hold the section data is that * we don't know the total size until after we iterate over the sections meaning * we cant set Irp->IoStatus.Information to the size of our reponse until we * enumerate and count all executable sections for the file. */ *Buffer = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, ModuleSize + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER), POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (!*Buffer) return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; /* * Note: Verifier doesn't like it when we map the module so rather then mapping it to our address * space we will simply use MmCopyMemory on the module to avoid upsetting verifier :) */ dos_header = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)ModuleBase; /* * The IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew stores the offset of the IMAGE_NT_HEADER from the base * of the image. */ nt_header = (struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)((UINT64)ModuleBase + dos_header->e_lfanew); num_sections = nt_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; /* * The IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION macro takes in an IMAGE_NT_HEADER and returns the address of * the first section of the PE file. */ section = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(nt_header); buffer_base = (UINT64)*Buffer + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER); for (ULONG index = 0; index < num_sections; index++) { if (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) { /* * Note: MmCopyMemory will fail on discardable sections. */ address.VirtualAddress = section; status = MmCopyMemory( (UINT64)buffer_base + total_packet_size, address, sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER), MM_COPY_MEMORY_VIRTUAL, &bytes_returned ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("MmCopyMemory failed with status %x", status); ExFreePoolWithTag(*Buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); *Buffer = NULL; //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } address.VirtualAddress = (UINT64)ModuleBase + section->PointerToRawData; status = MmCopyMemory( (UINT64)buffer_base + total_packet_size + sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER), address, section->SizeOfRawData, MM_COPY_MEMORY_VIRTUAL, &bytes_returned ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("MmCopyMemory failed with status %x", status); ExFreePoolWithTag(*Buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); *Buffer = NULL; //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } total_packet_size += section->SizeOfRawData + sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER); num_executable_sections += 1; } section++; } INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER header = { 0 }; header.executable_section_count = num_executable_sections; header.total_packet_size = total_packet_size + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER); RtlCopyMemory( *Buffer, &header, sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER) ); *BytesWritten = total_packet_size + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER); return status; } STATIC NTSTATUS MapDiskImageIntoVirtualAddressSpace( _In_ PHANDLE SectionHandle, _In_ PVOID* Section, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING Path, _In_ PSIZE_T Size ) { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE file_handle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES object_attributes; PIO_STATUS_BLOCK pio_block; UNICODE_STRING path; RtlInitUnicodeString(&path, Path->Buffer); InitializeObjectAttributes( &object_attributes, &path, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE | OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); status = ZwOpenFile( &file_handle, FILE_GENERIC_READ, &object_attributes, &pio_block, NULL, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ZwOpenFile failed with statsu %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } object_attributes.ObjectName = NULL; /* * Its important that we set the SEC_IMAGE flag with the PAGE_READONLY * flag as we are mapping an executable image. */ status = ZwCreateSection( SectionHandle, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, &object_attributes, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, SEC_IMAGE, file_handle ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ZwCreateSection failed with status %x", status); ZwClose(file_handle); *SectionHandle = NULL; //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } /* * Mapping a section with the flag SEC_IMAGE (see function above) tells the os we * are mapping an executable image. This then allows the OS to take care of parsing * the PE header and dealing with all relocations for us, meaning the mapped image * will be identical to the in memory image. */ status = ZwMapViewOfSection( *SectionHandle, ZwCurrentProcess(), Section, NULL, NULL, NULL, Size, ViewUnmap, MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_READONLY ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { /* * It is of utmost importants to mark SectionHandle as null after closing the * handle from inside this function since an error has occured. The reason this is * so important is because we are not responsible for freeing the function if it succeeds * and even if it fails, we still allocate a value to the handle via ZwCreateSection. * Meaning when the caller goes to check if the handle is null, it will not be null * and will cause a double free. */ DEBUG_ERROR("ZwMapViewOfSection failed with status %x", status); ZwClose(file_handle); ZwClose(*SectionHandle); *SectionHandle = NULL; //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } ZwClose(file_handle); return status; } STATIC NTSTATUS ComputeHashOfBuffer( _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG BufferSize, _In_ PVOID* HashResult, _In_ PULONG HashResultSize ) { /* * Since the windows documentation for the BCrypt functions contain the worst variable naming scheme * in existence, I will try to explain what they do. (for my sake and any readers who also aren't smart * enough to understand their otherworldy naming convention) * * algo_handle: handle to our BCrypt algorithm * hash_handle: handle to our BCrypt hash * bytes_copied: number of bytes that were copied to the output buffer when using BCryptGetProperty * resulting_hash_size: this is the size of the final buffer hash, it should be equal to 32 (sizeof SHA256 hash) * hash_object_size: the size of the buffer that will temporarily store our hash object * hash_object: pointer to the buffer storing our hash object which is used to hash our buffer * resulting_hash: pointer to the buffer that stores the resulting hash of our buffer, this is what we care about */ NTSTATUS status; BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE algo_handle = NULL; BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE hash_handle = NULL; ULONG bytes_copied = 0; ULONG resulting_hash_size = 0; ULONG hash_object_size = 0; PCHAR hash_object = NULL; PCHAR resulting_hash = NULL; status = BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider( &algo_handle, BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM, NULL, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("BCryptOpenAlogrithmProvider failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } /* * Request the size of the hash object buffer, this is different then the buffer that * will store the resulting hash, instead this will be used to store the hash object * used to create the hash. */ status = BCryptGetProperty( algo_handle, BCRYPT_OBJECT_LENGTH, (PCHAR)&hash_object_size, sizeof(ULONG), &bytes_copied, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("BCryptGetProperty failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } hash_object = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, hash_object_size, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (!hash_object) { status = STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; goto end; } /* * This call gets the size of the resulting hash, which we will use to allocate the * resulting hash buffer. */ status = BCryptGetProperty( algo_handle, BCRYPT_HASH_LENGTH, (PCHAR)&resulting_hash_size, sizeof(ULONG), &bytes_copied, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("BCryptGetProperty failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } resulting_hash = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, resulting_hash_size, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (!resulting_hash) { status = STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; goto end; } /* * Here we create our hash object and store it in the hash_object buffer. */ status = BCryptCreateHash( algo_handle, &hash_handle, hash_object, hash_object_size, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("BCryptCreateHash failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } /* * This function hashes the buffer, but does NOT store it in our resulting buffer yet, * we need to call BCryptFinishHash to retrieve the final hash. */ status = BCryptHashData( hash_handle, Buffer, BufferSize, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("BCryptHashData failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } /* * As said in the previous comment, this is where we retrieve the final hash and store * it in our output buffer. */ status = BCryptFinishHash( hash_handle, resulting_hash, resulting_hash_size, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("BCryptFinishHash failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } *HashResult = resulting_hash; *HashResultSize = resulting_hash_size; end: if (algo_handle) BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider(algo_handle, NULL); if (hash_handle) BCryptDestroyHash(hash_handle); if (hash_object) ExFreePoolWithTag(hash_object, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); return status; } /* * 1. map driver to memory * 2. store executable sections in buffer * 3. do the same with the in-memory module * 4. hash both buffers * 5. compare */ NTSTATUS VerifyInMemoryImageVsDiskImage( //_In_ PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING path = { 0 }; HANDLE section_handle = NULL; PVOID section = NULL; SIZE_T section_size = NULL; SIZE_T bytes_written = NULL; PVOID disk_buffer = NULL; PVOID in_memory_buffer = NULL; RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO module_info = { 0 }; UINT64 disk_base = NULL; UINT64 memory_base = NULL; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER disk_text_header = NULL; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER memory_text_header = NULL; PVOID disk_text_hash = NULL; PVOID memory_text_hash = NULL; ULONG disk_text_hash_size = NULL; ULONG memory_text_hash_size = NULL; SIZE_T result = NULL; GetDriverPath(&path); status = MapDiskImageIntoVirtualAddressSpace( §ion_handle, §ion, &path, §ion_size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("MapDiskImageIntoVirtualAddressSpace failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); return status; } status = StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer( &disk_buffer, section, section_size, &bytes_written ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } /* * Parse the in-memory module */ status = GetModuleInformationByName( &module_info, "driver.sys" ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("GetModuleInformationByName failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } status = StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer( &in_memory_buffer, module_info.ImageBase, module_info.ImageSize, &bytes_written ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffe failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } disk_base = (UINT64)((UINT64)disk_buffer + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER) + sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)); memory_base = (UINT64)((UINT64)in_memory_buffer + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER) + sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)); disk_text_header = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((UINT64)disk_buffer + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER)); memory_text_header = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((UINT64)in_memory_buffer + sizeof(INTEGRITY_CHECK_HEADER)); if (!disk_base || !memory_base || !disk_buffer || !in_memory_buffer) { DEBUG_ERROR("buffers are null lmao"); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } if (disk_text_header->SizeOfRawData != memory_text_header->SizeOfRawData) { /* report or bug check etc. */ DEBUG_LOG("Executable section size differs, LOL"); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } status = ComputeHashOfBuffer( disk_base, disk_text_header->SizeOfRawData, &disk_text_hash, &disk_text_hash_size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ComputeHashOfBuffer failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } status = ComputeHashOfBuffer( memory_base, memory_text_header->SizeOfRawData, &memory_text_hash, &memory_text_hash_size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ComputeHashOfBuffer failed with status %x", status); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } if (memory_text_hash_size != disk_text_hash_size) { DEBUG_ERROR("Error with the hash algorithm, hash sizes are different."); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } result = RtlCompareMemory( memory_text_hash, disk_text_hash, memory_text_hash_size ); if (result != memory_text_hash_size) { /* report etc. bug check etc. */ DEBUG_ERROR("Text sections are different from each other!!"); //TerminateProtectedProcessOnViolation(); goto end; } DEBUG_LOG("Text sections are fine, integrity check complete."); end: if (section_handle != NULL) ZwClose(section_handle); if (section) ZwUnmapViewOfSection(ZwCurrentProcess(), section); if (disk_buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(disk_buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (in_memory_buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(in_memory_buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (memory_text_hash) ExFreePoolWithTag(memory_text_hash, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (disk_text_hash) ExFreePoolWithTag(disk_text_hash, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); return status; } NTSTATUS RetrieveInMemoryModuleExecutableSections( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status; SIZE_T bytes_written = NULL; PVOID buffer = NULL; RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO module_info = { 0 }; status = GetModuleInformationByName( &module_info, "driver.sys" ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("GetModuleInformationByName failed with status %x", status); return status; } status = StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer( &buffer, module_info.ImageBase, module_info.ImageSize, &bytes_written ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffe failed with status %x", status); return status; } Irp->IoStatus.Information = bytes_written; RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, buffer, bytes_written ); if (buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); return status; } /* * From line 727 in the SMBIOS Specification: * * 727 � Each structure shall be terminated by a double-null (0000h), either directly following the * 728 formatted area (if no strings are present) or directly following the last string. This includes * 729 system- and OEM-specific structures and allows upper-level software to easily traverse the * 730 structure table. (See structure-termination examples later in this clause.) * * TLDR is that if the first two characters proceeding the structure are null terminators, then there are no strings, * otherwise to find the end of the string section simply iterate until there is a double null terminator. * * source: https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_2.7.1.pdf */ STATIC VOID GetNextSMBIOSStructureInTable( _In_ PSMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER* CurrentStructure ) { PCHAR string_section_start = (PCHAR)((UINT64)*CurrentStructure + (*CurrentStructure)->Length); PCHAR current_char_in_strings = string_section_start; PCHAR next_char_in_strings = string_section_start + 1; for (;; ) { if (*current_char_in_strings == NULL_TERMINATOR && *next_char_in_strings == NULL_TERMINATOR) { *CurrentStructure = (PSMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER)((UINT64)next_char_in_strings + 1); return; } current_char_in_strings++; next_char_in_strings++; } } /* * Remember that the string index does not start from the beginning of the struct. For example, lets take * RAW_SMBIOS_TABLE_02: the first string is NOT "Type" at index 0, the first string is Manufacturer. So if we * want to find the SerialNumber, the string index would be 4, as the previous 3 values (after the header) are * all strings. So remember, the index is into the number of strings that exist for the given table, NOT the * size of the structure or a values index into the struct. * * Here we count the number of strings by incrementing the string_count each time we pass a null terminator * so we know when we're at the beginning of the target string. */ STATIC NTSTATUS GetStringAtIndexFromSMBIOSTable( _In_ PSMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER Table, _In_ INT Index, _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ SIZE_T BufferSize ) { INT current_string_char_index = 0; INT string_count = 0; PCHAR current_string_char = (PCHAR)((UINT64)Table + Table->Length); PCHAR next_string_char = current_string_char + 1; for (;; ) { if (*current_string_char == NULL_TERMINATOR && *next_string_char == NULL_TERMINATOR) return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; if (current_string_char_index >= BufferSize) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; if (string_count + 1 == Index) { if (*current_string_char == NULL_TERMINATOR) return STATUS_SUCCESS; RtlCopyMemory((UINT64)Buffer + current_string_char_index, current_string_char, sizeof(CHAR)); current_string_char_index++; goto increment; } if (*current_string_char == NULL_TERMINATOR) { current_string_char_index = 0; string_count++; } increment: current_string_char++; next_string_char++; } return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } NTSTATUS ParseSMBIOSTable( _In_ PVOID ConfigMotherboardSerialNumber, _In_ SIZE_T ConfigMotherboardSerialNumberMaxSize ) { NTSTATUS status; PVOID firmware_table_buffer; ULONG firmware_table_buffer_size = NULL; ULONG bytes_returned; PRAW_SMBIOS_DATA smbios_data; PSMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER smbios_table_header; PRAW_SMBIOS_TABLE_01 smbios_baseboard_information; status = ExGetSystemFirmwareTable( SMBIOS_TABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &firmware_table_buffer_size ); /* * Because we pass a null buffer here, the NTSTATUS result will be a BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error, so to validate * this function call we check the return bytes returned (which indicate required buffer size) is above 0. */ if (firmware_table_buffer_size == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR("ExGetSystemFirmwareTable call 1 failed to get required buffer size."); return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } firmware_table_buffer = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, firmware_table_buffer_size, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (!firmware_table_buffer) return STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; status = ExGetSystemFirmwareTable( SMBIOS_TABLE, NULL, firmware_table_buffer, firmware_table_buffer_size, &bytes_returned ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ExGetSystemFirmwareTable call 2 failed with status %x", status); goto end; } smbios_data = (PRAW_SMBIOS_DATA)firmware_table_buffer; smbios_table_header = (PSMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER)(&smbios_data->SMBIOSTableData[0]); /* * The System Information table is equal to Type == 2 and contains the serial number of the motherboard * in the computer among various other things. * * source: https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_2.7.1.pdf line 823 */ while (smbios_table_header->Type != VMWARE_SMBIOS_TABLE) GetNextSMBIOSStructureInTable(&smbios_table_header); status = GetStringAtIndexFromSMBIOSTable( smbios_table_header, VMWARE_SMBIOS_TABLE_INDEX, ConfigMotherboardSerialNumber, ConfigMotherboardSerialNumberMaxSize ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("GetStringAtIndexFromSMBIOSTable failed with status %x", status); goto end; } end: if (firmware_table_buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(firmware_table_buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); return status; } /* * Because the infrastructure has already been setup to validate modules in the driver, that * is how I will validate the usermode modules as well. Another reason is that the win32 api * makes it very easy to take a snapshot of the modules and enumerate them with easy to use * functions and macros. * * 1. Take a snapshot of the modules in the process from our dll * 2. pass the image base, image size and the image path to our driver via an IRP * 3. from our driver, to first verify the in memory module, attach to our protected process * and using the base + size simply use StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer() * 4. Next we use the path to map the image on disk into memory, and pass the image to * StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer() just as we did before. * 5. With the 2 buffers that contain both images executable regions, we hash them and compare * for anomalies. */ NTSTATUS ValidateProcessLoadedModule( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN bstatus; PROCESS_MODULE_VALIDATION_RESULT validation_result; PPROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION module_info; PKPROCESS process; KAPC_STATE apc_state; PVOID in_memory_buffer = NULL; PVOID disk_buffer = NULL; PVOID in_memory_hash = NULL; PVOID disk_hash = NULL; ULONG in_memory_hash_size = NULL; ULONG disk_hash_size = NULL; SIZE_T bytes_written = NULL; UNICODE_STRING module_path; HANDLE section_handle = NULL; PVOID section = NULL; ULONG section_size = NULL; module_info = (PPROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; GetProtectedProcessEProcess(&process); /* * Attach because the offsets given are from the process' context. */ KeStackAttachProcess(process, &apc_state); status = StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer( &in_memory_buffer, module_info->module_base, module_info->module_size, &bytes_written ); KeUnstackDetachProcess(&apc_state); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer failed with status %x", status); goto end; } status = ComputeHashOfBuffer( in_memory_buffer, bytes_written, &in_memory_hash, &in_memory_hash_size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ComputeHashOfBuffer failed with status %x:", status); goto end; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&module_path, &module_info->module_path); status = MapDiskImageIntoVirtualAddressSpace( §ion_handle, §ion, &module_path, §ion_size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("MapDiskImageIntoVirtualAddressSpace failed with status %x", status); goto end; } status = StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInBuffer( &disk_buffer, section, section_size, &bytes_written ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("StoreModuleExecutableRegionsInbuffer 2 failed with status %x", status); goto end; } status = ComputeHashOfBuffer( disk_buffer, bytes_written, &disk_hash, &disk_hash_size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("ComputeHashOfBuffer 2 failed with status %x", status); goto end; } if (!in_memory_hash || !disk_hash) goto end; bstatus = RtlEqualMemory(in_memory_hash, disk_hash, in_memory_hash_size); /* * Because each module is passed per IRP we don't need to send any reports * to the queue we can simply pass it back to usermode via the same IRP. * We also don't need to send any module information since usermode has everything * needed to file the report. */ validation_result.is_module_valid = bstatus; Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(PROCESS_MODULE_VALIDATION_RESULT); RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &validation_result, sizeof(PROCESS_MODULE_VALIDATION_RESULT) ); end: if (section_handle != NULL) ZwClose(section_handle); if (section) ZwUnmapViewOfSection(ZwCurrentProcess(), section); if (in_memory_buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(in_memory_buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (in_memory_hash) ExFreePoolWithTag(in_memory_hash, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (disk_buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(disk_buffer, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (disk_hash) ExFreePoolWithTag(disk_hash, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); return status; } /* * TODO: Query PhysicalDrive%n to get the serial numbers for all harddrives, can use the command * "wmic diskdrive" check in console. */ NTSTATUS GetHardDiskDriveSerialNumber( _In_ PVOID ConfigDrive0Serial, _In_ SIZE_T ConfigDrive0MaxSize ) { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE handle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block; STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY storage_property = { 0 }; STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER storage_descriptor_header = { 0 }; PSTORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR device_descriptor = NULL; UNICODE_STRING physical_drive_path; PCHAR serial_number = NULL; SIZE_T serial_length = NULL; RtlInitUnicodeString(&physical_drive_path, L"\\DosDevices\\PhysicalDrive0"); InitializeObjectAttributes( &attributes, &physical_drive_path, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL ); status = ZwOpenFile( &handle, GENERIC_READ, &attributes, &status_block, NULL, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_LOG("ZwOpenFile on PhysicalDrive0 failed with status %x", status); goto end; } storage_property.PropertyId = StorageDeviceProperty; storage_property.QueryType = PropertyStandardQuery; status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &status_block, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &storage_property, sizeof(STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY), &storage_descriptor_header, sizeof(STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_LOG("ZwDeviceIoControlFile first call failed with status %x", status); goto end; } device_descriptor = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, storage_descriptor_header.Size, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); if (!device_descriptor) { status = STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; goto end; } status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &status_block, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &storage_property, sizeof(STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY), device_descriptor, storage_descriptor_header.Size ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_LOG("ZwDeviceIoControlFile second call failed with status %x", status); goto end; } if (device_descriptor->SerialNumberOffset > 0) { serial_number = (PCHAR)((UINT64)device_descriptor + device_descriptor->SerialNumberOffset); serial_length = strnlen_s(serial_number, DEVICE_DRIVE_0_SERIAL_CODE_LENGTH) + 1; if (serial_length > ConfigDrive0MaxSize) { DEBUG_ERROR("Serial length is greater then config drive 0 buffer size"); status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory( ConfigDrive0Serial, serial_number, serial_length ); } end: if (handle) ZwClose(handle); if (device_descriptor) ExFreePoolWithTag(device_descriptor, POOL_TAG_INTEGRITY); return status; } //VOID //EnumeratePciDevices() //{ // NTSTATUS status; // PZZWSTR device_interfaces; // PWSTR list_base; // DEVPROPKEY key = { 0 }; // UNICODE_STRING symbolic_link = { 0 }; // WCHAR device_id[ 512 ]; // PZZWSTR current_string = NULL; // SIZE_T string_length = 0; // // /* PCI guid */ // CONST GUID guid = { 0x5b45201d, 0xf2f2, 0x4f3b, 0x85, 0xbb, 0x30, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x95, 0x35, 0x99 }; // // status = IoGetDeviceInterfaces( // &guid, // NULL, // NULL, // &device_interfaces // ); // // if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) // { // DEBUG_LOG( "IoGetDeviceInterfaces failed with status %x", status ); // return; // } // // current_string = device_interfaces; // // while ( *current_string != NULL_TERMINATOR ) // { // string_length = wcslen( current_string ); // // symbolic_link.Buffer = current_string; // symbolic_link.Length = string_length; // symbolic_link.MaximumLength = string_length; // // DEBUG_LOG( "Device Interface: %wZ", symbolic_link ); // // current_string += symbolic_link.Length + 1; // } // // ExFreePoolWithTag( device_interfaces, NULL ); //} PVOID ScanForSignature( _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ SIZE_T MaxLength, _In_ LPCSTR Signature, _In_ SIZE_T SignatureLength ) { CHAR current_char = 0; CHAR current_sig_char = 0; for (INT index = 0; index < MaxLength; index++) { for (INT sig_index = 0; sig_index < SignatureLength + 1; sig_index++) { current_char = *(PCHAR)((UINT64)BaseAddress + index + sig_index); current_sig_char = Signature[sig_index]; if (sig_index == SignatureLength) return (PVOID)((UINT64)BaseAddress + index); if (current_char != current_sig_char) break; } } return NULL; } /* * Lets ensure to the compiler doens't optimise out our useless instructions... */ #pragma optimize("", off) STATIC UINT64 MeasureInstructionRead( _In_ PVOID InstructionAddress ) { CONST UINT64 start = __readmsr(IA32_APERF_MSR) << 32; CHAR value = *(PCHAR)InstructionAddress; return (__readmsr(IA32_APERF_MSR) << 32) - start; } #pragma optimize("", on) STATIC UINT64 MeasureReads( _In_ PVOID Address, _In_ ULONG Count ) { UINT64 read_average = 0; UINT64 old_irql; MeasureInstructionRead(Address); old_irql = __readcr8(); __writecr8(HIGH_LEVEL); _disable(); for (ULONG iteration = 0; iteration < Count; iteration++) read_average += MeasureInstructionRead(Address); _enable(); __writecr8(old_irql); return read_average / Count; } #define EPT_CHECK_NUM_ITERATIONS 30 #define EPT_CONTROL_FUNCTIONS_COUNT 4 #define EPT_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS_COUNT 2 #define EPT_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LENGTH 128 #define EPT_EXECUTION_TIME_MULTIPLIER 10 /* * Even though we test for the presence of a hypervisor, we should still test for the presence * of EPT hooks on key functions as this is a primary method for reversing AC's. * * Credits to momo5502 for the idea: https://momo5502.com/blog/?p=255 * * [+] EPT: Read average: 14991c28f5c2 * [+] no EPT: Read average: 28828f5c28 * * On average a read when HyperDbg's !epthook is active is around ~125x longer. Will need to continue * testing with other HV's, however it is a good start. */ STATIC NTSTATUS GetAverageReadTimeAtRoutine( _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RoutineName, _Inout_ PUINT64 AverageTime ) { PVOID function_address = NULL; if (!RoutineName || !AverageTime) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; function_address = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(RoutineName); if (!function_address) return STATUS_ABANDONED; *AverageTime = MeasureReads(function_address, EPT_CHECK_NUM_ITERATIONS); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * todo: encrypt both arrays * * The goal with the control functions is to find a reference time for an average read on a * function that is not EPT hooked. To accomplish this I've selected some arbitrary, rarely * used functions that shouldn't really ever have an EPT hook active on them. This will give * us a baseline that we can then average out to find a relatively accurate average read time. * * From here, we have an array of protected functions which are commonly hooked via EPT to * reverse anti cheats. We then check the read times of these functions and compare them to * the average of the read times for the control functions. If the read threshold exceeds a * multiple of 10, we can be fairly certain an EPT hook is active. * * Each time we measure the read we perform 30 iterations to ensure we get a consistent result * aswell as disabling interrupts + raising IRQL to ensure the test is as accurate as possible. * * The following open source Intel VT-X hv's w/ EPT functionality have been tested and detected * in a non vm environment: * * HyperDbg !epthook (https://github.com/HyperDbg/HyperDbg): detected * DdiMon (https://github.com/tandasat/DdiMon): detected */ WCHAR CONTROL_FUNCTIONS[EPT_CONTROL_FUNCTIONS_COUNT][EPT_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LENGTH] = { L"RtlAssert", L"PsAcquireSiloHardReference", L"PsDereferencePrimaryToken", L"ZwCommitEnlistment" }; WCHAR PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS[EPT_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS_COUNT][EPT_MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LENGTH] = { L"ExAllocatePoolWithTag", L"MmCopyMemory" }; NTSTATUS DetectEptHooksInKeyFunctions() { NTSTATUS status; UINT32 control_fails = 0; UINT64 instruction_time = 0; UINT64 control_time_sum = 0; UINT64 control_average = 0; UNICODE_STRING current_function; for (INT index = 0; index < EPT_CONTROL_FUNCTIONS_COUNT; index++) { RtlInitUnicodeString(¤t_function, CONTROL_FUNCTIONS[index]); if (!current_function.Buffer) continue; status = GetAverageReadTimeAtRoutine( ¤t_function, &instruction_time ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DetectEptPresentOnFunction failed with status %x", status); RtlZeroMemory(current_function.Buffer, current_function.Length); control_fails += 1; continue; } control_time_sum += instruction_time; RtlZeroMemory(current_function.Buffer, current_function.Length); } if (!control_time_sum) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; control_average = control_time_sum / (EPT_CONTROL_FUNCTIONS_COUNT - control_fails); if (!control_average) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; for (INT index = 0; index < EPT_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS_COUNT; index++) { RtlInitUnicodeString(¤t_function, PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS[index]); if (!current_function.Buffer) continue; status = GetAverageReadTimeAtRoutine( ¤t_function, &instruction_time ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DetectEptPresentOnFunction failed with status %x", status); continue; } /* [+] EPT hook detected at function: ExAllocatePoolWithTag with execution time of: 149b7777777 */ if (control_average * EPT_EXECUTION_TIME_MULTIPLIER < instruction_time) { DEBUG_LOG("EPT hook detected at function: %wZ with execution time of: %llx", current_function, instruction_time); /* close game etc. */ } else { DEBUG_LOG("No ept hook detected at function: %wZ", current_function); } RtlZeroMemory(current_function.Buffer, current_function.Length); } return status; } typedef struct _SYSTEM_START_OPTIONS { BOOLEAN test_signing; }SYSTEM_START_OPTIONS, *PSYSTEM_START_OPTIONS; STATIC NTSTATUS RegistryPathQueryTestSigningCallback( IN PWSTR ValueName, IN ULONG ValueType, IN PVOID ValueData, IN ULONG ValueLength, IN PVOID Context, IN PVOID EntryContext ) { PSYSTEM_START_OPTIONS context = (PSYSTEM_START_OPTIONS)Context; UNICODE_STRING flag = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"TESTSIGNING"); UNICODE_STRING key = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"SystemStartOptions"); UNICODE_STRING data; UNICODE_STRING value; RtlInitUnicodeString(&value, ValueName); if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&value, &key, FALSE) == FALSE) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&data, ValueData); DEBUG_LOG("SystemStartOptions: %wZ", data); if (wcsstr(ValueData, flag.Buffer)) { context->test_signing = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS DetermineIfTestSigningIsEnabled( _Inout_ PBOOLEAN Result ) { NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_START_OPTIONS start_options = { 0 }; RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE query_table[2] = { 0 }; UNICODE_STRING path = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control"); query_table[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; query_table[0].Name = L"SystemStartOptions"; query_table[0].DefaultType = REG_SZ; query_table[0].DefaultLength = 0; query_table[0].DefaultData = NULL; query_table[0].EntryContext = NULL; query_table[0].QueryRoutine = RegistryPathQueryTestSigningCallback; status = RtlxQueryRegistryValues( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, path.Buffer, &query_table, &start_options, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("RtlxQueryRegistryValues failed with status %x", status); return status; } *Result = start_options.test_signing; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }